  • This study examines the manner in which the Romanian Constitutional Court has used in its practice the principle of non-retroactivity of the law with reference to service pensions. At the same time, the study contains a detailed critical examination of the thesis of the constitutional contentious court regarding the qualification of the laws amending or repealing the service pensions already in payment as non-retroactive and, therefore, in compliance with the constitutional requirements. On the other hand, the author of the study advances the thesis according to which any law that modifies the formula of calculation of the service pensions in payment, including by resorting to the extension of the contributivity rule, is retroactive and, consequently, unconstitutional. In substantiating this statement, there are initiated a series of considerations regarding the defining elements of the right to pension, the theories regarding the earned rights, as well as the development of a detailed analysis of the concept of legal effects produced during the application of another law (new law).This study examines the manner in which the Romanian Constitutional Court has used in its practice the principle of non-retroactivity of the law with reference to service pensions. At the same time, the study contains a detailed critical examination of the thesis of the constitutional contentious court regarding the qualification of the laws amending or repealing the service pensions already in payment as non-retroactive and, therefore, in compliance with the constitutional requirements. On the other hand, the author of the study advances the thesis according to which any law that modifies the formula of calculation of the service pensions in payment, including by resorting to the extension of the contributivity rule, is retroactive and, consequently, unconstitutional. In substantiating this statement, there are initiated a series of considerations regarding the defining elements of the right to pension, the theories regarding the earned rights, as well as the development of a detailed analysis of the concept of legal effects produced during the application of another law (new law).
  • În conformitate cu prevederile art. 4 alin. (6) din Legea nr. 193/20001 și cele ale art. 4 alin. (2) din Directiva 93/13/CEE, aprecierea caracterului abuziv al unei clauze nu privește definirea obiectului contractului în măsura în care respectivele clauze sunt exprimate în mod clar și inteligibil. În acord cu principiul interpretării conforme statuat la nivelul dreptului european, prevederile actului normativ național prin care sunt transpuse în dreptul intern dispozițiile dintr-o directivă trebuie interpretate, inclusiv în litigiile care opun doi particulari, potrivit prevederilor directivei transpuse, iar nu în sens contrar
  • The objectives of this study are to detect the situations that require the temporary exercise of the duties of the mayor by other persons and to examine the specific legal forms to be adopted in such situations. Specifically, these legal forms consist in the legal replacement of the mayor by the deputy mayor and the delegation of his attributions to one of the local councillors appointed by the local council. In the research undertaken, the particularities of the two legal forms of temporary exercise of the attributions of the mayor were emphasized, some procedural aspects regarding their adoption, as well as their consequences in terms of legal liability.
  • This study aimed to develop a theoretical analysis configured in the matrix of a critical examination on the rulings of the Constitutional Court of Romania contained in the Decision No 702/2019. To this end, there were examined the conclusions promoted by the constitutional contentious court, which applied, in support of its point of view, the principle of equal treatment, constitutional rule, as well as of proportionality, praetorian construction, promoted by the case law, from which it resulted that, from a legal perspective, the disabled pensioners who acquired this legal condition based on the Law No 19/2000 will benefit from the application of the correction index regulated by the Law No 263/2010, if at the time of the ex officio transformation of the invalidity pension into an old-age pension the latter law was in force.
  • In the context of the express consecration of the protection of non-patrimonial rights also for the legal persons, according to Article 257 of the Civil Code, it becomes useful to analyze the evolution of the practice in the matter of repairing the non-patrimonial damage caused to the legal persons. Also, the historical perspective of the notion of moral damages, the procedural means and the relevant jurisprudence of the ECHR allow us to place this issue today, concluding that the principles of the tort civil liability apply to each case, depending on the proven factual evidence, but also on the diversity of the legal persons, on the variety of their objectives.
