În cauza dedusă judecății apelantul a susținut că nu se justifică măsura evacuării sale din locuință, întrucât această măsură îl împiedică să participe la anumite evenimente din viața fiicei sale și să păstreze relațiile personale cu aceasta. Însă atât timp cât aceste relații nu au fost interzise de către o instanță judecătorească, iar autoritatea părintească este exercitată în continuare, în comun, de către ambii părinți, în mod egal, conform art. 503 alin. (1) C.civ., tatăl apelant nu este afectat în exercitarea drepturilor și obligațiilor părintești, decât în mică parte, prin măsura evacuării din locuința familiei, întrucât există multe alte modalități pe care le are la dispoziție pentru menținerea relațiilor cu minora, chiar și în această perioadă în care este instituită starea de urgență. (Tribunalul Galați, Decizia civilă nr. 229 din 27 aprilie 2020, definitivă).
Intimately linked to the concept of sustainable development, the theory that future generations are the subject of law has aroused lively discussions at doctrinal level, at home and abroad. There are also international conferences: e.g. the Stockholm Conference of 1972, which for the first time warned of the future of humanity itself, as a result of environmental deterioration, following human activities; The Brundtland report of the World Commission for Environment and Development appeared in 1987, entitled „our common future”. The EU’s interest, in which Romania is a member state, in sustainable development has grown in parallel with the United Nations initiative for this concept and has resulted in a number of environmental action programs and strategies that have led to the development of numerous acts to translate them into practice, because everything has become or must became „sustainable” – economy, transport, industry, energy, consumption, agriculture.
The additional acts do not enjoy a legal definition in the labour legislation, although some legal texts make reference thereto or the necessity of their conclusion results from the interpretation of the legal provisions. At the same time, the conclusion of the additional act to the individual labour contract is frequently used in practice. Among the measures to make the labour relations more flexible is the temporary change of the workplace at the domicile of the employee, in which situation there must be concluded an additional act to the individual labour contract. It is necessary de lege ferenda to enshrine a legal definition of the additional act in the Labour Code.
Potrivit art. 244 C.pen., inducerea în eroare a unei persoane prin prezentarea ca adevărată a unei fapte mincinoase sau ca mincinoasă a unei fapte adevărate, în scopul de a obține pentru sine sau pentru altul un folos patrimonial injust și dacă s-a pricinuit o pagubă, se pedepsește cu închisoarea de la 6 luni la 3 ani, iar înșelăciunea săvârșită prin folosirea de nume sau calități mincinoase ori de alte mijloace frauduloase se pedepsește cu închisoarea de la unu la 5 ani. Dacă mijlocul fraudulos constituie prin el însuși o infracțiune, se aplică regulile privind concursul de infracțiuni (cu notă aprobativă).
Termenul de prescripție a dreptului la acțiune în rezoluțiunea promisiunii de vânzare-cumpărare începe a curge doar de la momentul în care partea interesată a dobândit certitudinea că pârâtul se află în imposibilitate de a-și executa principala obligație asumată.
According to the legal provisions in force, public institutions and authorities (ministries and other specialized bodies of the central public administration) are obliged by the law to ensure their effective security and protection. Also, the security of the objectives of special importance for the defence of the country and for the activity of the state is provided by gendarmes, which have military status. Although the presence of military personnel in public institutions and public authorities is a requirement imposed by the law in order to protect the premises of the institutions, the measures taken by the authorities for managing the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic determined, inter alia, a substantial involvement, superior to the one existing in normal conditions, of the military personnel. More specifically, they were part in the actions of the public order bodies of vigilance regarding the observance of the restrictions of movement imposed on the occasion of the establishment of the state of emergency and subsequently the state of alert, as well as in the protection of the public authorities. This aspect translates into a significant increase of the numerical presence of military personnel in everyday life. Without being exhaustive, this study aims to analyze the jurisprudence of military courts on how the provisions on the offence of violation of guard and security duty were interpreted and applied, an analysis which revealed some problematic issues in terms of predictability and accessibility of legal provisions.
The present paper aims to analyze extensively the institution of commitment of the responsibility of the Government before the Parliament, trying to identify possibilities to improve the current constitutional regulation in Romania. For this purpose, in a first part of the paper, in order to better understand the resources of the institution, the comparative method is used. Thus, similar regulations from other states are widely presented, such as the vote of confidence in a number of parliamentary regimes (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Fourth French Republic), as well as the regulation of the commitment of the responsibility of the Government in the current French semi-presidential regime. Subsequently, the paper focuses on the regulation of the institution of commitment of the responsibility in Romania, being studied the manner of application thereof by the Government in the last 30 years. Several perspectives are used for this purpose: that of doctrine, an occasion that allows the presentation of arguments for and against the current regulation of the institution; that of constitutional practice, which allows the understanding of some disfunctionalities of the current regulation; and, finally, that of the constitutional case law developed in the last three decades, on which occasion it can be deduced a complex theory developed by the constitutional court regarding the limits of the use of the institution. At the end of the paper, a series of proposed amendments are analyzed on the occasion of various attempts to revise the Romanian Constitution and an extensive set of proposals on improving the current regulation is presented. As a consequence, the present paper provides a starting point for the future use of the institution of commitment of the responsibility of the Government, but especially for the improvement of the current constitutional regulation.
