  • The article examines from a theoretical point of view and from a practical perspective the rules regulating the ancillary punishment and the complementary punishments, presenting the aspects of continuity and the novelties brought by the criminal provisions in the field.
  • The article deals with the legal regime of the convict’s money, their sources of origin and the destinations for their use during detention, in the Romanian criminal law and jurisprudence, bringing to light some proposals aimed at improving the situation of some categories of detainees in a state of economic precariousness. The objectives of the article are to determine the content of the notion of convict’s money in the current Romanian legislation, their sources of origin and the destinations for their use during detention, as well as to determine whether the current Romanian legislation complies with the requirements of the international instruments and whether the chosen legislative solutions are similar to those in other European states. The results show that the notion of prisoner’s money should include the money due to the convicted for the work done in prison, the sums received from natural or legal persons during detention and the amounts found upon them at the arrival in the penitentiary. It can be concluded that the amounts of money shown in the nominal account can be used for extinguishing the civil obligations established by the criminal conviction decision, without violating the rights of the detainees to receive, buy and possess goods, the right to telephone conversations, the right to petition and correspondence, the right to food, personal hygiene, the right to photocopy documents from the individual file and the right to medical treatment. The results also show that the present Romanian legislation regarding prisoner’s money complies with the international rules, such as the „Nelson Mandela Rules”, the U.N. Convention against torture adopted in 1984, ECHR/the Convention or the European Penitentiary Rules REC (2006)2, and it is similar to the legislation of other European states, such as France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany or Austria, regarding the sources from which this money may be legally obtained, and the destinations for which this money may be used. In the case of those detainees who do not obtain income from work, it may be beneficial for a regulation to provide, within a reasonable limit, an exemption from the attachment of their money. For all inmates who do not have income, provisions should be made for the prison administration to bear, within a reasonable degree, the cost of national telephone calls made by convicts in order to keep in touch with their family. The implications are to clarify the issues discussed, facilitating a unitary practice, supported by solutions in the jurisprudence.
  • The definition of the legal guard of things and animals within Article 1377 of the Civil Code is one of the elements of novelty in our civil legislation, summarizing the most important features outlined over time in the doctrine and in the case-law. The study intends, starting from this definition, to present a selection of solutions and comments concerning the conditions of engaging the tort civil liability of the guardian, the transmission and the splitting up of the legal guard, as well as the causes which exonerate the guardian from its liability.
  • The regulation by the new Civil Code of the patrimonies by appropriation came as a necessity given the economic development of our society. The existence of the patrimony by appropriation was equally recognized by the former legislation, by way of specific provisions regarding the carrying out of certain liberal professions or economic activities. This paper is aimed at analysing specific aspects of the patrimonies by appropriation from the perspective of the liberal individual professional patrimony, as a patrimonial mass distinctively regulated by the new codification. The exercise of the authorized liberal professionals implies the existence of a professional patrimony that ensures the carrying out of activities that do not have an economic character. The formal recognition of the “self-employed” as a subject of tax law bearing specific tax liabilities, distinct from those incurred by this same person concerning his personal patrimony, could create the appearance of a “two-headed monster”, of two or more persons in one, of a person who is multiplying according to the number of patrimonies by appropriation that he holds. In fact, the possibility for an individual to carry out economic activities or liberal professions without setting up, to that effect, a legal entity with its own patrimony, does not require the use of the legal fiction of multiplying the person according to the needed number of patrimonies, as the modern doctrine concering the patrimony accepts both the uniqueness and the division of the patrimony into patrimonial masses and patrimonies by appropriation.
  • The article analyzes the specific references that an offence notice has to contain compulsorily, stating an offence of the regime of driving on public roads. Although the elements of the road traffic report shall be determined by the framework law in the contravention matter, respectively the Government Ordinance no. 2/2001, the specificity of the road traffic offenses require certain specific features of these notices, especially about the description way of the act recorded as an offence, about the legal classification of the offense and the application of additional sanctions.
  • The study addresses issues specific to the object of probation in appeal and emphasizes that, naturally, the object of the probation in appeal specializes as a result of the concrete manner in which there will operate the devolution determined by the holder of the legal remedy and the reasons on which it is based. At the same time, it is shown that formulating an request for evidence with a clear and concrete indication of the evidentiary thesis covered by each requested evidence is very important because only in this way it can be really made an assessment on the usefulness and on the relevance of that evidence. The author also emphasizes another reason why the indication of the evidentiary thesis is important, meaning that in its absence or in the case of indicating some generic theses the assessment on the legality of the evidence can be impeded and it is analyzed the situation of being requested to be heard as witnesses persons that are under the incidence of some legal norms that require them to maintain professional secrecy, such as magistrates or lawyers. All these arguments lead to the conclusion that a request for evidence made in appeal that hasn’t got concrete evidentiary theses indicated regarding each piece of evidence requested does not allow the assessment on the usefulness of the evidence by reference to the specialization of the object of probation at this phase of the criminal trial and, consequently, it should be dismissed by the court invested with the examination of the case.
