  • The new regulation in the civil matter, as represented by Law no. 287/2009 on the Civil Code, adapts quasi-totally the institution of the acceptance of the inheritance. In this context, this study intends to examine the problem of the acceptance of the inheritance, a valence of the law on succession option, in all the matters it comprises, to reveal the novelties brought by Law no. 287/2009 in this matter and to assess their usefulness and opportunity.
  • In this study we are making reference to the acceptance of the bill of exchange in the Republic of Moldova and in Romania. The bill of exchange includes the drawer’s order addressed to the drawee to pay to the holder of the bill of exchange (payee) the amount of money mentioned in the title. This order itself includes only an obligation of the drawer to determine the payment of the amount of money to be made to the beneficiary, as well as a designation of the person (the drawee) which is going to make the payment at maturity. But the obligation to pay the amount of money does not arise from the order given by the drawer, but from the expression of the will of the drawee itself. So only by accepting the order the drawee becomes acceptor, that is debtor of bill of exchange, and will be obliged to pay at maturity the amount of money provided by the bill of exchange. By accepting the bill of exchange, the drawee becomes the principal debtor and, as a consequence, he must be presented with the bill of exchange.
  • Following the Decisions of the Constitutional Court No 405/2016 and No 392/2017 there are numerous discussions regarding the regulation of the offence of abuse of office, provided by Article 297 (1) of the Criminal Code. The Ministry of Justice has proposed the amendment of Article 297 (1) of the Criminal Code without establishing a value threshold and without the circumstantiation of the injury caused by committing the facts, elements depending on which it can be assessed the incidence or lack of incidence of the criminal law, by ignoring the above-mentioned decisions of the Court. In the public debates organized by the Ministry of Justice different opinions have been expressed in the sense of establishing a derisory threshold of ROL 1 000, in another opinion a threshold of ROL 2 000 000, and in another opinion in the absence of any threshold, without any circumscribing of the offence of abuse of office. In the context of these discussions, we propose the adoption of the regulation of the French Criminal Code in which facts are clearly, precisely and predictably circumscribed.
  • Prin Rechizitoriul din data de 18 octombrie 2013, procurorul din cadrul Parchetului de pe lângă Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție – Secția de Combatere a Infracțiunilor Conexe Infracțiunilor de Corupție a dispus trimiterea în judecată a inculpaților: M.J. pentru săvârșirea infracțiunii prevăzute și pedepsite de art. 132 din Legea nr. 78/2000 raportat la art. 248 C.pen. 1969, P.C. pentru complicitate la săvârșirea infracțiunii prevăzute și pedepsite de art. 132 din Legea nr. 78/2000 raportat la art. 248 C.pen. 1969 și Z.P. pentru complicitate la săvârșirea infracțiunii prevăzute și pedepsite de art. 132 din Legea nr. 78/2000 raportat la art. 248 C.pen. 1969.
  • The authors present another opinion on the subject regulated by Article 132 of the Law No 78/2000, arguing that it constitutes a special legal aggravating circumstance for the offences of abuse of office and usurpation of the function provided by Article 297 and Article 300 of the Criminal Code. In the current regulation the abuse of office provided by Article 297 of the Criminal Code by reference to Article 132 of the Law No 78/2000 is not a criminal offence assimilated to corruption offences and, consequently, may not fall within the competence of the NAD unless the damage caused exceeds the ROL equivalent of one million euros. Drawing attention to the fact that the provisions of Article 132 of the Law No 78/2000 are not precise, predictable, they bring arguments in support of the thesis of the susceptibility of unconstitutionality thereof.
  • The author provides detailed analysis of the legal content of the offense of abuse of office as stipulated for in Art. 297 of the new Criminal Code. He examines the object of criminal protection, the subjects of offense, the objective and subjective sides, the forms, methods, sanctions and certain procedural aspects relating to the offense provided for in Art. 297 of the new Criminal Code. Also, the author does not hesitate to express his views regarding the constituent content of this criminal offense, its systematization, and its nature and to advance certain solutions and ideas of his own in this regard. Last but not least, certain personal views about the concept of subsidiarity, and the law applicable in the event of transitional situations are also promoted.
