  • Prin excepție de la regula instituitã prin dispozițiile alin. (1) al art. 86 C.pr.civ., potrivit cãreia comunicarea actelor de procedurã se face prin agent procedural, dispozițiile alin. (3) al aceluiași articol stabilesc cã aceastã comunicare se face prin poștã, cu scrisoare recomandatã cu dovadã de primire sau prin alte mijloace ce asigurã transmiterea textului actului și confirmarea primirii acestuia.
  • Based on the “monistic” nature of the current Romanian Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009, republished, entered into force on October 1, 2011) this study concludes that currently one can further discuss the existence of a “commercial law” in Romania, but only if it is no longer designed as an autonomous branch of the private law (in relation to civil law), but only as a component of the professionals’ law which, in turn, is a division (an integral part) of the Romanian civil law.
  • Paragraph (1) of Article 2506 of the Civil Code provides that “limitation does not operate automatically”. The author considers this wording not only useless but also contrary to the reality. He supports his view by emphasizing that the doctrinal thesis underlying its preparation is inaccurate and also that paragraph (1) of Article 2506 of the Civil Code contravenes certain preceding or subsequent legal provisions. In conclusion, the author believes that limitation effect occurs automatically and removing civil liability, which is a consequence of this effect, operates only at the request of those entitled to invoke limitation.
  • This study analyzes the new regulations of the Romanian Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009, republished on October 1, 2011) regarding compensation for harm caused to the human body. In this sense, the special rules regarding compensation for personal injury in the said Civil Code are discussed, then a definition of such injuries is proposed, the natures of the injuries in question are emphasized, and, finally, the special uses of the full compensation injury principle in the area of personal injuries are pointed out.
  • Following the entry in force of the Civil Code (Law No.287/2009, republished) on the 1st of October 2011, which repealed the Family Code, the author conducts an extensive analysis of the legal provisions related to the nullity of a marriage, including the causes of nullity, legal regime, nullity consequences between the spouses and between spouses and their children, the competent court and the nullity resolution. This study examines the legal provisions of articles 293-306 of the Civil Code.
  • Fiducia is a legal institution brought into the Romanian national legislation by the entry into force of the New Civil Code. Introducing the institution of fiducia in the national law is the result of adapting national legislation to the new today’s legal and economic realities. The new Civil Code includes regulations applicable to fiducia with / without extraneity element. Regulation of this new institution has theoretical and practical significance as the procedure is a way of protection from creditors. Applying these regulations to particular factual situations requires knowledge and analysis of specific elements of fiducia.
  • The article approaches the issue of the criminal prosecution bodies’ decision on the documents or procedural measures taken while conducting the criminal prosecution. The author examines which of the criminal prosecution bodies – the prosecutor or the criminal investigation body – is entitled to rule on the acts or procedural measures and by which of the procedural acts is ruling; the author also expresses his opinion on the penalty for failure to comply with article 286 of the new Code of Criminal Procedure.
  • Unfortunately, labor legislation also includes insufficiently clear, parallel or contradictory provisions. Some of these provisions relate to the probationary period for persons with disabilities, and others relate to the cancellation of the penalty, consisting of disciplinary termination of the employment contract. In this study, the author analyzes the views expressed in the legal literature on the two institutions and also draws his own solutions.
  • After a presentation of the practical difficulties that arise searching the Electronic Archive of Security Interests in Personal Property, we have reached in this article the conclusion that it would benefit all the participants of the judicial circuit the augmentation of the regulatory framework for the archive activity so that it will detail the procedure and the obligations of the authorized agents in searching for information in the database, following a request. Present lack of regulation leads to an erroneous perception regarding the content of the search certification minute drafted by the authorized agent, perception based on analogy with other institutions (especially the land book), and could ammount to negative consequences.
  • Given the fact that, in accordance with the Community relating provisions, the new regulation of public utilities provides optimal conditions for the organization, functioning and operation of these services, respectively for delegation of these services’ management to private operators, this study aims at analyzing the manner the public utilities are managed by delegating the management of these services from the territorial administrative units to the authorized private operators.
  • In the following study, the author carries out an analysis of the Law No. 571/2004, the author emphasizing the fact that this law is actually very little known and applied, although its adoption in 2004 was made considering Romania’s accession to the European Union (this took place on January 1, 2007). For that purpose, while analyzing certain wordings of the law (which consists of a total of 11 articles), the author proposes a number of amendments and supplements thereto, in order to improve and use thereof in the social life practice.
