  • The Ombudsman is a fundamental institution of the state of law, meant to ensure the protection of natural or legal persons against the abusive manifestations of the public authorities. In this context, this study aims to analyze the main problems arisen in the practice of exercising the powers of this autonomous administrative authority, envisaging, in particular: the scope of public authorities and of the administrative acts falling within the scope of activity of this authority; the procedure for exercising the action for administrative disputes by the Ombudsman. Likewise, following the analysis of these aspects, there are formulated de lege ferenda proposals.
  • In this study the authors examine, rather exhaustively, the problems of regulating the submission of the written notes by the parties, namely: both the „common law” in the matter [Article 244 (2) and Article 394 (2) of the new (Romanian) Civil Procedure Code] and a series of special provisions in the field, included in the same Code [Article 244 (3); Article 244 (4); Article 222 (2); Article 383], and finally, after examining the legal consequences of the non-compliance with the mentioned rules, they formulate a series of interesting conclusions with respect to the topic discussed.
  • The author, by accurately examining Book IV of the new Romanian Civil Code (regarding the inheritance and the liberalities), entered into force on 1 October 2011, notes that, as a rule, like in the previous Civil Code of 1864, there are some more important institutions of successoral law which, in his opinion, may be considered controversial (questionable), inopportune or unclear such as, for example: – the notions of „heir”; „successor”; „inheritor”; – whether the status of heir is affected or not by disinheritance or by the waiver of inheritance; – whether the contractual appointment and the preciput clause are two separate legal institutions or not; – whether the successoral reserve has an individual or collective nature; – whether the prohibition of the (mutual) consummated will is opportune or not; – whether the successoral option is always a disposition act or not; – the inopportunity of the multiple vocation to inheritance; – the questionable nature of the utility of the „seizin”.
  • The former regulation – the Law No 85/2006 – did not define the principles underlying the application of the insolvency procedures, these being identified, explained and developed by the legal doctrine. The 13 principles provided by the Law No 85/2014 are applicable both to the procedures for preventing insolvency and to the insolvency procedures. The principles are applied by the bodies involved in the procedure, in the absence of some express provisions, which regulate some specific situation, or are used for the interpretation of an unclear text. Defining the principles is extremely important, the practice following to prove their usefulness, where the regulation is lacking or is unclear. This study aims to analyze comparatively the principles stated by the legal doctrine in the ambiance of the provisions of the Law No 85/2006, as well as the principles provided by Article 4 of Law No 85/2014, with special regard to the principle of maximizing the degree of realisation of assets and of recovery of claims.
  • The institution of administrative disputes in the matter of the ordinances or of the provisions of ordinances established as unconstitutional, as well as of the constitutional and legal regime thereof is less analyzed in the specialized literature and debated in the judicial practice from Romania. In this context, this study intends to make an analysis of the most controversial aspects related to the applicability of the institution of administrative disputes in this matter, as well as of some aspects referring to the particularities of exercising the action for administrative disputes against the ordinances or against the provisions of ordinances established as unconstitutional by the Ombudsman.
  • In this study it is examined how the patrimonial allocation estates are formed and their legal status only for those persons practicing authorised liberal professions individually, that is only for a certain category of professionals. The author has analyzed the consequences which the inclusion of a joint asset of the spouses, subject to the matrimonial regime of the legal community, into the patrimonial estate of professional allocation of one of these may have. Such a change of destination of the joint asset, even temporary, requires the consent of both spouses, and, in case of buildings, the declaration of patrimonial allocation must comply with the authentic form and must be registered in the land register in order to be opposed to the personal or professional creditors of the spouses. The specialized and exclusive guarantee of the professional creditors on the patrimonial estate of professional allocation can make possible the pursuit by these of the joint asset, so that the consent of one of the spouses to the inclusion of the joint asset in the professional allocation estate of the other spouse may be interpreted as an implicit guarantee of the performance of the professional obligations by the professional spouse who practices an authorized liberal profession.
  • This study focuses on the difficulties identified in the practice of the law courts which establishes the processual remedy made available by the criminal processual law assuming that two or more criminal judgments, on the same subject, were pronounced at different times. Thus, the judicial practice has outlined different visions in the qualification of the legal remedy given the proximity that may be encountered between the case of review on the irreconcilability of the judgments and the case of appeal for annulment on the infringement of the authority of res iudicata.
