The regulation of the profession of physiotherapist was made in Romania by the Law No 229/2016, which also established the College of Physiotherapists from Romania, as a professional organization, of public interest, having as object of activity the authorization, control and supervision of the exercise of profession of physiotherapist. In this article there are presented aspects regarding the outlining of the notions of physiotherapist/kinetotherapist, regarding the content and organization of the profession of physiotherapist by the new regulations, as a liberal profession of authorized public practice. In the present study it is analyzed the context in which it was adopted the Law No 229/2016, at a time when the status of the profession of physiotherapist was not regulated, at a time when the County Public Health Directorates issued authorizations for free practice which authorized persons licensed in other fields (physical training and sports), there are emphasized the current conditions for issuing the free practice authorization for physiotherapists. The study presents aspects regarding the recognition of the diplomas and qualifications at European level and the mobility of the profession of physiotherapist, as well as aspects related to the introduction of a European professional card and to the possibility of issuing the certificate of conformity. There are presented aspects concerning the compensatory measures designed to eliminate the important differences in programs specific to physiotherapy. In his activity, the physiotherapist must comply with the Code of Ethics of the Physiotherapist and the Status of the College of Physiotherapists from Romania. Elements of novelty regarding the malpractice in physiotherapy are presented, with connections to the experience gained in the sphere of medical malpractice, including with references to the subjective foundation of the civil liability of the medical staff.
In this study the authors intended to investigate the procedural rules specific to the judicial control of the acts issued by the public authorities in the matter of restitution of properties taken over by the State during the communist regime, as well as the processual guarantees enjoyed by the persons concerned for the effective exercise of the right to a fair trial and the right to respect the goods regulated by Article 6 paragraph 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights and, respectively, Article 1 of Protocol No 1 to the Convention. During this scientific process, the authors have identified the shortcomings of the legislation in the matter and have formulated de lege ferenda proposals for complying with the Pilot-Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the Case Maria Atanasiu and others against Romania, whereby it has been decided that the Romanian State takes measures to guarantee the effective protection of these rights. The proposed legislative amendments have as purpose to re-open access to justice for the eligible persons, in compliance with the requirements of ECHR law, in the cases where public authorities refuse to resolve their requests for restitution of buildings abusively taken over by the State.
In this article, the author analyzes the legal nature of the Constitutional Court, a political jurisdictional authority of jurisdiction, whose role consists mainly in controlling the constitutionality of laws and of other acts adopted by the Romanian Parliament and by the Government. The Constituent Assembly of 1991 opted for the institutionalization of the European model of constitutional jurisdiction, according to which a body independent in relation to the powers of the State assumes the role of guarantor of the supremacy of the Constitution. The constituent legislators have preferred to abandon the control of the constitutionality of laws enforced by the supreme court, which was established by the Fundamental Law of 1923. In the constitutional architecture of the Romanian State, designed after the change of the political regime at the end of 1989, the Constitutional Court is a political-jurisdictional body whose legal nature derives from the way in which it is organized and structured, as well as from the attributions conferred to it by the Constitution. At the same time, the Constitutional Court also appears as a regulating body of the public authorities with governing powers in the state, which it obliges, through its decisions, to return to the constitutional legality. The author highlights both the political and the judicial nature of the Constitutional Court and shows that there must be a balance between the two essential characteristics of this public authority, in order for it to fulfil its constitutional role in a complete independence and impartiality and not to transform itself into a political tool for solving the relations between powers, especially between the legislative power and the executive power, which should benefit to one or another of the political actors.
