This study deals with the sale with repurchase option, a variety of sale of a distinctive specific nature, which may be sometimes confused with other types of contracts, of different legal nature. The paper analyzes how it is regulated the sale with repurchase pact in the Civil Code of 1864, highlighting the circumstance according to which the previous civil regulation did not contain clear and imperative legal norms that could have been able to be protect the public order interests, for the purposes of granting real legal guarantees for their defence before the sale with repurchase pact. At the same time, the study also undertakes a careful examination of the regulations included in the current Civil Code relative to the sale with repurchase pact. There have been noticed interesting legal issues related to the terminology used by the legislator in the current regulation regarding the right of repurchase option, a right analysed in a comprehensive manner, in its stages of emergence, exercise, taking effects, transmission and extinction.
The survey aims to highlight certain features, considered to be more important, on public property, the object and subject covered by the public property right, guarantee and protection of the public property, the right to public property and its inviolability. The authors had in regard certain magisterial solutions, delivered in practice, on the protection and exercise of public property.
The time elapsed since the entry into force of the new codes, although short, brought to the current legal exercise of the practitioners problems of great complexity, if only through the novelty of the institutional innovations or through the difficulties of interpretation and of uniform application. Perceiving the evolutions of the regulations, but also their drawbacks, demonstrated by the very attempts of legislative reconfiguration or by the sanctions of the constitutional judge, this study focused on the extent of their reception and their enrichment with the spirit of the fundamental principles of law, an objective expressly assumed by the legislator. From the vastness of the regulations, the author has chosen a few, which it deemed significant for the applications on the merits of the criminal trial: the more favourable criminal law, the prescription, the criminal prosecution, the plea bargaining agreement, the preliminary chamber. He also considered that some decisions of the Constitutional Court require a sequential analysis if only for the desire to open a field of discussion about a beneficial uniformity and an equal application of a genuine set of rules thus attached to the codes.
The new normative framework established by the Law No 101/2016 in the matter of judicial means of appeal brings some significant mutations, but, at the same time, takes over some provisions established by the former normative act (the Government Emergency Ordinance No 34/2000). In the context of the new normative framework, this study proposes a detailed analysis of the contestations formulated directly through judicial means, in accordance with the unional directives of 2014 in the matter of exercise of the judicial means of appeal. Also, the author of the study intends to analyze in detail the judicial means of appeal whereby it is requested the grant of damages for the prejudices caused during the stages preliminary to the award of these contracts, as well as for the prejudices caused after the contract is concluded, in the context in which the Court of Justice of the European Union held in its case law that the Member States enjoy procedural autonomy as regards the right to regulate the specific procedures by which the damages are going to be covered.
In a democratic society, the legal legitimacy of the State and of the State’s power, of its institutions, but also the social and political foundations of the society as such, are generated and determined by the Constitution, defined as expressively as possible as being: „Fundamental political and legal establishment of a people” (I. Deleanu). The supremacy of the Constitution has as main consequence the compliance of the entire law with the constitutional norms. Guaranteeing the respect for that principle, essential for the state of law, is primarily an attribute of the Constitutional Court, but also an obligation of the legislature to receive through the adopted normative acts, in contents and form, the constitutional norms. Amending the Basic Law of a state is an extremely complex political and legal act with major meanings and implications in the social, political, and State system, but also for each individual. Therefore, such an approach should be well-justified, in order to respond to some well-defined social, political, and legal requirements and particularly in order to meet the principles and rules specific to a democratic constitutional and State system ensuring the stability and functionality it needs. These are some aspects of the contemporary constitutionalism in Romania which we are trying to analyze critically in this study, in order to make the distinction between ideal and constitutional reality.
Reținerea unei împrejurări ca circumstanță atenuantă judiciară: a) este posibilă doar dacă ea reduce într-o asemenea măsură gravitatea infracțiunii sau descrie atât de favorabil persoana infractorului, încât numai o diminuare a limitelor speciale este aptă să creeze un echilibru între rolurile aflictiv și educativ atașate pedepsei și să realizeze prevenția specială inerentă acesteia; b) atrage îndeplinirea de către instanță a obligațiilor de a indica împrejurarea care constituie circumstanță atenuantă, de a face referire la mijloacele de probă din care ea rezultă și de a o încadra în ipotezele prevăzute de lege.
In this study the author analyzes the provisions of the new normative act on regulating the activity of teleworking, namely of that form of organization of work „by which the employee, on a regular and voluntary basis, fulfils the specific attributions of his/her position, occupation or trade, elsewhere than the workplace organized by the employer, at least one day per month, using the information and communications technology”. Due attention is paid to the individual labour contract, having such an object, to its specific content, to the rights and obligations of the parties, to the contraventional liability in case of non-compliance with the legal norms. The study emphasizes the advantages and benefits of teleworking both for employers and for employees.
