  • Trafficking in human beings is an offence against human dignity and fundamental freedoms and, therefore, a serious violation of human rights. The Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) emphasizes the state’s obligations to respect, fulfil and protect human rights. Such protection includes measures for the proper identification of all victims of trafficking in human beings. It also involves measures to strengthen the rights of trafficked persons, strengthen through appropriate protection, assistance and remedies, including recovery and rehabilitation, which are non-discriminatory regardless of their residence status. By virtue of this fact, in this article we pursue the following objectives: identification of the mechanism for protecting the victims of trafficking in human beings in terms of national and international regulations; knowledge of national and international legal provisions in the field of criminalization of trafficking in human beings; continuous adaptation of investigators to new challenges related to preventing and combating trafficking in human beings; exposing the general and special conditions of hearing the victims of the offences of trafficking in human beings. All these are able to improve the efficiency of the activity of hearing the victims of the offences of trafficking in human beings.
  • Starting from Code of Canon Law we discuss some religious and legal aspects of the Catholic „natural marriage” which cannot be disconnected by t he contemporary cultural and social changes. Here we take into account the power of love which makes people see and wish not only the traditional appearance of marriage, but its real sense. From this point of view, we explain other sides of the nowadays marriage like irregular unions (civil marriages and partnerships) and invalidity of the canonical marriage. We consider that there should be avoided judges that do not consider the complexity of different situations in which people live or suffer. The Church works in the spirit of fraternity and charity and that is why those people who live in some exceptions of the „natural marriage” should be integrated in different ways within the Christian communities.
  • In the system of the Civil Code of 1864, the emancipated minor acquired a limited capacity, and emancipation was a period of transition between the complete incapacity and the full freedom. The system of 1954 maintains „tacit emancipation”, but removes the term that reminded of the past, and gives only to the woman the possibility to marry before the age of 18. In addition, through „restricted” exercise capacity, the minors aged 14–18, regardless of gender, acquire an „intermediate” capacity. In search of a balance between tradition and modernity, the current system maintains „tacit emancipation”, preserves the „antechamber” of full capacity and restores „express emancipation”. There are regulated two hypotheses in which a natural person can acquire full capacity of exercise before reaching the age of 18: the conclusion of a valid marriage and the judicial recognition. In both cases, the minimum age required is 16 years and specific „justified reasons” must be proved.
  • După o părere foarte răspândită, întreaga operă legislativă a anilor 1864–1866 ar fi fost o simplă traducere a unor legiuiri apusene, întocmită abia în câteva săptămâni.
  • The purpose of this article is to approach the common features of medicine and law – the principles which have to govern the medical behaviour and medical liability. Medical principles were often ignored by legal literature (which is so hard to find), but there are a few notes in medical ethics. Medical principles rule the manner in which the provider of medical services, devices, pharmaceuticals, the doctor and the National Health Insurance House are acting in regard to the patient. Meanwhile, ignoring this principles will lead to engaging the liability of doctors, providers of medical services, the devices and pharmaceuticals or, even worse, may result in the agreement’s invalidity. These principles constitute the foundation of a new era, under construction – medical law and they need to become the primary rule for those who are involved in both medicine and law. Our research revealed that medical law is at its beginnings. The purpose of this study is to offer an in-depth analysis and understanding of medical law, by studying its bases (medical principles).
  • In the study it is emphasized that the main effect of the fidejussion is represented by the obligation of the fidejussor to execute the obligation of the debtor, in case the latter does not fulfil it voluntarily. I have shown that by invoking the exception of the discussion, the conventional or legal fidejussor uses the faculty to ask the creditor, who has started the prosecution against him, to pursue first the assets of the principal debtor, within the limits of the value of the principal debtor’s assets, which the fidejussor will indicate to the creditor. This means of defence by which the fidejussor seeks its exemption from the execution in whole or in part of the obligation of guarantee, derives, on the one hand, from the ancillary nature of the obligation of guarantee and, on the other hand, from the very legal relation of fidejussion.
