  • The new normative framework established by the Law No 101/2016 in the matter of judicial means of appeal brings some significant mutations, but, at the same time, takes over some provisions established by the former normative act (the Government Emergency Ordinance No 34/2000). In the context of the new normative framework, this study proposes a detailed analysis of the contestations formulated directly through judicial means, in accordance with the unional directives of 2014 in the matter of exercise of the judicial means of appeal. Also, the author of the study intends to analyze in detail the judicial means of appeal whereby it is requested the grant of damages for the prejudices caused during the stages preliminary to the award of these contracts, as well as for the prejudices caused after the contract is concluded, in the context in which the Court of Justice of the European Union held in its case law that the Member States enjoy procedural autonomy as regards the right to regulate the specific procedures by which the damages are going to be covered.
  • In a democratic society, the legal legitimacy of the State and of the State’s power, of its institutions, but also the social and political foundations of the society as such, are generated and determined by the Constitution, defined as expressively as possible as being: „Fundamental political and legal establishment of a people” (I. Deleanu). The supremacy of the Constitution has as main consequence the compliance of the entire law with the constitutional norms. Guaranteeing the respect for that principle, essential for the state of law, is primarily an attribute of the Constitutional Court, but also an obligation of the legislature to receive through the adopted normative acts, in contents and form, the constitutional norms. Amending the Basic Law of a state is an extremely complex political and legal act with major meanings and implications in the social, political, and State system, but also for each individual. Therefore, such an approach should be well-justified, in order to respond to some well-defined social, political, and legal requirements and particularly in order to meet the principles and rules specific to a democratic constitutional and State system ensuring the stability and functionality it needs. These are some aspects of the contemporary constitutionalism in Romania which we are trying to analyze critically in this study, in order to make the distinction between ideal and constitutional reality.
  • The study deals with the contract called supply contract, regulated in the current Civil Code, its particularities as opposed to the sales contract, the aspects of incidence of the provisions regarding the sale contract which completes the special regulation of the supply contract. There are analysed the substantive and formal terms of the supply contract, the rights and obligations of the contracting parties, the doctrinal opinions and the case law in the matter, the legal consequences of the failure to supply the goods according to the contractual clauses and the failure to pay the price, the conditions for subcontracting, as well as the aspects related to the contractual liability of the supplier towards the beneficiary, for the non-compliance with the subcontractor’s obligations.
  • The Treaty of 9 December 1919 concerning minority protection was eventually signed by Romania only after fierce opposition grounded on the argument that the Treaty provisions contravene the principle of equal state sovereignty. The present paper is focused on examining the circumstances of the drafting of the 1919 Minority Treaty, on expounding its normative content and on depicting the situation of national minorities in interwar Romania. Finally, a general assessment of interwar Romania’s attitude towards minorities is undertaken.
  • The declarative establishment of democratic traditions or insurrectional ideals at a constitutional level is legitimate and explicable as an element of public law philosophy and social psychology, but also of national identification, especially in situations where the Constituent Assembly established a democratic political regime, opened to the aspirations of a nation that has liberated itself from the authoritarianism of a tyrannical government system. However, the issue we are raising is whether democratic traditions are justified in a normative regulation. In my opinion, the proper place to preserve the national values and the historical political and juridical traditions of a people cannot be the normative text of the Constitution, because it, as a fundamental normative act, from the point of view of positive law, has the role to regulate political, social and economic relations and others as valid social phenomena measurable politically and legally. The original place of the traditions and values of a community lies in its public consciousness and in the general lifestyle. Here, they retain intact the ideological content and form, as they penetrated through objective scientific knowledge, as well as through a spiritual path in the individual’s consciousness, and extended to successive generations. In this way, democratic traditions acquire an explanatory role for the philosophy of public law. A question arises: if democratic traditions are transposed by constitutional norms in the national legal order and converted into constitutional traditions, can they be challenged scientifically and historically? Contesting the democratic traditions in a scientific work or denying their existence, as well as legislating some areas of social life without considering the Romanian constitutional traditions, are subjected to malpractice or even sanctioned by the law?
  • The study is dedicated to celebrating the centenary of the achievement of the national unity of the Romanian people and it is devoted to some of the legislative, doctrinal and jurisprudential evolutions and mutations occurred, during this period, within the institution of civil obligations. The author shows that the evolutions in question have their etiology and explanation in the social needs, determined by the specificity of the historical stages and of the political regimes which the Romanian society has gone through. His approach is placed in the general context of the most relevant changes that have occurred, over the years, in the texts of the Civil Code and of the related legislation. This explains why the study starts with an introductory paragraph, in which it is presented the general state of the old Civil Code and there are set forth its main changes, occurred after 1918.
