  • The author deals with the jurisdiction for carrying out forced pursuit acts from the perspective of the provisions of Article 651 (2) and of Article 818 (1) of the new Civil Procedure Code and analyzes the problems of selling a building in an auction „at the highest offered price”. The analysis is carried out in the light of the condition of price seriousness required in matters of sale, where the serious price is the one which constitutes a sufficient cause of the obligation undertaken by the seller to transmit the property right on the asset that is the object of sale and it is transposed into the existence of a ratio between the quantum of the price established by the parties and the real value of the sold asset, without however claiming an equivalence between the price and the value of the asset.
  • While examining the effects of the information procedure on the advantages of mediation in relation to the running of the prescription or limitation periods and corroborating the provisions of Law No 192/2006 referring to mediation with the provisions of the Romanian Civil Code in matters of prescription or limitation periods, this study reaches the conclusion that the procedure on the advantages of mediation prevents the running of the substantial prescription period and limitation period established by the legal provisions (which protect a private right) or by the convention of the parties when these have not began to run, and, respectively, it suspends the course of the prescription/limitation when these have began to run, for a period of 15 calendar days from the date when the prescription/limitation began.
  • This study, while indicating the absence of systematic doctrinal concern in relation to the meaning of the term „child” used in the Constitution, in the Civil Code and in several other internal or international normative acts, suggests to approach this term, lato sensu, as relative of first degree in the direct line of descent and, stricto sensu, as minor person without full capacity of exercise. Likewise, the author analyzes the definition given to this term in Article 1 of UNO Convention on the Rights of the Child and he presents some of its consequences on the internal regulations in the field.
  • In this study, the author examines the incidence of the provisions of Article 1221 et seq. of the new Civil Code (concerning the lesion) in the field of „business law”. In this respect, after a series of general considerations on the lesion in the context of the new Civil Code, as well as in the context of clarification of the concept of „legal relationships arising in the business environment”, the author examines, in detail, the problems of contracts in the business environment, by emphasizing, within the latter, their division into balanced contracts and imbalanced contracts. Such being the case, the author concludes that, in principle, the lesion is inapplicable in case of balanced contracts, but is incidental, as a rule, in case of imbalanced contracts.
  • This article makes a brief presentation of the new basic principles of Romanian criminal proceedings, which represent general rules contained in the legislation of the Member States of the European Union, considered to be the basis of modern criminal proceedings. The validity and efficiency of these rules have been tested by the judicial practice in France, Italy, Belgium and others and by the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights.
  • The Romanian legislator has introduced an innovation in criminal proceedings matters: the institution of the suspect, which is questionable from several points of view. According to the provisions of the new Romanian Criminal Procedure Code, the suspect is the person about whom, from the existing data and evidence in the case, a reasonable suspicion arises that he has committed an offence provided by the criminal law; the quality of suspect is acquired only when the prosecutor orders that the criminal prosecution – which had previously started only with regard to the deed (in rem) – be further conducted against that person. The suspect is not a party in the criminal proceedings, but a main subject to proceedings. In this study, the authors analyze the institution of the suspect, by presenting some critical aspects and by proposing the reconsideration of its regulation.
  • The new Civil Procedure Code brings some elements of novelty with regard to producing the proof by expertise, also maintaining many of the solutions of the former legislation. This study presents the most important aspects with regard to producing the proof by expertise, using the doctrine and the practice from the period of application of the Civil Procedure Code of 1865 and attempting to interpret the elements of novelty brought by the current procedural legislation.
  • This article presents one of the substantial conditions required by law for the valid conclusion of marriage, that is the consent. After a brief introductory part, the conditions of consent to marriage are analyzed: the condition of existence of the consent, the condition of free expression of the consent, the condition of fully-expressed consent, the condition of public expression of the consent and the condition of direct establishment of the consent by the civil status officer. The final part is devoted to the conclusions drawn from this study.
  • The Romanian Civil Code of 2009 has taken over derogatory rules with regard to the nullity of company from the matter of companies with legal personality regulated by the Law No 31/1990, as well as from the European regulations in the field. In this way, the principle of safeguarding the company has acquired a general application in the matter of all companies, regardless of their type. The exceptional rules, which were initially applied only to the companies regulated by the Law No 31/1990, outlining the idea of an atypical nullity, have been thus transferred to the Civil Code, becoming general rules applicable to all private law companies.
  • The importance of the crediting relations in a market economy justifies the attempts of the legislator to periodically reform the legal regime of security interests necessary for the performance of obligations. The change in Romania began in 1999 by abolishing the interdiction on movable property mortgaging (and establishment of the so-called security interest in movable property) was continued by the new Civil Code, which has introduced new instruments of obligational law, as well as rules that allow an increased dynamics of the real mortgage right. This study deals with the autonomous assignment of the real estate mortgage right, as well as with the possibility of changing the mortgage rank in the same matter. Even if the practice has not known yet a serious application of these operations, the raised issues should be approached, both for theoretical clarification and in order to detect the intention of the Romanian legislator in respect of the extent of the ancillary nature of the mortgage against the secured claim.
