In the study hereby, the author makes some de lege ferenda proposals with reference to amending/supplementing Article 28 of the Companies Law 31/1990 (republished on November 17th, 2009), text governing the obligations of the constituent assembly of the joint-stock company incorporated by public subscription.
In the study with the above title, the author examines specifically the problems of the current regulation of the protection of competition on the internal market of the European Union, through the control of concentrations of undertakings, in the light of the provisions included in the Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 of 20 January 2004 on the control of the concentrations between undertakings.
Given that the new General Data Protection Regulation has influenced most of the industrial sectors, new challenges in life science area have also been generated, particularly those regarding the effective protection of the personal data of the patients – subjects to clinical trials. The new changes focus mainly on how data and the rights of the data subjects are perceived by these persons, as well as the controllers and processors. This study aims to identify and determine the impact of this regulation on clinical trials and patient engagement policies, having also into consideration the derogations from the rights of data subjects for the purpose of scientific research. Also, we seek to define concepts such as sensitive data, health data, clinical trial data, the obtained results following the clinical trials, data processing, as well as notions related to the parties involved – either the patients or CROs (contract research organizations) understood through the meaning of the terms of natural person or controller, processor, recipient respectively. We want to clarify to what extent the clinical trials can be included in the scientific research that the Regulation refers to and whether its application in this area makes a distinction between the goals of the research: either the one of profit-making or the one of developing the medical knowledge.
The system of protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms introduced by the European Convention on Human Rights still raises questions about the interpretation and application of its provisions. In this study, we will focus on the problems concerning: EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights, the relationship between the CJEU and the ECHR, and we will detail the decision of the ECJ Opinion 2/13 on the draft agreement for EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights. By the present study we intend to analyze the implications of the future EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights, given the long history of the protection of fundamental rights. We will start with the way in which the protection of fundamental rights is seen at international level, and then we will analyze how the EU intends to achieve the protection of fundamental human rights. We will bring into discussion the main normative acts in the field, the way in which the collaboration between the CJEU and the ECHR is carried out, pointing out the issue of the primacy of European law over the national one. The study aims to analyze the general concepts recognized in the international law regarding the creation of a better structured legal framework regarding the protection of fundamental human rights and the issue of the primacy of EU law regarding the future accession to the Convention, in particular in relation to the Negative Opinion 2/13 of the CJEU. We will analyze the most important decisions of the ECHR and the CJEU in order to corroborate the theoretical elements with the practical ones. As concerns the research methods, mainly the comparative and the quantitative method have been used, with elements that make reference to the method of sociological and historical interpretation. From the point of view of the research results, it was concluded that, from a doctrinal point of view, there are two sides: the supporters of EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights, in the context of receiving EU legal personality, but also of inserting Article 6 TEU which provides the obligativity that EU becomes a party to the Convention, and those who oppose, in particular the CJEU, as well as the practitioners and the doctrinaires of the European law who invoke the primacy of European law over national law, but also the issue of organizing the European legal system, by specifying that the CJEU would fall under the jurisdiction of the ECHR, and the ECHR, in its turn, would intervene in the process of „constitutional” development of the EU.
International treaties on human rights are, in relation to the common law, the most important human rights source of international law. In terms of geography, the international treaties under the cited matter are divided into treaties with universal vocation (UN system) and regional international treaties (European regional level, Inter-American, African and so on). In this study, the author refers to the specificity of the conventional sources within the Inter-American and African system, the Arab and Islamic world and within the CIS area.
The Lisbon Treaty is designed to replace the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe. Its adoption brings about an improvement of the institutional law system of the European Union, due to the coming into force of the Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union. It was proclaimed by the European institutions (the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union) on the occasion of the European Council of Nice on 7 December 2000 and its wording states for the first time in a single document, on the whole, the social, economic, civil and political rights that all the European citizens can benefit of.
The aim of the present paper is to cover the main aspects regarding the legal treatment of classified information in the Romanian criminal legislation by presenting, from a critical standpoint, the current regulation of the access to classified information in the course of the criminal proceedings, with a special focus on the lawyer’s access to such information, as well as by providing an overview of the substantial criminal provisions protecting classified information. With respect to the procedural standards, the underlying idea emerging from the detailed analysis of the legislation in force is that currently there is an unjustified difference in treatment within the criminal proceedings regarding lawyers, on the one hand, and magistrates, on the other hand, the former category being prevented from benefiting from an unhindered access to classified information, which directly affects the rights of the defence. As far as the criminal protection of classified information is concerned, the Romanian criminal code incriminates a variety of acts that imply the illicit disclosure of classified information, pertaining to either state or professional secrecy, and are prejudicial to the national security, the state defence as well as some public or private entities, as the case may be.
Thanks to his social status, his activity, the social relationships he develops, interest in technology, etc., the child has acquired a certain legitimacy to be able to make recommendations on the purchase of a good or service. Of course, professionals are aware of the reverse socialization that takes place within family relationships and have begun to develop products that are intended for children or that, through children, can reach the bosom of families, although those do not concern children. The purpose of this study is to prove that any child is a vulnerable consumer, although he has at his disposal countless methods of information. The child is not capable of complex cognitive functions. Being a consumer means not only acquiring skills and technical routines, but also an awareness of real needs and values, something that can only happen with the development of each individual. The vulnerability that is specific to the child is a matter of social status of the skills and resources that protect each individual and carry extrinsic and partially intrinsic aspects. By analysing the European and national legal frameworks on consumer protection, I have tried to identify a clear definition of the vulnerable consumer, as well as what the concept of „vulnerable consumer” is based on.
The intangible cultural heritage is a crucial factor in shaping the personality and identity of a human being. At the beginning of the 21st Century, faced with the deepening globalization, commercialization, consumerism, technological progress and urbanization, it is necessary to take, without unjustified delays and considering future circumstances, actions for the protection of the intangible cultural heritage. This study presents the genesis, the legal regulations and mechanisms that were developed under the aegis of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. The measures taken by UNESCO1 and by the individual states to reach the set targets should follow the spirit of tolerance, empathy, cultural plurality and respect for human rights.
In this article there have been examined comparatively the provisions of the law in force and those of the previous law, by emphasizing the elements of similarity and of distinction between the two regulations. Likewise, the author has critically examined the provisions of Article 336 (1) of the Criminal Code, also making in this regard de lege ferenda proposals designed to determine the amendment of the current provisions. The de lege ferenda proposal aims to the legislator's abandonment of the provision according to which the moment of consummation of the offence is identified with moment of taking the biological samples, motivated by the fundamental difference existing between the two moments, especially with regard to the criminal liability. The paper can be useful to the legislator, in the light of the suggested amendments, to the practitioners, as well as to all those who show concerns in this field.