  • Declanșarea și judecarea unui proces atrag per se o serie de cheltuieli bănești care se materializează în taxele judiciare, onorariile avocaților, experților și ale altor specialiști, ori în sume de bani cuvenite martorilor chemați să răspundă în fața judecătorului, pe lângă multe alte inconveniente. Dacă sarcina înfăptuirii justiției aparține statului, principiu recunoscut în majoritatea sistemelor democratice, se pune problema sarcinii suportării cheltuielilor pe care le presupune judecarea unui litigiu. S-a ajuns astfel la „compromisul” prin care cheltuielile de judecată să fie împărțite, aproximativ proporțional, între stat și părțile litigante. Culpa procesuală este izvorul cheltuielilor de judecată, partea îndreptățită la acordarea acestora este partea litigantă, potrivnică celei care cade în pretenții și, pe cale de consecință, cea care a fost în culpă procesuală, prima fiind „victima” celei de-a doua. Ab initio trebuie precizat că stabilirea cheltuielilor de judecată va fi făcută de instanță numai în măsura în care acestea au fost solicitate în cursul procesului pendinte, faptul că instanța nu le-a acordat reprezentând o omisiune a acesteia, care poate fi îndreptată pe calea unei cereri de completare a hotărârii, dacă partea are deschisă această procedură. Probleme s-au ivit în legătură cu actualizarea cheltuielilor de judecată în faza de executare silită, când executorul judecătoresc proceda la punerea în executare a hotărârii judecătorești. Astfel, s-a născut întrebarea „Poate executorul judecătoresc să actualizeze sumele cuvenite creditorului cu titlu de cheltuieli judecătorești?” Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție a limpezit problema de drept ridicată și a statuat că sumele acordate printr-o hotărâre judecătorească pot fi actualizate în funcție de rata inflației, de executorul judecătoresc în etapa executării silite (cu notă aprobativă).
  • Calea de atac a contestației poate fi exercitată, în condițiile art. 347 C.pr.pen., inclusiv atunci când niciun participant la procesul penal nu a formulat cereri sau ridicat excepții în procedura camerei preliminare. În acest scop, încheierea prin care judecătorul finalizează procedura de cameră preliminară trebuie comunicată participanților, eventuala omisiune putând fi revelată inclusiv în calea de atac a apelului, cu consecința regresării procedurii din faza judecății în faza camerei preliminare (cu notă aprobativă).
  • The new Romanian Civil Code contains references to the goodwill, but it does not regulate the legal regime of the goodwill. In the absence of a legal regulation of the goodwill, the legal nature of the goodwill is analysed on the basis of the new conception of the Civil Code concerning the patrimony of the natural person and of the legal person. According to the Civil Code (Article 31), the unique patrimony of the natural or legal person may be subject to a division in the cases and under the conditions provided by law. Allocation patrimonies are the fiduciary patrimonies and those allocated to practicing an authorized profession. In the light of this conception, the goodwill represents an allocation patrimony, namely a distinct fraction of the patrimony of the natural or legal person, intended for conducting the trading activity. Under the terms of the new Civil Code, which admits that the patrimony of a natural or legal person may be subject to a division or an allocation, it is fully justified to qualify the goodwill as „trading patrimony”, a name repudiated in the past.
  • The new Fiscal Code and the new Fiscal Procedure Code harmonized with the European Union legislation have brought significant mutations in the development of the relations of fiscal law and of fiscal processual law between the public tax authorities and the taxpayers/payers. These relations of fiscal law and of processual fiscal law have as their primary foundation the fiscal administrative act, which underlies the entire edifice of the fiscal matter. Starting from these desiderata, this study aims at analyzing several aspects regarding the implications which the new regulatory framework in fiscal matters has brought in the field of adoption of some fiscal administrative acts, emphasizing, at the same time, the distinction which must be made between the fiscal administrative acts and the administrative acts whereby budgetary claims are individualized.
  • Important matters of law generate the verification of the legality of the acts of the legal persons of private law specified in the title. Such verification, as revealed by the judicial practice in this matter, involves the relation of the theory concerning the legal acts within the scope of public law to the corresponding theory within the private law. This interdisciplinary approach is necessary in order to correctly identify the conditions of validity related to the legal acts qualified as being acts of authority, given their nature, purpose and addressees.
