  • Based on the “monistic” nature of the current Romanian Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009, republished, entered into force on October 1, 2011) this study concludes that currently one can further discuss the existence of a “commercial law” in Romania, but only if it is no longer designed as an autonomous branch of the private law (in relation to civil law), but only as a component of the professionals’ law which, in turn, is a division (an integral part) of the Romanian civil law.
  • The Treaty of 9 December 1919 concerning minority protection was eventually signed by Romania only after fierce opposition grounded on the argument that the Treaty provisions contravene the principle of equal state sovereignty. The present paper is focused on examining the circumstances of the drafting of the 1919 Minority Treaty, on expounding its normative content and on depicting the situation of national minorities in interwar Romania. Finally, a general assessment of interwar Romania’s attitude towards minorities is undertaken.
  • The patrimonial civil rights the content of which has a pecuniary value include the real rights and the claim rights. The claim rights must be regarded directly as a relationship between persons, and, only indirectly, as a relationship between persons and things. The present study aims to analyze in detail the definition of the claim rights, of their legal characters, of the sources and the history of these rights. At the same time, this study proposes a comparative analysis between the claim rights and the real rights.
  • Like other modern enactments, the current Romanian Civil Code provides for a series of „rights of the personality”, which include, inter alia, the right to honour. The authors of this paper make a series of considerations in relation to this right „to honour”, in relation to both the Romanian legislation and legislations in Western Europe, taking into account that, in the Romanian legal doctrine, the right in question has been less studied prior to the entry into force of the current Civil Code (1 October 2011).
  • Law no. 287/2009 regarding the Civil Code introduces in the matter of successoral option many new items here and there, reconfiguring it. In this study, we propose to examine the general aspects that the successoral option involves in the light of the provisions of the new Civil Code, to highlight the new items brought by this legislative instrument in the matter subject to the examination et to assess their progressive nature.
  • In this study, the author makes an analysis on art. 45 to 46 of the Romanian Labor Code (Law no. 53/2003, republished on 18 May 2011) on the legal institution of posting. In this respect, the paper examines a number of controversies of the legal literature in this matter, after which the author, motivated, exposes his own opinion.
  • Compensation for damage related to the environment (environmental damage, lato sensu) – harm to the (ecologically “pure”) environment and damage to persons or property caused by pollutants, harmful actions and disasters - is achieved in Romanian law through several legal regimes: tort liability, under the Civil Code (liability for the deeds of its own, deeds based on guilt, fault liability, the deed of things, liability for abnormal neighborhood disturbances), environmental responsibility (covered by Directive no. 2004/35 / EC, transposed into the national law by the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 68/2007), the objective liability of legal origin and liability for damage caused by defective products. The main criterion is in this regard the term “environmental harm” and the concept of environmental damage (lato sensu). The construction of the liability and compensation for damage related to the environment (environmental damage) system involves delimiting the action field of each type of “liability”, “repair”, establishing the specific rules applicable and capturing the relevant structural interdependencies.
  • In this study the authors present a series of considerations on the decisions of the Constitutional Court and their effects, in the light of the provisions of Article 147 of the Romanian Constitution of 1991 (revised in 2003 and then republished on 31 October 2003), of the provisions of the Law No 47/1992 on the organization and functioning of the Constitutional Court (republished on 3 December 2010), as well as of the relevant case-law of the Constitutional Court in the matter. In this regard, the authors examine, sometimes in a critical manner, the following problems: the acts by which the Constitutional Court exercises its powers; why the decisions of the Constitutional Court have a general binding nature; whether there is a typology of the decisions of the Constitutional Court or not; the interpretative decisions of the Constitutional Court; the relations of the Constitutional Court with other public authorities arising as a result of the decisions of the Constitutional Court; the effects of the decisions of the Constitutional Court establishing the unconstitutionality of some legal provisions of parliamentary laws, ordinances, regulations and resolutions; the effects of the decisions of the Constitutional Court establishing the unconstitutionality of some provisions included in laws, before their promulgation; the effects of the decisions of the Constitutional Court on the constitutionality/unconstitutionality of the treaties or of the international agreements; the decisions of the Constitutional Court are generally binding and are effective only for the future.
