  • Rome was an example of universal state becoming the strongest state of the European antiquity, remaining however in the collective memory as a mechanism that worked perfectly, determined by the Roman law system that distinguished itself by the high degree of abstraction, by the lapidary logical constructions, as well as by a perfect legislative technique. It is unanimously acknowledged that the Roman law has not remained a mere historical document, continuing to directly influence subsequent regulatory systems, proving both its viability and its living spirit. This has lead to the suggestive assertion in the specialized doctrine that „although the kingdom of the Roman people has perished, the kingdom of Roman law still lives”1, and at a brief analysis it can be established that the Roman juridical way of thinking is present in the system of the European modern legislative construction.
  • In the absence of an express legal obligation that obliges the data controller to prevent conflicts of interests in its organization, there were often raised in the judicial practice problems related to the existence of a legitimate purpose of data controllers in Romania to process the personal data of the candidates within a process of recruiting the future employees, respectively their family members, affiliates or even close persons, namely of the actual possibility to comply the data controller’s obligation to inform the data subject, being whether a candidate or a person close to them. The same problems arise also in case a potential or actual conflict of interests occurs during the execution of an individual employment contract, thus while the data subject is employed by the data controller. This study therefore seeks to expose the main issues related to the fulfilment of the legal requirements applicable to personal data processing operations performed for the purpose of managing conflicts of interests both in the public sector and in the private sector, aiming at ascertaining the existence of a legitimate purpose, of the legal basis applicable to such a process in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), but also the rights of the data subject, respectively the data controller’s obligations
  • The consent of the patient is a legal consent and therefore it has to comply with all the validity conditions thereof. Among these, the condition of the capacity of exercise of the minor patient benefits from a special regulation by Article 661, the 2nd sentence of the Law No 95/2006. The present study intends to analyze these special provisions, by corroborating them with the regulations applicable to the legal representatives of the minor and by reference to the common law in the matter of capacity of exercise, for the purpose of accomplishing the finality of the legal provisions (protected access to the medical service) and of avoiding some blockage situations, generated by a bureaucratic interpretation.
  • În acest număr al revistei publicăm două interesante studii semnate de eruditul dascăl de drept civil Dimitrie Alexandresco în publicația „Curierul judiciar” din 28 mai 1900 și, respectiv, de profesorul Vintilă Dongoroz, în aceeași revistă, nr. 11/1942. În primul articol, profesorul Dimitrie Alexandresco abordează o temă de drept internațional privat, și anume efectele gestiunii de afaceri în situația în care aceasta este încheiată pentru a-și produce efectele într-o altă țară decât cea de care aparțin părțile. Profesorul Alexandresco răspunde la întrebarea: „Care este legea după care se vor aprecia condițiile intrinseci de validitate și efectele acestui cvasi-contract?”. În al doilea articol, profesorul Vintilă Dongoroz prezintă o problemă de drept procesual penal referitoare la cererea de strămutare pentru legitimă suspiciune a unei cauze penale aflate în faza de cercetare la judecătorul de instrucție.
  • În acest număr al revistei publicăm două interesante studii semnate de eruditul dascăl de drept civil Dimitrie Alexandresco în publicația „Curierul judiciar” din 28 mai 1900 și, respectiv, de profesorul Vintilă Dongoroz, în aceeași revistă, nr. 11/1942. În primul articol, profesorul Dimitrie Alexandresco abordează o temă de drept internațional privat, și anume efectele gestiunii de afaceri în situația în care aceasta este încheiată pentru a-și produce efectele într-o altă țară decât cea de care aparțin părțile. Profesorul Alexandresco răspunde la întrebarea: „Care este legea după care se vor aprecia condițiile intrinseci de validitate și efectele acestui cvasi-contract?”. În al doilea articol, profesorul Vintilă Dongoroz prezintă o problemă de drept procesual penal referitoare la cererea de strămutare pentru legitimă suspiciune a unei cauze penale aflate în faza de cercetare la judecătorul de instrucție.