  • 7 years after the entry into force of the new Civil Procedure Code, without claiming to make an exhaustive inventory of what could partially be called a failure of regulation and/or of application, the legal institutions and the judicial procedure with a new face, perhaps even revolutionary, or those only reformed and/or refurbished regulated by the new Civil Procedure Code have demonstrated successively or simultaneously their insufficiency or inefficiency, some being dysfunctional due to their own internal causes, others due to external causes referring, as a rule, to the absence of the adequate human, material and financial resources or simply as a result of the deformation by acclimatization by the courts, parties and participants in the civil trial, the examples being numerous. Under these circumstances, the necessity to regulate within the new Civil Procedure Code of a simplified court procedure results from the very materiality of the facts. The specificity of this simplified court procedure would be that it would imply to exclusively go through the written stage of the civil trial, possibly of a written stage more extensive than the current one regulated by Article 201 of the Civil Procedure Code, at the end of which the date of pronouncing the judgment will be established by administrative resolution. In this way, the duration for solving some cases with a medium or low complexity would be significantly shortened, by eliminating the time period between the date of completion of the written stage and the first trial term
  • Completul pentru dezlegarea unor chestiuni de drept în materie civilă al Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție s-a pronunțat pe 17 februarie 2020 cu privire la reținerea contribuției de asigurări sociale de sănătate asupra indemnizațiilor plătite în baza Legii nr. 341/2004
  • The study aims to analyze good and bad faith, which are in a relationship of complementarity, but each with its own individuality, in the phases of negotiation, conclusion and performance of the contract. In the analysis of the forms of manifestation of bad faith in the pre-contractual stage made in the light of the regulation of the Civil Code, there is a tendency to mark the delimitation between contractual freedom, the right to interrupt negotiations, in case of their failure, and bad faith in interrupting negotiations. The study also addresses the complex issues related to the obligation of the parties to information, self-information, dolus through reluctance, to violence, arising from the economic inequality of the parties and harmful conduct and the repercussions, in terms of free and conscious consent, with the corresponding legal sanctions. The problem of repairing the damage caused by the interruption in bad faith or without justification of the negotiations is analyzed in its material and moral dimension, but also in terms of the damage caused by the loss of a chance.
  • The topic covered in this study is related to one of the few polemics that took place in the pages of the Romanian Law Magazine in the ’80s. In Issue 1/1987 of the magazine, Octavian Cojocaru criticized in the study „Judicial rehabilitation. Application made by the spouse or close relatives, after the death of the convicted person, before the execution of the sentence” a correct sentence of the Suceava County Tribunal, pronounced in 1985, in disagreement with the provisions of the Criminal Code in force at that time and against a decision of the Supreme Tribunal, according to which the convicted person who had died before the execution of the sentence could no longer be rehabilitated. Later, in 1988, Valeriu Ciucă, a judge at the same Suceava County Tribunal, published in the same magazine a critical article related to the case law note signed by Octavian Cojocaru, which shows, with solid arguments, that the decision pronounced by Suceava County Tribunal was correct from a juridical point of view.
  • In this article, we analyze the stages of adoption and repeal of the Law No 169/2017, in relation to the dynamics of the level of employment of the penitentiaries and the ECHR jurisprudence. We identify the main undesirable effects of the application of the compensatory appeal, determined by the abrupt redefinition of the paradigm for the execution of the sentence of deprivation of liberty, with implications including on the (re)integration of the post-detention.
  • Formalism in Roman law prevails in all its branches, starting with the court procedure and ending in the interpersonal relations. Its role was to ensure the validity of consent and the procurement of evidence. The legal act in the Roman law was practically non-existent. The Roman legal documents received the proper form after the practice, according to the existing customs. It was the custom that dictated the form which any instrument meant to produce concrete legal effects, but also future legal effects, had to have. The legal report was formed through gestures and religious formalities, which gave rise to principles that ensured the optimal functioning of the legal system related to the context of that age. The updating of the formalism was required when there was an obstacle in achieving the goals of public and private order. The need to change the private law emphasized by the subjects of a legal relation and imposed by the economic evolution of trade has transformed a formalism that had its origin in religion, into a formalism dictated by current practices. In the current law, the civil legal act is born by the express manifestation of the will of the subjects of law, a will that must take a certain form. The observance of the form is ensured by the procedural formalism imposed by the legal norms in force. The present study analyzes the formalism of the Roman law and its imprint in the formation of the legal act from the positive law
  • In this study, the author analyzes the possibility of granting the public judicial aid, according to the national legislation and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, regarding the bail necessary to be paid in the cases regarding the provisional suspension of enforcement, according to Article 719 (7) of the Civil Procedure Code. Regarding the situation prior to pronouncing the decision in the Case S.C. ECO INVEST S.R.L. and Ilie Bolmadar versus Romania, special attention is paid to the way of transposing the Directive of the Council of the European Union 2003/8/EC to improve the access to justice in cross-border disputes by establishing some minimum common rules relating to the legal aid for such disputes, as well as the jurisprudential reversal of the Case Micallef versus Malta. At the same time, there are emphasized the relevant provisions of the Government Emergency Ordinance No 51/2008 on judicial public aid in civil matters.
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