In this study, the author explains the concepts of: structure of the registered capital; general pledge of the creditors; registered capital; difference between the registered capital and the patrimony of the company; difference between the registered capital and the equity capital (net assets); difference between the registered capital and the value of the company, as well as the problems of the legal regime of social contributions after payments, as all of the above follow from the Law No 31/1990 (republished) on companies.
In the practice of the courts in our country the punishment imposed for the offence of unintentional killing is, in most cases, imprisonment with suspended execution, even in the situations where the guilt rests solely on the offender or when there are several victims, a fact which can call into question the manner in which the principles governing the individualization of punishments are implemented, whereas, by imposing excessively lenient punishments, in relation to the seriousness of the facts, the desideratum concerning the educational and preventive role thereof is not achieved.
The voting right of the shareholder at the general meeting of the shareholders is an accessory right to the ownership of the shares, by which the shareholder protects his interests and exercises the supervision and control over the management of the company. It is a true prerogative of the shareholder’s access to the substantiation of business decisions, which materialize through the will of the company. The exercise of the right to vote is governed by the principle of good faith and the principle of proportionality, but may be limited in the situation of the conflict of interests between the shareholder and the company. The shareholder in conflict of interests with the company is obliged to abstain from the vote, if by his vote it contributes to the formation of the majority of a decision with harmful consequences for the company. The situation of conflict of interests and the sanction of non-observance of the obligation to abstain from voting cannot be determined by the other shareholders, but only by the court. If, through the decision adopted with the participation of the shareholder in conflict of interests, a prejudice has occurred, the applicable sanction is the commitment of its liability. Such a decision is valid, but it can also be cancelled, provided that it is the result of a majority abuse. The same fate has the decision adopted by the minority shareholders with the abusive removal of the shareholder’s vote supposed to be in conflict of interests.
The article proposes a sensitive topic in the Romanian criminal procedure, namely to determine the extent to which the cases of absolute nullity are limitatively provided by the Criminal Procedure Code (Article 281 of the Criminal Procedure Code) or whether there are cases of nullity of the processual or procedural documents which, although not included in the enumeration of Article 281 of the Criminal Procedure Code, are, however, veritable cases of absolute nullity. The problem is all the more delicate since the national doctrine is situated, up to this moment, in the comfort zone in which the cases of absolute nullity are equated to those of express nullity and those of relative nullity to those of virtual nullity. I have shown, with examples from the practice, but also from the doctrine (too timid so far), that there are situations of virtual absolute nullity of the criminal processual acts not even listed in the content of Article 281 of the Criminal Procedure Code, as well as the situations in which they may become incidental.
As expected, sanctions and solutions covered by the Code of Civil Procedure of 1865 were taken over by Law no. 134/2010 regarding the Code of Civil Procedure (republished) entering into force on February 1, 2013. In this regard, fines, voidness, decay, obsolescence, application rejection or accept are regulated. The latest law also establishes new sanctions and solutions, some of them unusual: closing the case, out of trial, trial settlement, ignoring, remaining ineffective.
Recent legislative interventions have brought important innovations on mediation, and one of them has promoted the sanction of dismissing the claim as inadmissible in case of claimant’s failure to observe the obligation to participate in the briefing on the advantages of mediation. The author determines the conditions for applying this procedural sanction, which he considers extremely severe and even excessive. Inadmissibility for not participating in the briefing is being also examined in the light of the provisions of art. 21 of the Romanian Constitution, regarding the free access to justice and the provisions of art. 6 of the (European) Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Secondly, the author notes that the sanction of inadmissibility applies only to the claimant. He believes, however, that the respondent may be subject to a judicial fine should he/she fail to appear in the briefing, according to Art. 187 item 1 letter f) of the new (Romanian) Code of Civil Procedure entered into force on February 15, 2013.
In this study, by an inductive method, we will try to address the problem, the solution and the arguments that could be found in certain situations where there is a disagreement between the category of use of a land classified as forest and its actual legal situation, disagreement which unreasonably generates limitations of the right to build on the land in question. In case a land has mentioned in the title of property the category of use „Forest” (Pd), but this land does not actually meet the legal conditions provided by Articles 1, 2, 19 (1) and Article 20 (2) of the Law No 46/2008 on the Forest Code in order to be considered forest, in order to be part of the national forest fund and in order to be mandatorily subject to the regime of a forest arrangement, then this land must be considered only a land with forest vegetation outside the national forest fund or a simple land not subject in any way to the provisions of the Law No 46/2008 on the Forest Code, for which it is possible to request the change of the category of use according to Article 24 (1) and (2) of the Law No 46/2008 on the Forest Code.
The article proposes procedural solutions, in compliance with the requirements of the ECHR practice, when changing the legal classification given to the deed, in appeal, by appreciating that the change in the legal classification given to the deed by the act of referral can be made by an undeniable conclusion, prior to the debate on the appeal, or by the conclusion for reinstating the case on the list of cases, provided that the court has debated the appeal, pending further ruling also for the reason concerning the change in the legal classification, which it found to be well-grounded.
Potrivit art. 320 C.pr.pen., dacã pânã la începerea cercetãrii judecãtorești inculpatul declarã personal sau prin înscris autentic cã recunoaște sãvârșirea faptelor reținute în actul de sesizare a instanței și solicitã ca judecata sã se facã în baza probelor administrate în faza de urmãrire penalã, instanța va pronunța condamnarea inculpatului, care beneficiazã de reducerea cu o treime a limitelor de pedeapsã prevãzute de lege, în cazul pedepsei închisorii…
The present study aims at analyzing the new legal provisions regarding the country’s minimum gross salary guaranteed in payment. Recently, through a series of normative acts, the legislator renounced the old approach to the regulation of the minimum gross national salary guaranteed in payment, setting minimum differentiated salaries for certain categories of employees. Thus, employees with higher education and those with a minimum length of work will have a higher level of salary compared to the minimum gross salary guaranteed in payment. Moreover, the legislator set a higher threshold for the minimum wage in the construction sector, which benefits the employees of this sector of activity. This change of optics requires an analysis of its legality and timeliness. In order to outline the conclusions, there will be analyzed the internal sources, the provisions of ILO Convention No 131/1970 concerning Minimum wage fixing, with special reference to developing countries, and similar provisions in the field of minimum wage in different states.