  • Prin Sentința penală nr. 1 din 11 ianuarie 2016 a Judecătoriei Motru s-a hotărât, printre altele, schimbarea încadrării juridice a faptei pentru care inculpatul M.S. a fost trimis în judecată din fapta prevăzută de art. 42 alin. (1) lit. c) din Legea nr. 407/2006 în fapta prevăzută de art. 42 alin. (2) lit. c) din Legea nr. 407/2006 și fapta prevăzută de art. 342 alin. (1) C.pen., totul cu aplicarea art. 38 alin. (1) C.pen., în fapta prevăzută de art. 42 alin. (1) lit. c) – art. 42 alin. (2) lit. c) din Legea nr. 407/2006 și fapta prevăzută de art. 342 alin. (1) C.pen., cu aplicarea art. 38 alin. (1) C.pen., texte de lege în baza cărora inculpatul a fost condamnat. Ca stare de fapt s-a reținut că inculpatul, în noaptea zilei de 4/5 aprilie 2015, a efectuat acte de braconaj cinegetic pe raza fondului de vânătoare cu nr. 27 M, punctul „M.”, aparținând AVPS E, ce a avut ca finalitate uciderea prin împușcare a doi căpriori, cauzând un prejudiciu în valoare de 10.000 euro, fără a fi înscris în autorizația de vânătoare individuală sau colectivă eliberată în condițiile legii de gestionar, pentru fondul cinegetic respectiv. Dincolo de motivarea sibilinică a instanței în ceea ce privește schimbarea încadrării juridice a faptelor, sentința penală citată aduce în discuție aspecte ce țin de aplicarea cadrului legal în materie, dată fiind claritatea precară a actului normativ care reglementează infracțiunea de braconaj.
  • Among the measures initiated by the European bodies and subsequently taken over and adopted by the judicial authorities of the Member States to combat cross-border crime are those regarding the judicial cooperation in criminal matters referring to the tracing, identification, freezing and confiscation of proceeds, instruments and assets related to the offences committed by this kind of criminality. In this regard, the Report of the Commission to the European Parliament and to the Council on the progress made by Romania under the cooperation and verification mechanism, issued on 13 November 2018 in Strasbourg, through the Recommendation No 12, was sending to the Romanian authorities „the assurance that the National Agency for Management of Seized Assets is fully and effectively operational, so as to be able to publish the first annual report with reliable statistical information on the confiscation of assets coming from committing offences. The Agency should establish a system of regular reporting on the development of its administrative capacity, on the results obtained in the confiscation and management of proceeds resulted from committing offences”. The Romanian legislative authorities have indeed adopted the Law No 318/2015 for the establishment, organization and functioning of the National Agency for Management of Seized Assets and for the amendment and supplementation of some normative acts, law published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No 961 of 24 December 2015. This first legislative approach, however, had to be supported also by other administrative and executive formalities which involved the effective establishment, organization, functioning and operationalization of this Agency, a fact ongoing even at the date thereof. It is also noted, at the time of writing this study, that this Agency is not operational and that there are ongoing, although with big delay, some procedures for organising contests and for filling several offices therein in order to become functional. Starting from these coordinates, the article contains a brief analysis of the stage in which the Romanian authorities have complied with this recommendation, together with the relevant Romanian case law, with some of the Community norms and with the model of other European states in this matter, as well as its own conclusions necessary for an as good as possible implementation of this recommendation in the Romanian judiciary system.
  • Continuous development of types of non-custodial sanctions as ways of combating crime, reducing the damage caused by it, avoiding the negative effects of deprivation of liberty, increasing the possibilities of executing these alternatives to the imprisonment and, last but not least, by reducing of detention costs have guided European Union Member States to create and introduce the most appropriate Community sanctions and measures to respond to these desires. The successful introduction of alternatives requires credibility, support of the public who must abandon the prejudice that a more relaxed criminal policy with less severe punishments encourages criminality, or that public humiliation or intrusive tracking of the persons undergoing penalties is permissible, and even necessary, to highlight the status by the offender. Equally, the successful introduction of alternatives1 depends on the judiciary that can not hesitate to make them available on a large scale whether is possible, but also on the involvement of many agencies (probation service, the bodies of the Ministry of the Interior, local authorities, etc.) to implement non-custodial sanctions.
