  • The authors of the new Criminal Code intended to redesign the punitive model of relapse, but the solutions proposed reveal the inconsistencies of the model. The new Criminal Code no longer defines the post-condemnation relapse distinctly from the post-execution relapse, and the small relapse no longer exists in the new regulation, the lawmaker preferring a general definition of relapse. Although the intention of the code’s authors, transmitted to the lawmaker, was to aggravate the punishment regimen of relapse, by increasing the duration of imprisonment, which may represent a first term for relapse in one year, in practice a more favorable regimen is created for those who have been punished to imprisonment for less than one year, a thing, however, not justified given the statistic evolution of the number of persons with a judicial record who reiterate their criminal behavior. The idea of the project’s authors was to simplify the regimen of punishment of relapses, based on an arithmetic sum in the case of post-condemnation relapse, and on the legal increase of special punishment limits by half in the case of post-execution relapse, but the proposed model of punishments leads to a more severe punishment regiment for post-condemnation relapse than for the post-execution relapse, although the latter is believed to represent the worse modality of relapse, as the social danger of the relapsing criminal appears, in this case, to be more precisely shaped, by proving the inefficiency of the punishment the criminal has executed.
  • Causes leading to change of punishment are such conditions, circumstances or contexts which are exterior to the contents of the crime and which outline a higher or lower level of social danger of the deed or of dangerous behavior of the criminal, thus determining a change of punishment, either in terms of quantity (in the form of duration or amount), or in terms of quality (change of one main punishment by another). In these causes, a distinction is made between attenuating and aggravating causes. The attenuating causes category includes attenuating conditions and attenuating circumstances, while the aggravating causes category includes aggravating conditions and aggravating circumstances.
  • In this study, the author fights – with arguments – an opinion that remained isolated in the Romanian civil law doctrine (an opinion according to which art. 32, paragraph 1 of Law no. 18/1991, republished on 5 January 1998, a text according to which certain categories of terms, assigned according to art. 18 paragraph 1, art. 21 and art. 43 of this law, cannot be transferred for 10 years to the company from the beginning of the year following the year in which the registration of the property was made under the penalty of absolute nullity of the deed of transfer would have been abrogated by Laws no. 54/1998 and no. 247/2005).
  • In this study, the two authors examine certain particularities of the commercial mandate contract existent between the managers of joint-stock companies and the given companies, with the specification that the term “managers”, in the above context, applies exclusively to the managers referred to under art. 143 paragraph 1 of Law no. 31/1990 regarding companies, republished on 17 November 2004 (those whom the Board of Directors delegated the management of the company and who, as the case may be, can be appointed among the directors or from outside the Board of Directors), and not to members of the directorate (existent in joint-stock companies organized in dual system) or to “specialized” managers, who are not representatives of the social will, but run certain specialized compartment.
  • In this study, the two authors examine certain particularities of the commercial mandate contract existent between the managers of joint-stock companies and the given companies, with the specification that the term “managers”, in the above context, applies exclusively to the managers referred to under art. 143 paragraph 1 of Law no. 31/1990 regarding companies, republished on 17 November 2004 (those whom the Board of Directors delegated the management of the company and who, as the case may be, can be appointed among the directors or from outside the Board of Directors), and not to members of the directorate (existent in joint-stock companies organized in dual system) or to “specialized” managers, who are not representatives of the social will, but run certain specialized compartment.
  • In this study, the author examines the constitutional and legal statute of the Romanian Court of Accounts, according to art. 140 of the Constitution of Romania (revised and republished on 31 October 2003), corroborated with a series of provisions contained in Law no. 94/1992 for the organization and operation of the Court of Accounts, as republished, for the second time, on 29 April 2009. To this effect, the authors examine the constitutional and legal statute of: the counselors of accounts; the personnel making up the executive management of the Court of Accounts and the Audit Authority, as well as the specialized personnel of the Court of Accounts (external public auditors).
  • The author examines the concept of administrative-jurisdictional action in the context of the doctrinal opinions issued prior to the enactment of Law no. 554/2004 (amended by Law no. 262/2007), as well as subsequent to the enactment of the above-mentioned law, amended by the law mentioned. Further on, the author examines in detail two characteristics of the administrative-jurisdictional action, namely: the principle of immovability and the res judicata force, reaching the conclusion that such actions have the res judicata force, but only provided that the legal stages of appeal are not filed with the court of law, within the deadlines and under the conditions provided by the law, or that such stages of appeal, being filed, were dismissed and, consequently, the decision of the administrative jurisdictional body was maintained.
