Înscrierile în cartea funciară nu au caracter constitutiv/translativ, ci numai efecte de opozabilitate față de terți (art. 25 din Legea nr. 7/1996 arată că „înscrierile în cartea funciară își vor produce efecte de opozabilitate față de terți...”). Astfel, această lege asigură publicitatea imobilului și nu are efecte constitutive/translative ale dreptului de proprietate. (...)
The Civil Procedure Code entered into force on 15 February 2013, when neither the fax nor the e-mail were unknown anymore in the field of communication. However, the procedural provisions have proven to be tributary to some classical origins, even obsolete in some cases. The interventions of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, of the Constitutional Court, in the matter of law analyzed by the authors in this article, did not have the role of modernizing nor of improving the efficiency of the act of justice. The given interpretations have taken into account the letter of the law and not its spirit, probably starting from the strict application of the procedural provisions. Without disregarding these principles, the authors criticize in an argumented manner the solution pronounced by the Decision No 34/2017 of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, the Panel for the settlement of some legal issues, ruling in the sense of qualifying the procedural act sent by e-mail or fax, after the court’s work schedule, but until 24.00 of the last day of the procedural term, as being done in due time.
The study is devoted to the legislative convergences and divergences existing at the level of the European countries regarding the functioning of small and mediumsized companies. The first part of this approach emphasizes the important role of small and medium-sized companies within the national economies, including their contribution to the formation of the gross domestic product. In the author’s opinion, the support granted by the political and legislative powers, including by the doctrine, is not in accordance with the contribution brought by the small and medium-sized companies to the development of the national economies. Starting from the finding that the typical legal form of functioning of the small and medium-sized companies is represented by the limited liability companies, the author presents the most relevant aspects regarding their establishment, organization and functioning. A particular analysis is also carried out in relation to Directive 2017/828/EC, a European document that is likely to significantly promote appropriate normative convergences. The author also emphasizes some positive trends manifested at the level of the European Union, such as those represented by the elimination of the fixed minimum share capital or by the reduction thereof. Among the legislative divergences, the author analyzes those determined by the conflicts of interests between the members of the limited liability company. In particular, the author takes into account the divergences concerning the right of the minority members, whose interests are threatened by the actions of the majority members, to freely exit that company.
Article 42 (3) of the Annex to the Order of the Minister of National Defence No M.110/2009 is a true legal innovation because it extends the scope of the liability for medical malpractice to hotel obligations (specific to the tenancy contract) within the content of the medical contract, but, at the same time, reduces the sphere of liable persons down to the military physician (treating physician and section chief), by exceeding the express legal limits of the liability of the physician and actually taking over not only the entire medical liability of the military hospital, but also of the medical equipment producers and of the suppliers of utilities of the military hospital.
The author’s approach is intended for a partially critical analysis of the Decision of the Constitutional Court No 225 of 4 April 20172, by which the phrase „likely to prejudice the prestige of the profession” within Article 14 a) of the Law No 51/1995 was declared unconstitutional. The Constitutional Court has held that the criticized text is devoid of precision, clarity and predictability, as it does not circumstantiate the scope of the offences likely to cause the unworthiness in the profession of lawyer. The author considers that this solution of unconstitutionality makes an exaggerated interpretation of the incidental legal provisions, unduly restricting the right of appreciation of the competent structures of the professional organization of lawyers and of the judge called to settle any possible disputes. Within this study it is noted that there are various other situations in which the right of appreciation of the judge can not be challenged in our legal system. The approach included in this study also insists on the consequences which can be determined by the analysed solution of unconstitutionality, due to the existence of some identical or very similar provisions in respect of other liberal legal professions as well. A cavalcade of pleas of unconstitutionality, based on similar considerations, could raise for discussion other important institutions of law as well, such as those concerning the disciplinary, contraventional, civil or even criminal liability.