  • Abuzul în serviciu este reglementat în Codul penal în vigoare ca una dintre infracțiunile de serviciu în art. 297 C.pen. El nu reprezintă o noutate legislativă, având corespondent în art. 246–2481 C.pen. 1969. Se poate afirma astfel că, deși comportamentul corespunzător tipicității infracțiunii de abuz în serviciu avea reflectare în legislație de foarte multă vreme, nu au fost constatate de-a lungul activității normelor de incriminare aspecte de neconstituționalitate. Cu toate acestea, prin Decizia nr. 405/20161, Curtea Constituțională a României a constatat următoarele: caracterul neconstituțional al prevederii din art. 297 C.pen., precum și al celei din art. 246 C.pen. 1969 încalcă prevederile constituționale ale art. 1 alin. (5), întrucât sintagma „îndeplinește în mod defectuos” nu prevede în mod expres elementul în legătură cu care defectuozitatea este analizată2.
  • Prin Rechizitoriul din data de 18 octombrie 2013, procurorul din cadrul Parchetului de pe lângă Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție – Secția de Combatere a Infracțiunilor Conexe Infracțiunilor de Corupție a dispus trimiterea în judecată a inculpaților: M.J. pentru săvârșirea infracțiunii prevăzute și pedepsite de art. 132 din Legea nr. 78/2000 raportat la art. 248 C.pen. 1969, P.C. pentru complicitate la săvârșirea infracțiunii prevăzute și pedepsite de art. 132 din Legea nr. 78/2000 raportat la art. 248 C.pen. 1969 și Z.P. pentru complicitate la săvârșirea infracțiunii prevăzute și pedepsite de art. 132 din Legea nr. 78/2000 raportat la art. 248 C.pen. 1969.
  • This study aims to present the main amendments that were brought to the Labour Code in France by the Law No 1088/2016. The emphasizing of these amendments seems to be a relevant one, given the many similarities between the French and Romanian labour legislation and also the fact that even France, which had a traditional labour legislation, has amended it for the purpose of rendering more flexible labour relations. In order to emphasize the amendments brought, the study contains a few comparative references also with regard to the regulation existing until the adoption of this normative act. As a fundamental guideline, the rights of employers are increased, but there are also regulations favourable to the employees. A change of vision is noticed with regard to the roles of the sources of labour law, for the purpose of bringing to the foreground the collective bargaining at the level of unit, to the detriment of the legal norms and of the conventional norms at level of branch of activity.
  • Following the observations submitted to the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Case C-69/14 Târșia1, EUCJ gave, on 6 October 2015, a preliminary ruling, which held that: the Union law, in particular the principles of equivalence and effectiveness, must be interpreted as not precluding, in circumstances such as those in the dispute in the main proceedings, a national court from not having the opportunity to review a final judgment delivered within civil proceedings, in case this judgment proves to be incompatible with an interpretation of the European Union law retained by the Court of Justice of the European Union subsequently to the date on which the mentioned judgment became final, even if there is such a possibility in respect of final judgments incompatible with the European Union law, delivered within some administrative proceedings.
  • In case of admission of the extraordinary remedy of the contestation for annulment, based on the provisions of Article 426 b) of the Criminal Procedure Code (the defendant has been convicted, although there was evidence of a cause of cessation of the criminal trial), declared exclusively by the convicted person, the court proceeds to rehearing the ordinary remedy of the appeal, in compliance with the principle of non-aggravation of the legal situation of the convicted person, as well as by taking into account, where relevant, the principle of application of the more favourable criminal law in order to calculate the date on which the special prescription period for criminal liability expired.
  • The objective of this short study is to answer a question: is there today a „contraventional law”, as a result of the fragmentation of the administrative law? Assuming the answer is affirmative, we must establish whether the contraventional law itself faces today a process of fragmentation, i.e. if we can talk, for example, about a road contraventional law, a contraventional law of competition, a fiscal contraventional law, etc.
  • Separately from the assumption that the public authority has issued with a delay the answer to the application of the person concerned, in the administrative practice there is a situation which, due to its frequency, is likely to become a real phenomenon of the silence of the administration. It concerns the inaction of the administration that, separately from the classic situation represented by the passivity to answer to the applications of individuals, lies in its omission to act in the exercise of its legal competence or of the competence imposed by the administration itself, in this latter situation discussed a genuine „ex officio” inaction/silence, which in other countries not only is recognized, but it even benefits from a separate regulatory framework. Or, this assumption of the administration’s omission to act in order to carry out its legal competences or those established „ex officio” does not benefit in the Romanian law by a normative framework that would allow it to be challenged in the administrative disputes court, which determined us to also make a de lege ferenda proposal appeared from the undertaken analysis.