  • The law branches constitutionalization issues – therefore, also of civil law – came up acutely in Europe after the Second World War, initially in the Federal Republic of Germany and then shortly after, in France and after 1990 in Romania. This study examines the issues mentioned noting that the term of constitutionalization of the law branches is the fundamental human rights effect on the legal system of each State.
  • The author argues that establishing a compulsory nature in what concerns the term provided for in the provisions of the second sentence of article 159, paragraph (8) of the Criminal Code of Procedure is required only for rejecting the proposal to extend the preventive arrest; in case of admission of the proposal to extend the preventive arrest, the recommendation nature of this term is sufficient to ensure the conduct of this trial stage, under the rigors of the right to liberty and security.
  • The institution of course of justice interruption was first introduced in the criminal procedure of Romania in the Charles II Code of Criminal Procedure (1936), being kept in the current Code of Criminal Procedure [Art. 29 point 5 item b)] and also in the new Code of Criminal Procedure adopted by Law No. 135/2010 [Art. 40 paragraph (4)]. The author shows that the Romanian legislator failed to clarify this phrase, leaving the identification of the cases of interrupting the course of justice to the legal literature, but especially to the case law. The case law of the High Court of Cassation and Justice may conclude that the “interrupting the course of justice” phrase requires the occurrence of a criminal case pending before a court of law which has no possibility of achieving the ultimate goal of the trial due to inapplicability of any of the procedural provisions relating to jurisdiction, so that the competent court to order a legal solution cannot be determined.
  • In this study, the author makes a thorough analysis of the so-called tax havens, outlining their connection with organized crime. Thus, the definition and main characteristics of tax havens, the types of tax havens and certain measures adopted at EU level to limit thereof are portrayed herein.
  • International protection of human rights, enshrined in normative terms especially after the Second World War, is now characterized by a set of characteristic features undisputed within the specialized doctrine, valid both at universal and regional level, equally highlighting the universal nature of human rights and the capacity of individuals to be subjects of international law in the matter.
  • This article examines the legal protection of individuals from listening, disclosure or transmission of private conversations or confidential or personal audio-visual information, and comparatively analyzes regulations in matters of private life from different European criminal codes. Regulating the offense of private life violation was absolutely necessary, both to complete the criminal protection framework of the values guaranteed by Article 8 of the (European) Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, as the offense is not known in Romania, and to achieve interference between the concept of private life and personal privacy in the context of excessive public dissemination of private life.
  • The first European Treaty, which encouraged the establishment of political groups in the European Parliament, was the Treaty of Maastricht, which established a European Union, signed in 1992 and came into force a year later. Political parties have always played an important role in democratic societies, a role demonstrated by the functioning of the role of a mediator between society and government, which they fulfill. In the European Parliament, political groups are the doctrinal expression of a pan-European cohesion.
  • The European Union law principles can be source of Community law, as they have the same rank as the treaties in the hierarchy of the EU law sources. These principles are compulsory both for the EU institutions and the Member States. These binding principles include the principle of legality of indictment and punishment. Therefore, whenever a Community act requires Member States to establish punishments to be used in the event an offense provided for in that act, they must comply with. There are also some exceptions to this rule (the compulsoriness for the European Union Member States): the criminal liability of the person who committed the offense cannot be determined nor can be aggravated by breaching the Community act independently of a domestic law adopted by a Member State in view of its implementation. In this study, the authors analyze the exceptions to the principle of legality of indictment and punishment, which have a particular interest in criminal matters, given the contradictions in the Romanian and foreign criminal doctrine.
  • Examining the impact of the entry into force of the new Romanian Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009, republished, effective since October 1st 2011) the author concludes that, despite the “monistic” nature of the new Code, the commercial legal relationship still exists (but grounded on the concepts of business and professional). So being, says the author, commercial law remains timely even though its legal basis is within the new Civil Code. Therefore, to avoid misleading foreign investors, one suggests changing certain legal texts of legal acts implementing the new Civil Code, de lege ferenda, for the purpose of restoring the traditional concepts of “company”, “commercial agreements”, “legal relationships / commercial disputes”.
