  • The new regulation pertaining to business administration in the new Romanian Civil Code, much more detailed than the previous one, springs from the Civil Code of Québec. In Québec, the relevant legal framework provides for an original configuration of this source of obligations, imposing on it the condition of opportunity of the administration actions initiated by the administrator. Subject to this regulation are also the effects of inopportune administration, which aims at restoring the advantage brought to the person administered, without stating the legal grounds of such obligation, aspect which triggers questions to which this paper intends to answer, visiting, among others, other codification proposals on the law of obligations and relevant doctrine in this matter. At the same time, a theoretical definition is laid down for business administration, more nuanced than those elaborated after the new Romanian Civil Code has taken effect, definition which tends to be closer to the meaning of the new normative provisions.
  • Company contract has been a complex issue under the Civil Code of 1864 and the Commercial Code of 1887, and continues to be so under the Romanian Civil Code of 2009. Since rules pertaining to company contract under previous statutes became obsolete and ill-adapted to practical needs and realities, an update was severely necessary in order to tune it with the alert pace of modern legal relations and EU norms. This paper presents the legal definition of company contract under the new Romanian Civil Code, with its advantages and disadvantages, which distinguish it from other types of contracts. Given the monistic approach of the new Civil Code, presently the contract of company is the common law of company law, Articles 1881–1948 of the Civil Code being subsidiarily applied to all companies enumerated by Article 1888 of the Civil Code. In this context, this study analyses the special requirements of Law No 31/1990, considered as a special rule in relation to the general provisions of the Civil Code.
  • The author analyses some specific features of the claim for compensation brought by private persons injured by unlawful administrative acts of authority or by public authorities’ refusal to solve claims concerning rights and legitimate interests of citizens. The claim for compensation has an accessory and subsidiary character in relation to the main claim for the annulment of the administrative act of authority, the repair of the damage being conditioned by the annulment of the act or by the obligation of the public authority to solve the claim of the private person. The study points out that the accessoriality relationship between the claim for compensation and the main claim bears consequences with regard to the jurisdiction of administrative courts.
  • This article intends to provide an analysis of one of the cases of absolute nullity of marriage, expressly regulated by the Civil Code, i.e. bigamy. After a brief introduction follows the discussion of the sanction of a marriage concluded by an already married person whereby relevant provisions, conditions to be fulfilled for establishing the absolute nullity of marriage in case of bigamy, as well as some aspects pertaining to invoking good faith at the time of concluding the new marriage are taken into account.
  • In this study the authors criticize an isolated opinion (the vice of consent of lesion is inapplicable to the individual labour contract) expressed more or less recently in the Romanian legal literature. The provisions of Article 1221 and (limitatively and partially) Article 1222 of the Civil Code supplement the provisions of the Labour Code. On the other hand, Articles 1223–1224 of the Civil Code are completely inapplicable in case of individual labour contract.
  • Actul emis de Oficiul Român pentru Drepturile de Autor (ORDA) în vederea convocării părților în procedura arbitrală potrivit art. 1312 alin. (4) din Legea nr. 8/1996 nu are caracterul juridic al unui act administrativ în sensul art. 2 alin. (1) lit. c) din Legea nr. 554/2004. În succesiunea operațiunilor prin care se realizează negocierea metodologiilor la care se referă art. 130, 131, 1311 și 1312 din Legea nr. 8/1996, actul care produce efecte juridice îl reprezintă metodologiile negociate, iar activitățile anterioare, premergătoare, au valoarea juridică a unor operațiuni administrative sau simple operațiuni materiale care pregătesc, însoțesc adoptarea actului producător de efecte juridice. (Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție, Secția de contencios administrativ și fiscal, Decizia nr. 59 din 10 ianuarie 2013)
  • This study has as object the logical and legal analysis of the conditions in which, according to Article 341 of the Civil Code, the incomes from work, the sums of money payable as pension within the social insurance system and others similar, as well as the incomes payable under an intellectual property right are considered common assets jointly owned by spouses. The study also includes analyses relating to the categories of incomes and sums that, under Article 341 of the Civil Code, are considered common assets jointly owned by spouses.