  • This paper aims to provide an analysis of the assignment of claim established by a nominative title, promissory note or bearer bond from the perspective of the regulation offered by the current Civil Code, with reference to the special laws that establish the legal status of these titles, including the conditions of their transmission. Thus, the analysis of the general provisions contained in the Civil Code had in view the opinions expressed in the specialised doctrine, both the one prior to the entry into force of the current Civil Code and the latest doctrine, as well as the provisions included in the special laws applicable in the matter.
  • Websites are part of our everyday lives, giving us access to information in all areas, old or new, short or complex, original or processed, but few people who are accessing websites know that the latter also have a „memory”: they are able to remember exactly who has accessed them, from what location they have been accessed and which were the preferences of the author. This memorization manifests itself by cookies – small size files that are stored on a user’s computer at the time when the latter uses the Internet network. They are created when the browser on the user’s computer loads a particular website. The user’s computer system accumulates a multitude of personal data as cookies, whose tasks are to identify the user’s person for an easier interaction with a website, this leading of a state of insecurity, invasion, violation of his own world – ultimately of the private life.
  • The archaeological sites – material forms of our past – are a finite and non-renewable resource of knowledge of our history, in a constant state of vulnerability to external factors that can lead to their irretrievable loss. Among these factors, the most destructive one that can be distinguished is the phenomenon of archaeological poaching as a source of supply to the national and international art markets. The illegal trafficking of cultural goods, often also involving activities of laundering of money or even of terrorism, is a widespread phenomenon worldwide. In order to fight it, the real protection offered to archaeological sites and museums, as well as ensuring the effectiveness of the instruments of international cooperation are the most effective means for defending the national cultural heritage.
  • The purpose of this paper is to offer the reader a brief incursion in the procedure of expropriation for cause of public utility, necessary to achieve some objectives of national, county and local interest, as it is regulated by the Law No 255/2010, as amended and supplemented. In this regard, the paper contains references to the relevant national case law, but also to the Norms of application of the Law No 255/2010, as well as to the applicable civil processual provisions, where appropriate.
  • Present in the Romanian Criminal Code (Article 356), with ancient tradition of incrimination, the contamination of water makes the transition from the offences against public health to those concerning the environmental protection, meaning that, although being, in principle, a hazard offence, it involves an immediate result (harmful nature). This situation creates a series of difficulties in practice, including in terms of evidence, as it arises from the recent case law, a fact that requires a series of clarifications.
  • This study deals with aspects related to the procedure of recourse in cassation, which involves two stages: the admissibility in principle, which plays the role of a filter of recourses in cassation, and the examination of the recourse in cassation after the admission in principle. There are presented the effects of the recourse and the solutions that can be given for its settlement, underlining their lack of correlation with the cases of recourse in cassation, where appropriate, in the light of the decisions of the High Court of Cassation and Justice. Likewise, the decisions of the Constitutional Court and the legislative amendments operated so far concerning the trial procedure of the recourse in cassation will be considered.
  • The matter of personal data was subjected to review, in order to adapt the dynamics of the new technologies to the imperatives for protecting personal life. Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Directive (EU) 2016/680 have as their object the personal data processing operations and reflect the process of adaptation to the new national and cross-border realities, and also reflect the harmonization of the numerous proposals formulated, particularly by companies and by the representatives of the civil society. The analysis concerns the new Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and is divided as follows: the first part delineates the relevant provisions of the personal data, identifies the right to privacy and the right to the protection of personal data, as fundamental rights of individuals, outlines the scope of the Regulation, details the terminology aspects and exposes the personal data processing principles; the second part addresses the rights of the persons concerned and the obligations of professionals in handling the personal data, the international data transfer, control authorities and procedures envisaged in the interstate cooperation.
  • As a legal instrument of applying the principle of prevention, fundamental to environment law, preliminary authorizing polluting activities consists of an administrative act (permit) ruled by a special legal regime. It is based on assessing the environmental impact, it knows a special request, management and issuing procedure, and it establishes the conditions and/or parameters of functioning for an existing or new activity, having a potentially significant environmental impact. As an individual, real, regulatory act, the environmental authorization bears a complex version, in the shape of the integrated environmental authorization.
  • This study deals from a theoretical point of view with the offence of conflict of interests in the light of its new regulation by the provisions of Article 301 of the Criminal Code. It also has in view some decisions of the Constitutional Court and of the High Court of Cassation and Justice which bring clarifications and simultaneously place on a constitutional path the legal text mentioned above. Within the paper it is also made a comparative analysis between the criminal incrimination of the conflict of interests and other provisions covering administrative aspects of this notion.