  • This study proposes a comparative analysis of the main economic and financial offences from their regulatory perspective, given the significant amendments of the Romanian criminal legislation occurred starting with 1 February 2014. The author makes a presentation of how the incrimination of these criminal acts has been amended, regardless of the relevant provisions, the Criminal Code or the special laws. He insists on the situations where amendments of substance occurred and it is analyzed their opportunity, as well as the effects reflected by the judicial practice. Similarly, critical notes are exposed, with the necessary arguments on some of these legislative amendments.
  • In this article, the author analyzes the parliamentary procedure for the review of laws, pursuant to the request of the President of Romania, in the light of the case law of the Constitutional Court. In its judicial practice, the court of constitutional administrative disputes found that the provisions included in the parliamentary regulations of both legislative Chambers, which regulated the procedure of review of the laws on the initiative of the President of Romania, do not comply with the constitutional provisions. The author analyzes in detail the objections of unconstitutionality of the Constitutional Court and shows, in the end, that the elaboration of a clear, unambiguous parliamentary procedure is necessary in order to review the laws following the request addressed by the President of Romania, which reflects the letter and the spirit of the constitutional provisions.
  • The disciplinary misconduct related to the „non-compliance with the duty to abstain when the judge or the public prosecutor knows of the existence of one of the causes provided by law for his abstention, as well as the filing of repeated and unjustified applications of abstention in the same case, which has the effect of delaying the judgment”, regulated by Article 99 i) of the Law No 303/2004 on the by-law of judges and public prosecutors, was introduced by the Law No 24/2012 amending and supplementing the Law No 303/2004 on the by-law of judges and public prosecutors and the Law No 317/2004 on the Superior Council of Magistrature; it could not be found in the original version of the Law No 303/2004, nor in the Law No 92/1992 on judicial organization. The material element of the objective side of the disciplinary misconduct regulated by Article 99 i) of the Law No 303/2004 includes two distinct hypotheses: the first hypothesis has as object the non-compliance with the duty to abstain when the judge or the public prosecutor knows of the existence of one of the causes provided by law for his abstention, and the second relates to the filing of repeated and unjustified applications of abstention in the same case, which has the effect of delaying the judgment.
  • In this article, the author discusses the issue of limitation of the exercise of certain rights and freedoms, as debated and regulated by the Constituent Assembly in 1991. There are analyzed in detail the theses for the draft Constitution that set out the constitutional conditions for which compliance is imperative, so that the Romanian State and the Romanian Parliament be able to make the decision of limiting some rights or freedoms of the citizens. The author gives a significant consideration to presenting the philosophy of the constitutional norm that recognizes the State’s right to limit under certain circumstances the exercise of some fundamental rights and freedoms of the Romanian citizens. It is noted that constitutional limitation of the some rights or freedoms of the citizens fully complies with the European doctrine of constitutional law and of the judicial practice of ECHR. The author analyzes in detail every case which may determine the Parliament to limit the exercise of some rights and freedoms, as well as the conditions for imposing the limitation.
  • The study intends to provide an overview of a recently established public institution, namely the National Agency for the Administration of Seized Assets. Its establishment was an objective included in the National Anti-corruption Strategy for 2012–2015, approved by the Government Decision No 215/2012. The analysis will focus on aspects concerning its general status, structure, personnel and it will be made from a critical perspective on some legal provisions inclusively. In this way, we will try to draw attention to some deficiencies of the regulation, by proposing solutions which hopefully will be considered in the future.
  • Within this article the author presents the main opinions which were expressed in the literature of speciality on the matter of deviated offence. This reveals that there is no unitary point of view referring to this institution, three opinions being expressed in the matter. According to a first opinion it is deemed that the deviated offence concerns an apparent plurality of offences (natural unity), whether we refer to error in personam/error in objecto or to aberratio ictus. According to a second opinion, in case of deviated offence, regardless of the form it takes, there is a real plurality of offences, in the form of concurrence of offences. There is also a third opinion that, in the case of error in personam/error in objecto, it should be noted the existence of a single offence, while in case of aberratio ictus it should be noted the concurrence of offences. The judicial practice in Romania, in order to avoid any problems that might occur, has opted to note the perpetration of a single offence, both in case of error in personam and in case of aberratio ictus.
  • The article presents the evidentiary standards in case of the extended confiscation, claiming the necessity to establish the difference between the legal income and the value of assets acquired, also taking into account the expenses made by the accused and their family members, mentioning the assets or sums of money subject to extended confiscation, based on an evaluation report drawn up by an expert, by the indictment.
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