  • The study examines the factoring contract as an easy and quick method of financing of the adherent by way of turning to account of the unmatured claims. The factoring, regulated internationally, has been recognized and defined in the Romanian legislation, but without any regulation of its legal system. After the analysis of the framework contract and of the actual factoring contract, the study examines and explains the forms of the factoring contract and their finality, as well as the constitutive elements of the contract, with reference to the specific of the contracting parties and of the participants, as well as to the derived object, concerning certain, liquid, assignable, but not exigible claims. In the approach of the effects of the contract there have been analyzed the rights and obligations of the contracting parties and the relations generated by the contract. In respect of the obligations of the adherent, attention was paid to the transmission of the right over the claims by means of sale and to the achievement of the conventional subrogation and the moment of transmission of the right over claims, depending on the distinction between old line factoring and the maturity factoring. Likewise, it has been analyzed the legal and conventional obligation of warranty of the adherent in correlation to the risks assumed by the factor, related to payment default of the claims and the insolvency of the assigned debtor. In the same context, it has been also treated the problem of notification of the debtor concerning the assignment of claims, highlighting the consequences of the notification with regard to the enforcement of claims, as well as the aspects of opposability of the assignment to the debtors and to third parties, with reference to recording of the transmission of the universality of claims in the Electronic Archive of Security Interests on Movable Property. The rights and obligations of the factor have been examined from its perspective of owner of the invoices accepted for payment and of the takeover by the latter of the task of collection of claims from the clients of the adherent, in close correlation with the factor’s function of financier of the adherent, by the payment of the claims assigned before maturity. The patrimonial factor-adherent relations have been integrated into the role of the current account opened by the factor for the payment of claims assigned and of the discount covered by the adherent, resulted from the difference between the nominal and conventional value of the claims assigned. By the correlated mechanism of crediting-debiting, the current account also fulfils its accounting function of crediting the adherent with the amounts that the factor collects as mandatary with regard to the invoices not accepted for payment and the function of debiting with the amounts owed by the debtor, following the regression for the claims for which the adherent has conventionally assumed the risk of payment default or of insolvency of the debtor. The effects of factoring contract are analyzed also in terms of its impact in case of insolvency of the adherent, including of the consequences related in this case to the turning to account of the claims assigned with regard to the assigned debtor. It was treated also the reverse-factoring mechanism, as well as the relations between the adherent, the factor and the assigned debtor, in relation to the effects of the notification in terms of the turning to account the claim right of the adherent, of the factor and of the payment obligation of the assigned debtor. In the final part of the study, there have been outlined the legal features of the factoring contract, with special outlook on the character intuitu personae of the contract, on the character of adherence contract and of random contract, in the hypothesis that the factor assumes the risk of payment default or of insolvency of the assigned debtor. The scientific approach led to the classification of the legal nature of the factoring contract as a complex of contracts and legal figures different, but convergent, with its own physiognomy and autonomy, which differentiates the factoring contract from its components. The particular configuration of the factoring contract, which defines it as a whole with its own legal system, has brought to attention the need for demarcation of the contract from its components.
  • The study brings to attention the distinction, but also the relation between the operation of trust and the contract of trust, as a means of achieving an autonomous patrimonial property with character of destination. After analyzing the substantive, form, content and registration requirements of the contract, as well as the opposability of the assets in the trust property, the study focuses on the significance of the acceptance of the contract of trust by its beneficiary, as well as the acceptance mechanism, when one of the contracting parties is beneficiary. In the analysis of the prerogatives of the trustee’s property right as an effect of the contract, it is emphasized that this right is limited by the achievement of the purpose of the trust, found in the contract clauses and the duration of the contract, after which the trust property is subject to retrocession. The study tends to mark the distinction between the mandatary, term used or suggested by the regulation, and the position of the trustee in the configuration of the contract of trust, given that it concludes legal acts in the interest of the beneficiary and with an impact on the trust property. In regard to the trustee’s obligation to return the trust property at the expiration of the term or the achievement of the purpose of the trust, it is analyzed the distinction between this legal obligation of the trustee and the sale contract with repurchase agreement. The study also focuses on the acts of disposition that the trustee can make on the basis of a proxy, in the process of exploiting the trust property, stating that this right can be exercised only on the components of this property, individually or as a whole, and not on the trust property, which must remain intact, as a fraction of a universality.
  • The study deals with the contract called supply contract, regulated in the current Civil Code, its particularities as opposed to the sales contract, the aspects of incidence of the provisions regarding the sale contract which completes the special regulation of the supply contract. There are analysed the substantive and formal terms of the supply contract, the rights and obligations of the contracting parties, the doctrinal opinions and the case law in the matter, the legal consequences of the failure to supply the goods according to the contractual clauses and the failure to pay the price, the conditions for subcontracting, as well as the aspects related to the contractual liability of the supplier towards the beneficiary, for the non-compliance with the subcontractor’s obligations.
  • The study devoted to the loan contract resumes in a new form, determined, indeed, by the new Civil Code as well, this type of contract with a millenary existence, which has its roots in the Roman Age. The study emphasizes the evolution in time of the loan contract, from the essentially free loan, concluded between relatives, friends, acquaintances, a contract in which the moral precepts, including those related to religious morals, were extremely obvious, to the current loan contract, with an onerous variant, a contract that, without having lost its viability, has become extremely topical, useful. The study also emphasizes the form in which the Civil Code has insisted on regulating this type of contract, under the more or less beneficial influence of the doctrine and of the case law prior to its adoption. We tried, where we found it necessary, to go beyond the traditional patterns of the contract, as it is regarded by a significant part of the doctrine, and to accredit other points of view, being fully aware of their fragility. Last but not least, we tried to adapt the theories of some pragmatic exigencies, which, ultimately, should prevail over any constructions more related to the philosophy of law, not to the changing law.