  • The present study intends to reveal the complexity of the serious humanitarian problems generated by the migration of the population in today’s world, emphasizing the causes, the effects, but especially the democratic mechanisms to address this matter. We intend to reveal a series of legal mechanisms, made available to the national executive authorities in order to combat this phenomenon, but also the legal instruments and the procedural ways of solving the applications for asylum, formulated by the persons who are in a situation of separation from their countries of origin, often against their will. At the heart of this legal system for solving migration, with continental valences, there are the courts of law, which have the tutelary role in solving the legal matters related to these problems. We will present in this study a series of solutions of the judicial practice, having as finality the exemplification of the way of correlation of the legal institutions created by the national legislator and by the European Union in order to solve the aspects related to the phenomenon of migration. In this way we intend to offer both to those who are beginning the initiation into the mysteries of law and theorists and to those involved in the activity of judicial practice of solving the applications for summons, a useful and easy, also well-documented and exemplified, tool of information regarding the way of solving the contestations against the decisions of the administrative institution legally competent to solve the applications for granting the refugee status. We will reveal both the national practice and the one in the field of the Court of Justice of the European Union, these examples of judicial solutions being meant to give us a balance in approaching the legal problems of migration.
  • The present scientific approach, springing from the practical, concrete needs, appeared in the space of manifestation of the role of one of the fundamental institutions of the Romanian state, is based on the wider and more complex reality of Romania’s international commitments, particularly the issue to fulfil the obligations arising from its status as a full member of the European Union, in terms of the application of European law, in respect of its fundamental values in relation to the national legal order, especially the priority over the rules of national law. At a conceptual, theoretical level, given these decisive influences of European law on the process of creating Romanian law, in the effective crystallization of the sources of positive law, by virtue of Romania’s accession to the EU treaties, the article intends to assess some possible coordinates of the process of reform of the Legislative Council, under the aspect of its obligations on the line of legislative harmonization, in application of the provisions of Article 79 of the Constitution, regarding the essential role of this institution in terms of systematization, unification and coordination of all national legislation. From such a perspective, it is confined to the research of the correlation between the needs of the state, in this case the obligations imposed constitutionally on all public authorities, according to Article 148 of the fundamental act and the concrete realities of the phenomenon, in the projection of the organization and functioning of the Legislative Council, the author advances concrete solutions meant to ensure its institutional adequacy to the weight and dynamics of the European legislation, in a continuous change, in the context of increased institutional efficiency.
  • In the presence of an arbitration agreement, the parties remove the general competence of the common law court for any possible disputes that may arise between them. In this article, the author starts from a case settled in the judicial practice. In the present case, although the arbitration agreement was inserted in the contract of the parties, the applicant nevertheless referred the matter to the court of law. In this situation, before the Cluj-Napoca Court of first instance, the defendant wrongly invoked the plea of territorial lack of competence. The court referred with the matter perpetuated the error and admitted the plea, although it should have qualified it as being the plea of general lack of competence of the court of law. The Cluj-Napoca Court of first instance declined the settlement of the case to Oradea Court of first instance, which took the correct measure and declined the settlement of the case to the Arbitration Court attached to the Timiș Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture. In our opinion, since the parties have established by their will the competence of the arbitral court for any possible disputes between them, they should respect this aspect and should not refer the matter to the courts of law.
  • The construction of the Romano-Germanic family law system is an interesting phenomena build around Roman law, which became a principle or a norm of thought for the European juridical thinking, and also around the law of Germanic people who colored the juridical European life and determined the process of codification. Thus, the article addresses the interesting issue of the combination process between Roman law with the law of the Germanic people, indispensable for the understanding of the Romano- Germanic family law system and for underlying the differences between this system and the common-law system. This is an important process, considering that a considerable part of the juridical systems of the world are founded around the family law system.
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