Are separate opinions necessary? Writing them involves both time and resources, and the result does not influence the causes in which they were formulated. In this context, the logical question is why some national and international judges choose to formulate such opinions. We appreciate that the main reason is the potential of these opinions to contribute to the development of the future judicial practice. The aim of this study is to emphasize the importance and benefits of regulating the separate opinions in national legislation and to encourage their use. In this study we aim to analyze the purpose of the separate opinions along with the arguments for and against their regulation in national legislations. We will also analyze the difference between separate and concurring opinions, but also the different result that these opinions may have. We will also address the issue of the style in which these opinions are written and the impact it may have on future case law. A distinct part of this paper will be devoted to the analysis of separate opinions in national courts. At the same time, we will follow if there are differences between the constitutional court and the common law courts, regarding the use of these opinions. At the end of the study, we will make some proposals de lege ferenda on the need for legislative development of the field of separate and concurring opinions, development which would encourage their use and, at the same time, would limit the purpose of using these opinions to the development of the case law.
According to the relevant legal literature, public property and private property are the two typical – indeed, the only – manifestations of the same subjective right. For this reason, public property rights are stereotypically defined, in a manner analogous to how we define the right to private property, as the interfusion of the three classical elements (powers) of property – usus, fructus, and abusus – which are understood to be exclusive, absolute and perpetual. Moreover, it is claimed that the private appropriation of goods does not boil down to individual property, and that the collective appropriation of goods is mediated by the State, which is the legal expression of the community’s collective will. These ideas are not free from criticism. The three powers of property coalesce to define an act of exclusion, and one which necessarily presupposes an individualistic slant to the legal construction of property. By giving account of itself in such a way, this species of subjective right cannot, while also remaining true to itself, be private in certain cases, and public in others. The exclusive right to property, precisely because it is conceived to be exclusive, presupposes and individual owner. In doing so, it precludes any form of collective ownership. Therefore the legal framework within which public property is currently defined reveals a powerful internal contradiction, which is not without practical consequence. For these reasons, the right of public ownership, being what it now is, cannot truly be a means to the collective appropriation of goods by the community. And this is because any form of collective ownership cannot be compatible with „all” the exclusionary and discretionary powers afforded to the individual proprietor by the private right of ownership.
Potrivit art. 349 alin. (1) C.pen., neluarea vreuneia dintre măsurile legale de securitate și sănătate în muncă de către persoana care avea îndatorirea de a lua aceste măsuri, dacă se creează un pericol iminent de producere a unui accident de muncă sau de îmbolnăvire profesională, se pedepsește cu închisoare de la 6 luni la 3 ani sau cu amendă.
One of the most controversial institutions of Romanian criminal procedural law is the institution of exclusion of evidence. We considered it necessary to carry out this comparative law study so that law practitioners as well as any interested person could observe how this institution appeared and how it is applied in other countries and in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.
Protecția drepturilor omului1 , în esența sa, a fost la început o afacere internă a statelor și era asigurată într-un cadru național. Treptat, ea și-a făcut loc și în dreptul internațional, care a început să se intereseze de drepturile persoanelor în prima jumătate a veacului trecut, urmare a unor evenimente, cum ar fi revoluția rusă, genocidul asupra poporului armean, ascensiunea la putere a partidului nazist în Germania, ce au determinat mișcări forțate de populație. Era în firescul lucrurilor ca primele instrumente internaționale de protecție a persoanelor să se refere cu precădere la drepturile refugiaților și la drepturile minorităților. În legătură cu drepturile refugiaților, cu titlu de exemplu, relevăm: Aranjamentul privind eliberarea de certificate de identitate refugiaților ruși și armeni din 12 mai 1926; Aranjamentul relativ la statutul juridic al refugiaților ruși și armeni din 30 iunie 1928; Convenția asupra statutului internațional al refugiaților din 28 octombrie 1933; Convenția privind statutul refugiaților provenind din Germania. Cu referire la drepturile minorităților, amintim: tratatele speciale – (de)numite despre minorități – care au fost încheiate în urma Primului Război Mondial cu Polonia, Cehoslovacia, Statul Sârbo-Croato-Sloven, România și Grecia. Pe de altă parte, dispoziții în favoarea minorităților au fost inserate și în tratatele de pace încheiate cu Austria, Bulgaria, Ungaria și Turcia.