  • The Regulation (EU) 2016/679 provides a special protection regime for the sensitive data, given the nature of the information and the high risk of processing it in relation to the rights and freedoms of individuals. The regulation of the rights of the persons concerned is considerably improved, and the set of obligations incumbent for those responsible is strengthened. The international transfer of personal data knows several methods, depending on the existence of the decision concerning the adequate protection level or the presence of the appropriate guarantees. Among the novelty elements we can find the creation (at national level) of a unique contact point and the establishment of the European Committee for data protection (body of the Union, with legal personality).
  • In the absence of technical basis, the two criticized normative acts, through the refusal of the legislature to consider the reactions of all actors involved and relevant institutions, the legislature has transformed the principles of law and rules of law into abstract and worthless rules that can be violated at any time. The intervention of the Constitutional Court through its two decisions (Decision No 623/2016 and Decision No 62/2017) restored legal order, which was seriously violated by these acts.
  • The idea of this study has been suggested to us by the phrase the subjective right to contract, used in the name and the content of an article relatively recently published in „Dreptul” magazine. Wishing to find out how it was motivated from a logical-legal viewpoint and what such a subjective right involves, we read the article but, to our surprise, we have noticed the lack of any action in this respect. The aspects that have drawn our attention have become reasons why we have decided to try to substantiate some logical-legal solutions regarding some legal notions or phrases, in relation to which the author of the article refrained from arguing her own options, such as the subjective right, the subjective right to contract and the good faith in relation to bad faith.
  • The rule of issuing urban planning permits (building or demolition permits) under the reserve of respecting the civil rights of third parties has two important consequences. First, it makes it clear that this sort of administrative permit does not affect the rights of the third parties; second, it means that the subsequent civil right is not taken into consideration in the management of the file and the issuing of the permits. The said permits solely assure the respect of urban planning law, excluding private law obligations and servitudes.
  • The question of law to which the present paper intends to provide an answer concerns the processual remedy whereby it is intended to put an end to the effects of a precautionary measure taken by the prosecutor in the course of the criminal prosecution, in the particular assumption that, in the course of enforcement of the criminal judgment, the prejudice caused by committing the offence is recovered otherwise than by the realisation of assets subject to that measure. From the legal regulation of the matter of precautionary measures in the criminal trial it follows that there are three processual remedies whereby it is intended to put an end to the effects of a precautionary measure, in general: the contestation against the act of taking the precautionary measure, the contestation against the manner of carrying out the precautionary measure, the application for lifting the precautionary measure. Among these, the application for lifting the precautionary measure is the processual remedy specific for the assumption which we are analysing. The former defendant must file an application having as object to lift the precautionary measure, legally grounded on Article 957 (1) of the Civil Procedure Code. It will be addressed to the civil court and will be solved according to the procedure provided by the legislative text to which we referred. The civil court is the one that will verify the fulfilment of the condition that the debtor (the former defendant) gives an satisfactory guarantee.
  • The issue of the correct determination of the moment when it begins to run the time limit for declaring the contestation for the prosecutor against the interlocutory judgments by which the judge orders the rejection of the proposal of preventive arrest or of house arrest, the revocation of the preventive measure or the replacement of the preventive measure with a slighter measure has a particular importance given that it will also mark the moment when this processual right of the prosecutor will cease, under the terms of Article 268 of the Criminal Procedure Code. As we will show in the arguments offered in our paper, the criminal processual provisions do not provide for a distinction as to the moment when the time limit for declaring the contestation begins to run as the prosecutor or the processual subjects were present or absent when the judgment was pronounced, but provide expressis verbis such a distinction between the prosecutor and the processual subjects in this respect, the only rigorously correct interpretation is the one showing that, always in the matter of preventive measures, the time limit for declaring the contestation begins to run from the pronouncement of the judgment in relation to the prosecutor, whether or not he was present at the time of pronouncement.
  • One of the forms under which it is presented the right of joint ownership on forced quota-shares is represented, in the conception of the legislator that has created the current Civil Code, also by the periodic ownership. Placing this form of joint ownership within the joint ownership on forced quota-shares is the creation of the legislator, but it is not sheltered from criticism. Among the issues raised by the regulation of the periodic ownership in Articles 687–691 of the Civil Code is also the obligation of compensation and the exclusion, legal provisions upon which the authors of this study have insisted. The provisions of Article 691 of the Civil Code are criticizable both in the way they are formulated and in respect of the effects that the legislator has pursued.
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