  • The features that give a distinct note to European Union law, and even its specificity, in relation to national or international legal orders, whether universal or regional, par excellence lie in the immediate, direct and priority applicability of the rules that make it up. The concept of „priority” EU law in relation to the national law of the Member States is likely to complete the understanding of its specificity in relation to the situation which we encounter with reference to international law. The development and adoption of primary or secondary norms of European Union law represent true, intrinsic consequences of developments or, respectively, expectations recorded at EU level, either qualitatively or quantitatively. From such a perspective the steps we are witnessing, including those of legislative nature, must be known, understood, and accepted. Our approach considers the fundamental legal basis offered by the Romanian Constitution, republished version, but also relevant aspects found in the Civil Code, the Civil Procedure Code, Penal Code, and Criminal Procedure Code, to which we add the Insolvency Law.
  • The provisions written down in the Peace Treaties of 1947 have decisively determined the international political alignment of the five former enemy states. Regardless of the divergences and contradictions occurred within the Great Alliance during the war, the post-war political situation of the defeated would have been different if the clauses of this international juridical act were drafted in accordance with the norms and customs of international law. The situation of fact became fully legitimate in the Peace Treaties elaborated by the winners and accepted by the defeated in the conditions of the lack of some viable options in the realities of the moment.
  • The authors appreciate that the Constitutional Court Decision No 874/2018 is welcomed in the Romanian legal landscape. To the same measure, the authors reiterate criticism to the decision of the High Court of Cassation and Justice No 52/2018 for a prior ruling on the interpretation and application Article 27 of the Civil Procedure Code, by reference to Article 147 (4) of the Constitution of Romania and Article 31 (1) and (3) of the Law No 47/1992 on the organization and functioning of the Constitutional Court, republished, texts which establish the effects of a decision of the Constitutional Court.
  • The suspension of the administrative contract is an institution rather newly-introduced in the Romanian law, at the same time with the entry into force of the Law No 101/2016. However, this normative act exclusively regulates the judicial suspension of the administrative contract, which makes room for the following question: Can an administrative contract be suspended only by court decision and only under the conditions established limitatively by the Law No 101/2016 or in other circumstances as well, namely following a procedure other than that established by the aforementioned normative act? We believe that the suspension of an administrative contract may also be reached under conditions other than those established by the provisions of Article 53 (2) of the Law No 101/2016, either by administrative means, by a decision of measures taken by the competent bodies of the Court of Accounts, or as a result of the raising by one of the parties to such a contract, in relation to the other, of an exception for non-performance of the contract, or, finally, as consequence of the suspension of the unilateral administrative act on the basis of which such a contract was concluded, using the rule according to which the legal fate of the original act determines the legal status of the subsequent act. The subject seems to be new in our legal literature and engages extraordinary implications of substantive and procedural law. It is sufficient to mention here that the judicial suspension of the administrative contract enjoys, at the level of the Law No 101/2016, by a superficial regulation, requiring the supplementation by several provisions of the Law on administrative disputes No 554/2004, but also with those pertaining to the current Civil Procedure Code. It is this supplementation that makes it possible to clarify the institution of the judicial suspension of the administrative contract, but in a direction that raises problems which the practitioner not accustomed with the analytical doctrinal discourse could hardly envisage, of a higher depth than that encountered in the marginal comments of the legal provisions incidental in this matter. In other line of ideas, in the context of analyzing the set of prerogatives attributed by the law to the Court of Accounts, it can easily be concluded that an administrative suspension of the administrative contract is perfectly possible, ordered by a unilateral administrative act of an individual nature. Likewise, the administrative contract may end up in the situation to be suspended, as consequence of the legal suspension of the unilateral administrative act, on the basis of which the contract was concluded, an act challenged by the prefect in the exercise of the prerogatives of administrative trusteeship with which he was empowered by law. Both scenarios are binding on the use of the terminological luggage of the Law on administrative disputes No 554/2004. Lastly, the suspension of the administrative contract may be engaged also by the possible raising by any of the parties to an administrative contract, in relation to the other, of an exception of non-performance, which sends the assumed analysis to the ideological set of the civil law.
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