  • Mediation is governed by Law No 192/2006. In criminal matters, mediation is a restorative practice designed to solve the conflict between the parties involved. For a limited number of offences a criminal mediation agreement has the effect of preventing the initiation of criminal prosecution or ending criminal proceedings. This does not mean that parties may come to an agreement on the criminal aspects of the criminal proceedings as the legislator may seem to let us to believe. The only aspect on which an agreement may be reached concerns withdrawal of a prior complaint or reconciliation of parties in case of certain offences; these are impediments distinctively regulated in the mediation agreement. As a matter of fact, the consensus between parties in criminal proceedings, contained in the mediation agreement, exceeds the limits imposed by what is usually considered as the criminal aspect and the civil aspect of those proceedings. Through their will, parties may limit themselves to an agreement only on civil claims within criminal proceedings.
  • In the absence of technical basis, the two criticized normative acts, through the refusal of the legislature to consider the reactions of all actors involved and relevant institutions, the legislature has transformed the principles of law and rules of law into abstract and worthless rules that can be violated at any time. The intervention of the Constitutional Court through its two decisions (Decision No 623/2016 and Decision No 62/2017) restored legal order, which was seriously violated by these acts.
  • The modality of enforcement through garnishment involves the existence of a legal relationship, in which the pursued debtor has the quality of creditor, and the garnishee has the quality of debtor, a legal relationship used by the pursuing creditor in order to realize the claim from the writ of execution. The garnishment knows two phases, the one of establishment and the one of validation, the second one intervening only if the garnishee fails to fulfil its obligations as a result of communicating the address for establishment of garnishment. The application for validation of the garnishment is a veritable application for summons, its finality being to obtain a writ of execution by the executing creditor against the garnishee. The study examines the defences which the garnishee can invoke in the court of validation, having regard to the legislative solution provided by the current Civil Procedure Code, according to which a garnishee is forbidden to file a contestation to the enforcement against the acts establishing the garnishment, the latter being able to use his defences only before the court of validation [Article 787 (5) of the Civil Procedure Code]. Therefore, the processual means of invoking the defences before the court of validation are analyzed, being questioned the admissibility of the garnishee’s filing of a counter claim aiming at the cancellation of the juridical act from which the relationship between him and the debtor arose. The defences of the garnishee are analyzed starting with the distinction between defences on the merits and the processual and procedural ones, in relation to the possibility conferred to the third party to invoke against the creditor all the pleas and defences that he may oppose to the debtor, to the extent that they are prior to the establishment of garnishment [Article 790 (3) of the Civil Procedure Code].
  • In this study, the author, starting from the provision written down in Article 60 (1) c) of the Labour Code, according to which the dismissal of the pregnant employee is forbidden, as far as the employer was notified of this fact prior to the issuing of the dismissal decision, considers that the interpretation of this legal text should be performed extensively, in correlation with the provisions of Directive 92/85/EEC and, as such, the interdiction in question is also incidental, for example, in cases of dismissal of the employee in the trial period, of hiring the employee under a fixed-term contract or even if she did not notify the employer about her pregnancy condition prior to dismissal, if the failure to notify is not the consequence of bad faith of the person concerned and others.
  • In this paper the author discusses whether a declaration of enforceability of the mortgage agreement is made by the court by way of absolving procedure (non-contentious) or, alternatively, via litigation. Based on fully reasoned arguments, it is concluded that, in this case, we face a contentious proceeding and not an absolving (non-contentious) one.
  • Offences against police officers or gendarmes (in Romanian, ultraj) are regulated under Article 257 (4) of the Criminal Code, which provides that such offences shall be harsher punished, by increasing the special limits of the penalty by half. In order to apply the above-mentioned dispositions in a fair manner, the Panel for Clarification of Criminal Legal Aspects of the High Court of Cassation and Justice was requested to render a preliminary judgment by which to clarify if „the concept of police officer provided by Article 257 (4) of the Criminal Code shall be construed restrictively as referring only to police officers whose activity and status are regulated under Law No 218/2002 regarding the organisation and functioning of Romanian Police and under Law No 360/2002 regarding the Police Officer Status or more widely, as also including local police officers whose activity and status are regulated under Law No 155/2010 on Local Police and Law No 188/1999 on the Status of Civil Servants”. This article proposes an analysis of the relevant jurisprudence and provides arguments to support that the aggravated version of the crime regulated under Article 257 (4) of the Criminal Code shall be applied when the offence is committed against a local police officer.
