  • In this study, the author makes a presentation of the Romanian legislation and case-law, of the European case-law (the European Court of Human Rights), of some regulations of the European legislation, as well as of some provisions of the Constitution of France and of Belgium, all concerning the protection of human dignity and reputation of the individual.
  • Within this article, the author makes an analysis of the main provisions of the Hague Convention of 1985 on the law applicable to trusts and on their recognition. In the context of introducing in the Romanian civil law the legal operation of fiducia, achieved by the provisions of Articles 773–791 of the Civil Code of 2009, Romania’s accession to the Hague Convention would be a natural step that the Romanian legislator should take in the near future. Although some of the provisions of the Hague Convention have been taken, tale quale, within the provisions of private international law relating to the fiducia, the accession to the Hague Convention and its introduction into the Romanian internal law, would lead to expanding the scope of practical application of the legal instrument of the fiducia itself.
  • In this study, the authors have chosen to present and to analyze the criminal law institution of the conditional release because, as practitioners, more than once, they came to discover a different application thereof, a different approach of the criteria laid down by this institution and even a difference of opinions within the assessment of the opportuneness of ordering this measure by the judges of the same court, this generating an uneven practice with regard to the application of the same rule of criminal law.
  • The offences regulated by the Law No 31/1990 on companies form a domain relatively less explored by the criminal law specialists and quasi-unexplored by the civil law specialists. In this study, the authors deal with those offences grouped within Article 272 of the above-mentioned law. These offences have a few specific elements. First, assuming there is a legal rule, the active subject is qualified, that is a person holding a certain quality of company member. Secondly, for two of the offences, the assumption of criminal rule is another rule, of the company law, to which the criminal law rule refers. By the fact that there is a situation such as the latter, but also because the assumptions of the other offences provided in Article 272 are part of the company law, first it is the duty of the civil law specialist to decode the meaning of the material rule, because a rigid application of the purely criminal vision in a field of the private law can lead to wrong conclusions, with serious consequences on the subjects of the offences. But, in order to cover the entire interpretative area, the same consideration must be given, according to the authors, to the criminal matters as well, where the role of the criminal law specialist steps in, so that the reader – either a civil law specialist or a criminal law specialist – forms a proper idea about a far too little investigated field.
  • În cazul în care prin acțiunea introductivă promitentul-cumpărător a solicitat numai restituirea avansului achitat în temeiul antecontractului de vânzare-cumpărare și dobânda legală aferentă, nesolicitând și constatarea intervenirii pactului comisoriu expres stipulat de părțile contractante cu consecința repunerii părților în situația anterioară sau rezoluțiunea judiciară a convenției, în temeiul art. 1020–1021 C.civ., este lipsit de fundament juridic demersul său, astfel cum a fost formulat, deoarece numai în caz de desființare a convenției se poate dispune obligarea părții în privința căreia angajamentul nu s-a executat la daune-interese. (Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție, Secția a II-a civilă, Decizia nr. 3261 din 24 octombrie 2014)
  • This approach is meant to carry out a brief examination of the control which the judge is required to perform on the acts of disposition of the parties in the civil trial. It refers to the main sides of availability and, especially, to the presentness and imperativeness of such a control. In this context, the author notes that the new Civil Procedure Code has not abdicated from the active role of the judge, this being far from the peak of its „glory”. Likewise, the author analyzes the procedural ways of invalidation of the acts of disposition, first noting the incidental legislative regulation both with regard to the transaction and to the judgment that confirms the agreement of the party. It is noted that, from a normative point of view, the party does not have an option right between the exercise of the action for annulment and the means of recourse against the judicial transaction. At the end of the study, the author analyzes some aspects of the recourse which can be exercised against the acts of divestment and acquiescence to the claims of the applicant.
