  • The study intends to present the doctrinal opinions regarding the definition of the prejudice, which represents a condition and measure of the civil liability, the tripartite classification of the prejudices into patrimonial, extra-patrimonial and bodily harm and the indissoluble connection with the concepts of reparation, compensation and indemnification, the own identity of the bodily harm and the ambivalent character of the reparation, either patrimonial and non-patrimonial. It aims to analyze the particularities of the three categories of prejudices, the personal and rebound character of the bodily harm, the conditions for the reparation of the patrimonial prejudices, the certain character of the prejudice and the mitigation of this requirement in the case of the prejudices caused by the loss of a chance, the direct character of the prejudice in correlation with the direct and indirect causal link, the personal and reasonably predictable character of the prejudice, the principle of full reparation of the prejudice and mora creditoris, as a cause of limitation of the debtor’s liability, the guilt, condition of the liability for the reparation of the prejudice. The author also analyzes the presumption of guilt in the contracts generating the obligations of result and the proof of guilt in the contracts generating the obligations of means, as well as the causes exonerating the liability, the classification of damages into compensatory and moratorium damages, the problem of cumulating the damages with the contractual remedies, the cumulation of the damages with the execution of the contractual obligations, of the cumulation of the damages between them and the foundation of their non-cumulation, the judicial evaluation of the damages and their updating, the sanctioning character of the penalizing interest related to the cash claims.
  • Democrația ca formă de organizare și de conducere a societății trebuie să se adapteze la noile realități impuse de tehnologia digitală, mai ales printr-un anumit tip de revoluție educativă și culturală în serviciul utilizatorilor. Așadar, democrația în epoca digitală presupune, în primul rând, recunoașterea unui drept fundamental de acces la spațiul digital pentru a se evita în acest mod riscurile unei rupturi digitale, în sensul utilizării acestuia de un număr restrâns de oameni – o elită cibernetică –, implicând toate avantajele ce ar rezulta pentru aceasta din folosirea rețelelor de informare și de comunicare, cum ar fi, de pildă, internetul. Prin urmare, beneficiile unei societăți cibernetice nu sunt reale decât dacă instrumentele informatice sunt pe larg difuzate și puse la dispoziția unui număr cât mai mare de indivizi umani. Într-adevăr, o e-democrație sau o e-administrație nu vor fi inovații relevante decât dacă un număr foarte mare de cetățeni va avea acces facil la acestea.
  • The study raises the issue of the legal relations between the notary public and the client. A contract of provision of services is concluded between the notary and the client, specifying that the services of the notary public are provided by the law and regulated by imperative rules. By the provisions of the Law No 36/1995, Article 28 paragraph 2 c) and by the Norm approved by the Order of the Minister of Justice No 943/C/2005 the legislator established only the lower limit of the notarial fee, the actual level of the fee being determined by negotiation between the notary and the client. The provisions of Article 32 of the Law No 36/1995 have established only the generic right of the notary to charge the fee, its quantum for each notarial service being established under the terms of the contractual relation between the notary and his client.
  • The above study constitutes a theoretical synthesis of the jurisprudence of the High Court of Cassation and Justice of Romania from the last years in the field of legislation regarding the restitution of the immovable assets abusively taken over by the State in the period comprised between 1945 and 1989; of the interpretation of contracts in consideration of the real will of the parties; of the proxy’s fault in the mandate contract and of certain civil procedure issues, taking into account also the provisions of the new Romanian Civil Code (Law No. 287/ 2009, as amended by Law No. 71/2011), which has recently come into force (as of October 1, 2011).
  • Lately, within the penal lawsuit – in the stage of its prosecution and judgment – due to the impasse of producing evidence facing the prosecution, since the prosecutor issues solutions for not initiating the penal prosecution without factual or legal grounds, with regard to the delator that perpetrated deeds provided by the penal law and closely connected with the crimes for which they ordered the judgment of others, they heard and then obtained that such delators be heard as witnesses and grounded its accusation on their testimonies. The clarification of the capacity in which a delator may be heard within a penal lawsuit appears, therefore, necessary both from a theoretical point of view, and from a practical point of view, and the authors’ approach is trying to respond to this necessity.
