  • In this study, the author – by making a comparative analysis of the legal treatment of the spouses’ common assets obtained in the course of marriage in the new Romanian Civil Code (Law No. 287/2009, as amended by Law No. 71/ 2011 and in force as of October 1, 2011) – issues a series of own interpretations in the field, including with regard to the spouses’ tacit mandate within the legal joint property of assets according to the regulations of the Romanian Civil Code, also underlining a series of negative aspects (with regard to common assets) contained in the regulations of the new Code.
  • The new Romanian Civil Code advances a new conception regarding the divorce, essentially different from the conception with which we were familiar under the legislation that is (still) in force. Analyzing the provisions of Arts. 373-404, contained in Book II, “Family” of the new Civil Code, a note must be made of the non-dissimulated liberal “philosophy” on divorce, particularly expressed through the following features: multiplication of the reasons for divorce – in the sense that divorce by the spouses’ agreement may also take the form of a request accepted by the other spouse, the de facto separation is a distinct reason for divorce, allowing for the dissolution of marriage including out of the exclusive fault of the claimant spouse’ the “de-judiciarization” of the divorce procedure – by the fact that marriage termination does not fall under the exclusive competence of the courts of law, in the case of divorce by proper consent, alongside the judiciary means, being also available the means of administrative or notarial procedure, the latter being accessible even in the presence of spouses’ underage children, the limitation of post-divorce legal issues – by encouraging the settlement of “all issues” related to marriage, patrimonial or non-patrimonial, in the relation between spouses, as well as in the relations between parents and children, preferably by the spouses’ agreement of will and, inasmuch as possible, “in one package”, on the occasion of marriage termination. This study is dedicated to these features. In the introductory part (§1), we propose a systematization model for divorce cases, then we analyze the forms taken by divorce according to the reason for marriage termination (§2), making a distinction between divorce as a remedy – by the spouses’ agreement, at the request of either one of them accepted by the other spouse, for health reasons – and divorce by fault – for reasons that are not provided by the law, due to the de facto separation which lasted at least 2 years.
  • The study below is consecrated to the new procedural regulations regarding the arbitral award. In the first part of the study the author specifies the decisive part of the autonomy of the will in establishing the rules applicable to the arbitration, especially to ad-hoc arbitration. The determination of all procedural rules by arbitrators, in case of ad hoc arbitration, is often difficult. That is why, on the side, respectively in so far as the parties have not established the applicable rules, and those enacted in Book IV of the new Civil Procedure Code are not covering, the author defends the necessity of the access to common law. An emphatic criticism shall be brought to the provisions of art. 594 paragraph 2 of the new Civil Procedure Code, the text requiring the exposure of the arbitral award, comprising provisions on the transfer of the ownership right or the granting of another real right to the law court or to the notary public in order to obtain, as the case may be, the vesting with the „writ of execution” or an „authentic notarial deed”. The author’s undertaking is focused on the arbitral award, on its content, as well as on the grounds legitimating the exercise of the action for annulment. He considers the action for annulment to be a specific procedural way of abrogating an arbitral award. Interesting considerations are formulated also in relation to the proposal of consecrating the remedy at law of the recourse against the judgment passed by the competent court of appeal. The solution is proposed in the Draft Law for the enforcement of the new Civil Procedure Code.
  • In its capacity of party to the (European) Convention on Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and its Additional Protocols, inter alia, Romania has committed to comply with Art. 6 of the mentioned international instrument as well as with art. 2 of the Additional Protocol no. 7. For this reason, it is imperative that documents which have important procedural consequences and emanating from a body which is part of the executive power, to be susceptible of a fair and adversarial control from a judge, meeting the fairness guarantees consistent with the rule of law – this is, in fact, the ratio legis of art. 2781 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Equally, according to art. 2 of the Additional Protocol no. 7 to this Convention, any person convicted of an offense within the autonomous meaning of this term, has the right to submit the “declaration of guilt” concerned to the analysis of a higher court, benefiting from the double degree of jurisdiction in criminal matters. This study aims to analyze the compliance of the referred supranational provisions with the provisions of positive domestic law.