  • Potrivit prevederilor art. 6 alin. (4) C.civ., prescripțiile, decăderile și uzucapiunile începute și neîmplinite la data intrării în vigoare a legii noi sunt în întregime supuse dispozițiilor legale care le-au instituit, iar potrivit art. 204 din Legea nr. 71/2011 dispozițiile art. 2539 alin. (2) teza a II-a C.civ. se aplică și în cazul cererii de chemare în judecată sau de arbitrare introduse după intrarea în vigoare a Codului civil. Conform art. 2539 alin. (2) C.civ., prescripția nu este întreruptă dacă cel care a făcut cererea de chemare în judecată sau de arbitrare ori de intervenție în procedura insolvenței sau a urmăririi silite a renunțat la ea, nici dacă cererea a fost respinsă, anulată ori s-a perimat printr-o hotărâre rămasă definitivă. Cu toate acestea, dacă reclamantul, în termen de 6 luni de la data când hotărârea de respingere sau de anulare a rămas definitivă, introduce o nouă cerere, prescripția este considerată întreruptă prin cererea de chemare în judecată sau de arbitrare precedentă, cu condiția însă ca noua cerere să fie admisă.
  • Acquiring of the status of full member in the European Union by Romania has also generated the allocation towards Romania of European funds through financing contracts for the purpose of achieving projects of national interest. Considering the ambience of the domestic regulatory framework harmonized with the EU legislation, this study provides an analysis of the legal nature of such financing contracts, as well as of the complex and controversial problems of liability of persons involved in the management of European funds.
  • The penal clause gives the advantage of leaving to the parties, and not to the law court, to fix the amount representing compensation for the damage incurred, this way the parties being informed, from the time of conclusion of contract, on what and how much the costs would be if they fail to fulfil the obligations assumed, being, from this point of view, a mechanism not only of defense against the consequences of a damaging non-performance, but also of constraint, both legal and moral, not allowing the parties to hope that, maybe, they will not pay or will pay much less for „breaking” the contract. This study examines the functions of the penal clause, namely the function of guarantee of performance of obligations, the function of mobilization of the debtor to perform its obligations, the sanctioning function and the compensatory function. At the same time, the study analyzes the consensual, incidental, sanctioning and reparative nature of the penal clause, as well as the legal nature of this type of clause.
  • In this study, by analyzing the legislation in force concerning the remuneration of the budgetary staff paid from public funds, including the special legislation referring to the remuneration of the staff from public education, the author reaches the conclusion that, until the adoption of some new legal provisions (regulations) on this matter, the auxiliary teaching staff from (university and pre-university) public education, which, until 31 December 2009, legally benefited by a wage additional payment for dangerous or harmful conditions, is entitled to continue to receive this additional payment, if the activity is further carried on under the same conditions (dangerous/harmful).
  • Pursuant to Article 65 (1) of the (Romanian) Labour Code, the dismissal may occur for reasons not related to the employee in case the workplace held by the employee has been dissolved, for one or more reasons not related to the employee, and paragraph (2) of the text stipulates that the dissolution of the workplace must be effective and must have a real and serious cause. In this study, the author exhaustively examines the diverging opinions (solutions) in the doctrine and the case-law from Romania concerning the meaning and the scope of Article 65 (2) of the Labour Code and, then, firmly considers that, in the event of litigations, the law courts are obliged to examine not only the formallegal aspects of the measure of dismissal in the given situation, but also the opportunity of such measure, therefore, in other terms, the reality and the seriousness of dismissal (by the employer) for the reason of dissolution of the workplace held by the employee.
  • Questioned by an alleged absence of their own method and investigation field, legal science and research are fully legitimised in reality. Legal doctrine research deals with formal sources of law, and results in deduction and explanation of legal rules. Legal scientific research deals with legal rules in force from a formal point of view and refers to the legitimation (delegitimation) of legal rules of substantial law; its method is the deduction of general principles of law as a specific normative subsystem within the social system and the relation of the legal rules to these principles.
  • The radical reformation of the criminal proceedings meant also the establishment of new legal institutions. One of them is the preliminary chamber, inspired by the Anglo-Saxon law systems, and by the continental law system. Conceived as a distinct phase of criminal proceedings, the preliminary verification raises real problems of constitutionality, being unable to fit into the mechanism of the judicial bodies stated in the Fundamental Law. In so far as it takes over functions of the judges and it excludes from debates the main subjects of criminal proceedings, it is also contrary to the requirements of the ECHR on the principles of equality of arms and equity.
