  • The introductory part of the study analyzes the regulatory framework of the current bank account contract before and after the entry into force of the current Civil Code and the transitional legal provisions, depending on the limited and unlimited duration of this contract. In dealing with the legal relationship generated by the current bank account contract, it was emphasized that at least one of the contracting parties must be a credit institution and that the obligation to conclude the current bank account contract for certain categories of natural or legal persons is conditioned by the legal constraints regarding the mandatory way of carrying out the receipts and payments imposed by the strengthening of the financial discipline, without this giving the contract a mandatory or forced character. As regards the content of the contract, its standardized character was underlined, including in terms of the system of transferring external clauses or specific regulations related to the policy of each bank in the contractual clauses referring thereto, of which the client is not aware and which often introduce abusive clauses. From this perspective of the adhesion character of the contract, which deprives the client from legal protection, the modest framework of the regulation has a significant contribution. The object of the current account contract is treated in terms of the obligation of the credit institution to open the account and to carry out the credit or debit operation of the credit balance, but also of the client’s right to dispose of the credit balance and of its obligation to bear the bank commissions and charges. The legal characters of the current bank account contract were also analyzed, the attention being paid to the treatment of the adhesion character of the contract and to the one of transfer of ownership, because the latter can explain the whole mechanism of the contract functions. The exercise of the right of the account holder to dispose over the credit balance is supported by the current bank account contract, through which the credit institution makes payments in the name and on behalf of the account holder, in compliance with the instructions with which he mandated it, in accordance with the relevant banking legislation and regulations, including with the internal rules of the depository bank. As regards the manner of exercising the right to dispose of the credit balance, the particularities of the exercise of this right by co-owners and co-holders were analyzed, as well as the issue of unavailability of the credit balance, the conditions and the limits of unavailability, by enforcement by garnishment. The clearing of balances, the conditions of its operation and its extended effects on the legal relations between the account holder and the credit institution were also discussed. The double onerous character of the current bank account contract was analyzed also from the perspective of the bonuses granted by the credit institution for the amounts in the credit balance, but also from the perspective of the account holder, bound by the obligation to pay bank commissions and charges. The cessation of the current bank account contract was treated according to its definite or indefinite duration and depending on the existence of general or special clauses of cessation of the contract. The procedure of unilateral denounciation of the current bank account contract was associated with the written communication of the denouciation and the term of legal notice, conventional or established according to the customs. The effects of the cessation of the contract are accompanied by the closing of the account, by the withdrawal by the client of the amounts remained in the credit balance or their deposit in a collector account until they are handed over to the client. The prescription term for the refund of the amounts from the account is that of 5 years and the moment from which it starts to flow is provided by Article 2190 of the Civil Code, differentiated as the cessation of the contract occurred on the initiative of the account holder or of the credit institution.
  • Thanks to his social status, his activity, the social relationships he develops, interest in technology, etc., the child has acquired a certain legitimacy to be able to make recommendations on the purchase of a good or service. Of course, professionals are aware of the reverse socialization that takes place within family relationships and have begun to develop products that are intended for children or that, through children, can reach the bosom of families, although those do not concern children. The purpose of this study is to prove that any child is a vulnerable consumer, although he has at his disposal countless methods of information. The child is not capable of complex cognitive functions. Being a consumer means not only acquiring skills and technical routines, but also an awareness of real needs and values, something that can only happen with the development of each individual. The vulnerability that is specific to the child is a matter of social status of the skills and resources that protect each individual and carry extrinsic and partially intrinsic aspects. By analysing the European and national legal frameworks on consumer protection, I have tried to identify a clear definition of the vulnerable consumer, as well as what the concept of „vulnerable consumer” is based on.
  • In this study, the author aims to highlight a number of manifestations of the principle of availability in civil proceedings that have been sanctioned for the abuse of procedural law. From the analysis of the judicial practice, we identify a multitude of situations in which the person’s right to file a lawsuit is exercised for purposes other than the one for which he was recognized by law, which was sanctioned by the application of a judicial fine. The right to sue and the right to appeal must be exercised in good faith, in accordance with the purpose enacted by the legal provisions, and not to pursue the production of a detrimental result to the adverse party.