  • According to art. 32 of the Land Property Law no. 18/1991 (republished on January 5, 1998) in the case of „establishing” the right of ownership as provided in this law, the land thus attributed to individuals „shall not be alienated by documents between the living for 10 years, starting from the beginning of the year following the one during which the property was registered, under the penalty of absolute nullity of the alienation document”, the city hall, the prefect’s office, the prosecutor’s office or any other interested person being entitled to file a claim for the ascertainment of nullity. The author discusses the general cases resulting from this text of law, and in principal whether the 10-years term lapses (is counted) from the „registration” of the property in agricultural registries or from its „transcription”, or „registration” of an alienated property in transcription registries, namely its „registration” in the Land Book.
  • The penal clause gives the advantage of leaving to the parties, and not to the law court, to fix the amount representing compensation for the damage incurred, this way the parties being informed, from the time of conclusion of contract, on what and how much the costs would be if they fail to fulfil the obligations assumed, being, from this point of view, a mechanism not only of defense against the consequences of a damaging non-performance, but also of constraint, both legal and moral, not allowing the parties to hope that, maybe, they will not pay or will pay much less for „breaking” the contract. This study examines the functions of the penal clause, namely the function of guarantee of performance of obligations, the function of mobilization of the debtor to perform its obligations, the sanctioning function and the compensatory function. At the same time, the study analyzes the consensual, incidental, sanctioning and reparative nature of the penal clause, as well as the legal nature of this type of clause.
  • Formalism is often a topic of discussion approached by reference to the form of the juridical act, more precisely to the consent externalized and recorded in a solemn act. This act is frequently outlined in the form of a notarial act, composed of two parts: the externalization of the manifestation of will of the parties and the findings of the notary public (recorded in the conclusion of authentication). The formalities presuppose any legal procedure which gives rise to a certain form and that adds safety, effectiveness and opposability to the manifestation of will. The notarial succession procedure is characterized by three procedural stages and ends with a conclusion of the notary public: the first part of this decision records the persons participating in the succession debate and the statements of those present, and the second part contains the findings of the notary public with regard to the statements of heirs in the first part of the conclusion. This conclusion issued within the succession procedure has the probative force of an authentic document, on the basis of which the certificate of heir is issued. In this study we intend to make a brief presentation of the procedural formalism, of the formalities prior to and subsequent to the conclusion of the civil juridical act. The notarial deed is the result of a concurrence between the manifestation of will of the party (or parties) and the obligations of the notary public which have a single result: the elaboration of a juridical act in accordance with the legal norms and good morals. The analysis is relevant to allow a comparative look between the formalities necessary for the elaboration of a notarial act and the formalities of the notarial succession procedure, which is completed by the certificate of heir, an act of a special legal nature.
  • Formal validity of an arbitration agreement is closely linked to the consent of the parties to arbitration. The requirement of arbitration agreement in written form is intended to ensure that the parties actually agreed on resolving the dispute through arbitration. Therefore, matters related to the performance of formal requirements of arbitration agreement and the necessary approval for arbitration, expressed under the arbitration agreement, are often interrelated and jointly approached. In accordance with the Convention of New-York (1958), the arbitration agreement enforcement, and of any other decision, requires an arbitration agreement concluded in writing. The formal requirements do not necessarily promote legal certainty, frequently being sources of circumstantial disputes. For these reasons, the requirement of arbitration agreement in written form, in most national laws and under the Convention in New York, was more liberally construed. In any case, the requirements of the arbitration agreement to be concluded in written form should be construed more dynamically, in the light of modern means of communication.
  • Where other civil parties call for broadening the effect of declared appeal on the criminal side of the case and on other civil parties, and as far as conditions applying the extensive effect of the appeal are fulfilled, the judicial review court is bound to give effect to the provisions of Art. 373 in the C. Cr. Pr., obviously complying with the principle of non reformatio in pejus. The author argues that a contrary approach would be vulnerable and devoid of legal grounds, intended to set off the extensive effect of appeal from its purposes, which basically leads to the functional requirement of a court of appeal, consisting in examination of the case by extension, to be circumscribed to appeal statements. Thus, argues the author, it would add unacceptably to the law by way of interpretation, contrary to the principle of ubi lex non distinguit nec nos distinguere debemus.
  • The article examines certain problems that have occurred in practice in relation to the institution of retrial in case of extradition for persons convicted by default, namely the possibility to order, after the admission in principle, the entire or partial suspension of the decision whose retrial is requested, the moment as of which the pronouncement of a decision regarding the admission of such retrial produces legal effects, both as regards the annulment of the former conviction decision, and regarding the annulment of the punishment execution warrant, with direct implications on the release of the person in question, as well as the impact of the legal provisions regarding the intervention of the special prescription of criminal liability, upon the retrial of such a case.
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