  • In this study, the author examines an institution subsequent to the right to defense, namely the right to access the criminal case. If the during the trial phase is no problem with interested parties consulting the case, as the parties are provided with unrestricted access to the documents in the case, one cannot consult the case during the prosecution phase. Thus, in the current Code of Criminal Procedure, access to the criminal case is not explicitly regulated; reason why the prosecution’s practice is inconsistent from this point of view. Subsequent to the analysis of the way the case can be accessed during the prosecution phase, the author details the procedure established for this purpose under the new Code of Criminal Procedure; this procedure appears as a new aspect of future regulations. Last but not least, the paper deals with the institution for access to the criminal case from the perspective of the European legal systems (Germany, Italy, Spain, France, and Czech Republic).
  • This article addresses the issues represented by the content and conduct of criminal proceedings, naturally framed in certain coordinates which, due to their combination and their complexity serve to develop a criminal trial theory, which is based on the following constants: the nature of the criminal trial, the object of the criminal trial, systematization of criminal trial, criminal trial subjects and criminal procedural relations.
  • The need of instituting specialized jurisdictions in a given area is generated by the existence of a specification of the branch of law, of its major particularities and the scale of the litigation that this jurisdiction is called to resolute. Starting with the second half of the twentieth century, environmental law has claimed its autonomy as a new branch of law and scientific field, having its own principles, and centered on the fundamental right to sane and ecologically balanced environment. The need to increase the effectiveness and to assert its specificity has determined in a number of states various judicial experiences, identifying the trend of environmental specialization in this field. In Romania, the volume of the environmental litigation doesn’t seem to prioritize the creation of a special jurisdiction, but the complexity of the matters, the limits of the classical jurisdictions in solving them and the imperative of assuring the effectiveness of the environmental legislation demand for triggering a phased process of institutionalization of such specialized jurisdictions.
  • In this study, the author shows that, if a person violates the precept of criminal legal norms, he or she will be liable to prosecution for embracement of that behavior. Criminal responsibility includes offender’s obligation to abide and to serve his or her sentence, and also the State’s correlative right to impose such a sanction as a result of an offense and to impose upon the offender the execution of that sanction. In modern criminal law, criminal liability can be incurred only as a result of an offense and only if the offender has the ability to be held criminally responsible. Classical school of criminal law has converted the subjective criminal liability based on guilt into a principle: without guilt there is no crime, and without crime there is no criminal liability. Such being, the author raises the following question: how might we reconcile these assertions with the objective criminal liability issue which incurs only based on the causality relation between the offense and the result, irrespective of the mental position of the perpetrator? This study represents a journey onto a “hag” of the criminal law in which the foundation of objective criminal liability is addressed through the common-law doctrine, also assessing the pros and cons of maintaining such an institution in some Continental Law systems that accept it. Furthermore, the author has tried sketching a picture of the institution of objective criminal liability in terms of comparative law (English and Italian criminal law), indicating the objective criminal responsibility forms as they were identified by different common-law authors. Last but not least, she aimed to identify the residual forms of the objective criminal liability under the Romanian criminal law, and the prospect of maintaining this form of criminal liability in the Continental Criminal Law.
  • In this paper the author discusses whether a declaration of enforceability of the mortgage agreement is made by the court by way of absolving procedure (non-contentious) or, alternatively, via litigation. Based on fully reasoned arguments, it is concluded that, in this case, we face a contentious proceeding and not an absolving (non-contentious) one.
  • The authors of this study bring into question issues arising from the adoption of the new codes, the Civil Code and that of Civil Procedure, and analyze practical aspects relating to the laws implementing the two new codes impact on the related acts thereof. Adopting the new codes, in addition to establishing provisions to meet current requirements, has also generated numerous legislative interventions on the related legal acts. To facilitate tracking legal information, republication of these related acts was provided for, operation which, most often created many problems regarding proper preparation of the re-publishable forms of the concerned acts. Furthermore, the authors also present statistics about the number of normative acts needed to be republished under the new codes and the concrete way to fulfill this task, specifying both the acts in respect of which the re-publishable forms have been formally drawn, and those in respect of which this obligation has been fulfilled by republishing thereof in the Official Gazette.
