  • The study has as subject olfactory pollution and it aims to outline first that this type of pollution is far from being a mere discomfort that most sensitive people feel acutely, because unpleasant odours, miasmas, are proof of some chemical substances with harmful effects on the human body. Then, the article shows that while the number of public complaints is steadily increasing, the regulations – national, foreign, European – still have a timid and anaemic nature. From the results of the researches it follows, first, that the olfactory pollution is related to the wider theme of air pollution, which as an essential element of life (and therefore to us people!) must meet a number of conditions expressed by: temperature, humidity, purity, chemical composition. These conditions must lie within the limits of tolerance of the human body and of existence of the fauna and flora; due to natural phenomena, as well as to human activities, in the modern society, air has undergone major changes materialized either in the change of concentration of some natural compounds or in the penetration of some elements unknown to this environment, radioactive substances, chemical substances resulting from human activities, the air thus becoming the „garbage dump” for all gas or gaseous wastes produced by the living. Therefore, we are talking about a polluted air, not just when it is manifested by the presence of substances other than the natural composition of the air, but also when their quantity makes it unsuitable for the fulfilment of its roles. Starting from here, for the specialists in different fields, the notion of „polluted air” will have different meanings; thus, for the physician, the air is polluted when the concentration of unknown substances reaches harmful levels for the human body, while for industrial technologist, concerned with corrosion, when the pollutants reach concentrations that alter the structure and operation of plants.
  • This study aims to debate the question of the moment when the prosecutor should address the preliminary chamber judge in view of ordering the safety measure of the special confiscation, a procedure provided by the provisions of Article 5491 of the Criminal Procedure Code, by reference to the moment of adoption of the processual solution of abandonment of the criminal prosecution, according to Article 318 of the Criminal Procedure Code. As a result of a non-unitary judicial practice, the author elaborates a few theses to decrypt the relevant provisions, he emphasizes the lack of uniformity of the judicial solutions and offers a way of settlement of the legal problem under dispute, which is perfectible.
  • The present study addresses a topic surrounded by increasing heated debate in the Romanian legal jurisprudence, namely the legal regime of the exception of unconstitutionality and the impact of such legal instrument on ensuring the constitutional order. The first part of the study explores the citizens’ access to constitutional justice, as designed both in the American model and in the European model. Further, the solution adopted in the Romanian constitutional system, as part of the European model of constitutional justice, is outlined. The analysis subsequently deepens the configuration of the a posteriori constitutional review in terms of setting forth the distribution of attributions with respect to this type of review as well as the nature, content, effects, and legal regime of referrals to the Constitutional Court of Romania dealing with exceptions of unconstitutionality.
  • The paper aims to bring some clarifications regarding the typicality as an essential feature of the offence, as it is reflected in Article 15 of the Criminal Code. In fact, the paper begins by noticing that the typicality or providing the deed in the criminal law was the first of the essential features of the offence identified by the representatives of the Classical School. At the same time, it notes that, if initially typicality included only the objective requirements of the offence, now it is admitted to have a wider content, including both objective and subjective elements, as well as anti-judiciality elements. Through his study, the author brings some doctrinal explanations about the notion of typicality.
  • In this study, the authors express a critical opinion referring to the content of the Law No 212/2018 amending and supplementing the Law on administrative disputes No 554/2004 and other normative acts. The amendment of the Law No 554/2004 was determined by the overcrowding of the administrative disputes courts with such litigations and, hence, the need to rethink the provisions of the framework-law in the matter, especially as regards the competence and some procedural aspects. However, the analysis carried out showed that between the objectives assumed by the author of the Law No 212/2018 and the final result, namely the actual content of this new regulation, there is no compatibility and harmony. Many of the provisions of the new law are matters of drafting or of legislative technique, which does not affect the content of the normative act and does not meet the alleged need to rationalize the settlement of these litigations. Secondly, the study emphasizes the lack of foundation of some of the solutions promoted by the Law No 212/2018 and has regard, in particular, to the manner in which the litigations concerning the administrative contracts will be settled in the future. Thus, according to the Law No 212/2018, the litigations regarding the performance of these contracts will be settled by the ordinary courts, and the other litigations, which concern the conclusion, amendment and cessation of the administrative contracts, will be settled by the administrative disputes courts. The authors draw attention to the fact that this new regulation will create disturbances in practice, because litigious situations may arise that will equally concern both an amendment of the contract and the performance thereof. How will such cases be solved?
  • The study analyzes the land registry actions covered by the Decree-Law No 115/1938, by the Law No 7/1996 and by the new Civil Code, the conditions of admissibility of these actions, their features and their effects, the differences of legal regimes being also presented. Thus, the advertising system based on land registries has in its content, in addition to its specificity, which gives it superiority in relation to the former system of advertising through registers of transcriptions-inscriptions and civil actions regulated in order to satisfy this superiority and which are intended to facilitate the civil legal circuit within that system. Likewise, the study also analyzes the correlation of these actions with the civil action in performing a sale and purchase preliminary contract, identifying the specificity of the correlation in different historical periods. The specificity of the land registry actions is presented also from the perspective of the application of the civil law over time, evoking the incidence of a temporary law in this field.