The administration of evidence necessarily implies that the evidence is first proposed and produced (submitted) by the parties and then approved by the court. The legislator of the Civil Procedure Code instituted a regime of evidence renewed in its spirit and in its formal expression, devoting, in addition to the general provisions on the administration of evidence (Articles 260–263 of the Civil Procedure Code), also some provisions specific to the administration of evidence by written documents (Articles 292–300 of the Civil Procedure Code), as well as to the conduct of the procedures for verification of documents (Articles 301–308 of the Civil Procedure Code). As a rule, the production (submission) of the documents takes place voluntarily, under the terms and conditions set by law. However, in some cases, the documents relating to the pending trial are not produced voluntarily, whereas their presentation in court could have consequences for those who hold them or for their spouse, kin or relatives. The attitude of the person who holds the document not to produce it voluntarily may have different motives: family secret, business secret, confidentiality, strictly personal matters about the dignity or private life of a person, etc. In other cases, bringing written documents to court would be too expensive or the documents would be too voluminous or numerous. In such cases, the justice of the dialogue will prevail. From the correlation of the provisions of the final sentence of Article 22 (2) with those of Article 254 (2), Article 254 (5) of the Civil Procedure Code, it appears that the legislator draws attention to the cooperation which must exist between the judge and the parties, as regards the evidence of facts, without thereby understanding that the judge substitutes the parties, automatically filling the passivity of the party either a claimant, or a defendant
The final table of claims is the result of the expiration of the time limit for contestations, without such a contestation being lodged or, as the case may be, the outcome of the solutions given by the courts after the examination of the contestations. In the final table there may be entered also the current claims, at the request of their holders, and this can no longer be contested for the usual reasons for which the preliminary table could be challenged. Instead, in compliance with Article 113 of the Law No 85/2014, the final table may be contested by any party concerned (so, not only by debtors or creditors), throughout the procedure (so not just 7 days after the publication of the preliminary table in BIP) for the discovery of a forgery, of a fraud or for an essential error in the drawing up of the table or for the discovery of some decisive titles, previously unknown (called, in practice, brevitatis causa „contestation for essential error”). We have pointed out that the current regulation reiterated the error in Article 75 of the old Insolvency Law No 85/2006, whereas it only refers to the recording in the table, and not to the omission to record in the table, when it regulates the objective of the contestation. Posting of the definitive table is an important landmark in the procedure, since a 30-day period is running therefrom during which a draft reorganization plan must be proposed, under the sanction of bankruptcy. The preliminary table of claims contains all claims accepted by the judicial administrator, as a result of the verification made under Article 106 of the Law. The claims arising before the opening of proceedings are recorded therein, both the ones overdue and the ones not due, pure and simple or conditional ones, as well as those in dispute (if these are known to the judicial administrator).
Fără îndoială, după 2007, anul aderării României la Uniunea Europeană, unul din avantajele preluării în sistemul juridic național a unui set de reguli care funcționa de mai bine de 30 de ani la nivelul statelor membre ale Uniunii ar fi putut fi evitarea erorilor și disfuncționalităților care au marcat evoluția acestor reguli. Era de așteptat ca în materia achizițiilor publice erorile de aplicare a reglementărilor, care au fost corectate pe parcurs de Curtea de Justiție a Uniunii Europene, să nu mai fie reluate în aplicarea acestor reglementări în sistemul național. Cu toate acestea, de o manieră relativ nespectaculoasă, practica în materia achizițiilor publice reia o serie de erori legate de calificarea contractelor supuse directivelor în materie, deși acestea au fost clarificate de jurisprudența Curții de Justiție a Uniunii Europene.
In the present study we have proceeded to analyze the text of Article 318 of the Criminal Procedure Code, in the light of the judicial practice in the matter. We also insisted on presenting some malfunctions in the application of the provisions of Article 318 (16) the 2nd sentence of the Criminal Procedure Code, provisions which in their essence prohibit the case prosecutor to adopt a solution to abandon criminal prosecution in the event that this solution was initially rejected by the preliminary chamber judge. The provision in question is all the more controversial as it is mentioned even therein this prohibition irrespective of the reason invoked, which leads to the conclusion that the solution to abandon criminal prosecution can no longer be ordered by the prosecutor, even if the evidence administered show that its adoption is required. In this context, the provisions criticized seem to be unconstitutional, because by applying them, the prosecutor is obliged by the legislator to violate several provisions of the Constitution, among which there is the principle of legality.
