  • The following study has as research and reflection theme the influence of force majeure on labour relations, determined, in particular, by the legal norms specially adopted in the context of the existence of the pandemic caused by the spread of the SARS-COV-2 coronavirus. There are defined the force majeure, and its specificity is presented, taking into account the regulation of the Civil Code [Article 1351 (2)], as well as relevant doctrinal theories. Next, what is the essence of this stage, there are presented and analyzed the consequences of force majeure, especially consisting of the afore-mentioned pandemic, namely with regard to: forced labour, employment in public institutions and authorities, duration of labour relation, individualized work schedules and overtime work, change of place and type of work, suspension of labour relations, notice periods, patrimonial liability, collective labour agreements and labour disputes. The study ends with the conclusions on the analyzed problems.
  • Potrivit prevederilor art. 60 alin. (1) lit. c) din Codul muncii și art. 21 alin. (1) lit. a) din Ordonanța de urgență a Guvernului nr. 96/2003, interdicția temporară de concediere a salariatei gravide se aplică numai în situația în care angajatorul avea cunoștință la data emiterii deciziei de concediere despre starea de graviditate a salariatei concediate. Deși art. 272 din Codul muncii prevede că sarcina probei în litigiile de muncă revine angajatorului, dovada faptului pozitiv al informării prealabile cade în sarcina salariatei gravide care contestă faptul negativ invocat de angajator că nu a luat cunoștință de starea de graviditate anterior concedierii.
  • This study examines the following issues: the legal nature of the survivor’s pension, the possibility of obtaining the survivor’s pension by a person, if his legal provider was also the holder of a survivor’s pension, how to calculate the survivor’s pension in case it is established, having as legal reference another survivor’s pension, the possibility of applying the correction index when establishing the amount of the survivor’s pension. The beginning of a relatively detailed legal analysis, in connection with these aspects presents a relevant degree of novelty for the Romanian legal literature, as neither the doctrine, nor the case law paid due attention to these problems, of indisputable theoretical interest and real practical utility.
  • During the state of emergency both some press articles and the official communiques of the prosecutor’s offices mentioned the criminal investigation in the case of persons who, being confirmed as infected with SARS-CoV-2, refused to be hospitalized. The present study does not aim to provide a classic analysis of the crime of thwarting disease control, but is limited to trying to find an answer to the question of whether it is possible to retain this criminal offence in the case of infected persons who refuse hospitalization. As such, this paper discusses the current Romanian legislation and concludes that, having regard to both the provisions of the Protocol for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection and the systematic interpretation of the legal framework, since the Minister of Health enacted only measures to prevent and manage the emergency generated by the pandemic, as well as the obligation to diagnose the symptomatic persons, the measure of hospitalization cannot result exclusively from the unilateral will of the doctor, in reality the will of the latter playing no role, but must derive from the law in order to impose itself on both the patient and the doctor. Therefore it cannot be retained the crime of thwarting disease control in the case of infected persons who refused to be hospitalized.
  • În cele ce urmează, vom comenta două hotărâri ale Curții de Justiție a Uniunii Europene, ambele pronunțate în materia dreptului la liberă circulație și, respectiv, a securității sociale, în cadrul procedurii chestiunii preliminare.
  • After a summary examination of the regulations and of the doctrine regarding the institution of civil nullities, the author illustrates the uncertainties produced by some special norms that establish absolute nullities for the violation of some imperative norms of protection for some categories delimited by subjects; it is concluded – starting from the principles – and with exemplification of jurisprudence – that such express nullities produce only some effects of absolute nullity and that the legal regime of absolute nullities does not always apply, in its entirety, as a whole. The presented legal construction offers the opportunity to observe the acute need for prejudicial procedures at the disposal of those who have to make decisions for the application of rules that produce legal uncertainty.
  • An in-depth analysis of the mechanisms by which the recipients of the legal norm end up evading the payment of the tax obligations and, subsequently, giving an appearance of legality to the illegally obtained amounts, can only be beneficial for an overall understanding of the typical elements of those two offences (tax evasion and money laundering). Without a tradition in our criminal law, incriminated for only two decades, the offence of money laundering has surprisingly gathered around it a rich case law, which is the subject of numerous criminal cases. At the same time, the analysis of the outlined case law has revealed different approaches and solutions from the courts on some important aspects of the offence of money laundering and their clarification is all the more necessary as we are talking precisely about its typicality elements. Whereas the offence of money laundering is often concurrent with the offence of tax evasion, it is necessary to analyze their points of interference, both at the level of their objective side and from the perspective of reparation of the damage.