  • The herein study strives to concentrate the main theses developed by the Court of Justice of the European Union regarding the right to paid annual leave. Starting from these premises, it aims to detect the interferences and the effects of European jurisprudence on Romanian national law, with a special view on the practical protection of the right to paid annual leave, in both of its components, the entitlement to annual leave and to a payment on that account. The underlying of the carry-over period’s function represents the basis of the conclusions regarding the necessity for a rigorous distinction between the causes of non-exercise of the right to annual leave by the employee, consequently, reflecting in the different judicial solutions. From the point of view of the Romanian procedural law, the study underlines the need to amend the law regarding the limitation period of the right to action in court for the protection of the non-material component of the right analysed, in order to meet the imperative of full harmonization with the European law.
  • In this study, the author makes an analysis – partly critical – of the provisions of Article 2358 (1) and (2) of the new Romanian Civil Code referring to the assignment of the mortgage and of Article 2427 of the same Code regarding the change in rank of the mortgage. Although the author appreciates, in general, as positive the regulations of the new Romanian Civil Code related to the assignment of mortgage and to the change in its rank, separately from the claim which it guarantees, nevertheless, in the conclusion there are retained a number of shortcomings in the drafting of the mentioned texts, for which reason several de lege ferenda proposals are made.
  • Este incontestabil că intrarea în vigoare a noului Cod penal a ridicat unele probleme în mod deosebit în practica aplicării legii penale mai favorabile, probleme ce au primit soluții diferite, evident în continuare controversate. În acest fel, odată cu intrarea în vigoare a noului Cod penal, la 1 februarie 2014, în practica aplicării legii penale apar situații diferite cu consecințe și reglementări deosebite în care se pot găsi persoanele care au săvârșit infracțiuni, astfel:
  • The present study aims to give an answer to the legal framework regarding the possible staff reduction followed by dismissal, measures that would have as sole purpose to increase the profit of the employer. Against the background of the ambiguity of Article 65 of the Labour Code, it is considered that such a measure is rationally possible only if the employer has a profit that is below the level of the average profit existing in the sector/field of activity (a situation that can be evaluated in relation to the financial data from the Trade Register Office and with the data that is published periodically by the Ministry of Public Finance). Only in such a case the condition of the real and serious cause is met.
  • In this study, the authors bring forward the main features of electronic monitoring programs and services for defendants and convicts, pointing out, concurrently, both their strengths and their weaknesses found in the implementation process. The authors also argue for a serious debate on national level, held on the imperativeness and opportunity to implement these services and programs in Romania, in the context of current penal reform.
  • Preliminarii. Termenul de securitate are o adresabilitate variată și complexă, putând influența și afecta atât individul, cât și orice nivel de organizare socială, colectivitate, stat sau organizație internațională. În mod sintetic, noțiunea de securitate1 implică lipsa oricăror amenințări, dar și posibilitatea prezervării unui nucleu de valori și a bunăstării2. Pentru orice individ și pentru o comunitate în ansamblul său sentimentul de securitate este acut și se construiește pe trei coordonate esențiale: liniștea, ocrotirea și absența fricii. Aceste trei coordonate definesc sensul primar al noțiunii de securitate a cărei etimologie provine din latinescul securus, desemnând pe cel care nu se teme (sine cura)3.