  • The establishment of the European arrest warrant at the European Union level, which actually replaced extradition, is, without any doubt, an important success of the Member States in the fight against cross-border crime. The execution of a European arrest warrant by the relevant Romanian judicial authorities, in the case of cross-border crimes, involves several specificities of this type of crimes, with direct implications over the entire European judicial system. The specificities identified by the authors in the paper include the execution of the mandate, even when the double crime condition is not fulfilled, the possibility of the Romanian competent courts to order the execution of a European arrest warrant, even when the crime for which the execution is demanded does not have the same name as in Romanian, the possibility of the relevant Romanian court to order the execution of the European arrest warrant, even if the crime for which such execution is requested is not provided by the Romanian law, but the content of the crime provided by the Member State law has similarities with a crime provided by our legislation etc. The analysis also revealed certain aspects related to the need to amend and supplement the special law (and the European piece of legislation) that should in line with the European legislation in the field.
  • This paper aims to make an analysis of the judicial trials and applications related to the insolvency procedure, from the perspective of the subjects of law who have legal standing in these cases. Having in view general notions and principles of the lawsuit, as well as derogatory provisions provided by the current insolvency law, there have been analyzed relevant aspects referring to the notion of processual parties in these cases, the delimitation of the notion of participants in the insolvency procedure, the criteria for determining the parties and the subjects of law which may be parties in these cases. In relation to concrete applications, actions and contestations related to insolvency, there have been presented not only the manner in which participate in the trial the subjects of the procedure between which there are established litigious legal relations brought to justice (the debtor and the creditors), the judicial administrator and the judicial liquidator, but also the persons who, as they are not participants in the procedure, acquire processual legitimacy in certain determined litigations.
  • The study shows that Article 291 of the Criminal Procedure Code, with the marginal name „Referrals made by persons in management positions and by other persons”, provides a sui generis way of referral to the criminal prosecution bodies, separately from the complaint, denunciation and ex officio referral. It is appreciated that the text establishes an obligation to refer the matter to the criminal prosecution body, particularised by subject and object. The subject of this obligation is, among others, any person who exercises a service of public interest for which he has been entrusted by the public authorities. This description corresponds to the notion of civil servant, within the meaning of Article 175 (2) of the Criminal Code. The judge pertains to this category, by the fact that he exercises a service of public interest and by the fact that he has been entrusted by the public authorities to exercise it. Consequently, it is shown that subject of the obligation to refer the matter to the criminal prosecution body is an offence about the commission of which the judge has become aware in the exercise of his duties. The article also notes that Article 346 (7) of the Criminal Procedure Code is mandatory for the preliminary chamber judge, but the extent of this obligation is limited by the need to comply with Article 354 (2) of the Criminal Procedure Code. Thus: as a rule, the preliminary chamber judge who ordered the commencement of the trial has the obligation to join the composition of the judicial panel that exercises the judicial function; by way of exception, if the preliminary chamber judge that has ordered the commencement of the trial is prevented by an objective cause from joining the composition of the judicial panel, he may be replaced with another judge. The sanction of the violation of Article 346 (7) of the Criminal Procedure Code is the absolute nullity arising from the non-observance of the rules regarding the composition of the judicial panel. It is appreciated that absolute nullity is incidental, since Article 346 (7) of the Criminal Procedure Code is violated, in two hypotheses: the preliminary chamber judge who has ordered the commencement of the trial is not also the judge who exercises the judicial function, and this is not caused by any impediment; the preliminary chamber judge who ordered the commencement of the trial is not also the judge who exercises the judicial function, and this is caused by a non-objective impediment.
  • In this study, the two authors examine certain particularities of the commercial mandate contract existent between the managers of joint-stock companies and the given companies, with the specification that the term “managers”, in the above context, applies exclusively to the managers referred to under art. 143 paragraph 1 of Law no. 31/1990 regarding companies, republished on 17 November 2004 (those whom the Board of Directors delegated the management of the company and who, as the case may be, can be appointed among the directors or from outside the Board of Directors), and not to members of the directorate (existent in joint-stock companies organized in dual system) or to “specialized” managers, who are not representatives of the social will, but run certain specialized compartment.
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