  • The new legislative context was a strong argument, mainly, for reconfiguring the recourse, which is not a new legal remedy for our system of law, the cassation recourse being actually built on the structure of the recourse of the previous Criminal Procedure Code, with no fundamental differences in this regard. Article 433 of the Criminal Procedure Code expressly provides the purpose of the cassation recourse, which seeks to subject to the High Court of Cassation and Justice the examination, under the terms of the law, of the conformity of the challenged judgment with the applicable rules of law. However, the cassation recourse aims at ensuring a uniform practice at the level of the entire country. There are expressly provided the judgments which can be challenged by means of the cassation recourse, as well as those that are not subject to this extraordinary legal remedy. In relation to the specificity of this extraordinary legal remedy, the code imposes strict conditions on the contents of the application for cassation recourse, the holders and the time limit for bringing this action, aspects presented within the paper, being followed up all the legislative amendments that have occurred so far.
  • According to Article 46 of the Romanian Constitution, „The right to inheritance is guaranteed”. Thus, we find that the constitutional text is of a maximum concision. The correct and complete understanding of the text requires, indeed, some developments firstly related to the branch of the civil law, mainly in matters of successions but also to the real rights, being concerned, especially, the institution of the property right. Thus, in the following article, there will be presented briefly the following aspects, which we consider to be of interest for the right to inheritance: the notion of inheritance and the specific terminology, the types of inheritance, the conditions of the right to inheritance, the successoral option, the right of the foreign citizens and of the stateless persons to acquire, by inheritance, the private property right on lands in Romania.
  • In the last decades, administrative law underwent a phenomenon of didactic fragmentation which nobody can ignore today. Numerous monographies within the doctrine of public law, whose purpose – stated in their own titles – is to treat, from multiple perspectives and in a more or less profound manner, (very) narrow subjects of administrative law, have invaded the book market. It happened not only in Romania, but also in France, a country which reasonably claims to be the homeland of administrative law as a branch of law, and therefore as a teaching subject, in its current European continental approach. This literary explosion went hand in hand with an unprecedented proliferation of master studies specializations offered by higher education institutions, in the area of administrative law and/or public administration. Are these phenomena able to fragment the theoretical discourse of administrative law in such a way that this subject loses its unity and, hence, ideological identity? Most likely not. The model proposed by us – that of the five ideological foundations of administrative law – seems to have the ability to prevent the undesirable result hereabove mentioned. With these five ideological foundations – the public administration, the public authority, the public service, the public interest and the public power – almost all the defining and descriptive equations of the major institutions of administrative law (such as the civil service, the public domain, the public enterprise, the unilateral administrative act, the administrative contract, the administrative litigation and public authorities’ financial liability for damage caused by their illegal acts) are likely to be solved. And if this is possible, then the idea of ideological unity/identity of the administrative law is safeguarded, despite the didactic fragmentation previously envisaged.
  • The complexity of the problem of configuration of the branches of law requires the recourse to various courts, which, without being infallible, can provide resources to legitimize a solution or another. In this regard, there may be invoked a series of coordinates such as the spirit of the law, as core of the legal knowledge, formed by the contribution of the fundamental concepts, of the principles of law and of its finalities, the interdisciplinary analyzes of the legal phenomenon or the meta-theoretical level of the scientific approach. With regard to this latter point of reference, we are trying to express wider considerations that emphasize plans of specificity, of customization and of specialization, but also processes of generalization and of integration. It is argued that any approach is entitled to cognitively participate in shaping the theoretical or practical solutions. However, no point of view can be declared unique, in a dogmatic, exclusive manner, or infallible, being necessarily open and capable to receive other information in critical or innovating terms, to convert them into a dialectical process of relative and imperfect knowledge, but always perfectible, in relation to a society and to a historical time.
  • Introducere. Practica judiciară recentă s-a confruntat cu numeroase frământări în legătură cu îndeplinirea elementelor constitutive ale infracțiunii de abuz în serviciu, prevăzută în art. 297 C.pen.