  • The normative act which regulates the Romanian citizenship is the Law No 21/1991, republished on 13 August 2010. Recently (on 15 September 2015), the Law on the Romanian citizenship No 21/1991, republished, has undergone important amendments and supplements brought by the Government Emergency Ordinance No 37/2015, an ordinance whose content is the subject of this study.
  • This paper provides a legal analysis of rules in the new (Romanian) Civil Procedure Code on ensuring a unitary judicial practice, i.e. the appeal in the interest of law and, respectively, the referral to the High Court of Cassation and Justice for a preliminary ruling on the settlement of matters of law. While the appeal in the interest of law existed also in the previous Civil Procedure Code, the referral to the High Court of Cassation and Justice is a new procedure, not regulated by the previous Civil Procedure Code.
  • This article analyses the categories of incompatibilities of judges regulated by the Civil Procedure Code, since its initial publication in 2010 to the amendments brought by Law No 76/2012 implementing Law No 134/2010 on the Civil Procedure Code and to the version that resulted after the republication in August 2012. In the original version of the Civil Procedure Code distinction was not made between cases of incompatibility, but the effects thereof resulted in the existence of two categories: absolute and relative incompatibilities. Following amendments brought by Law implementing the Civil Procedure Code, this distinction seemed to be established in the legislation. Nevertheless, after the republication of the Civil Procedure Code, marginal titles suggest the existence of some cases of absolute incompatibility and other cases of absolute incompatibility, which does not correspond to the content of the respective texts since only cases referred to in Article 41 of the Civil Procedure Code are absolute, while those referred to in Article 42 of the Civil Procedure Code are relative.
  • The study has mainly in view the involuntary hospitalization of a person with mental disorders as a civil protection measure, as regulated by the Law on mental health and protection of persons with mental disorders No 487/2002, republished. In order to complete the characterization of this measure, the paper has also approached the aspects concerning the protection of the person suffering from mental disorders and that are governed by the Civil Code, but also by the new Criminal Code and the new Criminal Procedure Code.
  • În spațiul public românesc din ultimii patru ani, discuțiile referitoare la revizuirea Constituției au devenit atât de uzuale, încât riscă să bagatelizeze nu doar ideea de revizuire a Constituției, ci chiar conceptul de lege fundamentală. În marea lor majoritate, dezbaterile publice referitoare la necesitatea modificării Constituției au stat sub semnul unor viziuni personale și personalizate cu privire la rolul instituțiilor fundamentale ale statului. Cel mai adesea, opțiunile formulate de maniera cea mai vocală au avut ca punct de pornire situațiile conflictuale în care au fost implicate diferite autorități publice. În sine, această abordare, eminamente din perspectivă conflictuală, deși utilă și poate chiar necesară, este incompletă și insuficientă.
  • Unlike the previous Civil Procedure Code, the current (Romanian) Civil Procedure Code regulates (as an exception from the rule of uniqueness of the judicial remedies of a judgment) the admissibility, in some situations, of filing an appeal ex novo during the judgment of an appeal ex novo, respectively, of filing the appeal on law during the judgment of an appeal on law. This study examines analytically this new conception and regulation of the current Civil Procedure Code (Law No 134/2009, republished), the author positively appreciating the new regulation in question.
  • This article makes an analysis of the institution of putative marriage regulated by the provisions of Article 304 of the Civil Code which establishes an important derogation from the principle quod nullum est, nullum producit effectum. Therefore, there are raised for discussion the conditions of existence of the putative marriage and there are presented the effects of its nullity in the relationships between the former spouses, making distinction between the situation where both spouses acted in good faith upon the conclusion of the marriage and the situation in which only one of them acted in good faith, as well as in the relationships between parents and their children. The final part is devoted to the conclusions drawn from this study.
  • This study analyzes the new structure of the judgment based on the guilty plea, describes the conditions of application of this simplified procedure in comparison with the previous regulation, the rules of conduct of the special judicial investigation, the solutions which can be issued by courts in order to solve the criminal action, all these by emphasizing the advantages or shortcomings of the new institution.
  • This article deals with the legal status of founders of a company regulated by Law No 31/1990 in the light of differences between the founders de facto and the founders de jure. The main idea of this article is that, while the law makes various references to persons that acquire rights or benefits as a result of establishing a company without signing the setting up document, this means that such persons acquire, at the same time with the rights, a series of obligations as well. It therefore starts from the interpretation of some legal terms in order to determine which are the conditions in which the persons concerned acquire obligations, including in the light of the (British) comparative law. In conclusion, if the definition of founders de jure is a problem outside any doctrinal debate, the definition of the founders de facto requires some clarifications.
