  • The courts can contribute, within their competencies, to ensure supremacy of the Constitution; this also involves the ability to directly implement some of the constitutional regulations. In the context of the complex process of human rights internationalization, certain analysis and solutions concerning the relationship between the international and domestic human rights regulations and hence interpretations of the provisions covered by the Constitution on this issue appear more frequently within the case law. In this study the author analyzes the role of national judges in applying the (European) Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms under the legitimacy which is conferred upon them by the provisions of Art. 20 of the Constitution, republished; this analysis is based on case law matters on criminal appeal, governed by Art. 141 paragraph 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
  • The paper analyzes the European legislative act establishing the conditions of compensation to victims of violent crimes committed in another Member State than that of the victims residence. The research has led to the identification of some provisions which will cause some difficulties both in practice and in enunciation of scientifically critical observations. The study is useful for theorists and practitioners and also for the European legislator. The scientific contribution of this research is given by the critical remarks and future law proposals made in order to improve the complex activity to compensate the victims of all kinds of crimes, not just of violent crimes, as required by the legislative act in question.
  • The author reveals a series of analogies, contradictions between Articles 98-103 of the new Civil Code (Law No. 287/2009 republished on July 15th, 2011 and effective since October 1st, 2011) and Law No. 119/1996 (republished on November 2nd, 2009) on the civil status documents, situation which, on the one hand brings about a series of difficulties as regards the correct interpretation and enforcement of the law, and, on the other hand, is in breach of the rules of principle of Law No. 24/2000 laying down detailed rules on the legislative technique for drafting regulations (republished on April 21st, 2010).
  • In the study hereby, the author makes a comparative analysis of regulations covering negative prescription under the current Civil Code (Law No. 287/2009, republished on July 15th, 2011 and effective since October 1st, 2011) as compared to the previous legal regulations (in particular, Decree No. 167/1958 on negative prescription). At the end of this comparative analysis, the author concludes that the relevant regulation covering negative prescription is manifestly superior under the current Civil Code, as compared to Decree No. 167/1958.
  • The regulation by the new Civil Code of the patrimonies by appropriation came as a necessity given the economic development of our society. The existence of the patrimony by appropriation was equally recognized by the former legislation, by way of specific provisions regarding the carrying out of certain liberal professions or economic activities. This paper is aimed at analysing specific aspects of the patrimonies by appropriation from the perspective of the liberal individual professional patrimony, as a patrimonial mass distinctively regulated by the new codification. The exercise of the authorized liberal professionals implies the existence of a professional patrimony that ensures the carrying out of activities that do not have an economic character. The formal recognition of the “self-employed” as a subject of tax law bearing specific tax liabilities, distinct from those incurred by this same person concerning his personal patrimony, could create the appearance of a “two-headed monster”, of two or more persons in one, of a person who is multiplying according to the number of patrimonies by appropriation that he holds. In fact, the possibility for an individual to carry out economic activities or liberal professions without setting up, to that effect, a legal entity with its own patrimony, does not require the use of the legal fiction of multiplying the person according to the needed number of patrimonies, as the modern doctrine concering the patrimony accepts both the uniqueness and the division of the patrimony into patrimonial masses and patrimonies by appropriation.
  • In the study hereby, the author sets under review the legal regime applicable to certificates of succession under the law prior to the effective date of the Civil Code (October 1st, 2011), as well as amendments thereto under the provisions of the new Code. Prior to the aforementioned reference date, unlike other theorists, the author argues that the certificate of succession only proved the capacity as heir and did not represent a title deed per se, which by its sole would constitute the ground for entering into Agreements or inscription in the Land Register. In support of this point of view, the author quotes numerous decisions precedent. Therefore, the Civil Code brings a change in this field by granting the certificate of succession the effects of a title deed.
  • Following the entry in force of the Civil Code (Law No.287/2009, republished) on the 1st of October 2011, which repealed the Family Code, and the accordingly amendment of the republished Law No. 119/1996 regarding the civil status acts, the author conducts an extensive analysis of the legal provisions related to the conditions of form which must be complied with for celebrating a valid marriage. This study examines the formalities provided by articles 278-292 of the Civil Code.
