In considering the very succinct legal regulations (art. 191–203) regarding limited liability companies in Law no. 31/1990 – the Companies Law (republished in 2004, as subsequently amended and completed), the author only examines issues related to such commercial companies, namely: the revocation of their directors, on the one side, and the transfer of shares in limited liability companies, on the other side.
In the study hereunder, the author, making a thorough analysis of Article 1856 under the new Romanian Civil Code, infers that, although the marginal name of this text is called “the direct action of workers” (who have entered into an agreement with the works contractor), which would create the impression that only these may bring such action, in reality, active procedural legitimation to take the legal action in question also has the legal person acting as a subcontractor, and not only the individual workers who have contracted with the contractor.
Both at Community level and at national level, there is the concern to allow the employees the possibility of a conciliation of the professional life with the private life, one of the measures regulated in this respect being the leave for raising a child, provided by the Government Emergency Ordinance No 111/2010. The exercise of this right can not be a reason to treat the employee differently or to affect his professional evolution, as the law guarantees the stability of the labour relation for the duration of the leave and subsequently, as well as the right to be reinstated to the same position or to an equivalent one. However, the national legislation also contains provisions which are lacking clarity, does not fully transpose the Community law in the field, so that it is required an improvement of this legislation and a greater flexibility in regulating of the situation of the labour relation for the duration of the leave for raising a child.
Case law has outlined a solutions divergence on whether prisoners of war and / or persons who have been deported on ethnic grounds in the 5th decade of the last century may or may not benefit from compensations governed by previous regulations regarding these two categories of persons. Author’s well-founded view is oriented towards a negative direction.
The new Civil Procedure Code establishes the penalties for each day of delay as indirect means of coercion meant to ensure the performance in kind of the obligations to do or not to do which can not be carried out by someone else other than the debtor. The application of these penalties is mainly carried out at the level of the executional procedural law, being conditioned by the initiation of the enforcement and by the existence of a writ of execution, however the legislator, by the law implementing the new Code, tends to generalize the system of penalties to the detriment of the other legal means with similar function. In this context and under the terms of removal of the comminatory damages and of the civil fines for each day of delay, regulated by the provisions of substantive law contained in special laws, it is raised the question of admissibility of the general use of penalties regulated by the Civil Procedure Code at the level of substantive law, before obtaining a writ of execution.
Acquiring of the status of full member in the European Union by Romania has also generated the allocation towards Romania of European funds through financing contracts for the purpose of achieving projects of national interest. Considering the ambience of the domestic regulatory framework harmonized with the EU legislation, this study provides an analysis of the legal nature of such financing contracts, as well as of the complex and controversial problems of liability of persons involved in the management of European funds.
At the same time with the entry into force of the new Civil Procedure Code, according to the authors, the appeal has also made its way into the field of administrative disputes, in addition to the recourse, which is the traditional legal remedy in this matter. This study identifies the problems raised by this new legislative conception, noting the current legislative inconsistencies that impedes the process of application of the objective law and, moreover, generates non-unitary judicial practice.
By the judgement passed in the criminal case no. 754/2012, the High Court of Cassation and Justice held that, where the provisions of Article 3201 Code of Criminal Procedure are applicable, honest behaviour during the trial, consisting in the admission of having committed the acts retained in the document instituting the proceedings, cannot be considered a legal mitigating circumstance, referred to in Article 74 para. (1) (c) thesis II of the Criminal Code. This interpretation is questionable, because there is a legal difference between the two institutions, which doed not preclude their concomitant application.
In this study, the author analyzes the essential changes that the year 2011 has brought with respect to the dismissal of the trade union leader under Law no. 40/2011 (amending and supplementing the Labour Code), and also under Law no. 62/2011 regarding social dialogue. At the end of the analysis, the author concludes that these changes are both in accordance with the Romanian Constitution, as well as with the applicable European regulations.
Given the ambiguity of the legal texts in the Law concerning the public-private partnership addressing the financing of public-private partnership projects, this study endeavors to identify the various ways of using public funds in such projects. It forwards arguments for a restrictive interpretation of the concept of „financing” as used by such texts, proposed to be limited to the construction phase of the project, and also analyses the main legal structures having an impact on public funds, usually guarantees, by which the public partner may provide support to a public-private partnership project. Whilst pleading for the use of such direct of indirect public guarantees, the study emphasizes the need for their accurate identification, including their potential consequences on the public debt and deficit statistic treatment as well as on state aid.
Legislative changes occurring in recent years in terms of the legal nature of the public procurement contracts were subject to doctrinal debate and generated disputed solutions in the judicial practice. We refer to the definition of public procurement contract as a Commercial Agreement, under Law no. 278/2010 which has amended and supplemented the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 34/2006 regarding the award of public procurement contracts, public works concession contracts and services concession contracts, approved with amendments and supplements by Law No. 337/2006, as subsequently amended and completed. This legislative approach has shown legislator’s inconsistency in the matter, considering that by organic law - the Law of the contentious administrative No. 554/2004 – public procurement contracts are expressly defined as administrative contracts. At the end of July 2012, the National Authority for Regulating and Monitoring Public Procurement has published a draft emergency ordinance designed to bring new amendments and supplements to the Government Emergency Ordinance No. 34/2006. These proposals were successively amended by the issuer, the final form been approved through the Government Emergency Ordinance No. 77/2012. From the point of view of this study, the legislative changes contained in the Government Emergency Ordinance No. 77/2012 regarding the legal nature of the public procurement contracts and, consequently, the courts competent to hear disputes under these contracts are remarkable.
In this study, the author, whilst analyzing the legal nature of Child Protection Commissions (which are organized and operate pursuant to Law No. 272/2004 on the protection and promotion of children’s rights and the Government Decision no. 1437/2004 on the organization methodology and functioning of the Child Protection Commission), concludes that the decisions taken by such committees are not special administrative jurisdiction acts, but simply unilateral administrative acts that are adopted by a specialized body within the county council or the local council of Bucharest sectors, as appropriate. As regards attacking / challenging these decisions in court, usually, the settlement power falls on the common law courts, and not on the administrative ones.