  • The state of emergency is one of the two exceptional measures regulated by the Romanian Constitution and by the Government Emergency Ordinance No 1/1999. It is a set of exceptional measures of a political, economic nature and of the nature of public order instituted when there is a serious danger for the national security and the functioning of constitutional democracy. Another legal reason to declare a state of emergency is to avoid a calamity or to exhaust the effects of a disaster. Inevitably, the measures adopted during the state of emergency lead to the restriction of the exercise of certain rights and freedoms, which is why constitutional and legal guarantees must be ensured in order for this restriction not to be abusive. The state of emergency is established for a period of maximum 30 days by decree of the President of Romania. The measures ordered by decree must be approved by the Parliament within a period of maximum 5 days. Contradictory opinions have been expressed in the doctrine regarding the legal nature of the decree of the President of Romania and of the acts issued pursuant to this decree (military ordinances and orders). Recently, the constitutional contentious court and the administrative contentious courts have ruled on the legal nature of administrative acts issued under the state of emergency. The next step in the evolution of this problem should be the reform of the normative framework regarding the exceptional states in accordance with the current provisions of the Basic Law, with the constant case law of the constitutional contentious court and, last but not least, with the approaches of some similar European regulations.
  • Although in our daily activity we work mainly in the Romanian law (or, at most, the European law), we are firm supporters of the need to broaden our horizons and to understand the foreign legal systems in order to enrich our knowledge, but also to grow as professionals of law; in particular, when we refer to countries such as the United States, an important economic power, with a solid system of law, from which we can draw the inspiration ourselves. This type of „legal inspiration” helps us a lot to understand other systems of law and to collaborate in cases such as the enforcement of foreign legal decisions, the application of foreign law in local files, helping companies to develop their businesses also in other parts than the country of origin – including Romania. In addition, the Romanian law has been substantially improved over time, having as source of inspiration the legal provisions from other countries. The trademark law – the need to explore and compare the systems of Romanian and American law – resulted, first of all, from the practical need, but also from the desire for knowledge. Although at first glance it looks very different, the U.S. trademark system is very similar to the Romanian one. There are the aspects that could be improved if we found a way to include them in our own legal system. There are some similarities, but also differences, between the regulation of trademarks in the Romanian and American legal systems, and we have tried to highlight some of them. Primo Angeli, an expert in brands, mentioned: „A great trademark is appropriate, dynamic, distinctive, memorable and unique.” Thus, whether we call it brand or trademark, we are not as different as we might think.
  • Following the systematic examination of some normative acts in the field of administrative law, the National Integrity Agency has expressed its opinion in the sense that the exercise of the position of secretary of the administrative-territorial units (Bucharest Municipality, county and local councils), simultaneously with the position of chairman or deputy at the electoral bureau of the polling station generates a situation of incompatibility with the provisions of the Law No 161/2003 and Law No 35/2008. The author of this study combats this opinion of the National Integrity Agency (submitted for compliance to the county and local councils by administrative means), reaching a symmetrically opposite conclusion (there is no incompatibility in the given situation).
  • This study describes a series of aspects regarding: the form of the state, the structure of the state and the governing form, insisting upon their features and divisions, at the same time pointing out the classifications of the structures of the state (the unitary state, the composite state); respectively, the monarchy (absolute and constitutional) and the republic (presidential, semi-presidential or parliamentary).
  • The study examines the issue of autonomy of labor law in relation to civil law while considering the recent assertions in legal literature. Taking into account the classical criteria for delimiting the legal branches within the law – the subject, the specific principles and regulatory method - it is concluded that labor law is a mixed law branch which belongs mainly to private law, applies by way of common law to all labor legal relationships unfounded on individual employment agreement, is self-contained and it capitalizes, where appropriate and possible, the rules of civil law as common law rules. Labor law is not a branch (part) of civil law, but independent component of private law along with common law (civil law).
  • In this study the author examines the recent changes to the legal status of free movement on the Romanian territory of the citizens of European Union Member States, European Economic Area and of the Swiss Confederation citizens through Law no. 80/2011, checking also their compatibility with the provisions of the Directive no. 2004/38/CE on free movement and residence of the EU citizens and of the family members on the territory of the member states and, when it is required, the way of reporting them to the legal status of the foreigners in Romania.