  • Under the study hereby, the author sets under review the institution of “recidivism” in the light of the new Criminal Code. Essentially, highlighting new issues both in relation to the definition and the terms of recidivism, and as regards punishment. Therefore, the terms of recidivism have been amended (limits thereof have been extended), and the sanctioning treatment was simplified. Also, the author notes the fact that the legislature does not make a distinction, in terms of conditions, between post-release recidivism and the post-sentencing recidivism, nor between low recidivism and high recidivism, the old rules being grouped in a single way.
  • The accession of Romania to the European Union on January 1st, 2007 also involved the need for harmonization of national legislation with the European one, which, inter alia, led to the elaboration of a new Criminal Code. This regulation covers some new elements, including the crime of harm to the unborn child, as provided for in Article 202 under the new Criminal Code, as an integral part of Title I of the Special Part dedicated to crime against the person. As stated in the Explanatory Memorandum to the new Criminal Code, by criminalizing such acts it was intended to cover a legal vacuum, i.e. to protect the fetus from the moment of the commencement of the delivery process until completion thereof. In the study hereby, the author examines from the criminal doctrine perspective, but also in terms of medical science, the meaning of the term fetus and the phrases “during childbirth” and “during pregnancy”, advancing some de lege ferenda proposals.
  • The article sets under review the opportunity to pursue criminal action as an institution of novelty in the field of criminal procedure, by the Prosecutor’s possibility to assess the existence of real public interest in carrying out the investigation and to rule, subject to certain conditions, upon the solution of abandoning criminal prosecution, provided that practical circumstances of the offence committed reveal that this interest does not subsist.
  • The existence of the law, of its validity are extremely important both for its knowledge, and for its application and compliance. By applying a general principle of law that nemo censetur ignorare legem, we consider that the publication and knowledge of law are essential conditions for not be subject to unpredictable legislative events, with all the consequences arising therefrom. To avoid such events, the law, in its broad or narrow sense, is subjected to certain rules of validity. Among them lies the determining of the moment when the law enters into force and the one the law comes in force.
  • In the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, the issue of a broad interpretation of the right to marriage is all the more acutely debated, while the Court is beset with applications filed by homosexual and transgender individuals to have this right recognized. In the current state of the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, the marriage of a couple in which one of the partners has resorted to a sexual Convention through gender reassignment surgery is considered legitimate (within the meaning of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms), stating that this is also a case of heterosexual marriage. However, so far, the European Court of Human Rights has not considered legitimate marriages between persons of the same biological sex (gay or lesbian).
  • Taking our stand upon the differing regulations under Article 283 and Article 315 of Law No. 1/2011 on National Education (texts according to which, as far as the pre-university teaching staff is concerned, recovery of damages to the employing unit in consequence of patrimonial liability takes place based on a charging decision, while, as far as the higher education teaching staff is concerned, the recovery in question takes place according to the labour law, so, as a rule, by way of the employer’s proceedings before the Labour Court of jurisdiction), the author makes a series of critical approaches (pointing out that this distinction in the procedure is not justified) and, concurrently, puts forward de lege ferenda proposals.
  • In the study hereby, the author makes some de lege ferenda proposals with reference to amending/supplementing Article 28 of the Companies Law 31/1990 (republished on November 17th, 2009), text governing the obligations of the constituent assembly of the joint-stock company incorporated by public subscription.
  • In this study the authors make an approach that highlights the lack of harmonization between organic laws and the post-December period constitutional laws, in relation to regulating the free use right with referring to the public property, primarily, and the private property of the state/territorial-administrative units, in subsidiary; then the legislating of the new Civil Code which fully ceases the unconstitutionality status; and finally several aspects of specific administrative technique are being addressed.
  • In the study hereby, the author sets under review the body search institution, from the perspective of theoretical and practical approaches. Body search has a distinct character, being undertaken in some cases separately from other evidence procedures, but it is also frequently undertaken on home searches, detention or arrest of a person. The author puts forward, within the study, the main legal regulations applicable in the field of body search, focusing on the new amendments to the new Code of Criminal Procedure, and reasoning some de lege ferenda proposals.
