  • Încheierea definitivă pronunțată de către judecătorul de drepturi și libertăți de la Judecătoria Sighetu Marmației, în conformitate cu dispozițiile art. 4886 alin. (7) din C.pr.pen., ne oferă prilejul comentariului de față. În speță, la data de 22 ianuarie 2018, persoana vătămată (constituită parte civilă) P.J. a depus plângere prealabilă la Parchetul de pe lângă Judecătoria Sighetu Marmației, solicitând efectuarea de acte de urmărire penală față de făptuitorii B.I., B.M. și C.V. pentru săvârșirea infracțiunii de degradarea terenurilor agricole, prevăzută de art. 107 din Legea nr. 18/1991, Legea fondului funciar, actualizată, raportat la dispozițiile art. 253 alin. (1) din C.pen. În susținerea plângerii, a menționat că la data de 3 ianuarie 2018 făptuitorii au trecut de mai multe ori cu atelajele proprietate personală trase de câte 2 cai, încărcate peste capacitate, peste terenul de natură fâneață pe care îl deține, împrejurări în care, sub greutatea încărcăturii, copitele cailor de tracțiune și roțile atelajelor au creat urme adânci în solul puternic îmbibat de apele pluviale, terenul agricol fiind degradat pe o suprafață de 900 mp.
  • The present study is dedicated to the approach from theoretical and practical perspective of the problem of instigation to commit an offence or to continue to commit an offence for the purpose of obtaining evidence in the context of using special investigative techniques. The problems presented are based on an ex post facto analysis, with applied character, by outlining some concrete hypotheses. There are highlighted aspects elaborated by the European Court of Human Rights by way of case law, but also relevant aspects from the national case law of Romania in order to identify the criteria for establishing the illegal nature of the activities of the criminal investigation bodies necessary to collect and provide evidence in the criminal trial. Likewise, there are presented and analyzed the conditions retained by the Strasbourg Court necessary to be fulfilled so that the activities of the state bodies do not exceed the scope of loyalty of administration of evidence. In addition, an attempt is made to delimit the instigation to commit offences from the legal activity of the undercover investigators in the context in which it has been authorized the use of the special method of investigation of using undercover investigators or collaborators, provided by the Criminal Procedure Code.
  • Every 3 months, calculated from the beginning of the liquidation, the judicial liquidator must submit to the creditors’ committee a report on the funds obtained from liquidation and from the collection of claims, as well as a distribution plan between the creditors, if necessary. The report and the plan shall be recorded at the registry of the tribunal and shall be published in the Bulletin of Insolvency Procedures. The report shall also provide the payment of his fee and of the other expenses provided in Article 159 (1) point 1 or of Article 161 point 1 of the Law No 85/2014, as the case may be. The report on the funds obtained from liquidation and from the collection of claims shall include, at least, the following: the balance in the liquidation account after the last distribution; the collections made by the judicial liquidator from the sale of each asset and from the recovery of the claims; the amount of the interests or of other incomes benefiting to the debtors’ fortune, as a result of keeping the undistributed amounts in bank accounts or by administering the assets existing in the debtor’s fortune; the total of the cash amounts existing in the liquidation account.
  • The study analyzes how it evolved the competence of the court of law to solve the review in the civil trial from the initial version of the Law No 134/2010 on the Civil Procedure Code to the amendment brought by the Law No 310/2018 for amending and supplementing the Law No 134/2010 on the Civil Procedure Code, as well as for the amendment and supplementation of other normative acts. The result of the study is reflected in the opinion according to which the court of law competent to solve the review in the civil trial had to remain, as a rule, the High Court of Cassation and Justice. Thus it would have been made a unitary interpretation and the contradictory solutions would have been avoided. Although in the versions of the Law No 134/2010 and until the adoption of the Law No 310/2018 the purpose of the review was to subject to the High Court of Cassation and Justice the examination, under the terms of the law, of the conformity of the contested judgment with the applicable rules of law, the supreme court has diverted this purpose, by admitting the exception of its material incompetence and declining to solve the reviews.
  • By the present study the author analyzes in a critical manner the modality of regulation of the mechanism of the compensatory review introduced by the provisions of the Law No 169/2017, which has amended the Law No 254/2013 on the execution of custodial sentences and of measures involving deprivation of liberty ordered by the judicial bodies during criminal trial. In this respect there are examined the case law of the European Court of Human Rights in the matter of the accommodation of detained persons and the premises that were the basis for the adoption of this regulation. Thus, it is noted that the legislator has set a higher standard than the one imposed by the European Court of Human Rights, which has ruled that, under certain conditions (the presence of ventilation, lighting and privacy, etc.), the accommodation in a detention space that ensures an area of between three and four square meters for each detainee is in accordance with Article 3 of the European Convention on human rights and fundamental freedoms. In addition, it is shown that the legislator did not insert in the national law the whole legal mechanism emphasized in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, where a preventive means of appeal has been introduced, allowing the detained persons to file complaints to a judicial authority with regard to the material conditions of detention, as well as a compensatory means of appeal, which provides a reparation for the persons who have already been through a detention contrary to the Convention. Likewise, the author analyzes in a theoretical, but mostly practical manner, the modality to apply the compensatory review mechanism depending on the processual phase in which it is analysed its incidence, as well as the effects produced at the level of the institutions of substantive criminal law, making reference to the binding decisions pronounced by the High Court of Cassation and Justice and to the national case law.