  • The higher interest of the child is the only finality of the actions of parents and the only criterion that justifies the intervention of the State in the relations between parents and children. In the new Civil Code the main concern of the Romanian legislator is to detension the relationships between spouses and their minor children, recognizing that the higher interest of the children is, first of all, that of being affected to the smallest extent by the effects of the parents’ divorce, thus allowing both divorced spouses to exercise their parental authority. By reference to the previous regulation – the Family Code, it is a radically different vision, „a true revolution in the field”, „a modern solution” according to which, after the divorce, the parental authority is not split up between the parents, but they exercise it together, as recommended by Article 18 paragraph 1 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The new Civil Code has established the principle of shared parental authority in order to allow the parents to continue to be, despite their separation, partners in a proactive and effective manner in all important decisions relative to the health, education, training and recreation of their common children, a principle that becomes thus an ideal to be achieved. This study analyzes these aspects.
  • This article intends to analyze the provisions of the Civil Code regulating the legal status of nullities of marriage. After a brief introduction, in which general aspects of nullities of marriage are presented, follows a discussion on the legal regime of absolute nullity of marriage and the legal status of relative nullity of marriage from the point of view of those persons who can invoke the absolute or relative nullity, of the imprescriptibility of the right of action for establishing the absolute nullity of marriage and of the prescriptibility of the right of action for annulment of marriage, as well as from the point of view of the possibility to cover the absolute or relative nullity.
  • The preliminary chamber is a new, partly innovative institution for the national criminal proceedings. In fact, this is a qualitative transformation of the provisions of Article 300 of the Criminal Procedure Code of 1968. The preliminary chamber judge is vested with a control form with a specific object and the finality of this control consists in ordering the file for the trial stage on the merits. The jurisdictional control of the preliminary chamber falls within the scope of the entire criminal proceedings as a distinct stage, with its own individualized object.
  • This study examines a series of controversies concerning the operation of the penal clause in certain special situations such as: admissibility of penalties running after the cancellation/resolution of contract if, by assumption, the debt had not been yet fully or partly liquidated by the debtor; the issue of the possibility of reducing the amount of „clearly excessive” penalties by the court, if these penalties are „clearly excessive” [Article 1541 (1) b) of the new Civil Code]; the admissibility of the plurality of various clauses that provide penalties and others.
  • The institution of appeal in the interest of law has the role of unitarily ensuring the interpretation and implementation of law by courts of law. The legal nature of this procedure is not determined only by the criminal and civil normative provisions governing it. This study argues that this institution is constitutional in nature because, under the Constitution, the High Court of Cassation and Justice has the power to ensure the unitary interpretation of law by the courts of law. There are analyzed the consequences of the constitutional nature of this institution, the limits of obligativity of the settlements of matters of law given by the High Court of Cassation and Justice by means of the decisions ruled in these proceedings, as well as the ratio between the decisions of the Constitutional Court and the decisions of the High Court of Cassation and Justice respectively, ruled for a solution on the appeals in the interest of law. Recent case-law of the Constitutional Court reveals new aspects regarding the possibility of verifying the constitutionality of decisions ruled on this matter.
  • In the practice of the courts in our country the punishment imposed for the offence of unintentional killing is, in most cases, imprisonment with suspended execution, even in the situations where the guilt rests solely on the offender or when there are several victims, a fact which can call into question the manner in which the principles governing the individualization of punishments are implemented, whereas, by imposing excessively lenient punishments, in relation to the seriousness of the facts, the desideratum concerning the educational and preventive role thereof is not achieved.
  • The author makes an analysis of the stages preliminary to judgment of the appeal ex novo in the view of the new Civil Procedure Code, of the legislation implementing this Code, as well as of the Internal Rules of the law courts, debates the issue of regularization of the application for appeal ex novo and the incidence in the appeal ex novo of the provisions of Article 200 of the Civil Procedure Code. At the same time it is subject to analysis the issue of the law applicable in matters of judicial stamp duty after the entry into force of the Government Emergency Ordinance No 80/2013, concerning the applications for appeal ex novo submitted after 29 June 2013 in trials initiated during the period when in the matter of the judicial stamp duty the Law No 146/1997 was in force.