  • In principle, the confession is admissible as means of evidence in all the matters for which the civil processual law represents the common law of the procedure and for which there is no separate procedure. Exceptionally, the confession is not admissible: when it is expressly prohibited by law; whether, by admitting it, the imperative provisions of the law would be eluded; if the law requires that certain facts be proved only by certain means of evidence; if, by admitting it, one could reach to total or partial loss of a right which may not be waived or may not be subject to a transaction. The judicial confession shall be given by means of cross-examination, as reflected by Articles 351–358 of the Civil Procedure Code. Obviously, it is a question of provoked judicial confession, whereas the spontaneous judicial confession does not require any prior preparation and, as such, it does not require an express regulation. Instead, the written extrajudicial confession is subject to the regime of proof of evidence through written documents, and the extrajudicial verbal confession may be attested by witnesses, if the law allows the testimonial evidence. The legislator of the new Civil Procedure Code expressly establishes the principle of indivisibility of the judicial confession and, at the same time, he provides an exception from this principle, namely the situation in which the judicial confession contains separate facts not connected between them. In this study there are elaborated the ideas presented above
  • The study is devoted to the analysis of the provisions of Article 304 of the Civil Code referring to the „putative marriage”, a legal institution meant to protect the good faith upon the conclusion of the null or annulled marriage. Unlike other authors, but in agreement with the provisions of Article 304 (1) of the Civil Code, we have also analyzed, together with the condition that at least one of the future spouses act in good faith, the requirement of existence, on the date of conclusion of marriage, of a factual situation which causes the nullity or the annulment thereof. Similarly, because the analysis of the effects of the putative marriage does not present difficulties of interpretation in case both future spouses have acted in good faith upon the conclusion of the marriage, we have focused on the situation in which, on the contrary, one of them acted in good faith and the other acted in bad faith. Finally, we have tried to elucidate the reason which determined the legislator to subject the patrimonial relations between former spouses, including in case that only one of them acted in good faith, to the provisions concerning the divorce and we have grounded a proposal de lege ferenda likely to eliminate the „legal compromise” generated by the current normative solution.
  • The Government Emergency Ordinance No 111/2010 has established in Romania the grant of the leave for raising children (also called parental leave), with the payment of the related allowance. This normative act represents the transposition, in the Romanian legislation, of Directive 2010/18/EU of the Council of 8 March 2010, without, however, also properly supplementing the (Romanian) Labour Code (the Law No 53/2003). Given this situation and also taking into account the relevant creative case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, the author makes an analysis of the regulations and of the practice in the field and, retaining some discrepancies, it comes to the conclusion that the provisions of the Emergency Government Ordinance No 111/2010 and of the Labour Code must be interpreted and applied in the light and in accordance with EU legislation and of the case-law of the Court in Luxembourg, the supplementation of the Labour Code being also required, so that the right of the employee to fully benefit by the rest leave, after taking the leave for raising children, be expressly provided in the Romanian legislation, a series of discussions and controversies being thus avoided.
  • The regulation (Article 225) of the new Criminal Procedure Code is not too different from the one (Article 1491 paragraphs 3–8 and Article 150) of the previous Criminal Procedure Code (1968). Instead, the new criminal processual law does no longer provide for the possibility to settle the proposal of preventive detention, in the absence of the defendant, when the defendant is abroad, as it was stipulated in the previous Criminal Procedure Code. The authors analyze the institution of settlement of the proposal of preventive detention, by presenting some critical issues and by proposing some improvements to the new regulation.
  • In this study, the author presents a constitutional reform on the Hungarian Constitutional Court, in the sense of extending its substantive jurisdiction, which entered into force at the beginning of the year 2012. Indeed, the mentioned reform preserves the classic system of the constitutional courts, but it receives an additional jurisdiction, i.e.: after a judgment has become final, either party may address to the Constitutional Court if the decision made is contrary to a fundamental right established by the Constitution. This way, concludes the author, the Constitutional Court is elevated at the level of a centre of the state power, an independent branch thereof which, in a certain sense, conducts a control on all branches of the state power.
  • Clauza de dezicere inserată într-un antecontract de vânzare-cumpărare, prin care s-a prevăzut posibilitatea de răzgândire a promitentei-vânzătoare din motive subiective, rămâne fără efecte în situația decesului acesteia, neputând fi invocată de moștenitori. Și aceasta întrucât dreptul astfel prevăzut în favoarea promitenteivânzătoare are un caracter strict personal, iar datorită acestei caracteristici acest drept este incesibil, adică netransmisibil moștenitorilor, putând fi exercitat numai de către titular.
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