  • Within this study, the authors intend to analyse the enforcement of judgments pronounced by the administrative disputes courts, in the light of the general provisions of the Civil Procedure Code and of the special provisions of the Law on administrative disputes No 554/2004, as well as of the case law in this matter.
  • The article presents the results of a research conducted in six European countries mainly on the analysis of the exceptional nature of preventive arrest within these jurisdictions. In this article there are presented the main results of the research conducted in Romania, research that was based on a series of interviews with judges, prosecutors and lawyers. The main areas investigated have concerned aspects such as the analysis of the decision-making process, the situation of the foreign citizens subject to preventive measures, the manner of application of alternative measures to preventive arrest, the analysis of the current criminal processual normative framework, as well as of the impact in the current practice of the European regulations, etc. The conclusions of the study are in the sense that in Romania there have been registered also some aspects representing progress in the sense of protection of the fundamental human rights in the cases where it is raised the question of taking some preventive measures in the criminal cases – such as the fact that the tendency, at least in terms of using the preventive arrest, is a decreasing one. However, major deficiencies have also been found, related to the organization of the initial and continuing training for magistrates, in the sense that they have been found to be unaware of judicial instruments important for their activity. It is precisely about instruments that are capable of improving the situation of foreign persons in relation to the state where it is raised the judicial matter – respectively the European Surveillance Order.
  • Contractul de asistență juridică învestit cu formulă executorie, în condițiile legii, constituie titlu executoriu cu privire la restanțele din onorariu și alte cheltuieli efectuate de avocat în interesul clientului. Este nelegală executarea silită pornită pentru o sumă pe care creditoarea o apreciază ca fiind datorată cu titlu de prejudiciu pentru încălcarea obligațiilor contractuale. Creanța nu reprezintă o plată pentru o activitate profesională desfășurată de societatea de avocatură, ci o despăgubire pentru încălcarea clauzelor contractuale de către contestator, având astfel caracterul unei clauze penale. Din această perspectivă nu prezintă relevanță în ce măsură creditoarea putea desfășura activități de intermediere sportivă ori dacă putea pretinde debitorului executarea obligației garantate potrivit contractului de ipotecă mobiliară pentru o nerespectare a obligațiilor asumate în cazul unui transfer. Nu este permis ca prin convenția lor părțile să poată ca, sub denumirea de „onorariu”, să-și creeze un titlu executoriu pentru o creanță care în realitate este o despăgubire.
  • In this article the author raises for discussion some theoretical and practical issues referring to the judicial control and to the judicial control on bail, preventive measures which have been regulated in this form in the new Criminal Procedure Code, focusing on how they are implemented, in order to avoid some errors or confusions related to their interpretation and application.
  • Within every form of legal liability, the act inconsistent with the legal rules for which liability is engaged is qualified expressly by law. This study aims to analyze comparatively the offence and the contravention, regarded in the light of recent legislative influences, appeared in the field of criminal law. In order to achieve this intended objective, the structure of the material elaborated by the author envisages the following sequence: the historical evolution of the offence and of the contravention; the definition of the offence and of the contravention; the system of punishments and the sanctioning regime; other aspects of the legal regime of the offence and of the contravention. The analysis covers the following: the stage of legislation, the point of view of the doctrine, as well as the case-law. Finally, there are presented the conclusions reached as a result of this approach and there are formulated de lege ferenda proposals.
  • In this article, the authors examine the modality of conducting the procedure of replacement of the measure of preventive detention with the preventive measure of judicial control on bail, respectively if, according to the regulations of the Criminal Procedure Code, at the same time with the admission in principle the judge examines inclusively the grounds of such application or, on the contrary, it requires an initial examination strictly in terms of fulfilment of the formal conditions, finalised with the admission in principle and with fixing the quantum of the bail, and only in the second stage the examination of the application on its merits in terms of its rightfulness. Likewise, there are analyzed the legal remedies against the interlocutory judgment of admission in principle, respectively of the interlocutory judgment whereby the judge rules on the merits of the case. Finally, the authors present the contradictory solutions at the level of different courts of appeal and of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, analyzing inclusively the report drawn up by the supreme court, the Panel for the settlement of some points of law in criminal matters. Likewise, they formulate a series of de lege ferenda proposals, which aim to eliminate the contradictions between the different articles of the Criminal Procedure Code in this matter.
  • In the current architecture of the Criminal Procedure Code, the regulation of the special methods of surveillance or investigation is based, from the perspective of the legislative technique, on a unified, foreseeable and predictable approach, eliminating the arbitrary. The special methods of surveillance or investigation are meant to contribute, by their results materialized in proofs, to proving in a direct manner the offences committed by the suspects or/and the defendants. The specificity and concrete particularities of the circumstances of some of the corruption offences, the offences assimilated to the corruption offences, as well as those of drug trafficking, trafficking in weapons, human trafficking, acts of terrorism, cybercrime, expressly enumerated within Article 139 (2) of the Criminal Procedure Code suppose that the probative includes, in a significant proportion, proofs obtained by way of special methods of surveillance or investigation.
  • This study sets some reference points for a new institution regulated by the Criminal Procedure Code – the judge of rights and freedoms – from a perspective which stresses its role in protecting the rights and fundamental freedoms, as they are established by the Constitution and by the international treaties on human rights to which Romania is a party.
  • In terms of the decision not to initiate criminal proceedings, ordered by the Prosecutor during the stage of preliminary documents, it is mandatory to communicate the decision to the prejudiced person, indicter and perpetrator, if known, and the deadline of 20 days for filing the complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office runs from the date of serving the decision. For the people who consider themselves injured as to their legitimate interests by the adoption of the decision not to initiate court proceedings, there is neither the obligation, nor the opportunity for the communication thereof and, in this case, the 20-day deadline for filing the complaint against the decision runs from the date on which the person entitled was informed, in any way, about the adoption of the decision in question.
  • This paper presents propter rem obligations in terms of their distinctive characteristics that prevent their inclusion in the classical categories of property rights and obligations. The incidental nature of these obligations is emphasized in relation to the real right on which the prevalence if the intuitu rei nature is grafted in relation to that of intuitu personae and, as a consequence of these, the propter rem obligation perpetuity. The purpose of the propter rem obligation, is to facilitate the operation of real estate that is subject to real right on which is grafted, helps us decipher the accesoriality relation concerning the real right, the transmission mechanism of these obligations, and the abandon as a sanction occurring in case of failure to comply with these obligations. Recourse to abandon is not only the sanction for the non-performance of these obligations, but also the individual having the propter rem obligation, who releases himself from the performance of the obligation in this way. The last part of the paper helps to explain how certain propter rem obligations set forth in the Civil Code or in certain special laws are created and transmitted, which raises questions on the propter rem nature of some of these.
  • In this study the author makes a comprehensive analysis of cyber crime and how to fight, prevent and investigate this. The analytical approach is based on the definition of cyber crime, of its characteristics, and finally on the identification of the specific means of evidence that are used in the criminal investigations
  • The above study examines specific issues arising from the inheritance regime where the assets of the deceased’s estate include shares, following the death of a limited liability company associate.
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