  • Potrivit art. 46 alin. (1) C.pr.pen., pentru motive temeinice privind mai buna desfășurare a judecății, instanța poate dispune disjungerea acesteia cu privire la unii dintre inculpați sau la unele dintre infracțiuni. Conform art. 421 pct. 2 lit. b) C.pr.pen., instanța, judecând apelul, pronunță una dintre următoarele soluții: admite apelul și desființează sentința primei instanțe și dispune rejudecarea de către instanța a cărei hotărâre a fost desființată pentru motivul că judecarea cauzei la acea instanță a avut loc în lipsa unei părți nelegal citate sau care, legal citată, a fost în imposibilitate de a se prezenta și de a înștiința instanța despre această imposibilitate, invocată de acea parte. Rejudecarea de către instanța a cărei hotărâre a fost desființată se dispune și atunci când instanța nu s-a pronunțat asupra unei fapte reținute în sarcina inculpatului prin actul de sesizare sau asupra acțiunii civile ori când există vreunul dintre cazurile de nulitate absolută, cu excepția cazului de necompetență, când se dispune rejudecarea de către instanța competentă. Articolul 6 paragr. 1 din Convenția (europeană) pentru apărarea drepturilor omului și a libertăților fundamentale (în continuare „Convenția”) stabilește că orice persoană are dreptul la judecarea cauzei sale în mod echitabil, în mod public și într-un termen rezonabil, de către o instanță independentă și imparțială, instituită de lege, care va hotărî fie asupra încălcării drepturilor și obligațiilor sale cu caracter civil, fie asupra temeiniciei oricărei acuzații în materie penală îndreptate împotriva sa. Potrivit art. 2 paragr. 1 din Protocolul nr. 7 la Convenție, orice persoană declarată vinovată de o infracțiune de către un tribunal are dreptul să ceară examinarea declarației de vinovăție sau a condamnării de către o jurisdicție superioară. Exercitarea acestui drept, inclusiv motivele pentru care acesta poate fi exercitat, sunt reglementate de lege. (cu notă aprobativă).
  • Orice persoană poate solicita constatarea nulității absolute a unui act, dacă justifică un interes, or în cauza de față scopul urmărit de reclamant, prin constatarea nulității absolute a hotărârii comisiei județene de fond funciar, este acela de a include în sfera sa de administrare suprafața de teren menționată în actul a cărui anulare se solicită.
  • The article addresses the problems concerning the crime of child pornography, in general, but it also includes some special emphasis on the legal implications which the conduct of the minor who makes pornographic materials with his own person, without being coerced by another person, might have. The analysis is one based on arguments from the specialized literature, but also on solutions from the judicial practice. In particular, the author proposes the recognition of existence, in the case of the crime of child pornography, in all its forms, of a special main legal object aiming at the need to respect the public order and peace, and, in particular, of a secondary object formed of the social relations referring to the protection of minors and of t he social relations whose proper development is conditioned by defending the public morality. With regard to the special issue caused by the minor’s act of producing, storing, possessing or distributing strictly in private pornographic materials of himself, the author rightfully considers that this act should not be subject to criminal liability, but rather to the psychological counselling of the minor with regard to the implications of the beginning and the development of the sexual life and, respectively, of the consequences that such deeds may have on the normal sexual development of the child.
  • The formation of public law in the Romanian Principalities bears, on the one hand, the imprint of the political will of the states with strong influence in this part of Europe in the first half of the 19th century, and, on the other hand, it reflects the spirit of Western constitutional thought and practice, much modernized after the French Revolution of 1789. Concerned with the constitutional and administrative modernization of the two Principalities were mainly Russia, France, England and Austria, each of these great European powers pursuing, in fact, their own objectives, of political and economic nature. Instead, Turkey did not support at all the modernization of Wallachia and Moldova, being interested in maintaining the Phanariot regime. At the confluence of the contradictory interests of these powers, the Principalities did not have an active, decisive role in their own constitutional and administrative modernization. Nevertheless, the changes and transformations produced in the Principalities at the initiative and with the determination of the mentioned states, were generated by the clauses of some international documents (the Treaty of Adrianople of 1829, the Peace Treaty between Russia and Turkey of 1856 and the Paris Convention of 1858). To these it is added the Developing Statute of the Paris Convention, imposed by the will of Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza
  • Electromagnetic pollution is increasingly becoming a public health and environmental problem at the same time with the introduction of 5G technology, which involves for solving the intervention of law and the exercise of public and civic democratic control. The exposure of the people and of the environment to electromagnetic waves, which has become massive, no longer pertains exclusively to labour safety, but becomes a challenge for public health. The combined application of the principles of prevention and precaution requires an adequate regulation of the activities generating electromagnetic fields, regarding the allocation of frequencies and the authorization of the related installations, as well as the establishment of the protection measures against proven and possible negative effects on people (consumers, employees, vulnerable people). The obligation to assess in advance the impact on health and environment, the democratic control, the transparency of the decision-making process and the compliance with the requirements of the rule of law are fundamental landmarks of the relevant legal regime. The intervention of the law implies, first of all, to ensure the prevalence of the public interest, the protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual, coming after the right to life, to health and the freedom of choice and the rejection of arbitrariness and immunity claimed by the operators.
