  • În situația în care, pe perioada procesului de divorț între pãrinți, minora a fost încredințatã mamei prin hotãrâre judecãtoreascã, iar mama o influențeazã pe minorã sã refuze contactul cu tatãl ei și, în același timp, mama refuzã sã execute sentința judecãtoreascã prin care s-a stabilit programul de vizitare a minorei de cãtre tatã, instanța este în drept sã oblige pe ambii pãrinți sã se prezinte cu minora la centrul de consiliere (psihologicã) din cadrul direcției generale județene de asistențã socialã și protecția copilului (cu notã aprobativã).
  • In this study the author carries out an analysis of the provisions mentioned in art. 898-902 of the new Civil Procedure Code (Law no. 134/2010, not yet in force) on the enforcement of court orders regarding the minor children, these regulations being derogatory from the common law of the enforcement, established for the first time in the Romanian laws, and consequently, without any correspondence in the Romanian civil procedure laws, still in force.
  • Reality proved that the persons who commit manslaughters, usually are not deprived of their freedom, this hindering the post-delictum general prevention as regards the other car drivers who breach the traffic rules, and this situation requires a legal involvement to limit to courts the possibilities of legal individualization in ways of letting out the persons who, being culpable and disregarding the compulsory traffic rules on public roads, provoke the death of their fellows.
  • Law no. 287/2009 regarding the Civil Code introduces in the matter of successoral option many new items here and there, reconfiguring it. In this study, we propose to examine the general aspects that the successoral option involves in the light of the provisions of the new Civil Code, to highlight the new items brought by this legislative instrument in the matter subject to the examination et to assess their progressive nature.
  • The judicial individualization of the sentence shall be carried out by a complex operation using all those individualization criteria set forth by law (general and special criteria); the need for taking into consideration all the grounds for sentence modification is included within these criteria, as well. Drawn by this need, the Romanian Criminal Code into force (since 1968) contains regulations regarding the manner in which the various grounds for sentence modification must be enforced, when they concur, regulations contained in the provisions of art. 80. Likewise, the new Romanian Criminal Code contains such regulations in art. 79. In this study, the authors have emphasized several systems of sentence determination in case of the concurrence between the grounds for sentence modification. Both the Criminal Code into force and the new Criminal Code adopted an objective criterion concerning the manner in which the various grounds for sentence modification must be enforced, being sensitive to multiple interpretations and contradictory solutions. The Romanian Criminal Code of 2004 – abrogated, before becoming effective, through the new Criminal Code – which forwarded a system based upon a subjective criterion, by granting the judge the freedom to assess the predominance (prevalence) of the grounds for sentence modification and to give them the due legal effect. From the point of view of the authors of the study, this system seems to be more adequate to settle the problems raised by the concurrence between the grounds for sentence modification.
  • The minor traffic offence is one of the most serious offences, being included in the field of judicial cooperation in all European legislative instruments. The study describes a general and critical examination of the legal provisions into force which, according to the author, do not guarantee an adequate judicial protection to minor persons being the victims of the offence. By publishing it, the research of this very important field and at the same time in the pipeline at the level of the member states of the European Union, is continued. The research may be useful both to practitioners, and to ideologists in the field of criminal and criminal proceedings law. The essential contribution of the study is limited to the critical remarks exposed and to the concrete proposals on amending and supplementing the special law, especially from the point of view of the indictment of other offences or of establishing the obligation to provide defense to the minor person who is victim, under the sanction of absolute nullity.
  • The rental of safe deposit boxes shall be regulated by the Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009) within the banking agreements, together with the current bank account, deposit and credit facility. The above mentioned regulation makes obvious a special agreement, customized by its content, different from the civil deposit and from the rental. Being concerned with the protection of the client’s valuable goods, the legislator allocates a larger space to the access to the safe deposit box – voluntarily or in a forced way (art. 2197-2198). This study examines the rental of the safe deposit boxes according to the Civil Code in the classical way of approaching the agreements.
  • This study examines preliminarily the documents upon which the Court of Accounts concretizes its activity, and it analyses further in a detailed manner the remedies at law against these documents, by emphasizing the non-unitary case law in the matter, namely: if the law court is competent in the first instance (the Administrative and Fiscal Section), and the Court of Appeal is competent in the second appeal (the Administrative and Fiscal Section) or, on the contrary, the Court of Appeal (the Administrative and Fiscal Section) is competent in the first instance, and the competence shall belong to the High Court of Cassation and Justice in the second appeal (the Administrative and Fiscal Section). Based upon a comprehensive analysis the authoress points out that the last solution shall be legal.
  • Romania, by adhering in July 1961, to the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, adopted in New-York as at 10 June 1958, on that occasion formulated a reserve, in the sense that our country shall enforce the Convention „only to disputes arising from lawful contractual or non-contractual relations being deemed as commercial by the national law”. Since as at the 1st October 2011 the current Romanian Civil Code entered into force (Law no. 287/2009, as republished as at 15 July 2011), as well as Law no. 71/2011 for the enforcement of the current Civil Code, both of them having a monist character (without considering the commercial law as an autonomous discipline of law), but recognizing further the category of merchants (a component of the professionals’ category) the authoress considers that, on one hand, the above mentioned reserve shall be construed as referring exclusively to the legal relations among merchants, and, on the other hand, as opposed to what the law is, that Romania is about to waive the concerned reserve at issue in the future.
  • In this study the author examines the recent changes to the legal status of free movement on the Romanian territory of the citizens of European Union Member States, European Economic Area and of the Swiss Confederation citizens through Law no. 80/2011, checking also their compatibility with the provisions of the Directive no. 2004/38/CE on free movement and residence of the EU citizens and of the family members on the territory of the member states and, when it is required, the way of reporting them to the legal status of the foreigners in Romania.
  • This study examines the twinning of the rules and principles of the European Union law (Directive 1999/70 EC of 28 June 1999 enforcing the framework Agreement concluded on 18 March 1999 between the European social partners as regards work for a limited period of time) together with the national laws of certain European states (France, Germany, Romania) in the field of individual employment agreements concluded for a limited period of time.
  • Cerința interesului de a fi actual trebuie îndeplinitã pe tot parcursul procesului, iar nu numai la momentul introducerii acțiunii. Astfel, în cazul în care pe parcursul procesului acțiunea promovatã de reclamant rãmâne fãrã interes, demersul procesual, inițial justificat, rãmâne fãrã o finalitate practicã din punct de vedere juridic, soluția consacratã jurisprudențial în atare situații fiind aceea a respingerii acțiunii ca rãmasã fãrã interes (Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție, Secția comercialã, decizia nr. 2623 din 13 septembrie 2011).
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