  • In this study, the author makes a relatively exhaustive analysis of the provisions of Articles 1221 to 1224 of the new Romanian Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009, republished on July 15, 2011 and effective since October 1st 2011) stressing the differences - substantive - between regulations on damage (as vice of consent) in the present Civil Code and in the previous Civil Code (of 1864).
  • By carrying out a review of Articles 312 to 328 of the new Romanian Civil Code, the author concludes that this Code allows conflict of laws relating to primary matrimonial regime; enforcement of mentioned rules is not required, as they are components of Romanian private international law public order.
  • The study hereafter aims at developing the subject represented by the lease contract of an intellectual creation correlated with the new legal dispositions of the Civil code concerning the lease agreement. The analysis is inscribed in the author’s sphere of interest concerning the major copyrights turning into account agreements following an ample theoretical schedule, which is defined by the effort to compare the particular legal provisions on this type of agreements to the larger area of legal provisions comprised in the Civil code that came into force in October, 2011. The necessity of this study is derived from the circumstance that this type of agreement dealt with hereafter is brought under regulation by a single article encompassed in Law no. 8/1996, corroborated with the fact that the patrimonial author’s rights turning into account agreements are not referred to within the legal provisions of Law no. 287/2009. (The Civil Code)
  • The author provides detailed analysis of the legal content of the offense of abuse of office as stipulated for in Art. 297 of the new Criminal Code. He examines the object of criminal protection, the subjects of offense, the objective and subjective sides, the forms, methods, sanctions and certain procedural aspects relating to the offense provided for in Art. 297 of the new Criminal Code. Also, the author does not hesitate to express his views regarding the constituent content of this criminal offense, its systematization, and its nature and to advance certain solutions and ideas of his own in this regard. Last but not least, certain personal views about the concept of subsidiarity, and the law applicable in the event of transitional situations are also promoted.
  • Pursuant to Art. 147, paragraph (4) of the Romanian Constitution republished on October 31, 2003, “Rulings of the Constitutional Court shall be published in the Official Gazette of Romania. As from their publication, rulings shall be generally binding and effective only for the future”, and pursuant to Art. 147 paragraph (1) of the said Constitution, the provisions of the laws, ordinances and regulations in force found to be unconstitutional shall cease their legal effects within 45 days of the publication of the decision of the Constitutional Court if, in the meantime, the Parliament or the Government, as the case may be, cannot bring into line the unconstitutional provisions with the provisions of the Constitution.. Under these constitutional requirements, the study’s authors comprehensively examine the casuistry these rules have generated, the Constitutional Court jurisprudence in the matters and so on, and the delicate situation arisen because neither the Constitution nor any other law expressly regulates the state of laws or Government ordinances (no longer existing) declared unconstitutional.
  • In this paper the author makes a comparative analysis of Art.72 (“notifying the enforcement of collective redundancy”) and Art. 74 (prohibition of new employment subsequent to collective redundancies, employees right to reemployment) of the Labor Code (Law no. 53/2003, republished on May 18, 2011), texts related to the Council Directive no. 98/59/EC of July 20, 1998. In this respect, the author concludes that although usually the said texts of the Labor Code are consistent with the aforementioned Directive, however, the amending / supplementing of the Labor Code is required to imperatively establish a mandatory form of employees representation outside the union organization, taking into account that the “employees representatives” institution (Articles 221 to 226 of the Labor Code) is currently optionally governed (and not mandatory), and only where the employer exceeding 20 employees had not constituted representative unions.
  • The present study examines in detail the conditions for contracting authority’s cancellation of the award procedure for the public procurement contract, taking into account that the legislative act (Government Emergency Ordinance no. 34/2006 regarding the award of public procurement contracts, public works concession contracts and services) underwent the last 2-3 years - in the terms considered - radical changes likely to run on the current legal regime.
  • Public-private partnership in the Romanian law is one way of effective management of public or private property owned by the State or territorialadministrative units that meets a particular need of these entities; its object is the execution of works, supply of products or provision of services. In the current legislative context, the public-private institution finds a new legislative establishment through the Law no. 178/2010 concerning the Public-Private Partnership, as amended and supplemented. In the climate of the new regulations in this area, the present study proposes an analysis of private investors selection procedures, considering that the private investor selection is a crucial procedural step in awarding the public private partnership contract, as it concerns the transparency of public authorities in the execution of the contract and aims at ensuring the protection of free competition in awarding such contracts.
