  • It is of interest both from theoretical perspective and mostly from practical perspective to raise for discussion and, furthermore, to propose some solutions for some controversial issues related to succession law, as well as to settle a conflict of laws in time. Therefore, in this paper there are emphasized some of the facets which the temporal conflict of laws can take, in the matter of inheritances, and there are expressed some points of view, which could be of interest to the practitioners, determining them to reflect on this topic.
  • This study aims to develop concepts already outlined in the doctrine, but in the light of the modern law on self-defence and exceeding its limits, containing transitional issues in relation to the new Criminal Code, accompanied by the case law up to date and reasonable own notes, while emphasizing the theoretical and practical controversies encountered. The article is prepared in an analytical style, the author reveals the key aspects regarding certain particularities and difficulties arising from the combination of the letter of the law with its enforcement. In addition to the aforementioned aspects, certain elements related to the comparative law are present, and the provisions of the (European) Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms concerning self-defence, as well as de lege ferenda proposals.
  • This study presents the divergent case law generated by the current insufficient regulation of the legal regime of burial plots and funeral constructions, such as burial vaults and crypts. While some courts admit the assignment of the tomb to one heir, others consider that the concession right over the burial plot and the funeral constructions bears upon a forced and perpetual indivisibility which excludes the division. As a solution, it proposes a clarification of the legal regime applicable to funeral concessions and the explicit regulation of the use of underground burial vaults, especially from the perspective of the exclusive right to be buried in a particular crypt.
  • In this study, the author – by making a comparative analysis of the legal treatment of the spouses’ common assets obtained in the course of marriage in the new Romanian Civil Code (Law No. 287/2009, as amended by Law No. 71/ 2011 and in force as of October 1, 2011) – issues a series of own interpretations in the field, including with regard to the spouses’ tacit mandate within the legal joint property of assets according to the regulations of the Romanian Civil Code, also underlining a series of negative aspects (with regard to common assets) contained in the regulations of the new Code.
  • Considerații generale. În art. 146 din Constituția României, republicată, legiuitorul constituant a prevăzut atribuțiile Curții Constituționale, procedura jurisdicțională fiind menționată în cadrul secțiunii a 2-a din capitolul III, denumit „Competența Curții Constituționale”, din Legea nr. 47/1992 privind organizarea și funcționarea Curții Constituționale, republicată1. Potrivit dispozițiilor textului menționat, una din atribuțiile Curții Constituționale este aceea de a hotărî „asupra excepțiilor de neconstituționalitate privind legile și ordonanțele, ridicate în fața instanțelor judecătorești sau de arbitraj comercial; excepția de neconstituționalitate poate fi ridicată și direct de Avocatul Poporului” [art. 146 lit. d) din Constituția României, republicată].
  • In this study, the two authors examine the procedure of establishing local councils in the Romanian legislation and reveal a series of ambiguities of the legal rules regulating various stages of this procedure, ambiguities generated in particular by the circumstance that the given procedure is regulated in the content of three regulations, namely: art. 28–35 of the Local Public Administration Law no. 215/2001 (republished in 2007, then amended and supplemented several times), art. 1–10 of the Government Ordinance no. 35/2002 for approving the Regulation on the organization and operation of local councils; art. 6–8 of Law no. 393/2004 on the statute of local elected officials (and the latest two regulations being amended and completed several times). Taking into consideration this situation, the authors propose a series of solutions for creating a more coherent legislative framework in this field.
  • On the occasion of the modification of the claims regarding the establishment of a seizure, the judge of the cause of action should examine to what extent, from the psychological and legal point of view, the active involvement of the creditor – most often the single litigant who knows the existence of the file – prejudices certain fundamental principles of the civil trial such as the principle of the equality of arms or the principle of contradictoriality. The simple record of the presence of the party, in the absence of the other party, is sufficient to affect, by itself, these cardinal ordinances of the civil trial. The principle of availability cannot justify a proportional reduction in the amount of the bail in relation to the reduction of the sum to the amount to which the establishment of the seizure is required; otherwise, it would create an insurmountable “obstacle” in the path of the debtor which, “exposing” the abusive approach of the creditor subsequently, would be obliged to have its fill of an inappropriate bail of the suffered prejudice.