This paper has as objectives the analysis of the possibility to raise requests and exceptions in the procedure of confirmation of the solution to abandon the criminal prosecution, in relation to the exigences given by the right to a fair trial to which the suspect or defendant should be entitled. The study relates to the functional competence of the preliminary chamber judge and has as purpose to express the considerations for which the same procedure should be applied also in the processual course of the confirmation of the solution to abandon criminal prosecution. From this perspective, we will also analyze the competence to verify the legality of the administration of evidence by the criminal prosecution bodies in the light of its significances. At the same time, we will find out if the Decision of the Constitutional Court No 802/2017, by which the constitutional contentious court has enshrined the principle of the freedom of evidence in the preliminary chamber phase, should be applied also in the procedure of confirmation of the solution to abandon the criminal prosecution, before the preliminary chamber judge, in order to allow that it should be administered any means of evidence referring to the legality and loyalty of conducting criminal prosecution acts and the administration of evidence.
In this article, the author analyzes the legal nature of the parliamentary committees and concludes, together with other authors, that they should be considered as internal working bodies of each Legislative Chamber. The role of parliamentary committees, whether standing committees or committees of inquiry, or other special committees, is to prepare the works which are going to be debated in the plenum of the Legislative Assemblies. As working bodies, the parliamentary committees do not have their own decision-making power over the matter referred to them. In other words, the parliamentary committees do not express a political will, in a deliberative sense, because their role is to examine the matters referred to them by the standing bureaux of the Legislative Chambers and to make proposals thereto. The reports and opinions they make on the matters under examination have the value of recommendation made to the plenum of each Legislative Chamber, these being free – as deliberative bodies – to accept or reject the solutions proposed by the committees. Each Chamber of Parliament has the full freedom to set up specialized committees in certain areas of activity. The Constitution obliges the Legislative Chambers to set up permanent committees and to set up – when it deems necessary – committees of inquiry or other special committees. The composition of the parliamentary committees reflects, as far as possible, the political configuration of the Chamber that has decided to set them up.
In this article the author analyses who can have active and passive quality in administrative contentious disputes according to the provisions of Law No 554/2004 of administrative contentious, as amended by Law No 212/2018 for amending and completing the Law on administrative contentious No 554/2004 and other normative acts. The article highlights the correlations existing between the Law of administrative contentious, the Civil Code and the Civil Procedure Code in the subject matter. The article provides solutions to many practical problems.
On the background of some possible controversies, the rational interpretation of Article 56 (4) of the Labour Code involves the solution according to which the conclusion of an independent individual labour contract does not take place, but the initially concluded contract of the employee is extended, with the approval of the employer. As a result, the cessation by law of the contract takes place at the time when one of the time limits agreed upon is reached: one, two or maximum three years.
The authentic document is the document drawn up or, as the case may be, received and authenticated by a public authority, by the notary public or by another person invested by the state with public authority. Likewise, any other document issued by a public authority and to which the law confers this character is authentic. In other words, in order to be qualified as „authenticated document”, a document must meet the following requirements: a) be drawn up or, where appropriate, received and authenticated by a public authority, a notary public or by another person invested by the state with public authority; b) the instrumenting agent must be competent from material and territorial point of view to instrument the document; c) to be drawn up in compliance with the formalities required by law or, as the legislator specifies, „in the form and under the conditions established by law”. The legislator devotes the field of authenticity to the document, specifying the elements which relate to authenticity, namely: establishing the identity of the parties; expressing their consent about their content; the signature of the parties and the date of the document [Article 269 (1) second sentence of the Civil Procedure Code, Article 90 (2) of the Law No 36/1995]. The signature of the public servant confers authenticity to the document on which it is given. It follows that it falls into the field of authenticity what the instrumenting agent finds ex propriis sensibus. The document which by its form and appearance (the signature of the public notary or the public servant, the seal of the authority, the registration number, etc.) has the aspect of an authentic document drawn up regularly enjoys the presumption of authenticity and validity, and the contesting party can only fight against it by means of the procedure of registration of forgery.