  • This study aimed to develop a theoretical analysis configured in the matrix of a critical examination on the rulings of the Constitutional Court of Romania contained in the Decision No 702/2019. To this end, there were examined the conclusions promoted by the constitutional contentious court, which applied, in support of its point of view, the principle of equal treatment, constitutional rule, as well as of proportionality, praetorian construction, promoted by the case law, from which it resulted that, from a legal perspective, the disabled pensioners who acquired this legal condition based on the Law No 19/2000 will benefit from the application of the correction index regulated by the Law No 263/2010, if at the time of the ex officio transformation of the invalidity pension into an old-age pension the latter law was in force.
  • The objectives of this study are to detect the situations that require the temporary exercise of the duties of the mayor by other persons and to examine the specific legal forms to be adopted in such situations. Specifically, these legal forms consist in the legal replacement of the mayor by the deputy mayor and the delegation of his attributions to one of the local councillors appointed by the local council. In the research undertaken, the particularities of the two legal forms of temporary exercise of the attributions of the mayor were emphasized, some procedural aspects regarding their adoption, as well as their consequences in terms of legal liability.
  • În conformitate cu prevederile art. 4 alin. (6) din Legea nr. 193/20001 și cele ale art. 4 alin. (2) din Directiva 93/13/CEE, aprecierea caracterului abuziv al unei clauze nu privește definirea obiectului contractului în măsura în care respectivele clauze sunt exprimate în mod clar și inteligibil. În acord cu principiul interpretării conforme statuat la nivelul dreptului european, prevederile actului normativ național prin care sunt transpuse în dreptul intern dispozițiile dintr-o directivă trebuie interpretate, inclusiv în litigiile care opun doi particulari, potrivit prevederilor directivei transpuse, iar nu în sens contrar
  • The present study begins with the analysis of the texts of Article 630 of the Civil Code, where there can be found the legal relevant provisions, followed by some considerations regarding the origin of the civil liability for the abnormal neighbourhood inconveniences under the influence of the old Civil Code. Furthermore, the author appreciates that, at present, from the economy of the texts of Article 630 of the Civil Code, it results that the civil liability in question is of two types: reparative and preventive. Further on the scope of this liability is circumscribed. For this purpose, on the one hand, it is established the sphere of the persons between whom it can be engaged, and, on the other hand, there are determined and qualified the neighbourhood inconveniences that can generate it. An important and ample space is conferred to the analysis of the conditions that must be met for the existence of this liability, as well as to the detection of its theoretical foundation. Thus, in the reparative variant, the existence and the engagement of civil liability requires to cumulatively meet three conditions; two of them are the general conditions of any reparative civil liability – damage and relation of causality – and a special or particular one, which is the abnormal neighbourhood inconvenience caused to the victim, directly or indirectly, personally or by another, by the owner or owners of one of the neighbouring buildings. Therefore, it can be easily established that the fault or guilt, proven or presumed, of the neighbouring owner or of other persons, who exercise the attributes of the property right, over or beyond its normal limits, is not a necessary condition of engaging this reparative civil liability. Consequently, the problem of the theoretical foundation of liability is also solved legislatively, in the sense that we are in the presence of an objective civil liability, without the guilt of the liable person or of other persons, according to Article 630 (1) of the Civil Code.
  • We have taken into account that there have been several discussions with regard to medical legal liability, related to such a domain of maximum sensitivity, which is why the regulation of this form of liability is fully justified. Thus, medicine, being a social activity, cannot be deprived of a legal regulation that would protect the interests and rights of both the medical staff and, especially, of the patients. The liability based on the medical error cannot be one of an objective type, because, in principle, the doctor’s obligation is one of diligence and in rare cases it is one of result; depending on this aspect, at the time when the doctor guarantees a certain result, expressly expressed by him, his mistake will have an objective foundation. There have been doctrinal controversies in order to correctly qualify the type of liability that can be engaged depending on several factors, liability that may be civil tort, contractual, civil special or professional one, as appropriate. We have considered necessary to emphasize that the foundation of liability is represented by the relations established between the patient and the doctor, between the patient and the units providing medical services, units that can be in the public medical service or circumscribed to some private forms of practising medicine.