  • The author, undertaking an analysis of legal EU regulations in relation to occupational pensions, concludes that the statements under Ruling no. 873/2010 of the Constitutional Court of Romania (only in terms of constitutionality of Law no. 119/2010 with reference to the conversion of public military pensions in “common law” pensions, within the meaning of Law no. 19/2000) are erroneous; consequently, the aforementioned conversion itself, set forth under Law no. 119/ 2010, is unconstitutional, in breaching relevant European law.
  • Taking into consideration that this is a matter in which there are serious controversies in the doctrine and multiple contradictory solutions in the legal practice, this feature (unity or plurality of passive subjects) should not be mentioned as a constitutive feature of the continued crime, thus suggesting the idea that the solution had the adhesion of the entire doctrine. In this respect, the solution of the criminal law in force, which defines continued crime without adding the mentioned feature, seems fairer to us than the solution provided by the new Criminal Code.
  • Protecția drepturilor omului1 , în esența sa, a fost la început o afacere internă a statelor și era asigurată într-un cadru național. Treptat, ea și-a făcut loc și în dreptul internațional, care a început să se intereseze de drepturile persoanelor în prima jumătate a veacului trecut, urmare a unor evenimente, cum ar fi revoluția rusă, genocidul asupra poporului armean, ascensiunea la putere a partidului nazist în Germania, ce au determinat mișcări forțate de populație. Era în firescul lucrurilor ca primele instrumente internaționale de protecție a persoanelor să se refere cu precădere la drepturile refugiaților și la drepturile minorităților. În legătură cu drepturile refugiaților, cu titlu de exemplu, relevăm: Aranjamentul privind eliberarea de certificate de identitate refugiaților ruși și armeni din 12 mai 1926; Aranjamentul relativ la statutul juridic al refugiaților ruși și armeni din 30 iunie 1928; Convenția asupra statutului internațional al refugiaților din 28 octombrie 1933; Convenția privind statutul refugiaților provenind din Germania. Cu referire la drepturile minorităților, amintim: tratatele speciale – (de)numite despre minorități – care au fost încheiate în urma Primului Război Mondial cu Polonia, Cehoslovacia, Statul Sârbo-Croato-Sloven, România și Grecia. Pe de altă parte, dispoziții în favoarea minorităților au fost inserate și în tratatele de pace încheiate cu Austria, Bulgaria, Ungaria și Turcia.
  • In this article, we intend to present, first of all, the particularities of the on-the-spot investigation, and then to deal with the way of drawing up a report, regarding those found on the spot and the importance of such evidence for solving cases. Also, depending on the discussions held, in our presentation, we will examine the themes raised by applying Articles 345–347 of the Civil Procedure Code; the situations in which the court, which travels on the spot, cannot conclude the investigation on the appointed day; the issue of the rogatory commission and the manner of drawing up the minutes. Current probation law provides the on-the-spot investigation with the conduct of operations and findings to be recorded in a report, which also shows the presence or absence of the parties. We appreciate that, for a fair trial, the deadlines for which the judge goes to that place on the second or even the third day must be mentioned. Although it is not a legal provision for the on-the-spot investigation by the letter rogatory, there are requests, according to the rules of common law, by which the courts support each other, to establish the truth accurately. Because the on-the-spot investigation is direct evidence of the facts, the minutes must be drawn up meticulously during on-the-spot investigations. In our analysis we also turn to generically related information, which cannot be a means of probation allowed by our system.
  • Prior to the referral to the court by filing an application for summons, in cases where the law expressly provides it, the applicant must go through a preliminary procedure, which has the meaning of an attempt of extrajudicial resolution of the legal disagreement. The current regulation in this matter (Article 193 of the Civil Procedure Code) is significantly superior to the previous one. The interpretation and the application of these provisions require some specifications or nuances, which are subject to this study.
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