  • Promoting the conception according to which material evidence should be exclusively reserved for civil procedure as evidence is fulfilling its main role in trial, the author stresses that the new Civil Code achieves the unification of evidence regulation in civil matters, by including this regulation in art. 243-382 of the new Civil Code, a salutary solution, in accordance with the majority opinion of the doctrine. The Legislator, based on the new Civil Code, preserves part of the evidence regulations of the previous Code, but also embracing solutions adopted in the Civil codes of other states, such as, for example, the French, the Canadian province of Quebec or the Swiss Civil Code. Of course, the new Civil Code includes innovative solutions that the author deems useful and necessary, such as those relating to admitting as evidence documents stored on computer media or those regarding material means of evidence.
  • In the following study, the author makes a relatively exhaustive analysis of the provisions of book IV in the new Romanian Civil Procedure Code (Law no. 134/2010, a Code already published (on 15 July 2010) in the Official Journal of Romania, but not yet in force. In this context, the author examines the provisions of “About arbitration” (art. 533-612) in the new Romanian Civil Procedure Code, (with a special focus on the institutionalized commercial arbitration) in relation both to the corresponding provisions in the current Romanian Civil Procedure Code, and to the provisions contained in the Rules of Arbitration of the Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania.
  • In this study, the author, starting with a specific case, refers to the patrimonial liability of the employees grounded on Article 253 (3) of the Labour Code. The text takes over from the common law the so-called action for regress of the principal for the act of the agent, provided by Article 1384 of the Civil Code. However, this action is possible only if the agent (the summoned employee) is liable for the prejudice, and not in the assumption that other persons or the principal himself (the employer) is guilty for causing the prejudice. At the same time, the elements of the contractual civil liability of the employees, consisting in the illicit act, causing damage to the employer’s patrimony, the causal link between the illicit act and the prejudice, as well as their guilt, are cumulative; the lack of one of them removes the mentioned liability.
  • The author, starting from a personal opinion, expressed in a previous study (published in the year 2000), namely that the employment relationship of the public servant represents a typical form of a legal employment relationship, a relationship that, although different from the individual employment contract (the archetype of the legal employment relationship), is not yet essentially different from the latter and, consequently, from a logical and legal point of view, the employment relationship of the public servant is a basic component of the labor law (legislation), emphasizes afterwards that, in recent years, one can note, from the legal point of view, a continuous reduction of differences between the legal employment relationship of employees and that of public servants. Further on, the author presents the typology of the current legal employment relationships, namely: the legal relationship of employees (generated by the conclusion of the individual employment contract, regulated by the Labor Code); the legal employment relationship of public servants (generated by Law no. 188/ 1999 on the Statute of Public Servants or by some statutes regarding special categories of public servants such as, for instance, police officers, diplomats and consuls, customs personnel etc.); the legal employment relationship of career military personnel (non-commissioned officers and officers – Law no. 80/1995); the legal relationship of persons holding a public office position; the legal employment relationship of magistrates (whose statute is subject to Law no. 303/ 2004); the legal employment relationship between the cooperative company and the cooperative members (Law no. 1/2005). As regards this typology of legal employment relationships, the author believes it is fundamentally erroneous to limit the object of labor law exclusively to the legal employment relationship of employees (regulated by the Labor Code), and firmly believes that all the above-mentioned legal employment relationships are, in his monist vision of the labor law, components of the Romanian labor law, whose summa divisio is made of the common labor law (regarding the legal employment relationship of employees, based upon the individual employment contract that is regulated mainly by the Labor Code provisions) and, on the other hand, of the special labor law (comprising the legal employment relationships of civil and military servants, persons holding public office positions, magistrates and cooperative members), a special labor law focused on regulations other than the Labor Code, but for which the Labor Code still represents common law.
  • Although at first sight the procedure of cancellation of documents, regulated by Article 5491 of the Criminal Procedure Code, seems to be an institution that should not create essential problems, we can see at a closer analysis that certain provisions of the criminal processual rule are at least questionable. Moreover, the aspects related to the unconstitutionality of the provisions regarding the active legal capacity of referral to the judge in this respect have been subject to the analysis of the Constitutional Court of Romania. The problems of interpretation may also persist on the object, on the procedure itself, on the competence to settle the referral or on the limits of investiture of the preliminary chamber judge. Under these circumstances, in this paper we intend to express a point of view in relation to these aspects. With regard to the object of the referral and the limits of investiture of the preliminary chamber judge, we will analyse whether the cancellation of documents, in this procedure, concerns only the main documents or the subsequent documents as well, and whether the act sought to be cancelled is regarded in the sense of instrumentum or negotiumiuris. Another problem that may arise within the settlement of the referral with regard to the cancellation of documents is represented by the settlement competence. In theory, this will pertain to the preliminary chamber judge of the court which would have the competence to examine the case on the merits, certainly, according to the pre-established criteria of the criminal processual rules. Under these circumstances, if there aren’t any discussions in relation to material competence, this being given by the juridical classification of the deed for which the dismissal of action, respectively by the abandonment of the criminal prosecution, has been ordered, with regard to personal competence, we will clarify some aspects. At the same time we will try to answer an apparently simple question, namely: is it legally possible to administer evidence during the settlement of such a referral?