  • Entities with administrative-jurisdictional activity, such as the National Council for Solving Complaints, have duties strictly delimited by the regulations establishing them and organizing their operation. According to the Law no. 554/ 2004 on administrative litigation, the special administrative jurisdiction represents the activity carried out by an administrative authority that has, according to the applicable special incorporating law, jurisdiction to solve a conflict regarding an administrative action, according to a procedure based upon the principles of adversary proceeding, ensuring the right of defense and the independence of the administrative-jurisdictional activity. In carrying out this complex activity, is sometimes possible that the notifications received by the jurisdictional authority exceed its scope of jurisdiction, a situation in which it has the obligation to establish whether there is a competent court of law or another competent entity with jurisdictional activity, to which it could forward the notification erroneously referred by the complainant. The fulfillment of this legal obligation supports and guarantees to the complainant effective access to the institution having jurisdiction to solve his/her claim, in agreement with the principles of any fair trial. Numerous times, after finding justified the exception of its lack of jurisdiction in trying certain cases, the Council ordered their declining towards the competent courts of law, subsequently referring such cases to the courts. Although most courts towards which the declining was ordered accepted the files received, according to the case law of certain Courts of Appeal, the legal institution of declining is not available to the administrative-jurisdictional entities, which should have dismissed the claims received, and not decline them. This study presents with criticism the latter solutions issued by the courts of law in the legal matter of declining, as well as the author’s arguments in supporting its resolution in agreement with the legal rules.
  • The criminal procedure rules according to which the „transfer of procedures in criminal matters” is carried out are comprised in the international treaties and conventions to which Romania is a party, which are supplemented by Law no. 302/2004 on international judicial co-operation in criminal matters, plus the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code. „The transfer of procedures in criminal matters” entails two manners of performance, according to the capacity in which the Romanian State is involved in its carrying out, namely: - delivery of criminal procedure; - reception of criminal procedure.
  • The challenge on enforcement does not refer to the merits of the judgment of conviction, but it is directed against its enforcement and, for this reason, its completion consists in eliminating the illegal matters occurring in the enforcement or during the enforcement of the judgment. The probation service attached to the tribunal has no competence to file a challenge on enforcement with the court of law for reasons of illegality occurred during the surveillance of the person convicted and, in particular, for matters related to the personal interests of the convict. If, during the surveillance, problems or interests of the convict occur that prevent the convict from appearing on the dates scheduled, the probation service has the competence to examine the reasons invoked and revise the initially scheduled surveillance plan.
  • In essence, the article emphasizes the inconsistent practice of the courts, as regards the consequences of changing the legal classification of the criminal offence – the subject matter of the judgment – by indictment, an action of initiating proceedings before the court, on the means of appeal in the criminal trial. The legal matter under discussion takes into consideration the impact of the provisions of art. 361, paragraph 1, letter a) of the Criminal Procedure Code and of art. 3851 paragraph 1, letter d1 of the Criminal Procedure Code, according to which the judgments regarding criminal offences for which the initiation of criminal procedure is carried out following the preliminary complaint of the injured person cannot be challenged with an appeal, but only with a second appeal . Thus, in relation to the new legal classification of the criminal offence – the subject matter of the judgment – the means of appeal that can be used in such criminal cases must be established. In our opinion, in case of changing the legal classification, the legal classification given to the criminal offence – the subject matter of the judgment – by the court whose decision is subject to judicial review is decisive in establishing the means of appeal.
  • Chile stands out in Latin-America because its economic growth has resulted in a progressive decrease in poverty and marginality levels. Chile’s unique strides in economic growth have made room for increasingly dignified lives for its people. Along with this improvement in the standard of living, there has been a more thorough exercise of human rights. The normative groundwork for this successful economic model is located in the Constitución Política de la República de 1980, the 1980 Constitution, which contains an economic public order based on two elements – 1) the exercise of personal liberty and 2) the subsidiary role of the State.
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