  • The new Criminal Code has substantially modified the modalities of judicial individualization of punishments applied to defendants, also bringing novelty elements regarding the calculation of the fine, the possibility of its cumulative application with the sentence of imprisonment, when the offence committed was intended to obtain a patrimonial benefit, or the possibility of replacing it with community service work. By this study, I intend, through a careful analysis of both the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and the doctrine, regarding Article 7 of the Convention, as well as of the principle of legality in general, to argue the impossibility of the judge to order the revocation of the suspension under supervision of the sentence in case that a penalty with the fine, applied to the same person, was replaced by the sentence of imprisonment.
  • The article deals with the issue of inappropriate conditions of detention in the Romanian penitentiary system and the available internal means of appeal. The objectives of the article consist in determining the content of the notion of conditions of detention, the deficiencies of which led to the violation of Article 3 of the ECHR/Convention, the analysis of the applicable internal remedies and of the relation between these from the perspective of obtaining monetary compensation for inappropriate conditions of detention, and the establishing of the effects of the state of necessity on the State’s obligation to ensure appropriate conditions of detention
  • Taking our stand upon the differing regulations under Article 283 and Article 315 of Law No. 1/2011 on National Education (texts according to which, as far as the pre-university teaching staff is concerned, recovery of damages to the employing unit in consequence of patrimonial liability takes place based on a charging decision, while, as far as the higher education teaching staff is concerned, the recovery in question takes place according to the labour law, so, as a rule, by way of the employer’s proceedings before the Labour Court of jurisdiction), the author makes a series of critical approaches (pointing out that this distinction in the procedure is not justified) and, concurrently, puts forward de lege ferenda proposals.
  • The present paper makes a critical analysis of the legal norms regarding the validity of the mandates of the local elected counselors’, putting into evidence the way in which a procedure, that must be by excellence a juridical one, was changed into an instrument for the achievement of the political interests of some election competitors. The study demonstrates that the self – assessment procedure of the departmental counselors’ mandates and of the local ones, introduced by modifying the law of the local public administration authorities’ election, within several days before the general election in June 2008, is contrary to the constitutional principles and of the rules that must govern a state of law. The author does not make only simple critical remarks, but he also presents solutions for entering into legality, by settling validation competences of t6he departmental and local counselors, by the courts, according to the procedure applied to the other local elected persons.
  • The Civil Procedure Code entered into force on 15 February 2013, when neither the fax nor the e-mail were unknown anymore in the field of communication. However, the procedural provisions have proven to be tributary to some classical origins, even obsolete in some cases. The interventions of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, of the Constitutional Court, in the matter of law analyzed by the authors in this article, did not have the role of modernizing nor of improving the efficiency of the act of justice. The given interpretations have taken into account the letter of the law and not its spirit, probably starting from the strict application of the procedural provisions. Without disregarding these principles, the authors criticize in an argumented manner the solution pronounced by the Decision No 34/2017 of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, the Panel for the settlement of some legal issues, ruling in the sense of qualifying the procedural act sent by e-mail or fax, after the court’s work schedule, but until 24.00 of the last day of the procedural term, as being done in due time.
  • This paper presents the meaning of the term „assets” in Article 535 of the Civil Code and, at the same time, highlights its incorrect use in some of the other texts of the Civil Code and other statutory instruments, in disagreement with the new terminological option. Likewise, it raises a discussion on the lack, within the Civil Code, of a minimum of general rules dedicated to „common assets”, irrespective of their nature, quality of holders and source of community. Finally, following the presentation of negative consequences of the reported shortcomings, some legal remedies are proposed.
  • By critically analyzing the foundation of the civil contract, in light of the provisions of the current Romanian Civil Code, in relation to the modern Western European legal doctrine, and by insisting on some obsolete and/or contradictory legal regulations of the new Romanian Civil Code, the author of this study, on the one hand, considers that the principle pacta sunt servanda has presently become a myth, that we are witnessing the constant decline of the autonomy of will in matters of civil contracts and, at the same time, a series of new developments as regards the limits of the contractual freedom, the legal regulation of unpredictability in the new Romanian Civil Code (Article 1271) being relevant in this respect. Finally, the author believes that the current Romanian Civil Code (of 2009) contains a number of inconsistencies and contradictory regulations under the mentioned aspects, for which reason he proposes, in conclusion, the recast of the Code as soon as possible, taking into account the numerous failures thereof.