  • The Romanian State assumed by the New York Convention adopted on 10 June 1958 only the obligation to recognize and ensure the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in the situation where the foreign arbitral award is pronounced on the territory of a signatory state of the Convention, and the dispute which has been settled by the respective foreign arbitral award may be qualified as being commercial by the national legislation. We appreciate that the Romanian State complied with this obligation by ratifying the New York Convention, by the Decree No 186/1961, and we emphasize, in this context, that the respective Convention is binding on the Romanian State only with regard to foreign arbitral awards that fall within its scope of application. Thus, for the foreign arbitral awards that do not fall within the scope of application of the New York Convention, the Romanian State is not bound by any conventional obligation, the state having the freedom to regulate legal provisions other than conventional ones regarding the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. Consequently, the existence of some domestic legal provisions contained in the Civil Procedure Code, other than the provisions of the New York Convention, on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, is in no way likely to engage international responsibility of the Romanian State, since, as we noted in this study, the Romanian State complied with its conventional obligations assumed by the conclusion of the New York Convention, even the provisions of the mentioned Convention (Article 7.1) allowing the existence of some national provisions other than conventional regulations, since only in such a hypothesis there is the possibility of invoking by the interested person the more favourable national provisions (if the normative provisions were identical, in no case could the problem of applying some more favourable legal provisions be raised).
  • The present study aims to detect the type of disputes that may arise during the conclusion, execution and cessation of public procurement contracts, as well as the specificity of the procedure applicable to these disputes. To that end, the premise of our approach is the distinction between the disputes concerning the award, conclusion and nullity of the contracts in question, which fall within the category of administrative disputes, on the one hand, and the disputes concerning the performance and cessation of those contracts, which are part of the scope of civil disputes, on the other hand. The conclusion of the study is that the procedure applicable to each of these categories of disputes has a mixed character (of public law and of private law) in which the weight of special rules differs depending on the nature of the disputes to which we refer.
  • Against the background of the interpenetration of the forms of legal liability for the same illicit deed, whether it is criminal, administrative, contraventional or disciplinary liability, in conjunction with the case law of the European courts attributing criminal character to some accusations beyond the legal qualification of the deed in the domestic law, a double criminal liability may be reached, thus posing the problem of the cumulation of these liabilities in terms of respecting the right not to be punished twice (ne bis in idem). Although no matter can be an exception, the issue arises mainly in areas where there are various forms of liability in the domestic law and different authorities with supervisory and sanctioning powers, such as tax evasion, public order, forestry or environmental offences or, finally, labour protection, which is of interest here. Thus, in the field of safety and health at work, the employer’s liability in the event of accidents at work may be exemplary for such situations, given that he is liable for both a criminal liability incurred by the judicial bodies and a contraventional liability established by the special bodies of the labour inspection, following that our approach will address this issue in the context of the current case law of the European courts of law (such as Case A and B v. Norway, Grand Chamber of the E.C.H.R., or the C.J.E.U. cases, Luca Menci, Garlsson Real Estate SA and Enzo Di Puma, Consob).
  • The study approaches from an interdisciplinary perspective the problems generated by alcohol consumption while driving. The perspectives from which this problem is viewed are both the legal one and the psychological one, but the analysis is also based on statistical data. These data are capitalized in the sense of observing the particularities involved by this phenomenon, by reference to the age categories that are most often found in known statistics, but are also compared with the way in which the issue is regulated in the legislation of other states. All these elements are likely to lead to the conclusion that the national legislation governing sanctions or limits on alcohol consumption in the context of driving a vehicle on public roads requires significant improvements.
  • In the case of the debate by the Romanian notary public of a succession with an element of extraneity, in which the registered shares of a limited liability company are subject to succession, the successional devolution will be carried out according to the law applicable to the succession (lex successionis). The point of connection for the lex successionis is the last habitual residence of the natural person, but this person can choose the law applicable to the succession, his national law. According to the lex successionis, there will be established the heirs, but they will not automatically become associates in the limited liability company. The acquisition of the status of associate will be carried out according to the provisions of the law governing the organic status of the legal person (lex societatis), being a matter which concerns the functioning of the company, not the transmission by succession of the registered shares, which operates anyway, but an effect of devolution. The two laws may belong to different national systems of law. In the case of the application of the Romanian law, we intended to find out possible controversial aspects, presenting the doctrinal interpretations or the judicial practice ones and even trying to formulate some proposals de lege ferenda. We also tried to make a comparison with the material French corporate law, for the hypothesis in which de cujus would have registered shares in a limited liability company of French nationality.