  • In this article, whilst critically analyzing the relapse doctrine and jurisprudence, the authors argue that the provisions of Article 38 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code – which stipulates for that convictions for which rehabilitation occurs or for which the rehabilitation period was completed do not entail the relapse status - do not imply that the relapse status is determined by court rehabilitation decision, but just by meeting the rehabilitation deadline, without inquiring whether the other judicial rehabilitation requirements are also fulfilled.
  • The author examines the offense of child maltreatment in relation to the offense history and in terms of the new Criminal Code. Also, de lege ferenda, the author suggests that the offense analyzed should be provided for in the chapter on offenses against the family of the new Criminal Code; this solution was also adopted by the Criminal Code in force.
  • Assuming the many relationships between cybercrimes stipulated by Law no. 161/2003 and Law no. 365/2002, as well as between those and criminalization under the Criminal Code in force, the author seeks an analysis which could highlight the concerns that may arise in this context. Also, given the applicability title various criminal provisions acquire in a particular concurrence of skills, the author found it necessary to identify the specific indictment’s wording to be applied first, based on an analytical process. These findings were also analyzed with regard to the provisions of the new Criminal Code, verifying whether the new regulations preserve or not the concerns identified within current legislation. Last but not least, reasoning used in the literature in the matter was considered as well as the judicial practice solutions to see how they have resulted in the appropriate identification of the indictment’s wording applicable.
  • Criminal Rule incriminates the refusal to collect “biological samples”, highlighting the driver’s bad faith. Law does not refer to the case where the driver has agreed to provide the first biological sample but refuses the collection of the second. Such situations hindering the criminal prosecution body were met in practice. After a thorough assessment of the incriminating wording in accordance with the criminal provision’s rules of interpretation, the author concludes that the refusal to provide the second biological sample is an offense.
  • The article analyzes recent and older judgments of the High Court of Cassation and Justice and other courts on the regularity of the document instituting court proceedings, through the indictment prepared by the prosecutor. By highlighting the lack of uniform settlement of irregularities arising in the procedure laid down in Art. 300 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the authors try to find harmonious solutions for the procedural incidents arising in matters. Also, a significant part of the article is dedicated to the provisions of the new Code of Criminal Procedure relating to the analyzed matter, highlighting some deficiencies specific to the new rules.
  • The new Civil Code, unlike the old Code, includes a quasi-complete provision on the invalidity of the contract based on the fundamental distinction between absolute invalidity and relative invalidity. Invalidity - either absolute or relative - can be both complete and partial. Regardless of its form or the way it is established or in which it operates, partial invalidity may appear either as an explicit invalidity, therefore, in the form of clauses declared null or voidable or, more recently, either in the form of clauses deemed unwritten, or as tacit invalidity (obviously partial). In terms of terminology, the phrase or formula “clauses deemed unwritten” is an easy, therefore practical way to designate certain ancillary unlawful clauses which are automatically void. Ratione temporis, partial invalidity, regardless of its form, is and shall remain subject to the law in force at the date of conclusion of the contract and not to the law in force at the date the invalidity was determined or that when the contract was cancelled and neither subject to the law in force at the date the parties are reinstated to the previous status.
  • In this study the authors examine the issue regarding the ways to determine lineage and the recognition of the child (art. 408 and art. 415 and the following of the new Romanian Civil Code - Law No. 287/2009, republished on July 15, 2011 and entered into force on October 1st, 2011) noting the differences in relation to the previous regulation (the Family Code in force from February 1st, 1954 until September 30, 2011); in this context, on the one hand, the positive aspect of the new regulations is highlighted, and on the other hand, a series of lex ferenda proposals are also being carried out.
  • The change of vision brought by the new Civil Code in re ation to the partition contract requires an examination more attuned to the practical aspect. This study shows that, due to the fiscal taxation and the problem of the community regime of spouses, it shouldn’t be indifferent to us the translative effect of the partition contract. The transition from the declarative effect has clearly intended to provide a more coherent system in regard to certain issues like the fate of deeds closed by a co-owner over the whole property as well as the guarantee for eviction and defects. However, we tried to state that the retroactivity of the declarative system provided as well palpable benefits for the person seeking to enter into a partition by mutual agreement. Also, in the final part of this study we provided some details regarding the conditions for registration in the land book of the legal hypothecation stipuled for the previous co-owner regarding the debt from eviction.
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