  • The appeal for annulment –Articles 503-508 of the new Romanian Code of Civil Procedure (Law no. 134/2010 republished on August 3, 2012 and which will enter into force on February 1, 2013) is one of three extraordinary remedies at law (appeal, appeal for annulment and motion for revision). Appeal for annulment was also regulated by the previous Code of Civil Procedure (of 1865, republished in 1948, countless times subsequently amended and supplemented). This study is a comparative analysis of the regulation on the appeal for annulment in the previous of Civil Procedure Code and the new Code of Civil Procedure, compassing both similarities and differences between the two regulations.
  • Under the rule of the Romanian Family Code (effective between 1 February 1954 – 30 September 2011) the admissibility issue concerning the action for contesting filiation was controversial. The new Romanian Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009, republished on 15 July 2011 and entered into force on 1 October 2011) settles the discussion whilst expressly regulating (in art. 421) “the action for contesting filiation”. In this study the author makes a thorough analysis of this purport.
  • This study deals with the extremely complex problems of the legal relation of criminal enforcement law, often confused with the legal relation of substantive criminal law or even with the relation of criminal processual law. That is precisely why the author insists on the specific elements of the analyzed relation, thus creating clear delimitations between the three institutions that have separate existence, and also areas of very strong interference.
  • Due to the prevailing technical nature and to the insufficient discussion on this subject in the doctrine and the specialised literature, the search of computers gives rise to controversies. The author presents, step by step, every phase of this probative procedure, emphasizing the criminal processual particularities in the light of the regulation in force (Article 168 of the new Criminal Procedure Code) and of the previous one [Article 56 (4) of the Law No 161/2003 corroborated with Article 100 and following of the Criminal Procedure Code of 1968], as well as the technical – computer particularities.
  • The study deals with the problem of the legal nature of the concurrence established between the offence of assault or other violences and the offence of ill-treatment of minor. The identity in material element between the two offences may be complete, in which case they are in formal concurrence. There is a complete identity in material element when both offences involve a duration of consumption in time. The identity in material element can not be complete, in which case the two offences are found in real concurrence. There is an incomplete identity in material element when the offence of ill-treatment of minor involves a duration of consumption in time, while the offence of assault or other violences lacks this feature.
  • The author of this study points out the urgent need of reformation of the legal higher education, in the context of economic globalisation and of the phenomenon of mondialisation of law. This involves, in the opinion of the author, its adjustment both to the new exigences of the professional market and to the internal changes of the system of legal science and theory, in the effort to acknowledge and express the evolution of a globalised world. Within this study there are analyzed, among others, the current trends of the legal higher education from the perspective of the common law model and of the continental legal model of Romano-Germanic origin. Likewise, there are presented the important models of training of jurists in the West, as well as the situation of the legal higher education in Romania.
  • The new normative framework in the matter of insolvency regulated by the Law No 85/2014 on the procedures for preventing insolvency and for insolvency brings some significant mutations in this matter, regulating the mentioned legal institution, of a great importance to the economic environment, by more clear, concise and predictable rules. In the ambience of the new regulation in the matter of insolvency, as well as of some special regulations in this matter, this study intends to make an analysis of a few general aspects regulated by the new normative framework in the matter of insolvency and by the special regulations in the field, pointing out, through a comparative analysis to the provisions of the former law, the elements of novelty brought in the matter of insolvency.
  • In this study the authors intend to point out the significant novelties brought in the matter by the Law No 85/2014 on the procedures for preventing insolvency and for insolvency, as compared to the previous regulation (the Law No 85/2006). This being the case, the authors examine the mentioned novelties: (I) as concerns the judgment within the insolvency procedure; (II) with reference to the effects of the insolvency procedure; (III) in the field of reorganization and bankruptcy. Finally, the authors come to the conclusion that the Law No 85/2014 succeeds to cover a series of legislative gaps, to settle some controversial issues in the legal practice and, finally, to provide some equitable solutions where the provisions of the old law (No 85/2006) were rightfully criticized.