  • This paper intends to contribute to the reform of the Romanian legislation for preventing and combating terrorism. For this purpose, the author examines briefly three aspects. First, it refers to the meaning of the term „terrorism”. Secondly, it analyzes the reason that has imposed the use of the term of terrorism in international documents and, in particular, which is the purpose of the international conventions in this matter. Thirdly, there are investigated the main provisions of the Romanian legislation (Law No 535/2004 on preventing and combating terrorism), emphasizing some of its shortcomings. Finally, the paper includes some conclusions on the compliance or, where appropriate, the inconsistency between provisions stipulated in international documents and internal provisions.
  • The regulation of the dismissal of employees in the national legislations is carried out, as a rule, either in casuistic system, or conditioned by the existence of a justified reason, or without imposing the requirement of no reason. In Romania, the regulation of the dismissal has in view the cases strictly provided by the Labour Code and any other special laws. However, there are some states of the European Union, as well as on the North American, South American, African continent or on the Australian continent, where the possibility of dismissal without cause of employees is admitted. In the spirit of flexibilization of the labour relations, in this study it is deemed useful that the dismissal without cause of employees be regulated in Romania as well, as an exception from the casuistic dismissal, and only with application limited to certain categories of employees (those pursuing an intellectual activity and, particularly, those who hold management positions). In order to ensure adequate protection of employees, the dismissal without cause should be conditioned by the grant of longer periods of notice, that are superior to those in the common law, determined according to seniority of employees at that employer, and to the payment of some monetary compensation, also established depending on the seniority at that employer, following that these measures be strengthened by the sanction of nullity applied to the dismissal that does not comply with these conditions.
  • This study includes an analysis of the provisions of the new Criminal Procedure Code referring to the warrant for technical supervision when it concerns the financial transactions of a person in relation to the provisions of Article 153 on obtaining data concerning the financial situation, the utility and appropriateness of using the two institutions, as well as the comparative analysis in relation to the old regulations. The author also presents critical aspects with regard to these institutions, having in view the different interpretations given in the judicial practice, as well as de lege ferenda proposals. The study refers only to the data concerning the financial transactions of a natural or legal person related to a bank account and the subsequent operations.
  • As it is well known, the insolvency procedure involves the collaboration of the insolvent company, of the syndic judge, of the creditors and, of course, of the judicial administrator. Once the state of insolvency is established by the court, one of the first steps is to assess the debts of the insolvent company, and this action can be done only by communicating the state of insolvency to the creditors, in order to allow them to record their claims to the company. At this stage, an important role is that of the judicial administrator, who must work with all those involved in the procedure in order to determine the amounts owed to the creditors. The judicial administrator is not limited to receiving the creditors’ requests. He must analyze each claim, must establish the amount claimed and ascertain whether that claim is based on a valid title
  • Introducere.1 Una dintre principalele probleme existente în practica judiciară, după intrarea în vigoare a noului Cod penal, a fost legată de modalitatea de aplicare a legii penale mai favorabile. Aceasta a generat practica neunitară a instanțelor de judecată și a determinat pronunțarea de soluții de către Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție și de către Curtea Constituțională. Realizarea unei diagnoze a celor 6 luni de aplicare a noului Cod penal reflectă modalitatea oscilantă în care au fost aplicate principiile care stabilesc determinarea legii mai favorabile, cu evidente consecințe asupra stabilirii pedepselor în cauzele aflate în curs de soluționare.
  • Although the administrator of the association of owners or tenants can also commit the offense of embezzlement by the acquisition of surpluses created in his/her management by fraudulent means, he/she can be sued only for embezzlement and not for having committed the offense of creating surpluses in management as well. This study analyses whether the administrator has the capacity of manager according to the provisions of art. 1, parag. (1) of Law no. 22/1969 and presents the reasons why the administrator cannot be an active subject of the offense of creating surpluses in management by fraudulent means, although he/she is an employee, due to the fact that he/she is employed with an individual employment contract and has as main work tasks the management of the property and values of the association of owners or tenants.
  • In this study the authors make an approach that highlights the lack of harmonization between organic laws and the post-December period constitutional laws, in relation to regulating the free use right with referring to the public property, primarily, and the private property of the state/territorial-administrative units, in subsidiary; then the legislating of the new Civil Code which fully ceases the unconstitutionality status; and finally several aspects of specific administrative technique are being addressed.
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