  • In this paper we intend to determine if the legal regime applicable to the superficies consisting in the right to build on the land of another is different from that prescribed for the superficies established on an existing building. Although it defines it in Article 693 (1), as a form of the right of superficies, the Civil Code does not contain provisions with special reference to the exercise of the superficies consisting in the right to build. Only in the event of ending of this special superficies due to the expiry of its duration, Article 699 (1) and (2) of the Civil Code provides for a regime derogating from the general rules of artificial real estate accession. In these circumstances, the powers of the superficiary who acquired the right to build on the land of another were indirectly inferred from the restrictive provisions contained in Article 695 (2) of the Civil Code, applicable to the superficies established on an existing building. The conclusion we reached is that, when superficies takes the form of the right to build, the superficiary enjoys a preferential treatment compared to that applied to the one who has acquired a superficies on existing buildings. This regime remains favorable in case of ending of the right of superficies due to the expiry of its duration, based on the special rules derogating from the general ones regulating artificial real estate accession established as a result of the ending of the superficies. The common rules applicable to both forms of the right of superficies were not tackled in this paper.
  • This study provides a detailed and systemic analysis of the provisions of Article 358 of the Civil Code referring to the partition of common assets jointly owned by the spouses during the community matrimonial regimes. More specifically, it is analysed the possibility to extend the provisions of Article 358 of the Civil Code also over the partition of per-shares common assets of spouses, as well as the applicability of the provisions of Articles 669–686 of the Civil Code within this partition. Likewise, there are distinguished the elements of continuity and those of novelty of the present regulation, referring to the partition of jointly owned common assets during the community matrimonial regimes, in relation to the regulation previously established by Article 36 (2) of the Family Code. Finally, there are expressed some critical opinions in connection with the provisions of Article 36 of the Law No 71/2011 implementing the Law No 287/2009 on the Civil Code referring to the application in time of the provisions of Article 358 of the Civil Code.
  • The person entitled to succession is the person that has the freedom to choose between the acquiring of the title of heir, by accepting the succession, and the denial of such quality, by waiver. The two sides of the successoral option – acceptance of inheritance and waiver of inheritance – both in their sense of subjective rights and in the sense of legal acts must be appreciated and understood in correlation with other notions and institutions, in the first place of the law of succession, and also belonging to other matters of civil law. In this context, there are presented some aspects of regulating the successoral option, which have been interpreted otherwise by doctrine or which have the potential for controversy, among others, as a result of shortcomings in phrasing of some texts of the Civil Code or by failing to observe some relationships they have, as mentioned above, with other legal notions and institutions.
  • In this study the author brings once again to our attention an older idea which, unfortunately, still remains ambiguous, namely the existence of a legal science. In this paper law is approached as doctrine, science and case-law, the author attempting and succeeding in capturing its role in society, as well as its quality of authentic science.
  • The article aims to analyze the main aspects that characterize the procedure of concluding the plea agreements, concluded between the prosecutor and the defendant, within the proceedings before international criminal courts. The fact that these courts have taken features from both legal systems, inquisitorial and accusatorial, as well as the fact that this procedure has been implemented in a stage subsequent to the adoption of the statutes of these courts, for reasons of practical necessity, makes their experience of over 12 years in implementing this procedure particularly useful to the European continental legal systems which, in their large majority, have recently adopted the Plea Agreement procedure. These also include Romania, once the „Plea Agreement” institution has been regulated within the provisions of Articles 478–488 of the new Criminal Procedure Code, which makes the study of the case-law of the international criminal courts also useful in the Romanian judicial practice.
