  • The proposed study is a systematic and systemic analysis of the rules of the Civil Code established for the „possession of status”. While reviving and modernizing the archaic regulations of the Romanian Civil Code of 1864, the present Civil Code establishes the meaning and the content of possession of status, as well as its effects where it is consistent with the data written down in the birth certificate concerning the filiation of the child to the mother. In this context, it is also pointed out the existence of some issues which require normative correlations (even among some paragraphs or sentences within the same article), legal and logical improvements and compatibility adjustments with the general principles of law.
  • Brokerul de asigurare, care are și calitatea de mandatar al unei întreprinderi de asigurare străine, fiind împuternicit de aceasta să soluționeze cererile de despăgubiri în eventualitatea accidentelor de circulație produse de autovehicule asigurate în străinătate, nu este parte la raportul juridic obligațional născut prin producerea faptului delictual. Astfel, întrucât brokerul de asigurare este terț față de contractul de asigurare în temeiul căruia au fost solicitate despăgubirile, acesta nu poate fi obligat în nume propriu la plata despăgubirilor. (Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție, Secția a II-a civilă, Decizia nr. 2156 din 30 mai 2013)
  • After a general presentation of the institution of house arrest, the author analyzes a specific aspect referring to this new preventive measure provided in the new Criminal Procedure Code, namely the maximum duration of house arrest pending judgment at first instance.
  • The Treaty on European Union includes not only the core of the Community rules, but also references to the necessity to bring some amendments to the national legislation of Member States in accordance with these rules. Complying with this requirement, the Romanian legislator constantly brings amendments which, in criminal matters, involve an interdisciplinary approach, imposing compliance with general principles of law and with principles specific for the protection of human rights and for European Union law.
  • Starting from diametrically opposed solutions given by courts, the author analyzes the right to additional payment for risk provided by the Sylvic Code, based on provisions of Article 127 (5) and considering the lack of any methodology to provide categories of beneficiaries and specific conditions for granting such additional payment and assesses the impact of the lack of such a methodology upon the right provided by the law. The conclusions of the author are that, even though the mentioned methodology is lacking, those concerned have the right to receive the additional payment in question.
  • Like other modern enactments, the current Romanian Civil Code provides for a series of „rights of the personality”, which include, inter alia, the right to honour. The authors of this paper make a series of considerations in relation to this right „to honour”, in relation to both the Romanian legislation and legislations in Western Europe, taking into account that, in the Romanian legal doctrine, the right in question has been less studied prior to the entry into force of the current Civil Code (1 October 2011).
  • If in ancient times it was often confounded with legal science and constituted a genuine source of law, gradually, case-law transformed into a form of explanation, addition, and elimination of obscurity of the legal text, by the judge, in the process of interpreting and enforcing the law. At the same time, its relations to the doctrine have also evolved, the latter being called upon today to decode case-law rules, assuring their clarity and complete expression of their meanings, from the „inside” of the process of creating law. Case-law phenomenon is an object of analysis for the legal science, in terms of external factors that configure and influence it. The case-law revival noticed partially and specifically after 1989 also in Romania, given the transition, is expected to fully manifest itself in the following period, just after the end of the legislative reform, realized by the adoption and entering into force of the new codes.
  • This paper summarises particularly complex issues raised by the offence of concealment. It begins with an analysis of the rational value of amendments brought to the offence of concealment (Article 270 of the new Criminal Code) and continues with the analysis of other problems raised by this offence, which either have not yet found a satisfactory solution or have solutions, but they are not known, understood and unanimously adopted in the criminal law practice.
  • This article analyzes amendments brought to the institution of authority of res judicata by the new Civil Procedure Code, in relation to the manner in which the doctrine and the case-law have determined the development of this institution.
  • Prior to the referral to the court by filing an application for summons, in cases where the law expressly provides it, the applicant must go through a preliminary procedure, which has the meaning of an attempt of extrajudicial resolution of the legal disagreement. The current regulation in this matter (Article 193 of the Civil Procedure Code) is significantly superior to the previous one. The interpretation and the application of these provisions require some specifications or nuances, which are subject to this study.
  • Raportul de evaluare întocmit de inspectorul de integritate în temeiul dispozițiilor art. 17 din Legea nr. 176/2010 privind integritatea în exercitarea funcțiilor și demnităților publice, ca parte a procedurii privind activitatea de evaluare a averii, nu se poate contesta direct la instanța de contencios administrativ, el neavând trăsăturile unui act administrativ, întrucât nu produce efecte juridice prin el însuși. Acest raport constituie un simplu act de sesizare al Comisiei de cercetare a averilor prevăzute în Legea nr. 115/1996, ce poate fi contestat în fața instanței de contencios administrativ doar odată cu actul de finalizare a procedurii desfășurate de această comisie.
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