  • In this study, the author aims to highlight a number of limitations of the principle of availability in the second phase of the civil process, such as, for example, the need to approve enforcement by the court, the impossibility of representation of the legal person by another legal person, execution by persons or entities other than the creditor, as well as the imperceptible nature of certain goods. At the same time, this procedure cannot be initiated against those who enjoy immunity from enforcement, and the failure to register documents under private signature in the National Register of Real Estate Advertising was an impediment to enforcement until declaring the legal provisions of this obligation as unconstitutional. This presents the difficulties encountered by the holder of the writ of execution in his attempt to enforce it, as well as doctrinal and jurisprudential controversies, which led to the conclusion of the need to repeal the institution of approval of enforcement.
  • In practical situations with medical implications, the nature of the expertise must be established as a matter of priority. This matter involves a series of discussions on the differences between forensic expertise and specialized medical expertise. Nowadays, forensic expertise continues to be approached from an obsolete perspective, without detecting its limits in medical or legal matters. Highlighting the differences between the two categories of expertise and the shortcomings of the relevant legislation has major practical consequences. The utility of this study lies in terms of analyzing the legal significance of respecting the medical specialty and the object of the medical expertise – a new category of expertise, which seems to be of no practical use, despite its great importance. This respects the principle of medical specialty and takes into account also the level of development of medical science in the field of expertise. Adherence to incidental medical guidelines or protocols can be verified only by a specialized medical expertise, the only one able to analyze the compliance of the medical conduct. Instead, the limits of forensic expertise are revealed by its object, which is just another expertise in medical law, without encompassing the entire medical or legal matter, in a single specialty. The two types of work must be clearly delimited in judicial practice, for the full clarification of legal situations with medical implications, regardless of their nature.
  • Europe’s vision for 2030 relies on the impact of European and international actors’ policies on European local and regional governments while strengthening their local autonomy with a view to make it evolve their role and, why not, saving the European project. Local governments are the most able to exercise much more powers over their territories and to take responsibility for their execution; as for the Nation-State, it must be more focused on its roles as controller and evaluator of the local public action. In addition, local and regional governments can provide the necessary solutions that Nation-States cannot solve alone; to save money those international institutions impose. In order to solve the challenges of our time, a special attention is paid to state reform, the status of local public officials (dealing with issues related to basic public services) and the evaluation of the local public action by fighting against the formulas of the privatization of public action, while promoting, but framing them, the public-private partnerships.
  • This study aims to analyse the meaning of the term „reasonable grounds” enshrined in paragraph (2) of Article 11 of Law No 554/2004 on Administrative Proceedings. Neither the relevant framework law, nor any other regulation defines this concept, which creates problems in practice. The tendency in case law is to consider that „reasonable grounds” must be understood as a situation beyond the person’s control, insurmountable, in case of force majeure or fortuitous event. The present study seeks to correct this view and to promote the interpretation that the notion can be understood both in the sense mentioned above and in one where the parties use administrative methods to prevent a dispute from arising.