  • Potrivit art. 598 alin. (1) lit. c) C.pr.pen., contestația împotriva executării hotărârii penale se poate face când se ivește vreo nelămurire cu privire la hotărârea care se execută sau vreo împiedicare la executare
  • The perception and consideration of global warming and of its consequences as an „existential crisis” and the official proclamation – at the level of more and more states, of EU and within UNO – of the climate emergency confer the character of major priority of the entire humanity to the concerns aimed at mitigating the phenomenon, at limiting and adapting to its effects. The control of the anthropic impact on the climate system and the effort to maintain its stability have involved the intervention of law in various forms and different measures – public policies, constitutional provisions, pertinent legislative provisions and relevant international treaties –, with legal force of soft law or of firm normativity, within a world-wide governance, particularized regionally and nationally. An increasingly significant aspect of this process becomes the consideration of the impact of climate change on human rights and the relevant legal reaction of development of some appropriate meanings, with structuring trends in the form of a new dimension, specific to the right to a protected, healthy and ecologically balanced environment, the right to a stable climate and proper to the maintaining of the planetary ecological balance, to preserving the condition of the human species and favourable to the perpetuation of the civilization created by it. Initiated by the doctrine, the idea was acquired and knows the first resonances in the case law, with more and more firm and adequate echoes at regulatory level, finding ourselves at the moment of identifying and promoting the appropriate solutions and the adequate ways to achieve that goal. The new fundamental (human) right, individual and collective, of the present generations and especially of the future generations, protecting their possibility to adapt to the pace and amplitude of climate change, is foreshadowed as an indestructible component of the system of environmental rights, asserted in the last half century, quasi-universally recognized – constitutionally, legislatively and internationally – and who know their own dynamics.
  • The labour law – a branch and science of the Romanian law system – has come a long way to the present days, when it fully manifests its specificity and autonomy that characterizes it. The doctrine evokes a „labour contract” concluded according to rules of the Roman law. In the Middle Ages, the Romanian principalities did not know regulations regarding legal labour relations. It was only in the Civil Code of 1864 that there were established specific regulations of some civil contracts which included some elements of some labour relations. The appearance and development of the industry determined, at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the adoption of some legal norms aimed at the protection of workers. The labour legislation was invigorated due to the rules of the International Labour Organization, established in 1919. Our country, as a founding member, has ratified the essential conventions of this organization in the interwar period, but also later, to the present days. About a labour law, distinct, autonomous in Romania, one can speak only after the entry into force of the Labour Code of 1950. The development of the Romanian society, its economic and social level have also determined the evolution of the labour legislation and of the labour law, as it will be shown in the elaborated study.
  • The study analyzes the two procedural moments of judging the requests for revision, traditional in our law – the admissibility in principle and the retrial –, by referring, mainly, to the new amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code and to the jurisprudential solutions. There are taken into account the measures that can be taken at the same time with or after the admission in principle and the solutions that will be given in the retrial of the case. Whereas a substantial change in the matter of revision, following the entry into force of the new Criminal Procedure Code, concerns the exclusive revision of the civil side of the criminal trial, respectively the division of the material competence between the criminal court and the civil court, a section is devoted to this issue. Whereas the new provisions are quite elliptical in this matter, the paper tries to identify aspects that may raise problems of application and to suggest solutions.
  • Infracțiunea prevăzută de art. 337 C.pen. are ca situație premisă solicitarea expresă din partea organelor de poliție rutieră adresată conducătorului auto de a se supune prelevării de mostre biologice, în ambele modalități normative, atât în cazul refuzului, cât și în cazul sustragerii conducătorului unui vehicul de a se supune prelevării de mostre biologice necesare în vederea stabilirii alcoolemiei.
  • La data de 1 martie 2020, Parchetul de pe lângă Judecătoria X a solicitat a se dispune înlocuirea măsurii preventive a controlului judiciar cu măsura arestării preventive față de inculpat, ca urmare a incidenței în cauză a dispozițiilor art. 215 alin. (7) C.pr.pen
  • The article, a continuation of the study with the same title published in the previous issue of „Dreptul” magazine, presents in detail the minority point of view expressed within the civil procedure collective of the Faculty of Law of the West University from Timișoara, according to which the object of the incidental or provoked appeal/review may be the grounds or the solutions contained in the judgment of the court and in the preliminary conclusions, whether they have been challenged or not by means of the main appeal/review
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