  • The study hereafter aims at developing the subject represented by the lease contract of an intellectual creation correlated with the new legal dispositions of the Civil code concerning the lease agreement. The analysis is inscribed in the author’s sphere of interest concerning the major copyrights turning into account agreements following an ample theoretical schedule, which is defined by the effort to compare the particular legal provisions on this type of agreements to the larger area of legal provisions comprised in the Civil code that came into force in October, 2011. The necessity of this study is derived from the circumstance that this type of agreement dealt with hereafter is brought under regulation by a single article encompassed in Law no. 8/1996, corroborated with the fact that the patrimonial author’s rights turning into account agreements are not referred to within the legal provisions of Law no. 287/2009. (The Civil Code)
  • Brokerage is an activity which plays an important role in the economy and is exercised in various areas thereof, such as trade, insurance, transport, etc. Despite the importance of this activity and the large number of brokered legal relationships, the first brokerage contract regulation is found in the Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009) which entered into force on October 1, 2011. The brokers are professionals and their goal is to bring together other natural or legal persons to conclude certain contracts specific to the economic sector they operate in. Brokers are third parties to the agreement between the two parties brought into relationship and have only the right to receive the established remuneration as far as the brokered agreement is concluded. In terms of the right to remuneration, the fulfillment of the obligations undertaken by the parties in the brokered contract is irrelevant.
  • The Labour Code (Law No 53/2003) was radically amended by the Law No 40/2011. One of the amendments and supplements brought to the Code was the rephrasing of Article 31, respectively, in addition to the trial period, it was regulated, only for the graduates of higher education institutions, a probation period (of 6 months) at the beginning of activity in their profession, with an additional specification that the modality of performing the probation period would be established by a special law. In this respect Law No 335/2013 on performing the probation period for higher education graduates has been recently adopted in order to regulate the probation contract. In this study the author makes an analysis – partly critical – of this last-mentioned law.
  • Rail freight contract in the Republic of Moldova’s Law is that contract by which the State Enterprise „Moldova Railways”, via a regional subdivision as carrier, undertakes in return of shipping charges (tariff) to transport within a given period, to watch over and to release the goods arrived at the railway station of destination to the person whose name is mentioned on the consignment note. Rail freight contract is a variation of contract for carriage of goods in general. Therefore, based on its legal regulation there are two categories of legal rules: general – the rules of the Civil Code of the Republic of Moldova and special – the rules of the Rail Code of the Republic of Moldova and other subordinate legal regulations. Special Rule enjoys priority over the general rule. The railway is a system of state concern, being monopoly enterprise within the territory of the Republic of Moldova. All railway territorial subdivisions are subordinated to the railway central government. In turn, the consignor may be a public or private legal entity or a natural person that submits merchandise to be carried for personal needs. The law does not require special conditions for shippers. Shippers individuals have the right to carry goods for personal needs, family, household and other non-related to the entrepreneurial activity. In this case, they shall be treated equally to all customers and shall be granted all rights under consumer protection legislation.
  • In this study there are analyzed the issues raised by the conclusion and performance of the electronic contracts, also having in view that the cyberspace where they are located has no borders. There are examined, by turns, the regulation of the electronic contract (1); the notion of electronic contract, the notion of electronic means, the classification of electronic contracts (2); the formation of the electronic contract (3); the proof of electronic contract (4); the delocalisation of the electronic contract and its significance for the international trade law (5).
  • For the Romanian legal system, the case law does not have the quality of a formal source of law. However, the legal reality, viewed also from a historical perspective, has demonstrated the essential role of judicial practice in the interpretation and application of the law, in building argumentative practices, in clarifying the will of the legislator and discovering the less obvious meanings of legal norms and, last but not least, in the unification of legal thinking and practice. That is why case law, along with doctrine, is an important component of the Romanian legal system. Starting from these considerations, in this study we aim to emphasize some aspects of the role of the constitutional case law in shaping and even in the development of some principle s of law. We emphasize in particular its contribution to the emergence and development of the constitutional review of laws, as well as to the edification of principles of law. We mainly analyze the role of judicial practice in the construction of the principle of proportionality in constitutional law, of the principle of equality and the interference between the principle of proportionality and the principle of equality. In this sense, we support the role of the case law not only in the correct interpretation and application of constitutional norms, but also in their construction, in discovering the existing normative meanings most often only implicitly in the formal expression of the legal norm of the above-mentioned constitutional principles. Thus, the case law in constitutional matters is not limited to the interpretation by classical methods of the norms of the Fundamental Law, but has an important contribution to the clarification and construction of some principles of law, to the constitutionalization of the entire legislative system and of judicial practice of all courts of law
  • La sfârșitul anului 1871 a fost creată „Societatea juridică” – cea dintâi societate juridică românească. În același an, joi, 16 decembrie, avea să vadă lumina tiparului primul număr al revistei „Dreptul” (la acea dată ziarul „Dreptulu”) – cea mai veche publicație juridică existentă în România zilelor noastre.
  • In this study, the author, after presenting some brief considerations on proportionality as a principle of law, presents the theoretical foundations of proportionality, as they are reflected in the Romanian legal doctrine. Finally, the author proposes that, in prospect of future revision of the Constitution of Romania, it must be established, in its very first article, that „the exercise of the state power must be proportionate and non-discriminatory”.
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