  • The scientific approach of the authors starts from the fact that, when it comes to concepts such as, for example, resilience or victimology, which can not be understood or applied without a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary or even transdisciplinary approach (see the conclusion which the authors have reached with regard to the possibility of appearance of a new discipline, namely legal resilience), the competences of the legal science specialists, in general, and of those in the field of criminal law, in particular, together with the competences of the specialists in psychology, psychiatry, and others, are extremely important. The authors place the above-mentioned concepts on the law – psychology – psychiatry interface and they analyze them from the perspective of the criminal justice and of the relationship between the persons involved, respectively the victims of crimes (minors and adults to the same extent), with society, but also with the aggressor, both before committing the criminal act and thereafter. Moreover, with respect to resilience and victimology, after it is pointed out that they do not have unique definitions, generally-accepted, there are also revealed the essential points on which those involved in the research of these matters have agreed upon, as well as the exchange of information and of procedures performed at the the boundary between resilience and victimology. At the same time, the criminal justice is not treated under a retributive aspect, but more from the point of view of a reparative, restorative justice, of the means by which it contributes to the mental health of the victims, of the populations that live in traumatized societies, to repairing the social trauma, to establishing the causes and the prevention of victimization, etc. At the same time, the authors also present the guarantees of the right to a fair trial granted to the victims of crimes, as well as some regulations intended to prevent victimization and to grant legal protection to the persons in precarious situations, such as: refugees, mentally ill, abandoned children and others.
  • The author of the study critically refers to the contradictory opinions expressed in the doctrine with regard to the scope of companies covered by Article 1931 of the new Civil Code, a text which regulates the tacit extension of the duration of the company contract. Noting that, according to an opinion, the text is applicable not only to the simple company, but also to all companies with legal personality regulated by the Law No 31/1990 on companies, and, according to another opinion, it is applicable only to the simple company, the author advocates and argues his own opinion. According to the author’s opinion, the tacit extension of the duration of the company may occur in case of simple company (without legal personality), regulated by the new Civil Code, but also in cases of stock company and company limited by shares (companies with legal personality), regulated by the Law No 31/1990 (a special law in relation to the new Civil Code). On the contrary, the author considers that the text of Article 1931 of the new Civil Code is incompatible with the legal regime of the general partnership, of the company limited by shares and of the limited liability company (companies with legal personality regulated by the same special law), because, otherwise, the legal rule by which it is recognized to the personal creditors of the associates in these companies the right to opposition to the extension of the duration of the legal person would be eluded.
  • This study aims to briefly analyze the promise of sale with the three forms in which the promise is objectified: unilateral promise, bilateral promise, option pact. In the opinion of the author, the versions of the promise are separate legal entities, all preceeding the final contract, which can be regarded as preparatory stages of the final contract, in the process of its progressive elaboration. In the view of the Romanian legislator, but also of the dominant doctrine, the unilateral promise is essentially different from the option pact, contrary to the French doctrine and to a part of the Romanian doctrine. In the enforcement of the promise the author appreciates that the pronouncing of a judgment, which replaces the contract, is a way of exception of the enforcement in kind, not being possible for the court to substitute for the lack of consent for the final conclusion of the contract expressed in the form provided by law for the final act, of any of the parties. Therefore, in essence, the principle of contractual freedom shall prevail over the principle of its binding force.
  • According to Article 247 of the Law No 187/2012 for the implementation of the Law No 286/2009, the Criminal Code entered into force on 1 February 2014. The new Criminal Code provides four articles for the regulation of the application of the criminal law in time: Article 3 refers to the principle of the activity of the criminal law, Article 4 regulates the retroactivity of the criminal law of decriminalization, Article 5 is devoted to the application of the most favourable criminal law before the final judgment of the case, Article 6 concerns the application of the most favourable criminal law after the final judgment of the case, and Article 7 is reserved to the application in time of the temporary criminal law. Throughout this study the author presents and explains the new criminal rules regulating the application in time of criminal law.
  • Throughout this study the author intends to emphasize some innovative aspects introduced by the new Criminal Procedure Code concerning the criminal prosecution stage, and also some legal provisions insufficiently conceptualized and corroborated with the regulation in its entirety. Aspects related to the referral and the jurisdiction of criminal prosecution bodies are analysed, as well as those pertaining to the beginning and progress of the criminal prosecution, and to the decision not to indict. The author also makes some proposals de lege ferenda meant, in his opinion, to remove or clarify those legal provisions which he appreciates as being contradictory.
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