  • This study is mainly devoted to the analysis of provisions of the current Romanian Civil Code (Articles 441–447) referring to „medically-assisted human reproduction with third donor” and to some „doctrinal reactions” in relation to the new regulation. Likewise, where deemed appropriate, some opinions have been substantiated and various de lege ferenda proposals have been made.
  • The practice of the constitutional jurisdiction court points out that the exercise of the constitutionality control does not lead only to the ruling of some simple solutions, by which the criticized text or texts of the law are found to be or not in compliance with the rules of the Fundamental Law. The complexity of this control, in close connection with the growing complexity of the regulations, but also with the desideratum of legal security, which must be equally considered in exercising the constitutionality control, makes that the solutions of the Constitutional Court be also expressed in different forms. This study makes an analysis of the decisions of the Constitutional Court pertaining to the category circumstantiated by the term „interpretative decisions”, in order to emphasize their importance and their role in the process of constitutionalization of law. Certainly, the achievement of constitutionality control involves, in itself, a process of interpretation and comparison of the constitutional rules and, respectively, of the infraconstitutional ones. Within the interpretative decisions, however, this comparative examination has a greater complexity, constituting an emphasis of more possible interpretations and the identification of the one which complies with the provisions of the Constitution. Such an analysis also raises for discussion the role of the Constitutional Court in the process of interpretation of the legal infraconstitutional rules, an interpretation facilitated by the provisions of the Fundamental Law, its basis and the limits of the jurisdiction of the Court.
  • The author analyzes the condition of existence of common property for granting legal personality to an owners’ association in the light of the provisions included in the Law No 230/2007, starting from a solution of the judicial practice, reaching to the conclusion that the establishment of an association can not take place unless there is a common property of all members of the association.
  • According to art. 147. (4) of the Constitution, the Constitutional Court rulings are generally binding. Therefore, the public authorities, including courts, regardless of their level, must observe the Constitutional Court rulings both in terms of the operative part and recitals thereof. Although they do not constitute a source of law, the High Court of Cassation and Justice judgments rendered after settlement of an appeal in the interest of law, require the courts a particular solution to a law issue, therefore an interpretation of legal rules. When performing the interpretation and application of law, a contingent conventionality control also occurs; such control is carrying out by this Court whilst assuming that the courts’ divergent practice is given by the different application of the (European) Convention on human rights and fundamental freedoms provisions. Not infrequently, the High Court of Cassation and Justice’s jurisprudence on the matters submitted to trial did not coincide with that of the Constitutional Court, and this study aims to point out and analyze such cases. The proposed solution takes into account a possible constitutionality review of the previously reported judgments of the High Court of Cassation and Justice; such control has already been carried out indirectly in certain rulings of the Constitutional Court.
  • Under art. 164 to 177 of the Civil Code the legislator regulates “the protection of the judicial prohibited” and “the placing under judicial interdiction procedure” under art. 935 to 940 of the Code of Civil Procedure; these texts essentially take over the old regulation provisions and also establish some updates, including that of determining jurisdiction in the matter in favor of the court guardianship, court which also takes over the guardianship authority duties. This study aims to explore and explain the legal rules above.
  • In this study, the author presents first the main reasons that led to the development of the 2009 Criminal Code and the objectives pursued by its wording. Subsequently, the author presents the main novelties brought by the regulations contained in the General Part and the Special Part of the new Criminal Code. Presentation of the characteristic features and innovations introduced by the 2009 Criminal Code compared to the Criminal Code of 1969 is achieved whilst revealing both the merits and some shortcomings of the new criminal law. These explanations are accompanied by numerous examples, own ideas and suggestions to improve the texts analyzed. In a final section, the author presents, in a reasoned manner, his own conclusions drawn in relation to the study of the new Criminal Code.
  • The purpose of this article is to assess the crime of violation of the secret of correspondence from the perspective of the New Penal Code of Romania. While taking into consideration the guidelines emerging from the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, the author separately analyses the constituent elements of this crime, emphasizing on certain issues generated by the case records of the Romanian courts of law. De lege ferenda proposals are also advanced for the purpose of emendating the system of penal protection of a person’s right to freedom of communication.
  • The choice made by the Romanian pouvoir constituant in 1991 in favour of the European model of constitutional review does not seem to have been followed by legal terminology. Most probably in order not to break with a tradition that still enjoys good reputation among legal scholars and practitioners, the label of „exception of unconstitutionality” has been preferred to the one of „preliminary reference”. This apparently minor semantic detail managed to have a lasting impact on the admissibility of this procedure to the point where the very legal institution has been completely transfigured: from a preliminary question it has become a defensive procedural tool.
