  • The study reveals, in its introductory part, some shortcomings of Law No. 8/1996 on copyright and rights related to copyright, in the field of audio-visual works, such as the contested definition thereof or the absence of definition of the audio-visual production contract definition, and puts forth its own points of view, likely to lead to the settlement of such cases. On the merits, the work depicts the characteristic features of the audio-visual production contract, its delimitation as to other types of contracts, analyses the Contracting Parties as well as the purpose and wording thereof, in terms of legal regulations and doctrinal interpretations.
  • In this study the author has analyzed corruption from the perspective of its legal implications on the business environment. A notion which appeared at the same time with the economic changes became in time a truly global scourge which has systemically affected the economic exchanges, the financial flows, the market economy. It symbolizes, after all, the poor functioning of the state which makes considerable efforts to control the economic and financial crime. In this context, the author has identified corruption acts and measures to combat them, also emphasizing the constant efforts at both state and international level, in order to combat this criminal phenomenon.
  • This study analyzes a series of correlations between the current Civil Code (entered into force on October 1, 2011) and the legislation relating to intellectual creation (works, related creations thereof, databases, inventions, industrial drawings or models, trademarks and geographical indications). In this respect, following a series of considerations concerning the legal terminology in this field, the paper discusses the patrimonial intellectual property rights on the works and trademarks that each of the spouses registered, as well as on scientific or literary manuscripts, drawings, art and invention projects and other similar property, as well as on the revenues due under an intellectual property right. Finally, it draws some considerations related to private international law matters on the legal protection of intellectual creation.
  • In this article, the author critically examines matters of criminal procedural guarantees for the injured person, the injured party or civil party, stressing their importance in the administration of criminal justice. In this context, topics on the rights of victims are depicted inspired from the principle of equality of arms, inferred from the (European) Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the author making some suggestions on repairing the damage caused as a result of the offense.
  • The accession of Romania to the European Union on January 1st, 2007 also involved the need for harmonization of national legislation with the European one, which, inter alia, led to the elaboration of a new Criminal Code. This regulation covers some new elements, including the crime of harm to the unborn child, as provided for in Article 202 under the new Criminal Code, as an integral part of Title I of the Special Part dedicated to crime against the person. As stated in the Explanatory Memorandum to the new Criminal Code, by criminalizing such acts it was intended to cover a legal vacuum, i.e. to protect the fetus from the moment of the commencement of the delivery process until completion thereof. In the study hereby, the author examines from the criminal doctrine perspective, but also in terms of medical science, the meaning of the term fetus and the phrases “during childbirth” and “during pregnancy”, advancing some de lege ferenda proposals.
  • This article presents the new criminal provisions relating to the cancellation and revocation in the cases of waiver of application of punishment, postponement of application of punishment and the suspension of the execution of the punishment under supervision. The author also proposes a new mechanism for the application of punishment if there is a concurrence between a cause of cancellation and one of revocation of the postponement of the application of punishment or of the suspension of execution of punishment under supervision.
  • This study proposes a comparative analysis of the main economic and financial offences from their regulatory perspective, given the significant amendments of the Romanian criminal legislation occurred starting with 1 February 2014. The author makes a presentation of how the incrimination of these criminal acts has been amended, regardless of the relevant provisions, the Criminal Code or the special laws. He insists on the situations where amendments of substance occurred and it is analyzed their opportunity, as well as the effects reflected by the judicial practice. Similarly, critical notes are exposed, with the necessary arguments on some of these legislative amendments.
  • The study deals with the analysis of innovative legal solutions related to the divorce proceedings covered by Law No. 134/2010 on the Code of Civil Procedure. Thus, it was envisaged the establishment of territorial jurisdiction of the Court in relation to the residence of the spouses or of one of them, filing of the action for divorce by the husband who, legally incapacitated, has discernment and the prosecution of the action for divorce by the plaintiff husband’s heirs deceased during the trial.
  • In this analysis, the author carries out a study of the continued offence regulated by the Criminal Code of Romania, covering both theoretical and practical aspects, proposing different solutions in the determination of legal classifications according to the concrete circumstances of the cases. The analysis proceeds from the regulatory framework of the continued offence, continues with doctrinal references and argues or counter-argues with its own arguments, expressing the author’s own opinion. Particularly, when the conditions of the continued offence are analyzed, the one that regards the factual homogeneity of the material acts that form the legal unity of the offence is emphasized.
  • One of the forms under which it is presented the right of joint ownership on forced quota-shares is represented, in the conception of the legislator that has created the current Civil Code, also by the periodic ownership. Placing this form of joint ownership within the joint ownership on forced quota-shares is the creation of the legislator, but it is not sheltered from criticism. Among the issues raised by the regulation of the periodic ownership in Articles 687–691 of the Civil Code is also the obligation of compensation and the exclusion, legal provisions upon which the authors of this study have insisted. The provisions of Article 691 of the Civil Code are criticizable both in the way they are formulated and in respect of the effects that the legislator has pursued.
  • The authors review in this study the legal regime of receivables’ discounting, both in the Civil Code (of 1865, still in force), and in other special laws, as well as in the Romanian new Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009) or in the Romanian new Civil Procedure Code (Law no. 134/2010, neither law has entered into force yet), also considering the opinions expressed in the doctrine and in the relevant decisions of the case law. In this context, the authors reach the conclusion that indexation is compulsory, as it is in line both with the provisions of the Constitution of Romania and with the (European) Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
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