  • As compared to the former civil enactment which established a special immovable property privilege of architects, entrepreneurs, stonemen and other workers employed to build, rebuild or repair edifices, canals or other works, the new Romanian Civil Code provides a legal real estate mortgage for architects and entrepreneurs who have agreed with the owner to build, rebuild or repair a building. Beyond a slight restriction of the scope of application, the Romanian legislator has opted for a simplification of the conditions of recognition of the legal guarantee, which is praiseworthy and useful for the practice. However, the lapidary drafting of the normative texts does not provide answers to all the questions that the practitioners may ask themselves. The author has attempted in this paper to provide an image as accurate as possible of these questions, with the mention that the most important is the need for a fast answer (from the legislator or from the doctrine) to the question whether this legal mortgage guarantees only the payment of some amounts of money or also of any other type of claim which could represent the price of works contract. The issue essentially and immediately affects the scope of application of the guarantee and, consequently, a solution is required in order to ensure the predictability necessary for the economic circuit.
  • The regulation of the movable property mortgage in the new Romanian Civil Code (Articles 2387–2419) was a necessity and it represented an important element of reform in matters of guarantees. The importance of the movable property increases every day, so that the Romanian legislator had to adjust to the permanently changing economic and social requirements. In the opinion of the author and, partly, in disagreement with other authors, the movable property mortgage agreement has the legal nature of a constitutive, unilateral, free, solemn and public agreement, being ancillary to the claim which it guarantees. This paper examines the solemn character, the constitutive character and the free character of the movable property mortgage, because it is only about these characters that the author has some key observations.
  • Unlike the old Civil Code, in the system of the new Civil Code (NCC) the assignment of claim enjoys a superior regulation, including as regards the problems of the publicity formalities stricto sensu. In this regard, the publicity formalities towards third parties, separate from those necessary for informing the assigned debtor, provide the possibility of taking knowledge about the assignment by any person concerned (successive assignees, mortgage creditors, pursuing creditors etc.). In principle, the assignment becomes opposable against third parties only from the moment of registration in the Electronic Archive for Security Interests in Movable Property [Article 1583 (2) of NCC]. This is the general rule of common law, from which the law also provides exceptions when considering the nature or the source of the assigned claim. The main exceptions refer to the assignments of real estate incomes and to the seizure of a real estate mortgage claim, which are noted in the land register [Article 902 (2) points 6 and 15 of NCC]. From the date of registration of the assignment in the public register, the assignee’s rights, that is the claim right and all its ancillary rights, including movable property and real estate mortgages, become opposable to third parties. The sanction of non-registration is the non-opposability of the assignment against the third parties concerned.
  • Procedura succesorală, procedură prin care se transpun în practică dispozițiile normative ce vizează succesiunile și transmisiunea acestora, poate fi după natura sa o procedură litigioasă sau una nelitigioasă, aceasta ținând strict de competența acordată instanțelor de judecată sau notarului public.
  • Problema executării silite este reglementată în mod sumar în instrumentele europene adoptate în domeniul cooperării judiciare civile, astfel încât, în prezent, această materie este guvernată de principiul teritorialității procedurilor de executare. Aceasta înseamnă că procedurile de executare silită sunt reglementate în principal de legislațiile naționale, instanțele statului membru de la locul de executare dispunând de competență exclusivă pentru rezolvarea tuturor incidentelor rezultate din activitatea de punere în executare silită a titlurilor executorii.
  • S-a împlinit anul acesta un deceniu de când primul articol al Legii nr. 51/1995 pentru organizarea și exercitarea profesiei de avocat1 a fost completat prin Legea nr. 255/20042 cu un alineat suplimentar – (3) –, text care, coroborat cu art. 5 alin. (4) din Statutul profesiei de avocat3, interzice constituirea și funcționarea de barouri în afara Uniunii Naționale a Barourilor din România (în continuare, U.N.B.R.), actele de constituire și de înregistrare a unor astfel de entități fiind considerate nule de drept4.
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