  • Considering the importance that information technology has acquired in recent years and how it has come to influence the criminal policy at the international level, the author of this study founds it necessary to analyse the subject matter of the offence taking into account this new technological context. Thus, it has been attempted to highlight the need for a reconceptualization of the offence’s subject matter, emphasizing the idea according to which intangible elements may be part of its structure. In support of this thesis, there was reviewed the problem of theft of virtual goods and of certain cybercrimes that reveal the existence of an intangible subject matter which is likely to be interposed between the agent’s behaviour and the social value protected by the rule of incrimination. Last but not least, the author has pointed out a possible consequence of the reconceptualization of the subject matter of the offence, referring thus to the applicability of the supporting cause of self-defence.
  • Guaranteeing the right to defence is a fundamental principle under the Romanian criminal procedure law. Although it has strong constitutional and criminal procedure guarantees, however, its practical implementation is in some cases misinterpreted and, on the other hand, the prosecution bodies violate it sometimes, the consequence being the discrediting of the judicial process. The present article refers to jurisprudence in two cases where the defender’s right to question the opposing party and to inspect the prosecution file is restricted without legal basis.
  • The article intends to give an analysis of the constituent elements of the crime of violation of private life, taking into consideration that this incrimination is new for the penal legislation in our country. The emphasis lies especially on the issues regarding the components of the external and mental elements of this crime, together with the presentation – when the author found it necessary – of certain sugesstions for the improvement of the incriminating rule. The actual analysis of the crime comes with certain generic considerations on private life as a social value, reffering to those aspects emerging from the juridsprudence of the European Court of Human Rights.
  • In a study published in the “Dreptul” Magazine no. 3/2013, p. 108-115, an author criticized the regulation stated in Art. 519-521 of the new Code of Civil Procedure (entered into force on 15 February 2013) regarding the seizing of the High Court of Cassation and Justice for passing a preliminary ruling for clarifying certain law-related issues, which is why he proposed the repeal of these texts. In response, in this study, the author considers that the regulation in question is useful and therefore should not be repealed.
  • The author analyzes the legal status of undue payment, regarded as a source of civil obligations, such as they results in the texts of the new Civil Code. It has been specified since the beginning of the study that in general no essential amendments were reported in relation to the definition and existence conditions of this legal deed. However, it is noted as a novelty that the rules of undue payment in the new legislative environment apply also when the payment consists of the provision of services or execution of works. Likewise, the new Civil Code, unlike the old regulation, does not set forth anymore expressly the condition that the payment be made in error by solvents; however, the author argues, with convincing arguments, that the error of solvens is usually an actually relative prerequisite of the undue payment. A large space is given to the obligation to reimburse the undue payment and the rules applicable to it regarding the existence, the limits and its manner of execution. Most of these rules are located in a separate title of the Civil Code (Art. 1635 to 1649) and apply, with some exceptions, to all reimbursement obligations, regardless of their source. The author notes that, in their content, these rules contain many new elements compared to the old Civil Code, which tries and manages to examine carefully, formulating relevant solutions and answers.
  • Despite of the settling for several years in the Romanian legislation of the regulation giving the creditor the opportunity to regulate the enforcement of the debtor’s obligation, the holder of a trademark, in the manner of the legal seizure of the trademark directly from the estate of the latter – the provisions of art. 40 para. (2) of the Law no. 84/1998 on trademarks and geographical indications, the creditors completely ignore this option as they are not able to anticipate its multiple advantages. The legal seizure of a strong trademark known among consumers – the recipients of the goods or services which the trademark is associated to, confers the creditor seeking enforcement a true mean of enforcing the debtor in the voluntary and immediate execution of its duty. The latter is threatened with the loss of the right to use the trademark in its trade activity, a trademark that it had made famous in time with significant costs and making continuous effort. The manner in which the legislator intended to outline the text of art. 40 para. (2) of the Law no. 84/1998 suggests indirectly that the trademark rights can be enforced ut singuli, distinctly from the goodwill in which they are included, and the legal nature of the concept of trademark determine the means of enforcement whose procedures have to be followed in order to achieve the ultimate goal – recovery of the claim: the indirect. movable enforcement, by sale at auction of the trademark rights, after its evaluation by a judicial technical expert in the matter of the industrial property rights.