  • In the study hereby, the author provides a critical analysis of the various positions adopted by the U.S. Supreme Court of Justice in terms of the relationship existing between the practical need of making use of hearsay evidence in criminal proceedings and the obligation incumbent upon the legal bodies to guarantee the culprit the effective exercise of the opportunity to test via counter interrogation the reliability of such evidence. The author proposed that the analysis of judicial practice to be carried out compliant with the structure followed within the specialty works in the United States, in order to distinctly put forward each category of cause in which a conflict might arise between the admissibility of hearsay evidence and compliance with the procedural guarantees established under the law in favour of the culprit and to distinctly highlight, for each category in question, solutions framed by the U.S. Supreme Court of Justice with the view to settle the conflict arisen.
  • Potrivit dispozițiilor art. 25 din Ordinul CSA nr. 20/2008, în cazul în care în unul și același eveniment au fost prejudiciate mai multe persoane și valoarea totalã a prejudiciului depãșește limitele de despãgubire specificate în polița RCA, despãgubirea va fi stabilitã în funcție de cota-parte din valoarea prejudiciului ce revine fiecãrei persoane îndreptãțite la despãgubire.
  • The present study aims to examine the law principles issue based on principles of doctrinal realities under which there are principles of law, general principles of law and specific principles of various branches of law. The 1st Article of The New Civil Code is a challenge for us because this text introduces customary legal and legal doctrine among the classic sources of law. The legal doctrine is recognized by the Civil Code as a work of philosophical synthesis which it can be valued only by the jurisprudence. All in all the general principles of law- the rule of law, equity and justice, legitimacy and legal regulations- are applicable to all branches of law.
  • The author briefly examines the issue of securities in the Romanian private law and she further presents the regulation of their administration according to the current Romanian Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009, republished on July 15th 2011), entered into force as at October 1st 2011.
  • The interest loan is a form of the consumption loan, having as legal grounds, mainly, the provisions of the new Civil Code, art. 2167-2170. This agreement is presumed onerous, the borrower having the obligation to pay, in due time, an amount of money or other type of goods, as interest, representing the equivalent amount of using the borrowed capital. The legal regime of the agreement, including of the generating interest, in its diversity of types, forms the object of the analysis of this study, conducted both according to the common and special provisions of the new Civil Code and in the light of the special legislation, the Government Ordinance no. 13/2011.
  • Within the study hereunder, the legal regime of joint ownership, in both its forms (common and temporary, respectively forced and perpetual) is analyzed, from a critical point of view, with special regard on the second type. The author analyzes the differences between the legal regime of these types of ownership established under the Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009, as republished) by comparison with the regulation of the Civil Code of 1864. The inconsistencies instituted under the new regulation, the illegitimate and unconstitutional nature of some of them, as well as the recent legislative amendments intervening in this respect are analyzed, all these being accompanied by examples extracted from the Romanian and foreign jurisprudence.
  • New regulatory agency contract and the new regulatory liability, both contained in the new Civil Code, has some innovative features, such as to update the rules of private according to the needs of contemporary society. Legal provisions are yet perfectly, returning doctrine designed to further research in this area. Quality and consistency can be confirmed by jurisprudence equitable solution, thoroughly motivated, able to offer real victims a chance to repair the damage by restoring the previous situation.
  • The author conducts a thorough analysis of the legal content regarding the crime of misappropriation of public tenders provided by art. 246 of the new Criminal Code, incrimination ex novo. With reference to the structure of this infringement, the object of criminal protection, the subjects, the objective and subjective aspect, the forms, modalities and sanctions provided by the law are examined in detail. Within the complementary explanations, the connections of the misappropriation of public tenders with other crimes and some procedural aspects are tackled with. Further, the legislative antecedents of this incrimination regulation, the solutions to be followed in case of occurrence of temporary situations and some elements of comparative law are presented. The author does not hesitate to express his opinion as regards the constitutional content of this criminal deed, its systematization and nature and to advance some of his own solutions and ideas related to this aspect. Towards the ending of this analysis several conclusions and proposals de lege ferenda are presented in order to determine an appropriate protection of the values and social relations concerned by this incrimination, an unitary enforcement of the text and implicitly a better performance of the criminal justice within Romania.
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