  • In this study there are presented the main scientific arguments that can be taken into account for promoting a new discipline, as sub-branch of the Romanian criminal law, namely the criminal law of transports. For the scientific arguing of this approach, there have been briefly examined the system of Romanian law, the syntagms of branch, sub-branch and institution of our law. As regards the criminal law, reference has been made to the two parts, to some institutions and to the possibility of recognizing the criminal law of transports as sub-branch of the Romanian law. Likewise, within the scientific approach, it has been carried out a brief examination of the criminal law norms specific to the safety of traffic and of transports from Romania, insisting on the necessity of grouping them into a distinct normative act, recommending even a code of transports. The examination has considered the main elements of similarity between criminal law norms specific to the four domains of the national system of transports, namely: road, railway, naval and air.
  • This study addresses the problems determined by the fact that in the current Romanian criminal processual legislation there is a sign of equivalence between the moment of pronouncing the judgment and the moment of reading the minutes which contains only the operative part of the judgment. This aspect determines certain consequences that affect the rights of the persons who, in one quality or another, are involved in that criminal trial, resulting even in the execution of a minutes and in the conditional release before the reasoning of the appeal decision. For all these reasons, the study proposes that the reasoning of the judgment should be made before the pronouncement, which would remove all the above shortcomings and would strengthen the confidence of the litigants in the act of justice.
  • This study proposes a comparative analysis of the norms of incrimination which include under the incidence of the criminal law some deeds recognized as international crimes through conventions and treaties. The crimes included in Title XII – Crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes in the Romanian Criminal Code and the Crimes against the peace and security of mankind, war crimes defined by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova are studied by the comparison method. From the comparison made the author comes to the conclusion that both the Romanian legislation and the legislation of the Republic of Moldova have fully complied with the international provisions in the field of regulation of international crimes. In addition, it is appreciated that both states, through their own legislative regime, have taken steps to make the national laws uniform with the international regulations, in order to provide a unitary framework in respect of sanctioning of the international crimes.
  • Part of our daily lives, light pollution enjoys less media coverage than other, more serious environmental issues, like climate change, air pollution, desertification of many areas of land, illegal deforestation of huge areas of forest land. We are talking about light pollution when artificial lights are everywhere – through billboards, street lighting, etc. – and such intensity that it changes the levels of natural lighting the night, with negative impacts on human health and biodiversity.
  • The emergence of the Law No 76/2012 for the implementation of the Law No 134/2010 on the Code of Civil Procedure had great influence on the Government Emergency Ordinance No 34/2006 on the award of public procurement contracts. The latter stated that, in the matter of claims for compensation for damage caused during the public procurement procedure, the way of attack is an appeal on law submitted within 5 days of the communication. Difficulties with the publication and entry into force of the Law No 76/2012 were felt because it provided that the appeal would be the remedy in the matter, but before it came into force, the Government Emergency Ordinance No 34/2006 was amended by the Government Emergency Ordinance No 77/2012 which was approved by the Law 193/2013 and which left unchanged the way of attack. To solve the problems related to the succession in time of the laws, the High Court of Cassation and Justice by the Decision No 20/2015 of 5 October 2015 on the examination of the appeal in the interest of the law formulated by the Board of the Suceava Court of Appeal determined that the appeal on law is the only way of attack in the matter. Problems of interpretation have not stopped here because, while the High Court has made compulsory the way of attack, it did not make any mention of the term of exercise. Thus, a non-unitary practice has emerged because some courts have considered that the term of exercise is that of appeal, i.e. 5 days, while others have applied the general term. In our view, the time limit for exercising the appeal on law cannot be considered to be 5 days, because in this situation it would only mean that there was a replacement of the term „appeal” with „appeal on law”, but the general term provided by the Code of Civil Procedure shall apply.
  • In the present study we will try to find the answer to the question: „What can a natural person do when his/her right to the protection of personal data has been violated?”. The natural person having his/her habitual residence in Romania, who suffered damages in a cross-border context, will be taken as a reference system, in an attempt of „guiding” him/her to the competent authority for dealing with the judicial issues that have arisen. The legal basis for answering the question will be the Regulation (EU) No 679/2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. In the first part of the study the terms used to explain the right to the protection of personal data and its violation will be clarified, and in the second part the administrative and/or judicial ways that the natural person can follow in order to restore the violated right will be discussed.
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