  • In this study, the author analyzes the protection measure by means of adjudication of incapacity of certain natural persons, mentally ill, by drawing a comparison between, on the one hand, the dispositions of the New Civil Code and the New Code of Civil Procedure, and, on the other hand, the old regulation contained in the Family Code of 1953 and the Ordinance no. 32/1954 regarding enactment of the Family Code and the Ordinance regarding natural persons and legal entities. In its essence, the New Civil Code preserves almost entirely the provisions of the previous regulation on this protection measure, bringing just a few elements of novelty, such as the possibility of appointing the custodian by a competent person, in case of future adjudication of incapacity or acknowledgement by law of the validity of donations made by the custodian, without being exempted of report, to the descendants of the one adjudicated of incapacity. The same thing can be observed in case of procedural dispositions, the most significant amendment brought by the New Code of Civil Procedure to the procedure of adjudication of incapacity being the modernization of the advertising system with the purpose of permitting the measure ks opposability towards third parties, thus arising two new forms of publicity, namely land registration and trade register publicity.
  • The engagement – although traditionally used in social life k did not have any legal regulation in the modern Romanian legislation, prior to the enforcement of the new Civil Code (October 1st 2011), namely: the Civil Code of 1864 and next, the Family Code. Instead, the new Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009, republished on July 15th 2011) regulates engagement in art. 266-270. The authors of this study analyze the aforementioned enactment of engagement, concluding that the express regulation of this private law institution in the new Civil Code is beneficial.
  • The author performs a thorough analysis of the legal content regarding the crime of fraud, provided at art. 244 of the new Criminal Code, with frequent references to the domestic judicial practice and compared with the new criminal dispositions. With respect to the normative proceedings set forth at par. 3, 4 and 5 of art. 215 of the Criminal Code adopted on 1968, abolished by the new regulation, the author believes they have not been abrogated and they shall be found as factual methods in the legal content of the crime of fraud, provided at art. 244 of the new Criminal Code, as long as the other incrimination requirements therein indicated will be accomplished. However, the author expresses some reserves regarding removal of the circumstance from the fraud ks aggravated content, when it generates highly serious consequences, as well as regarding the oversized reduction of the special limits for the penalty provided for this serious crime. Furthermore, the object of criminal protection, the crime ks subjects, the objective and subjective aspect, the forms, methods, sanctions and some procedural aspects regarding the felony set forth at art. 244 of the new Criminal Code are examined. Moreover, the author does not hesitate to express his point of view regarding the constitutional content of this criminal felony and to suggest some solutions and own opinions.
  • The present article focuses on the legal liability, having as main character the company administrator and presenting an overview of the the sanction specific to the administrator non-patrimonial liability:the administrator revoking. Concomitantly, the problems occurring in the legal practice are also taken into consideration: decision-making competence and the juridical control of the revoking decision. Due to the intuitu personae character of the mandate, the revoking of the company administrator, even when abusive, is final. So, in practice it was stated that the mandate, even arbitrary withdraw, can not be held in justice against the principle‘s will, the only right the proxy has is the claim damages, but not reintegration, as the trust representing the graunds for the mandate can not be imposed. Also, an administrator can not reguest reintegration but, if abuses were committed, by withdrawing the mandate, the administrator has damage claim. In the situation in which the administrators have been appointed by the article of incorporation, their dismissal presupposes its amendament. That is why, the court can not order the administrator‘revoking, as it would mean the modification of the articles of incorporation. In the condition in which the administrator acquired this quality by the company‘s articles of incorporation, his dismissal does not only have the character of an revokingl but it also represents an amendament of the articles of incorporation. The article also includes a detailed analysis of the opinions expressed in the speciality literature and the solutions in the legal practice for the administrator revoking problem.
  • The concept of complex offence is not defined by law, excepting a few European legal systems, such as, for instance, the Romanian and Italian legislation. In the majority of legislations, the term complex offence is approached only by the specialty literature, like the cases of German, Spanish or French law. Non-regulation of the institution of complex offence through a legal provision has however resulted in an uncertainty with respect to its content, as the authors have different opinions regarding this matter.
  • The rule included in art. 41 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code adopted in 1968 defines the concept of complex offence in a way which does not exclude any critique. Among the numerous critiques submitted for this definition, the legislator of the new Criminal Code adopted by Law no. 286/2009 assumed a single critique regarding the inaccuracy of using the phrase „aggravating circumstance” that it replaced by the phrase „aggravating incidental element”. However, in the author’s opinion, the most important critique of the definition consists in the fact that concepts such as “action or inaction” are used in order to describe the absorbed offence, referring only to the objective side.
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