  • At the same time with the entry into force of the new Civil Procedure Code, according to the authors, the appeal has also made its way into the field of administrative disputes, in addition to the recourse, which is the traditional legal remedy in this matter. This study identifies the problems raised by this new legislative conception, noting the current legislative inconsistencies that impedes the process of application of the objective law and, moreover, generates non-unitary judicial practice.
  • Collective redundancy is regulated at Community level by Directive 98/59/EC, giving rise to a vast case-law, this study focusing, in this context, on a particular aspect of determining the conditions for the existence of this type of redundancy: the notion of „establishment”. The interest of such an approach is justified in the light of the recent case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, which raises the question of the compatibility of the national law with Directive 98/59/EC just as regards the mentioned notion. At the same time, as regards the relation of the national law with the Community law, it appears necessary to determine the notion of employer established by the Romanian law and to correlate it with the notion of establishment, regulated by the European Directive.
  • The study examines, under multiple aspects, the relationship employer – employee in terms of protection of the personal data of the latter. There are identified, as being applicable, the legal rules contained in the Labour Code, in the Civil Code and in other normative acts, but also in the European and international regulations. It clarifies, in practical terms, the concrete modalities (internal regulation, individual labour contract, addendum) which may set the rules in this matter for each employer.
  • In this study there are analyzed the issues raised by the conclusion and performance of the electronic contracts, also having in view that the cyberspace where they are located has no borders. There are examined, by turns, the regulation of the electronic contract (1); the notion of electronic contract, the notion of electronic means, the classification of electronic contracts (2); the formation of the electronic contract (3); the proof of electronic contract (4); the delocalisation of the electronic contract and its significance for the international trade law (5).
  • In this study the authors present a series of considerations on the decisions of the Constitutional Court and their effects, in the light of the provisions of Article 147 of the Romanian Constitution of 1991 (revised in 2003 and then republished on 31 October 2003), of the provisions of the Law No 47/1992 on the organization and functioning of the Constitutional Court (republished on 3 December 2010), as well as of the relevant case-law of the Constitutional Court in the matter. In this regard, the authors examine, sometimes in a critical manner, the following problems: the acts by which the Constitutional Court exercises its powers; why the decisions of the Constitutional Court have a general binding nature; whether there is a typology of the decisions of the Constitutional Court or not; the interpretative decisions of the Constitutional Court; the relations of the Constitutional Court with other public authorities arising as a result of the decisions of the Constitutional Court; the effects of the decisions of the Constitutional Court establishing the unconstitutionality of some legal provisions of parliamentary laws, ordinances, regulations and resolutions; the effects of the decisions of the Constitutional Court establishing the unconstitutionality of some provisions included in laws, before their promulgation; the effects of the decisions of the Constitutional Court on the constitutionality/unconstitutionality of the treaties or of the international agreements; the decisions of the Constitutional Court are generally binding and are effective only for the future.
  • This paper is a critical analysis of the new regulations concerning the punishment, from the perspective of their compliance with the principle of individualization. It discusses, by turns, the issue of the significance of the principle of individualization, of the reasons that justify the existence of some general criteria of individualization and of the questionable significance of the current general criteria of individualization, included in Article 74 of the new Criminal Code.
  • In this study, the authors have examined the provisions of the Romanian Civil Code (the Law No 287/2009) concerning the maintenance obligation (Articles 513– 534). Therefore, there are analyzed: the general principles; the subjects of the maintenance obligation; the order in which maintenance is due; the conditions of the maintenance obligation; determination and performance of the maintenance obligation.
  • By means of this study, the author tends to point out that, despite the principle of „equality before the law of the children born out of wedlock to the children born in wedlock”, provided by Article 48 (3) of the Constitution and reaffirmed by Article 260 of the Romanian Civil Code, in the Romanian law, no less, there are situations of „different legal treatment” of the two categories of children. Specifically, it is raised for discussion the different legal regulation of some aspects, as in the cases relating to: „determination of the paternity”, „acquiring the name”, „confirmation of the filiation” and „prohibition of the adoption of children whose parents did not reach the age of 14”. Likewise, for the situations noted, the author substantiates de lege ferenda proposals meant to ensure respect for the principle of equality before the law of children born out of wedlock to those born in wedlock.
  • In this study it is examined how the patrimonial allocation estates are formed and their legal status only for those persons practicing authorised liberal professions individually, that is only for a certain category of professionals. The author has analyzed the consequences which the inclusion of a joint asset of the spouses, subject to the matrimonial regime of the legal community, into the patrimonial estate of professional allocation of one of these may have. Such a change of destination of the joint asset, even temporary, requires the consent of both spouses, and, in case of buildings, the declaration of patrimonial allocation must comply with the authentic form and must be registered in the land register in order to be opposed to the personal or professional creditors of the spouses. The specialized and exclusive guarantee of the professional creditors on the patrimonial estate of professional allocation can make possible the pursuit by these of the joint asset, so that the consent of one of the spouses to the inclusion of the joint asset in the professional allocation estate of the other spouse may be interpreted as an implicit guarantee of the performance of the professional obligations by the professional spouse who practices an authorized liberal profession.
  • Preliminarii. Termenul de securitate are o adresabilitate variată și complexă, putând influența și afecta atât individul, cât și orice nivel de organizare socială, colectivitate, stat sau organizație internațională. În mod sintetic, noțiunea de securitate1 implică lipsa oricăror amenințări, dar și posibilitatea prezervării unui nucleu de valori și a bunăstării2. Pentru orice individ și pentru o comunitate în ansamblul său sentimentul de securitate este acut și se construiește pe trei coordonate esențiale: liniștea, ocrotirea și absența fricii. Aceste trei coordonate definesc sensul primar al noțiunii de securitate a cărei etimologie provine din latinescul securus, desemnând pe cel care nu se teme (sine cura)3.
  • Introducere. O justiție perfectă nu poate fi concepută fără respectarea valorilor, a principiilor fundamentale, nu poate fi imaginată în afara unei societăți care mai înainte de a fi dreaptă trebuie să fie una civilizată. Societatea întemeiată pe principiile statului de drept a devenit o formulă pe care o auzim rostită pretutindeni, reluată obsesiv, ca un laitmotiv fără de care nu începe și nici nu se poate sfârși o zi. Garanția statului de drept nu poate fi întemeiată decât pe o justiție echitabilă, imparțială și eficientă
  • Introducere. Sistemul Ministerului Public are un statut special, misiunea organizațională fiind stabilită atât prin Legea fundamentală, cât și prin legea privind organizarea judiciară. Obiectivul său general este înfăptuirea ordinii de drept prin respectarea drepturilor și libertăților cetățenilor, prin efectuarea unor activități legitime și oportune care trebuie să îndeplinească anumite standarde minimale de legitimitate și de tip procesual.
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