  • The study addresses issues specific to the object of probation in appeal and emphasizes that, naturally, the object of the probation in appeal specializes as a result of the concrete manner in which there will operate the devolution determined by the holder of the legal remedy and the reasons on which it is based. At the same time, it is shown that formulating an request for evidence with a clear and concrete indication of the evidentiary thesis covered by each requested evidence is very important because only in this way it can be really made an assessment on the usefulness and on the relevance of that evidence. The author also emphasizes another reason why the indication of the evidentiary thesis is important, meaning that in its absence or in the case of indicating some generic theses the assessment on the legality of the evidence can be impeded and it is analyzed the situation of being requested to be heard as witnesses persons that are under the incidence of some legal norms that require them to maintain professional secrecy, such as magistrates or lawyers. All these arguments lead to the conclusion that a request for evidence made in appeal that hasn’t got concrete evidentiary theses indicated regarding each piece of evidence requested does not allow the assessment on the usefulness of the evidence by reference to the specialization of the object of probation at this phase of the criminal trial and, consequently, it should be dismissed by the court invested with the examination of the case.
  • In the present article, the author analyzes twenty-four judgments of the European Court of Human Rights pronounced in the cases regarding the Revolution of 1989, by which it was established that Romania violated, mainly, the procedural side of Article 2 (right to life) of the (European) Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The author also identifies the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure by which the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe supervises the enforcement by Romania of those judgments. Finally, the article aims to assess the impact that the judgements of the European Court of Human Rights have had in recent years on the conduct of internal investigations, i.e. the so-called „File of the Revolution”.
  • The present study starts from the question whether a reform of the judicial system is necessary in Romania, considering also the fact that the current regulation was adopted in 2004, a part of it having its source in the Law No 92/1992 for the judicial organization. The author considers that the change of the new procedural legislation has led to some normative inconsistencies and to an overcrowding of the courts, especially of the supreme court. The situation became critical and the supreme court was forced to promote an interpretation likely to abandon the original conception of the new Code, namely that according to which it is a common law court in matters of review. The Law No 310/2018 amending the Law No 134/2010 on the Civil Procedure Code, as well as for the amendment of other normative acts has enshrined this new approach of the supreme court, which provoked vehement criticism from some authors.
  • This study examines the manner in which the Romanian Constitutional Court has used in its practice the principle of non-retroactivity of the law with reference to service pensions. At the same time, the study contains a detailed critical examination of the thesis of the constitutional contentious court regarding the qualification of the laws amending or repealing the service pensions already in payment as non-retroactive and, therefore, in compliance with the constitutional requirements. On the other hand, the author of the study advances the thesis according to which any law that modifies the formula of calculation of the service pensions in payment, including by resorting to the extension of the contributivity rule, is retroactive and, consequently, unconstitutional. In substantiating this statement, there are initiated a series of considerations regarding the defining elements of the right to pension, the theories regarding the earned rights, as well as the development of a detailed analysis of the concept of legal effects produced during the application of another law (new law).This study examines the manner in which the Romanian Constitutional Court has used in its practice the principle of non-retroactivity of the law with reference to service pensions. At the same time, the study contains a detailed critical examination of the thesis of the constitutional contentious court regarding the qualification of the laws amending or repealing the service pensions already in payment as non-retroactive and, therefore, in compliance with the constitutional requirements. On the other hand, the author of the study advances the thesis according to which any law that modifies the formula of calculation of the service pensions in payment, including by resorting to the extension of the contributivity rule, is retroactive and, consequently, unconstitutional. In substantiating this statement, there are initiated a series of considerations regarding the defining elements of the right to pension, the theories regarding the earned rights, as well as the development of a detailed analysis of the concept of legal effects produced during the application of another law (new law).
  • În cazul în care clientul este o persoană juridică atât încheierea contractului de antrepriză, cât și recepția trebuie realizate de organele de administrare ale respectivei persoane juridice, având în vedere că exercitarea capacității de exercițiu se realizează prin intermediul acestor organe, astfel cum se prevede prin art. 209 alin. (1) C.civ
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