  • The insurance market in Romania is an extremely complex field of legal regulation, which involves not only the observance of the principle of fair competition between the professional competitors, rivals on the market, but mostly the observance of some high standards of consumers’ protection, which are in a net inferiority ratio from a financial, informational and organizational point of view, in comparison with the policy issuers covering the compulsory civil insurance. From this perspective, the withdrawal of the operating authorization and the initiation of the bankruptcy procedure against the Insurance-Reinsurance Company City Insurance – S.A. raises a series of big problems for the clients of this insurer, not only from the point of view of the contractual relations established by the insurance contract, but especially through the procedural mode of action on the part of these consumers, so that the protection of their rights be full, as well as that the effects of the opening of bankruptcy procedure against City Insurance be mitigated, as much as possible, in relation to the already precarious situation of these clients. We intend, through this study, to highlight a series of pressing legal issues and to propose a series of solutions to the legal, substantive or procedural issues that arise from the withdrawal of the authorization of this important player on the insurance market from Romania. Thus, those entitled to recover the expenses occasioned by the repair of the cars involved in road accidents caused by the clients of City Insurance – S.A. have the way opened for a special and accelerated procedure for the recovery of these damages, without waiting for the opening of the bankruptcy procedure against this insurer and the registration in the amount of claims, extremely laborious and time-consuming legal procedures, which raise problems for the consumers who are victims of traffic accidents, and also for the clients of the insurance company who could see themselves engaged in legal actions intended to lead to the compensation of those injured in road accidents and that would endanger their personal patrimony, although they appear as contracting parties and beneficiaries of some perfectly valid RCA policies on the date when the damage was caused.
  • The continuation of the criminal trial is a form of exercising the right of defence through which, in the cases expressly and limitingly provided by law, the suspect or defendant causes an increase in procedural activity after extinguishing the criminal action in order to unequivocally establish his innocence. This procedure, which is the subject of this study, was established to guarantee the presumption of innocence of the suspect or defendant in the event that the criminal action is extinguished as a result of certain impediments provided by Article 16 of the Criminal Procedure Code. These impediments are: the existence of a cause of imputability, the intervention of the pre-conviction amnesty, the intervention of the prescription of criminal liability, the withdrawal of the preliminary complaint and the existence of a cause of impunity. These situations are limited.
  • Located within Chapter VI of the Criminal Code that criminalizes criminal offences against the person’s freedom, the criminal offence of threat provided by Article 206 appears on the background of the protection of the mental freedom of persons. The thorough analysis of the crime will reveal some aspects regarding different theories of interpretation of the law that can be objectified also in practical situations. Also, the interpretation of the criminal offence highlights certain aspects regarding the fear of the person, the manner of committing the crime, the threat of a harmful act, the correlation with the crime of outrage and judicial outrage, as well as some differences from the crime of blackmail. Therefore, in the framework of highlighting some opinions or observations on them, it can be delimited the offence of threat much easier compared to other offences, but it can also constitute a useful legal instrument during the stages of criminal liability of the offender, as well as for the improvement of the text of law by the legislator.
  • The loss of the chance to obtain an advantage or to avoid a damage represents a new form of reparation of prejudice regulated by the Civil Code, enshrined by the provisions of Article 1385 (4) of the Civil Code, and represents a distinct category of prejudice reparable by engaging in tort civil liability, which concerns those negative consequences directly caused by the commission of an illegal act that consist in missing the real and serious possibility of the occurrence of a favourable event for the victim’s life, which could have brought him fulfilment in his personal or economic life by the carrying out of some projects. Therefore, the loss of a chance means the loss by a person of the possibility to achieve a gain or, as the case may be, to avoid a damage, which may result in causing a prejudice to that person. De lege lata, we mention that the prejudice caused by the „loss of the chance to obtain an advantage” can be invoked within the framework of tort (extra-contractual) civil liability, but also in the field of contractual civil liability whenever by the non-fulfilment of the legal or contractual obligations such consequences have occurred. This prejudice could be claimed both by the direct victim of an illegal act and by those close to them if they prove that they suffered, through ricochet, such a prejudice. In order to have a reparable prejudice, the chance of occurrence of the favourable event for the victim must be as real as it is serious, which is assessed differently, whether or not the victim was in the process of taking the chance at the time when the event that compromised the possibility to achieve it occurred, and this prejudice must be in a direct causal link with the illegal act committed by the responsible person. The assessment of the chance shall be carried out in relation with two criteria, namely the examination of the circumstances in which the illegal act was committed, on the one hand, and the special situation in which the victim was at that time, on the other hand. With regard to the features of the prejudice, we specify that it must be certain (certain, unquestionable) and real (undeniable, effective, indisputable), and not an eventual one (possible, probable), the loss, therefore, must be actual.