  • The study is devoted to the institution of civil tort liability, namely the matter of reparable prejudices, with a special look at the special assumption of liability consisting in the damage to the right to one’s own image, as a right of the human personality. The analysis has as its starting point the presentation of a case-law solution, whereby the court has awarded civil damages for non-property prejudices caused by committing an illegal act, consisting in the launching, without the consent of the complainant, on a social networking site of wide circulation – Facebook, of a blog for public debates about his professional work, in which he has used his image, without obtaining prior consent. As objectives of our research, we have established the conditions for the reparable prejudices under the tort liability, followed by an analysis of the special liability assumption by bringing prejudice to the right to one’s own image, as right of personality. In the realization of the study, through the results obtained, we have found that this way of approaching the topic by presenting a case study followed by a doctrinal analysis can be a useful tool for theoreticians, but also for the practitioners of law, in achieving the topicality and complexity of the problems, from the perspective of the legal discourse of the controversial issues, as well as of the didactic one.
  • The study aims to analyze the particularities of the cases of resolution of the maintenance contract, a contract that has its own, express regulation in the new Civil Code, as novelty. Some of these cases of resolution are expressly indicated in Article 2263 of the new Civil Code, and for other cases reference is made to the application of express provisions specific to the life annuity contract. As novelty, the new Civil Code (Article 2255) provides for the conclusion of the maintenance contract in authentic form, under the sanction of absolute nullity, a modification with implications on the resolution of the contracts because the conditions of execution will be clearer. The study analyzes the cases of resolution, which are the specific aspects and effects of the resolution of the maintenance contract. The analysis of the cases of resolution of the maintenance contract is made by identifying some relations and delimitations against the life annuity contract. The article examines whether the resolution is a cause of cessation of the contract or a sanction for the non-performance of the contract without justification, the last solution being the suitable one.
  • Arbitration is an alternative private jurisdiction to the State jurisdiction, in order to settle civil litigations. The private character of this jurisdiction is marked by the decisive role of the autonomy of will of the parties in the organization and conduct of arbitration, in the establishment of the arbitral tribunal, in which the arbitrators nominated by the parties are not designated by a public authority or by a public institution. The arbitrary source of the arbitration merges with the judicial nature conferred by the judgment pronounced, which enjoys the authority of res judicata and is executed in exactly the same way as any judgment pronounced by a state court. As a result, arbitration has a dual, contractual nature, through its source, and jurisdictional, through the judgment pronounced. In the present study several objectives have been pursued on the subject discussed, namely establishing the legal nature of the arbitral jurisdiction, the types of arbitration convention and its role, the elements of convergence between the arbitration clause and compromise, the formal requirements of the arbitration convention, its limits and the consequences and the exceptions from these limits in terms of trial, the conditions of validity of the arbitration convention, its effects and its effectiveness, the causes of cessation of the arbitration convention.
  • Article 322 section 5, second phrase of the (Romanian) Code of Civil Procedure provides that review of a final and binding decision in the Appellate Court or non-appealed and of a ruling passed by a court of last resort upon merits called forth may be requested „whether, following the rendering of the decision, a court order which grounded the decision under review claimed was abated or amended.” The author, in light of the practice of the European Court of Human Rights, considers that the purport should be interpreted narrowly. Accordingly, the scope of Article 322 section 5, second phrase of the (Romanian) Code of Civil Procedure may cover uncertified court orders exclusively (referred to as binding) because only these can be amended / abated under appeal or recourse, and not judgments passed within right of review procedures such as review or appeal for annulment, on account of complying with the principle of legal certainty.
  • This study is dedicated to the Special Part of the Criminal Procedure Code, in terms of the amendments brought by Law No. 202/2010, with reference to criminal prosecution, judgment on the merits, ordinary and extraordinary means of challenge, enforcement decisions or special judgment procedures. The study contains equally an analysis of the new regulations introduced in the field of recourse in the interest of the law. The text comments concerning the referral of the case to another Prosecutor’ Office, the information of the next hearing date, the judgment in case of admittance of guilt, the limits of the recourse judgment, the procedure in case of review can be indicated as examples. For an easier understanding of the study, the sequence of the analyzed legal regulations complies with both the structure of the Criminal Procedure Code, and with the chronology of the texts of the amending laws. Otherwise, given the fact that the work is especially addressing practitioners in criminal law and in criminal procedural law and given the fact that, for reasons of economy of the publishing space, the amended or amending texts were only rarely and partially reproduced, authors believe that the latter should be concomitantly available for a complete understanding of the study. With special reference to the contents of the second part of the study, emphasis needs to be placed on the fact that the work tried to highlight both the progressive and positively innovating provisions in the criminal procedure, and certain errors, non-compliances or legislative omissions or potential lack of correlation with the constitutional provisions. CUMPĂRĂ ACUM
  • Government Emergency Ordinance No. 71/2009, serially amended and supplemented by Government Emergency Ordinances Nos. 18/2010 and 45/2010 established that Court decisions that became enforceable until December 31, 2009 and that concern salary rights to the benefit of the personnel from the budgetary sector shall be paid by budgetary authorities and institutions as follows: 34% in 2012; 33% in 2013; 33% in 2014, of the value of the enforceable title. The author considers that Government Emergency Ordinance No. 71/2009 (as amended and supplemented) does not infringe Protocol No. 1 to the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, as well as the applicable jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights.
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