  • The purpose of the present analysis is to determine the applicable legal regime to certain procedural acts made in bad faith in relation to the abuse of rights theory, and the lis pendens (same trial pending in the same time before two or more panel of judges) and joined cases institutions. The analysis started from a particular case in which a claimant filed two statements of claim having the same object in two considerably distant moments (7 years between them) against the same defendant. The only aspects which the claimant drafted differently in the second case file, in order to eliminate risk of identity, were the claims’ phrasing and some additional arguments in his favour which were not inserted in a proper form in the first case file. Nevertheless, through the second statement of claim, the claimant himself raised the lis pendens exception, in order to send the second case file in front of the initial judge and thus to overcome his incapacity to invoke additional arguments in the first case file. The court vested with the judgment of the lis pendens exception stated that the exception is applicable and in the case at hand. Thus, it has sent the second file to be analyzed together with the initial statement of claim. In addition to this, the court fined the claimant for misconduct represented by filing intentionally the two statement of claims having the same object. In consequence, in the present article we have analyzed the conditions to be met in order to state the presence of an abuse of rights in the light of the lis pendens and joined cases institutions. We have identified the purpose for the regulation of these legal institutions and the similarities and differences between them. In addition to this, we addressed the conduct which the court should have in order to correctly analyze the two statements of claim which are object of the lis pendens exception. Finally, our theoretical conclusions related to the three institutions were applied to our particular case, in order to prove the presence of an abuse of right.
  • The study analyzes the opinion on the repeal of the filter procedure when the review in the civil trial is within the competence of the High Court of Cassation and Justice. The author presents the analysis of the manner the filter procedure was regulated by the Law No 134/2010, the Civil Procedure Code and the arguments for which it considers that the repeal of this procedure is not justified. The result of the study is reflected in the opinion according to which the filtering procedure had to be maintained, for the settlement of the reviews in the civil trial, by the supreme court. The filter procedure was first introduced in the civil processual legislation by the Government Emergency Ordinance No 58/2003. Those provisions introduced a new procedure of settlement of the review, irrespective of the court which settled the review, that of the admissibility in principle of the review, prior to the actual settlement of the application for review, which carried out the preliminary examination of the application for review. By the Law No 134/2010 the filter procedure has been regulated only in case the review was settled by the High Court of Cassation and Justice. By the Law No 310/2018, amending and supplementing the Civil Procedure Code, the filtering procedure has been repealed although, in the initial form, it was proposed to put the text of Article 493 of the Civil Procedure Code in agreement with the provisions of the Decision of the Constitutional Court No 839/2015, which has declared unconstitutional the phrase „or that the review is manifestly unfounded”. In this respect, the text of Article 493 (5) of the Civil Procedure Code should have been as follows: „In case the panel unanimously agrees that the review does not meet the formal requirements, that the grounds invoked and their development do not fall within those provided by Article 488, it shall cancel the review by a reasoned decision, pronounced without the summoning of the parties, which is not subject to any means of appeal. The decision shall be communicated to the parties”. Maintaining the filter procedure, in our opinion, contributes to decongesting of the supreme court to settle the reviews that do not meet the conditions for exercising this extraordinary means of appeal.
  • In the study hereby, the author sets under review the body search institution, from the perspective of theoretical and practical approaches. Body search has a distinct character, being undertaken in some cases separately from other evidence procedures, but it is also frequently undertaken on home searches, detention or arrest of a person. The author puts forward, within the study, the main legal regulations applicable in the field of body search, focusing on the new amendments to the new Code of Criminal Procedure, and reasoning some de lege ferenda proposals.
  • The issue of the content of the crime is treated through the prism of two criminal legislations and doctrines - of Romania and of the Republic of Moldova in the present study. The objective pursued by the authors is the substantiation of the perspective of a unique concept of approaching crime as a basic institution of criminal law in the Romanian space. The criminal legislation of the Soviet Union had an excessive impact on the evolution of the criminal legislation of the Republic of Moldova. Even today, some Moldovan criminal law institutions, including crime law, are approached from the perspective of concepts and perceptions that characterized the Soviet doctrinal system. As a result of this research, the authors, using mainly the comparative method of studying law, have argued the theoretical foundations that may constitute the basis for the approximation of the above-mentioned doctrines in addressing the content of the crime. However, the good knowledge of the issue of the legal content of the crime allows the description of the crimes by the strict observance of the quality standards of the criminal law, thus ensuring the principle of legality of the incrimination.
  • According to Article 46 of the Romanian Constitution, „The right to inheritance is guaranteed”. Thus, we find that the constitutional text is of a maximum concision. The correct and complete understanding of the text requires, indeed, some developments firstly related to the branch of the civil law, mainly in matters of successions but also to the real rights, being concerned, especially, the institution of the property right. Thus, in the following article, there will be presented briefly the following aspects, which we consider to be of interest for the right to inheritance: the notion of inheritance and the specific terminology, the types of inheritance, the conditions of the right to inheritance, the successoral option, the right of the foreign citizens and of the stateless persons to acquire, by inheritance, the private property right on lands in Romania.
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