  • This paper presents the author’s vision on the legal consequences of the implementation of a concept, the National Electronic File, which involves the electronic visualisation of the documents existing in a file pending before a court of law and the possibility of electronic communication of the procedural documents both from the litigant to the court and vice versa, from the court of law to the litigant. Starting from some principles, such as the facultative nature for the citizen and the mandatory nature for the public institutions to use this electronic mechanism, and taking into account regulations from the comparative law, the main directions for amending the codes of procedure are presented, in order to achieve a simpler, friendlier and, last but not least, more efficient justice.
  • Transnational law is one of the topics hotly debated by the legal scholars all over the world. The present paper furnishes some research instances able to stress the importance of the transnational law itself. The so-called „supply chains” require the virtues of the transnational law, mainly understood as methodology, to be put in action. From a practical point of view, this paper points out the way in which the nations-States and corporations behave in settings truly transnational. From an academic point of view, this paper invites the Schools of Law from Romania to include the so-called „Theory of Transnational Law” in their academic curricula.
  • Potrivit art. 145 alin. 12 lit. f C.pr.pen., organul judiciar care a dispus mãsura preventivã a obligãrii de a nu pãrãsi localitatea poate impune învinuitului sau inculpatului ca pe durata mãsurii „sã nu exercite profesia, meseria sau sã nu desfãșoare activitatea în exercitarea cãreia a sãvârșit fapta”, și anume sã nu-și exercite atribuțiile de primar (cu notã criticã).
  • In the above study, the author makes an analysis of the majority shareholder’s right to exclude the other shareholders from the companies traded on a regulated capital market (a right that is generally known under the English name squeeze aut) both in the light of the European Union Directive 2009/25/EC of 21 April 2009, and according to the (Romanian) law no. 297/2009 on the capital market, reaching the conclusion that the exercise of this right serves the interests of minority shareholders as well.
  • The study analyses the right of the accused to participate in the judgement of the case, the notification thereof and the finding of an obvious avoidance that allows for a decision to be taken in absence. In addition, there are analysed practical cases about the judgment of the case in the absence of the defendant for the reason of deliberate avoidance, as well as for reasons imputable to the authorities when the defendant has not been properly summoned.
  • The transition to the „digital age” marks all areas, being impossible for the administrative action and the administrative law to be placed outside this phenomenon. In the context of the transformations regarding the progressive replacement of the unilateral character of the administrative action with models based on dialogue and consensus, as well as the transition from the representative democracy to the participative one, the generalization of the digital dialogue between the administration and the citizens is a way to promote new, collaborative forms of administrative action. These bring a more important involvement of the public in the elaboration of the administrative decision, including by redefining the practices of public consultations, carried out on more flexible, less rigid channels. The challenge of digitalization concerns to the same extent also the administrative law, a science that, under the pressure of this „tsunami”, is forced to undergo mutations in its foundations: the administrative act and the drafting process
  • In the last decades, administrative law underwent a phenomenon of didactic fragmentation which nobody can ignore today. Numerous monographies within the doctrine of public law, whose purpose – stated in their own titles – is to treat, from multiple perspectives and in a more or less profound manner, (very) narrow subjects of administrative law, have invaded the book market. It happened not only in Romania, but also in France, a country which reasonably claims to be the homeland of administrative law as a branch of law, and therefore as a teaching subject, in its current European continental approach. This literary explosion went hand in hand with an unprecedented proliferation of master studies specializations offered by higher education institutions, in the area of administrative law and/or public administration. Are these phenomena able to fragment the theoretical discourse of administrative law in such a way that this subject loses its unity and, hence, ideological identity? Most likely not. The model proposed by us – that of the five ideological foundations of administrative law – seems to have the ability to prevent the undesirable result hereabove mentioned. With these five ideological foundations – the public administration, the public authority, the public service, the public interest and the public power – almost all the defining and descriptive equations of the major institutions of administrative law (such as the civil service, the public domain, the public enterprise, the unilateral administrative act, the administrative contract, the administrative litigation and public authorities’ financial liability for damage caused by their illegal acts) are likely to be solved. And if this is possible, then the idea of ideological unity/identity of the administrative law is safeguarded, despite the didactic fragmentation previously envisaged.
  • Examining the impact of the entry into force of the new Romanian Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009, republished, effective since October 1st 2011) the author concludes that, despite the “monistic” nature of the new Code, the commercial legal relationship still exists (but grounded on the concepts of business and professional). So being, says the author, commercial law remains timely even though its legal basis is within the new Civil Code. Therefore, to avoid misleading foreign investors, one suggests changing certain legal texts of legal acts implementing the new Civil Code, de lege ferenda, for the purpose of restoring the traditional concepts of “company”, “commercial agreements”, “legal relationships / commercial disputes”.
  • In this article, the author proposes to analyze the place and role of the constitutional law in the legal system, starting from the object of regulation of its norms: establishing the modalities of organization and functioning of the state and, within these, the forms of exercising and transmission of the powers through democratic electoral procedures, as well as of the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens. The constitutional law has received in doctrine a wide range of definitions in the doctrine, all authors emphasizing the quality of constitutional law to underlie the structuring of the national legal order, in the sense that all branches of law reside, at the level of general principles, in the constitutional law. The author states that the constitutional law norms are meant to protect and capitalize the most general interests of the society and of the state, as well as the fundamental values of a politically organized human community geographically located on a determined territory. Due to its structural role in the organization and functioning of the system of law, constitutional law sets guidelines for the other branches of law, takes over from these norms to which it is conferred the legal force of a constitutional norm and thus contributes to the shaping of a pyramidal hierarchy of norms of law depending on their legal force. At the bottom of the pyramid it is placed the Constitution, to which all the other norms of law are subordinated. The author also deals with the constitutionalization of the law, a process that results from the extension of the constitutional regulation of some social relations reserved by tradition to other branches of law.
  • In this study has been underlined that the right to property is a fundamental component of Human Rights, of the European and International Rights of every human being. Have been put forward the main scientific contributions in the European Culture of Human Rights and has been demonstrated in which manner the right to property is guaranteed in the European practice and in Romania after 1989. It is underlined that the normal life of every human being is not possible in the absence of those guarantees that his right to property is fully respected.
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