  • This article examines the fiduciary property through a historical and comparative analysis of the legislation and doctrine of Québec, France and Romania. The contemporary fiducia ought not to be confused for the Roman fiducia, whose name it borrowed. As a result of the reception of the Anglo-American trust in the mixed legal system of the Canadian province of Québec, the fiducia has been the subject of subsequent legal transplants into the continental tradition. The Romanian legislator, inspired by its French counterpart, took over the restrictions brought to the fiducia in said legal system. In the matter of real rights, this legislative option also meant the rejection of the doctrine of an ownerless patrimony, an innovation of the legal system of Québec, in search of a continental instrument to replace the division of title between the legal holder (trustee) and the equitable one (beneficiary), as enshrined in the Common Law tradition. Commenting on the solutions proposed within French legal literature (including the classification as a method of ownership or even as a result of dismemberment), the author argues that only a combination of them may fully explain the mechanism of the fiduciary ownership. In essence, the fiduciary owner acts like a true owner, but by virtue of a title held under a resolutive condition, while the beneficiary enjoys a virtuality of law in his capacity as an owner under a suspensive condition. However, the constraints to which the right of ownership transferred to the trustee is subject, in terms of its exclusivity and perpetuity, may be explained by the fiducia contract itself, the effects of which are assimilated to the conventional limitation operated, for example, through an inalienability clause. In other words, the fiduciary owner may be considered an owner under a resolutive condition, yet he remains subject to the conventional limitations brought upon by the very nature of the fiduciary operation.
  • The modalities of the obligations, the time limit and the condition, are of several types and with different legal regimes (Articles 1004–1025 of the former Civil Code, respectively Articles 1399–1420 of the new Civil Code). The legal regime of these modalities is generally known by jurists, the modalities being frequently encountered both in the domestic and international commercial activity, as well as in the judicial practice and in the arbitration one. We do not intend to examine the legal regime of these modalities, with problems too rich for a simple review study, but only to question the purely potestative condition (Article 1009 of the former Civil Code and Article 1403 of the new Civil Code), which, as a rule, does not produce legal effects. However, there are, admittedly, rare cases in which such a condition still produces legal effects. We encountered such a case on the occasion of some international rental contracts, for which we were requested a legal opinion, and we considered that it would be useful that the legal issues raised by the case to be brought to the knowledge of the practitioners of the law.
  • The error of random distribution of a civil case refers, in the matter of means of appeal, unlike the scenarios in which it is necessary to qualify or requalify a means of appeal, only the situation where the will of the party exercising the means of appeal is disregarded, respectively it is not registered on the role of the court of judicial control and, subsequently, randomly distributed the means of appeal exercised by the party, but another means of appeal, due to a genuine error occurred at the time of the registration of the means of appeal or, as sometimes happens in the judicial practice, because at the time of the registration of the means of appeal it is assessed that the party did not exercise the means of appeal provided by law, thus proceeding to the registration of the means of appeal provided by law, which should have been exercised by the party, and not of the means of appeal that was actually exercised.
  • An application of the new technologies has involved a modern regulation, and the European states have received the electronic form of the patient file and have transposed it into a relatively recent regulation, and the novelty of the problems and the strict dependence on the IT platforms have led to successive changes in the legislation, at the level of several states. Adjustments, correlations, adaptations took place at the law-technology border, in relation to the „physical” reality of the national medical system. The electronic health file does not have the role of replacing the „classic” file, in written form. The latter remains in the circuit of the health system and preserves its usefulness, and the medical act is not conditioned by the existence of an electronic file. From the DES perspective and for the usefulness of the approach undertaken, some guarantees of the protection of private life and personal data were verified. The secrecy of the data concerning health is no longer just a „privacy” between the patient and a limited number of people, but is „displayed” on an IT platform, to which several natural persons/entities have access, the technical access key (matrix, user, password) is entrusted to the users through the administrator, given that the Internet is an environment susceptible to the generation of security breaches. Granting access to the entire electronic file implies that the medical staff is aware of all the information and all the health problems of a person. The secret becomes a „shared” one and the central problem (of the patient) is the control – over the private life, over their own personal data, over the information that, otherwise, they would not want to be disclosed in a virtual environment. At issue is not only a balance between public interest (public health) and private interest or between personality rights that can end up in a conflicting position. If it will be proven that the interest of the medical care coordination prevails over the patient’s acceptance, then the electronic file will remain outside the true control of its owner. But, if, on the contrary, the patient has the prerogative of control (with justified, strict, limiting exceptions), then his right to limit access to the file will be recognized.
