  • Cauza Societatea Profesională Notarială „Etica” împotriva României, Cererea nr. 43190/10, Curtea Europeană a Drepturilor Omului (Secția a patra), Hotărârea din 24 iulie 20181 . La originea cauzei se află cererea din 17 iunie 2010 formulată de Societatea Profesională Notarială „Etica”, persoană juridică română, contra României, în temeiul art. 34 din Convenția pentru apărarea drepturilor omului și a libertăților fundamentale („Convenția”).
  • In this study, the author makes an analysis on the right to life, with emphasis on the moment when the right to life begins to flow, including from the phase of conception of human life, by reference to the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and of other courts outside the European Union, following that, in the final part of the study, an analysis be made on the current criminal provisions protecting the right to life in its incipient phase and the compliance of these provisions with the standard required by the Convention.
  • To say that man is the supreme value of a democratic society and of the state of law is a partly true statement. This is because it is known that, in the long period in which the principles of the constitutional democracy and of the state of law have been affirmed in the social practice, no human society succeeded in fully providing the individual with the full extent of its political, social, economic, cultural or religious value. Even in the states considered, without reservations, to be democratic there have been and still are threats to the physical and mental integrity of the individual from some state authorities and even indifference for the individual’s life. In fact, this actually explains that the constitutional utterances according to which „the right to life is guaranteed”, „the dignity and the personality of the individual are supreme values”. The existence of a rule of law and, more so, of a rule of constitutional rank, which affirms and enshrines in normative models the importance of man as supreme value of a socio-political community, proves that the compliance with this value still remains a standard, a requirement imposed on everybody as model of social behaviour.
  • Dreptul de trecere, reglementat de art. 616–619 din vechiul C.civ., trebuie înțeles sub trei ipostaze: aceea a dreptului de a cere recunoașterea servituții de trecere, ipostaza exercitării servituții legale de trecere și ipostaza dreptului de a cere modificarea servituții legale de trecere. Legat de dreptul de a cere recunoașterea servituții de trecere, acesta este considerat ca având un caracter potestativ, constituind o simplă facultate pentru proprietarul locului înfundat. Prin urmare, atunci când un imobil devine loc înfundat, proprietarul său poate reclama, prin manifestarea sa unilaterală de voință, să îi fie stabilită o servitute legală de trecere. Caracterul potestativ al dreptului rezultă cu claritate din formularea „poate reclama” din art. 616 din vechiul C.civ. (Curtea de Apel Craiova, Secția civilă, Decizia nr. 739 din 9 iulie 2019, www.rolii.ro)
  • This paper appears as a response to the debate created by the new proposals to amend the criminal codes. I believe that a legal debate should start from the fundamental principles of law and be conducted academically, presenting legal arguments and also knowing the comparative law issues related to the topic debated. This is why this paper offers a historical, current and comparative perspective in terms of recognizing the right to silence to the person being heard as a witness in the criminal trial.
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the legal regime of the right of national minorities to use their mother tongue in the public administration, as it is regulated in the Administrative Code, recently adopted by the Government by the Emergency Ordinance No 57/2019. It was established in the Romanian legislation immediately after 1989, through the first Law of the local public administration No 69/1991, taken over and developed by the Law No 215/2001, and through the Administrative Code, it finds its place, mainly, in the 3rd part thereof, dedicated to local public administration. In the Constitution it was established in 2003, by completing the former Article 119, which became Article 120, with a new paragraph, which expressly regulates it.
  • Examining the issue of the parents’ right to agree to their child’s journey in the country (in Romania) or abroad, after reviewing the legal regulations in this matter, the author reaches the conclusion that art. 18, paragraph 2 of Law no. 272/2004 (“Any journey made by children in the country and abroad shall be made subject to notification and consent of both parents; any disagreements between the parents in relation to expressing such consent shall be solved by the court of law”) provides for situations in which the parents exercise their parental rights together, while art. 30, paragraph 1, letter c of Law no. 248/2005 refers to the situation in which parental protection is divided pursuant to a court order (following divorce etc.). At the end, the author proves that the provisions of the new Romanian Civil Code (adopted y the Parliament and published in the Official Journal of Romania, but not yet effective) do not influence the above-mentioned legal regulations.
  • Examining the issue of the parents’ right to agree to their child’s journey in the country (in Romania) or abroad, after reviewing the legal regulations in this matter, the author reaches the conclusion that art. 18, paragraph 2 of Law no. 272/2004 (“Any journey made by children in the country and abroad shall be made subject to notification and consent of both parents; any disagreements between the parents in relation to expressing such consent shall be solved by the court of law”) provides for situations in which the parents exercise their parental rights together, while art. 30, paragraph 1, letter c of Law no. 248/2005 refers to the situation in which parental protection is divided pursuant to a court order (following divorce etc.). At the end, the author proves that the provisions of the new Romanian Civil Code (adopted y the Parliament and published in the Official Journal of Romania, but not yet effective) do not influence the above-mentioned legal regulations.
  • In this study, the author intends to emphasize a number of rights by which the procedural availability is manifested in the phase of enforcement, whose purpose is to carry out the provisions contained in the enforceable titles. The initiation of the second phase of the civil trial, by notifying the court executor, as well as the moment of registration of the application for enforcement are of special importance. The principle of availability is also manifested by the abandonment of the enforcement procedure, the waiver of the claimed right, as well as by the possibility of the parties to find, by mutual agreement, convenient ways of exercising rights and of executing obligations, by concluding a mediation agreement.
  • If, from the sociological point of view, business criminal law exists, its scope varies from one author to another, failing to determine which view is correct and which one is not. Business Criminal Law merely reflects the complexity of social relations and the difficulty to clearly separate distinct human activities. We may consider that business criminal law is addressed to professionals in the economic area and appears as a right of synthesis, regrouping common law criminal offences (theft, fraud, breach of trust, etc.), indictments in the field of economic criminal law or financial or tax criminal law and, naturally, indictments in the field of commercial criminal law.
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