  • Conform prevederilor art. 342 C.pr.pen., obiectul procedurii camerei preliminare îl constituie, printre altele, verificarea legalității administrării probelor și a efectuării actelor de către organele de urmărire penală. Cu această ocazie, judecătorul de cameră preliminară este obligat să constate toate încălcările legii, săvârșite cu ocazia efectuării urmăririi penale și să sancționeze aceste încălcări, dispunând una dintre soluțiile prevăzute în cuprinsul art. 346 C.pr.pen.
  • In this article the author discusses from a constitutional perspective the concept of capital – commonly used by the Constituent Assemblies to designate within the constitutions the headquarters of the national sovereignty authorities. In his comments, the author presents the political conditions and the historical context of choosing Bucharest as residence of the princely court of Walachia mid seventeenth century and the evolution of the city from a historical, political and administrative viewpoint. The study presents in detail the changes suffered by the city of Bucharest during the Organic Regulations that have established administrative measures for its modernization. Bucharest became capital of the United Principalities in 1862 during the reign of Alexandru Ioan Cuza. Since then its status as capital has not been contested anymore, a situation also reflected in provisions of constitutional rank.
  • The article proposes procedural solutions, in compliance with the requirements of the ECHR practice, when changing the legal classification given to the deed, in appeal, by appreciating that the change in the legal classification given to the deed by the act of referral can be made by an undeniable conclusion, prior to the debate on the appeal, or by the conclusion for reinstating the case on the list of cases, provided that the court has debated the appeal, pending further ruling also for the reason concerning the change in the legal classification, which it found to be well-grounded.
  • After the adoption and the entry into force of the Law on the administrative disputes No 554/2004, subsequently to the constitutional revision of 2003, the problems of the special administrative jurisdictions are of particular interest, being one of the institutions of the public law meant to ensure the celerity of the settlement of disputes, doubled by the guarantee offered to the litigants, concerning the compliance with the constitutional principle of free access to justice, the right to a fair trial and to the settlement of cases within a reasonable time. In this context, the study intends to make an analysis of the constitutionality of the special administrative jurisdictions regulated by the Law No 554/2004 and in some special normative acts, adopted after the constitutional revision from 2003, in relation to the provisions of Article 21 (4) of the Romanian Constitution revised and republished.
  • The new Civil Procedure Code brings some amendments in the procedure of administration of evidence by lawyers, introduced in the Civil Procedure Code of 1865 by the Government Emergency Ordinance No 138/2000. This study details this procedure trying to anticipate a few of the problems that may arise in the judicial practice at the time of using this modality of administration of evidence in the civil lawsuit.
  • Aspecte generale privind incriminarea faptei de abuz în serviciu. În Codul penal în vigoare infracțiunile de corupție și cele de serviciu sunt prevăzute în două capitole distincte ale titlului V din Partea specială – „Infracțiuni de corupție și de serviciu”. Ceea ce caracterizează în principal grupul infracțiunilor de serviciu sau în legătură cu serviciul este valoarea socială apărată, și anume bunul mers al activității instituțiilor și organizațiilor publice, regiilor autonome sau oricăror alte persoane juridice cu capital integral ori majoritar de stat sau declarate ca fiind de utilitate publică și, implicit, apărarea intereselor legale ale persoanelor particulare.
  • Practica judiciară recentă s-a confruntat cu numeroase frământări în legătură cu îndeplinirea elementelor constitutive ale infracțiunii de abuz în serviciu, prevăzută în art. 297 C.pen. Potrivit acestui articol, constituie infracțiunea de abuz în serviciu „fapta funcționarului public care, în exercitarea atribuțiilor de serviciu, nu îndeplinește un act sau îl îndeplinește în mod defectuos și prin aceasta cauzează o pagubă ori o vătămare a drepturilor sau intereselor legitime ale unei persoane fizice sau ale unei persoane juridice”
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