In principle, except for the emergency situations, it is requested the consent from the parents in order to apply a medical treatment to the minor patient, being essential the minor’s interest and the protection of the minor, of his life and health. In the study there are analysed the legal consequences of having a medical malpractice case for the deed of a physician who, in some situations, applies to a minor patient who is part of the Religious Organization „Jehovah’s Witnesses”, a religious cult recognized by the law in Romania, a treatment based on the blood transfusion, provided that there is a refusal of the parents, who are Jehovah’s Witnesses, on religious grounds1. Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse the treatment based on transfusions of allogenic blood. It must be pointed out the difference between the major person, who is part of the Religious Organization „Jehovah’s Witnesses”, who refuses blood transfusion treatment, requesting treatments alternative to blood transfusion, based on the principle of self-determination and individual autonomy, and the situation involving a refusal of the treatment from the parent for the minor patient (who can not give an informed consent, either because he has no discernment, being under 14 years old, or because he is in the growing up process, 14–18 years old), who is sometimes in a medical condition with risks to his or her health or life, and the physician appeciates that medical treatment based on blood transfusion must be administered, even against the refusal of the minor’s parents, with risks of engaging his liability for medical malpractice.
In this study, the author starts by finding that there is a divergent case law regarding the admission of the application for declaration of enforceability filed by the court executor under Article 666 of the Civil Procedure Code in the event that the enforcement title is represented by a final judgment whereby the debtor is obliged to pay a sum of money to the creditor and the proof thereof is made by a registry certificate (ad similis, an authenticated copy of the minutes drawn up and signed by the members of the court panel). The author finds that the limited doctrine that analyzed the casuistry described above reaches also diametrically opposite conclusions. In this context, making his own analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that in the above-mentioned hypothesis it is correct the solution of the courts which have admitted the applications for declaration of enforcement, based mainly on arguments related to the probative force of the registry certificate, the existence of the court judgment from the date of its pronouncement in the public hearing as the last stage of the trial (i.e., the first phase of the civil trial), since it has full legal effects, as well as on the desideratum of celerity, which governs the second stage of the civil trial, recte the enforcement. Noting that the existence of a divergent case law by which identical juridical situations are solved is likely to lead to the weakening of trust in the act of justice, the author urges for the most urgent use by the actors entitled ope legis of the means for ensuring a unitary judicial practice stated by the provisions of the Civil Procedure Code and of the Internal Rules of the courts of 2015.
At the same time with the change of the jurisdiction of the courts vested with the solving of the applications for relocation in the new Civil Procedure Code1, the incidence of a particular situation was ignored: the subsistence of the reasons for relocation also at level of the courts of appeal competent to solve the relocation applications, when the relocation is requested from a court of first instance or a tribunal located in the same locality as the court of appeal, and the legitimate suspicion has sources well-anchored at local level. The High Court of Cassation and Justice was not late in „completing” this omission, by admitting an application for relocation of a relocation process, from the court of appeal in the locality where there were suspicions of lack of impartiality to another court of appeal, contributing, a fortiori, indirectly to the relocation of the substantive litigation to another court, away from the local sphere which did not provide sufficient guarantees of independence of justice.
The importance of distributing of the amounts in the insolvency procedure is unquestionable. Practically, only at this point in time, the purpose of the insolvency procedure from the point of view of creditors can be palpable and achievable by covering their claims. The legislator’s imperativeness in relation to the order of payment of the claims, respectively of the distribution of the amounts obtained from liquidation, found in the legal regulations, is based mainly on the economic, social, humanitarian and juridical aspects of each type of claim and on the impact that the insolvency procedure, respectively the recovery or non-recovery of claims, may have on each category of creditors. In the context of the entry into force of the Law No 85/2014 on the procedures for preventing insolvency and for insolvency, we propose to analyze the procedure for the distribution of amounts and the order of payment of claims, in a comparative overview as to the old regulation, by emphasizing the notable differences in this field. At the same time, we will perceive this study by structuring it depending on the order of distribution of the amounts within the two fundamental categories of claims, namely the guaranteed claims and secured claims
If any person can admire his own image without any restriction, then anyone is free to fix his/her image by reproduction in different forms (self-portrait, autosculpture, etc.) and finally the image can be exploited by reproduction (here by the question of whom belongs the product of the image, how it can be exploited, who owns the good in the image, how to exploit its image). The central point of the work is the exploitation of the image of persons and goods. We will try to find out what is the legal basis of image protection depending on its subject. In this way, a leap forward will be made in the legal regulation of the right to image followed by a doctrinal and jurisprudential approach to the law that is invoked to protect the image of the goods. We will also try to capture the need for a distinct right to protect the image of goods by correlating it with the mechanism of regulating the right to image of the individual.