  • Potrivit art. 342 alin. (6) C.pen., constituie infracțiune și se pedepsește cu închisoare de la 6 luni la 3 ani nedepunerea armei și a muniției la un armurier autorizat în termen de 10 zile de la expirarea perioadei de valabilitate a permisului de armă. Totodată, conform art. 112 alin. (1) lit. f) C.pen., bunurile a căror deținere este interzisă de legea penală sunt supuse confiscării speciale (cu notă parțial aprobativă). În cazul faptei prevăzute în art. 342 alin. (6) C.pen., cu privire la care s-a dispus o soluție de clasare întemeiată pe dispozițiile art. 16 alin. (1) lit. b) teza a II-a C.pr.pen., arma și muniția intră sub incidența confiscării speciale, în temeiul art. 112 alin. (1) lit. f) C.pen., în procedura reglementată de art. 5491 C.pr.pen., în ipoteza în care făptuitorul nu a depus arma și muniția la un armurier autorizat în termen de 10 zile de la expirarea perioadei de valabilitate a permisului de armă. (Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție, Completul competent să judece recursul în interesul legii, Decizia nr. 10/2019).
  • Introducing Article 1282 (2) created a new dimension in the new Civil Code as regards the application of the groups of contracts, as well as the transmission of accessories with the main asset on the descending or even ascending line of the contract chain. At the same time, the text of the law is the legal basis for formulating a direct action in guarantee which, as we shall see in the present study, is in some cases complemented by other express texts of law referring to particular cases of transmission of a right to action within the group of contracts. In the present study, we attempted to make a comparative analysis between the assignment of contract and the assignment of ancillary contractual rights or obligations, since, although the two transactions are similar, it also presents many differences that need to be highlighted. At the same time, we made a brief leap in common law, as well as European law on the notion of assignment of contractual accessories. Though, the subject is far from being covered by the present study, we consider that we have reached the main points on what Article 1282 (2) in the new Civil Code establishes, as well as its practical effects, and the comparative perspective with English, Scottish, Spanish, German and, last but not least, European law clarifies or strengthens some aspects as regards the rationale for the introduction of the text.
  • The legal liability is one of the main issues regarding the responsibility in administrative law. Therefore, the legal liability is able to exercise influence upon our society to some extent only by identifying the person responsible for ignoring the social values protected by law, in order to establish his/her liability. Let us stress upon the fact that the effectiveness of legal liability may determine, to a greater or a smaller extent, the establishment, re-establishment and even the survival of the rule of law. The society is more likely to take into consideration the legal liability, referring to the social and political background of these days, as well, if the liability is being applied to the civil servant or to an agent of public power, meaning a person who exercises a public function. What about the situation in which the person who is going to be held responsible for breaking the law and, therefore, being held liable for this fact is, directly or indirectly, even the creator of the law, being at the same time both part of the dominant fund and to the serviced/controlled fund? Does the above-mentioned situation supposes an antagonism in declaring responsible precisely the one who created the notion and, therefore, the premise of responsibility or, on the contrary, the antagonism would be precisely the irresponsibility of the entitled one, also, to create the right and to apply it, thus ensuring the protection of values, which establishes the base of its very existence?
  • As a rule, in the countries of the European Union, for example in France, Italy, Spain, England, the cancellation of the dismissal does not lead to the reintegration of the employees at work. However, they are entitled to compensation, to damages, etc. established by the judge within the limits provided by law. In our country the situation is different. Regardless of the reason for the dismissal, whether it is related or not to the employee’s person, the court, at his request, shall order, in case of cancellation of the employer’s measure, the reintegration at work, regardless of the fact that position exists or not, the position being abolished, or if the employee has committed serious disciplinary misconducts: he has systematically violated the work obligations, had an unexcused leave of absence for a long period of time, has purloined goods from the patrimony of the employer or caused important damages thereto, etc. There are considerations for which it is required the amendment of Article 80 (2) of the Labour Code, rendering it more flexible, in the sense of taking into account the present realities, the needs of the practice and the real and justified interests of the employers.
  • The herein study strives to concentrate the main theses developed by the Court of Justice of the European Union regarding the right to paid annual leave. Starting from these premises, it aims to detect the interferences and the effects of European jurisprudence on Romanian national law, with a special view on the practical protection of the right to paid annual leave, in both of its components, the entitlement to annual leave and to a payment on that account. The underlying of the carry-over period’s function represents the basis of the conclusions regarding the necessity for a rigorous distinction between the causes of non-exercise of the right to annual leave by the employee, consequently, reflecting in the different judicial solutions. From the point of view of the Romanian procedural law, the study underlines the need to amend the law regarding the limitation period of the right to action in court for the protection of the non-material component of the right analysed, in order to meet the imperative of full harmonization with the European law.
  • Based on art. 6 para. 1 of the (European) Convention of human rights and fundamental freedoms and art. 21 para. (3) of the Romanian Constitution (revised and republished), the author reviews numerous texts in the new (Romanian) Code of Civil Procedure (Law no. 134/2010, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 485 of July 15th, 2010, yet unenforced), which implements, specifically, the principle of the right to a fair trial within optimal and predictable delay.
  • This study tends to be a partly critical analysis of the provisions of Article 117 of the Civil Procedure Code, and also an approach to bring to the attention of „doctrinarians”, „judges” and, especially, of the „legislator” the existence of a legislative gap in respect of the exclusive territorial jurisdiction of the courts in the situation that „disputes referring to real rights concern two or more estates located in the territorial districts of different courts”.
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