  • This article presents the provisions of the new Civil Procedure Code whose entry into force has been postponed again, by a recent normative act. These provisions refer to: the investigation of the trial, the preliminary procedure before the appeal and recourse court, the judgments which can not be challenged by recourse and the composition of the panel of judges for pronouncing a preliminary judgment by the Supreme Court. In a criticizable manner, in the author’s opinion, the legislator has prorogued the entry into force of these provisions, initially for 1 January 2016, and then for 1 January 2017. The conclusion of the study is that the legislator should have allocated material and human resources necessary in order to create all the conditions for a full entry into force of the new Civil Procedure Code from the beginning (15 February 2013), not a partial one, being required successively (for the texts not entered into force ab initio) two postponements (1 January 2016 and then 1 January 2017).
  • The safety measure of extended confiscation was introduced by the Law No 63/2012 and is a transposition into the national legislation of the provisions of Article 3 of the Framework Decision 2005/212/JHA on Confiscation of Crime-Related Proceeds, Instrumentalities and Property. The study below has as purpose to analyse the provisions of this measure, provided in Article 1121 within the general part of the Criminal Code.
  • This study presents a possible legislative incoherence, generated by the current form of Article 130 (3) of the Civil Procedure Code, concerning the invocation of the lack of competence of private order of the courts, which may lead to the situation of an incompetent court hearing a request, an abnormal situation in the conduct of a civil legal procedure.
  • The new Criminal Code, adopted by Law no. 286/2009, sanctions the fact of the clerk who claims or gets sexual favors, in order to accomplish an action in compliance with his job duties, or opposed to them, or standing on or taking advantage of his authority or superiority over the victim, arising from the title he holds.
  • This article presents one of the issues of administrative law, namely its codification, by using the comparative study and the diagnosis analysis. Based on the inventory of the essential elements of the preliminary theses the conditions of the subsequent evolution of the Administrative Code in Romania are identified. The study emphasises the necessity to correct the existing normative framework and the thorough analysis of the social necessities. At the same time, the article draws attention to the necessity to adopt the Administrative Procedure Code with major role in the simplification and stability of the legal relations of the public administration with the other social protagonists. The diversity of meanings on the administrative codification from other states reflects the place and role of the Administrative Code in the Legislative Repertoire, but also its corroboration with the sectoral codes. The article points out, by recommendations, the normative requirements regarding the proper functioning of the public administration and draws attention to some measures that can be implemented within the limits of the current legal framework.
  • The study focuses on the analysis of the norms that regulate the subjects and the object of the protection of the topographies of the semiconductor products from the perspective of the Law no. 16/1995 with the further modifications and of the respective regulations from the Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009). The author reveals some aspects that were incoherently or ambiguously regulated as regards the approached topic and highlights the absence from the content of the special law (Law no. 16/1995) of some provisions misplaced in the Norms of application of this law. At the same time, in order to avoid the confusions in the analyzed case, the author formulates de lege ferenda proposals, in the view of eliminating the identified legislative imperfections.
  • Today the philosophy of law can not be conceived outside the genesis, evolutions, paradigmatic hypostases, connections with the science, the knowledge and the world, of the fundamental conceptual couple philosophy – right. In the contemporary world we are witnessing spectacular changes of paradigm, of models, from the mechanical understanding of the legal order – specific to the modern period – to law as a complexity of high organization, open to others, to totality and to meaning. This means, among other things, the inherence of the philosophical dimension of the law. Therefore, the philosophy of law shall be established as a polycentric, integrative concept connecting together the durable classic axle, namely philosophy (expressed through excellence by its exemplary paradigms) – law (also expressed by its representative paradigms), to the contemporary network of knowledge, to the global society and to the contemporary man, in a specific, critical, open manner, always evolving.
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