  • The study briefly analyzes the status of the deputy mayor in relation to the status of the public administrator in order to debate a possible conflict between them. The similarities and differences between these two functions are highlighted. The delegation of attributions by the mayor is discussed from the perspective of the possibility for the mayor to appoint like substitute the public administrator during his vacation. There are three situations provided by law in which the deputy mayor becomes the legal substitute of the mayor presented in detail in the study: the vacancy of the position of mayor; the suspension from office of the mayor and the cases of impossibility to exercise the mandate by the mayor. In any other situation, there is no legal provision for the deputy mayor to become the legal substitute for the mayor. Two issues need to be debated in this context, namely: identification of the status of the public administrator in the public administration staff and like a consequence, the legal nature of the management contract concluded by public administrator with the mayor. Finally, it is argued the impossibility of suspending the addendum to the management contract, under the conditions of Article 14 of the Law on Administrative Litigation.
  • The study addresses a field of great practical interest, that of traffic contraventions. The perspective is one that combines in a balanced manner the doctrinal elements with the jurisprudential ones, the author proving a very good knowledge of the points of debate and of divergence in this matter. In the study there are included also elements that serve to differentiate the contravention from the offence, with references to the doctrine that has addressed this issue, but also the analysis of the most common differences of opinion, of interpretation and of application of the law. Among these there are: the forced intervention in the matter of the settlement of contraventional complaints, the balance between the presumption of innocence of the petitioner and the presumption of legality of the official report of the contravention, as well as the difficulties in establishing the judicial truth in the matter of contraventional complaints.
  • In this study, the author aims to present the relevant aspects of mediation, as an alternative means of resolving disputes that the parties may use by virtue of availability, highlighting both its advantages and the reasons why the law governing it has become increasingly less applied. In addition, there are situations in which the courts have been called to approve mediation agreements, but also the author’s opinion regarding the need to use the optional procedure, except for disputes in the field of family law, which should be analyzed by judges, who are the most able to pronounce solutions that correspond most faithfully to the best interests of the child.
  • Through this material we tried to identify the reasons that were the basis for the adoption of Article 1622 of the Civil Code, through which certain third parties are protected from the effects of compensations potentially prejudicial to their situation. After exposing some preliminary considerations regarding the institution of compensation, we set out to present the main hypotheses that would be subsumed under this legal provision. Along with their evocation, we tried to extract the interests predominantly protected by the legislator, which justifies the blocking of the compensation. We believe that understanding these cases is essential for the fair application of Article 1622.
  • The purpose of this article is to clarify the importance of respecting the limits of the medical specialty, the consequences arising from this, in terms of the nature of medical expertise. Nowadays, forensic expertise continues to be approached from an obsolete perspective, without detecting its limits in medical or legal matters. This article aims to analyze the relevant legislation regarding the limits and implications of medical specialties. Despite the abundance of specialized works in the field, it is still difficult to clarify the object of forensic expertise. The purpose of our analysis is to reveal the nature of the expertise that is carried out in trials where medical malpractice is being examined, whether it is the negligence of the doctor or the fault of the medical or pharmaceutical unit.
  • Declaration of the unconstitutionality of the Article 164 (1) Civil Code provisions has determined the adoption, with an unjustified delay, of the Law No 140/2022 on some protection measures for people with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities and the modification and completion of some normative acts, which establish assistance for the conclusion of legal acts, judicial counseling and special guardianship, as well as a clear and flexible procedure for the establishment of these protection measures. Every person must be free to act in order to develop his/her personality, the state, by virtue of its social character, having the obligation to regulate a normative framework to ensure respect for the individual, the full expression of the personality of citizens, of their rights and freedoms, of the equal opportunities, resulting in respect for human dignity.
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