  • The transfer of procedures in penal law represents a form of international judiciary cooperation, which entails the voluntary and provisional waiver by a State of its exercise of its own penal jurisdiction in favor of another State. The authors’ approach targets the determination of the legal treatment of the transfer of procedures in penal law, with a special reference to the procedural acts entailed by the delivery and takeover of penal procedures, as basic forms of such institution, as well as of its legal effects.
  • The system of penalties, although it marked a progress in the evolution of the Romanian penal law, however, if it is critically examined, it evidences the small number of major penalties and, especially, their emphatically repressive character. In this study, the author makes an analysis by comparison of the system of penal sanctions in the new Penal Code as compared to the current regulation, as well as in comparative law. Another issue relates to the impact of normative provisions on the judiciary individualization of penalties with reference to the individualization criteria and the appreciation margin acknowledged to the judge. The author also states that it is useful that the relevant penal regulations should provide the criterion of proportionality for the judiciary individualization of penalties.
  • According to Art. 244 para. (1) of the current (Romanian) Civil Procedure Code, the court may suspend trial if: – the settlement of the case depends, in full or in part, on the existence or inexistence of a right that forms the object of another trial; – criminal prosecution was initiated for a crime which would have a decisive influence on the decision to be issued. The author examines this text by correlation to Art. 248 et seq. of the same Code regulating superannuation. In this context, the author believes that the request to reopen the suspended case according to Art. 244 of the Civil Procedure Code for the re-initiation of trial is not a procedural act which must be fulfilled by the court ex officio. Moreover, the court of law may only re-place the case on the dockets to ascertain superannuation, on which occasion it shall have to grant trial expenses to the defendant or respondent in appeal (as applicable), which requests or produces proof of such expenses.
  • The above study makes a detailed analysis on the precise meaning of Art. 821 para. (1) of Law No. 161/2003, according to which “The deputy or senator who, during the exercise of term of office of a member of Parliament, desires to exert the profession of attorney at law may not plead in the cases judged by the courts of law or tribunals, nor may they provide legal services to the prosecutors’ offices attached to such courts of law.” In this context, the author concludes that the legal limitation of the interdiction mentioned only under the “pleading” in front of the courts of law and tribunals (or granting the legal assistance to the prosecutor’s offices attached to such courts of law), since the reasons which imposed the regulation under discussion are identical also in the situation of the cases which are judged by higher courts of law (Courts of Appeal, High Court of Cassation and Justice).
  • In this study, the author, solving a controversy (generated by the imperfection of the relevant regulatory acts) reaches the conclusion (based on a rational interpretation) that the prefect has the legal competence to exert the administrative guardianship control also on the decisions issued by the president of the county council, whether or not the latter is considered as an authority of the local public administration.
  • This study analyzes the situation – which is not expressly regulated by the provisions of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms – in which, after the claimant notified the European Court of Human Rights (and until 1998 the Commission within such Court), the respective claimant demises. The study takes into account a rich history of relevant cases, resulting from the case law of the Court/Commission. In the end, after examining the mentioned cases, a series of conclusions may be briefly deducted.
  • Starting from the case of Vergu vs. Romania, recently settled (January 11, 2011) by the European Court of Human Rights, the author, in light of Art. 13 of the European Convention on Human Rights, discusses the issue related to the right to a prior effective recourse with the internal (national) court of law, a sine qua non prior condition for notifying the Strasbourg Court, concluding that the European court of law (must make the severe application of the subsidiary nature principle. Only under entirely exceptional cases, with grounded motivations, in a circumspect and entirely isolated manner, may the Strasbourg Court release the claimant from its obligation to exhaust the internal means (of effective recourse with the national court).
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