  • Article 78 of the Civil Procedure Code, paradoxically, evokes through its title an apparent exception to the principle of availability, however, through its content, it constitutes a confirmation of this principle. Given this apparent contradiction, it must be clarified whether, in the case provided in Article 78 (2) of the Civil Procedure Code, the party requesting the introduction of the third party in the trial after the judge has questioned the necessity of its introduction may formulate any new heads of claim involved in the enlargement, in this way, of the procedural framework. Also due to the phrase „ex officio” attached to this introduction, it must be concluded whether, for these possible new heads of claim, related to the introductory request, the requesting party must pay judicial stamp duty or, due to this reference to officiality, the party is exempted from such obligation. It must also be established whether to these new heads of claim it can be opposed the exception implied by the sanction of loss, referred to in Article 204 of the Civil Procedure Code, in the conditions in which they would be related to the introductory request.
  • In any democratic state the activity carried out by the body of magistrates must be limited exclusively to the law and in compliance with the Constitution, because, otherwise, those judgments pronounced by ignoring these requirements, the fundamental rights and freedoms of the citizens, may lead to the commission of some judicial errors, through which the litigants suffer both from damage of material, but especially moral nature.
  • The study analyzes the provisions of the Law No 114/2021 on some measures in the field of justice in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in civil cases. The mentioned normative act provides the conditions for conducting the court hearings in the civil trial by videoconference. The conditions are the following: to be decreed the state of alert instituted in order to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic also for a period of 30 days from its cessation; to be about a civil case; to have the agreement of the parties in this respect; to have the possibility; the approval of the court of law. The Constitutional Court, by the Decisions No 157/2020 and No 457/2020, has established that the justice cannot stand still, not even during the COVID-19 pandemic, under this requirement the legislator regulating by the Law No 114/2021 the manner of conducting judicial proceedings during this period. However, the legislator did not rise up to the standards imposed by the Constitutional Court of Romania, in the sense that it did not regulate an effective way of access to justice, in the situation where the objective pandemic conditions restrict this possibility. Although we appreciate positively the provisions of the Law No 114/2021 referring to the development of the civil process by electronic means, we consider that the measures ordered should be generalized and not applied, as provided by Article 1 (2), only for reasons generated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Adopted in the 1922–1926 legislature, the Constitution of 1923 was indispensable for the project of legislative unification of Romania. Its norms impose unique fundamental principles and rules for the entire national legal system: the principle of national sovereignty; the principle of legality and supremacy of the Constitution; the interests of the social community may take precedence over individual interests in the matter of property right. The regulation of some unique institutions for the entire Romanian State ensures the unitary exercise of constitutional competences, and the regulated rights for all Romanians ensure a unique foundation of freedom and equality. Other provisions have a strong unifying role and each provide a point of constitutional support for future legislation. The supremacy of the constitutional norms in the system of legal norms, supported by the case law of the unique supreme court, but also the beneficial psychological effect determined by the constitutional unification complete the picture of the impact of the constitutional norms from 1923.
  • Termination of a contract certainly raises a multitude of questions for the party wishing to invoke the resolution or termination of the contract. This study intends to present the main out-of-court alternatives available to the parties to a convention, namely the unilateral declaration of resolution and the Commission Pact, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each institution under review, as well as the guidelines of the main legal systems and opinions expressed in the practice that appeared with the entry into force of the new Civil Code. By analyzing all the aspects mentioned above, we tried to facilitate the choice of the party that wants to terminate a contract. We also presented some proposals that could improve the usefulness of these institutions, especially the unilateral declaration of resolution, proposals aimed at the correlation between this declaration and the land book, as well as the various cases that may arise in notarial practice.
  • The article addresses the newly introduced legal institution of verification of the legality and lawfulness of protective measures during the criminal trial, which institutes the obligation of the criminal judicial body to periodically analyze whether the legal and factual grounds on which it was previously taken or maintained continue to exist, following to be ordered its maintenance, cancellation, extension or limitation. Through the novelty of the subject under analysis, the study will contribute to the outlining of the guidelines of judicial practice in this unique legal matter.
  • Proportionality of the enforcement measures constitutes, in essence, a fundamental principle of the civil enforcement procedure, which, although it does not have a regulation in terminis recognized in the Civil Procedure Code, already knows, at regulatory level, the valences of a principle, following only to be assimilated by the doctrine, by the practice and, consequently, by the legislator. Although it could be argued that proportionality is subsumed to the general principle of the right to a fair trial, we consider that it claims its own individuality at the level of the fundamental thesis leading the enforcement process, as compared to the specificity of the measures involved, the fairness of the procedure following to be appreciated by reference to the level at which all the other principles are observed, being a corollary thereof. The procedural guarantees which they enjoy, the remedies and the legally recognized consequences are elements that turn, therefore, the proportionality of the enforcement measures into a basic principle of the enforcement, on which a fair procedure is built, thus giving full expression to the valorisation of the rights and fundamental freedoms of the individual.
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