  • For the first time in the Romanian legislation, the new Civil Code (Article 1368) expressly regulates the subsidiary obligation to reimburse the victim, in the sense that „lack of discernment does not exempt the author of the damage from paying a reimbursement to the victim whenever the liability of the person who, according to the law, had the duty to supervise such person can not be engaged” (the author of the damage). In this study there are successively examined: aspects of comparative law in the matter; the position of the Romanian doctrine and of the case-law on the issue in question; the quality of the liable person [for the purpose of Article 1368 (1) of the Civil Code]; the tort civil liability of the person who lacks discernment; the legal basis of the subsidiary liability of the person who lacks discernment; final de lege ferenda proposals in order to improve Article 1368 (1) of the Civil Code.
  • Pentru motivele pe care le vom detalia în continuare, ne vom pronunța de la început în legătură cu problemele anunțate în titlu și vom afirma că este necesară revizuirea Constituției, dar, deocamdată, nu este oportună. Este necesară deoarece exercitarea puterii politico-etatice pe baza Constituției, pe parcursul a mai bine de 22 de ani, a întâmpinat dificultăți determinate de modul laconic sau deficitar de reglementare care, la rândul său, a condus la interpretarea diferită, uneori contrară, a unor reguli constituționale de către principalii actori politici, de contradicția dintre unele texte constituționale, de lipsa existenței unor principii clar formulate privind organizarea și exercitarea puterii politice, de căderea în desuetudine a unor reguli sau principii juridice înscrise în legea fundamentală, de caracterul confuz al unor reglementări, de integrarea României în Uniunea Europeană și consecințele acestui fapt pe planul exercitării puterii etc.
  • Întrebarea pe care ne-o punem cu toții este cum să construim o societate a bunăstării, în care să domnească cel puțin o bună înțelegere și toleranța, o societate non-agresivă, dacă o societate consensuală nu este posibilă. Răspunsul ar putea fi preferința pentru dialog; deci este necesară crearea de instituții și proceduri care prin mijloace juridice să asigure consolidarea democrației. Revizuirea Constituției este o importantă pârghie pentru a se atinge acest scop. Buna guvernare și consolidarea statului de drept se pot obține prin amplificarea rolului dreptului în sistemul politic statal, astfel încât democrația și o participare publică reală la formularea și adoptarea actelor normative secundare și chiar terțiare să fie consacrate prin norme juridice constituționale.
  • Este în afara oricărei îndoieli că tradiționala clasificare a constituțiilor în constituții rigide și în constituții suple rămâne o teză unanim admisă de către constituționaliști. Cei care critică această clasificare o fac fie din ignoranță (și aici replicile sunt inutile), fie din motive pur electorale, mai mult sau mai puțin motivate. Pentru liniștea sufletească a acestora din urmă, trebuie să se observe că doctrina constituțională explică foarte clar faptul că rigiditatea unei constituții nu se opune revizuirii sale. Rigiditatea constituțională este de fapt un procedeu tehnic (constituțional) care se legitimează prin stabilitatea în timp a constituției, ca trăsătură definitorie a acesteia. Iar stabilitatea constituției se fondează, la rândul său, pe realitatea că o constituție este o reformă, este cea mai complexă reformă, a cărei exprimare cere timp și, de ce să nu o spunem, răbdare.
  • Articolul 60 din Codul muncii reglementează ipotezele în care angajatorului îi este interzis, pe o perioadă limitată de timp, să procedeze la concedierea angajaților săi. Articolul sus-menționat are următorul conținut: „(1) Concedierea salariaților nu poate fi dispusă: a) pe durata incapacității temporare de muncă, stabilită prin certificat medical conform legii; b) pe durata suspendării activității ca urmare a instituirii carantinei; c) pe durata în care femeia salariată este gravidă, în măsura în care angajatorul a luat cunoștință de acest fapt anterior emiterii deciziei de concediere; d) pe durata concediului de maternitate; e) pe durata concediului pentru creșterea copilului în vârstă de până la 2 ani sau, în cazul copilului cu handicap, până la împlinirea vârstei de 3 ani; f) pe durata concediului pentru îngrijirea copilului bolnav în vârstă de până la 7 ani sau, în cazul copilului cu handicap, pentru afecțiuni intercurente, până la împlinirea vârstei de 18 ani;
  • This paper intends to contribute to the reform of the Romanian legislation for preventing and combating terrorism. For this purpose, the author examines briefly three aspects. First, it refers to the meaning of the term „terrorism”. Secondly, it analyzes the reason that has imposed the use of the term of terrorism in international documents and, in particular, which is the purpose of the international conventions in this matter. Thirdly, there are investigated the main provisions of the Romanian legislation (Law No 535/2004 on preventing and combating terrorism), emphasizing some of its shortcomings. Finally, the paper includes some conclusions on the compliance or, where appropriate, the inconsistency between provisions stipulated in international documents and internal provisions.
  • From the Decision No 42/2008 of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, United Sections, it emerges the rule cancellation excludes revocation in respect of which, given the finality of decisions in the interest of law to ensure a unitary practice, it must be admitted that the applicability is wider than the hypothesis that has generated it.
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