  • The direct action is a means to settle debts, created in order to protect privileged creditors. Thus, such action must be expressly provided by law. With regard to the lease contracts, the new Civil Code brings a new element, regulating the right of the lessor to hold the sub-lessee liable for the payment of the rent or for the failure to enforce the contract. As the right conferred to the lessor represents a new element within the Romanian doctrine, there is a necessity to perform an extended study of the direct action derived of the lease contract. This study tackles a general analysis of the direct action of the lessor against the sub-lessee from the perspective of the new Civil Code. Furthermore, there are references within the text regarding the old stipulation in relation to the new one. Last but not least, there will be constant references to the French doctrine as well as to the de lege ferenda propositions for the amendment of the texts within the new Civil Code.
  • The problematical issues concerning the documents issued by the President of Romania in exercising his constitutional and legal powers and the settlement of disputes derived from these documents have been less discussed in the literature of speciality. Starting from this reality, this study intends to analyze these issues, by comparing the provisions of the Law on the administrative disputes No 554/2004 to the provisions of the revised Constitution and to other special normative acts in the matter. In this context, the study analyzes in detail the documents issued by the President of Romania in exercising his constitutional and legal powers, the documents issued by the President of Romania which may be subject to an action for administrative disputes, as well as the documents which are excepted from the control of the court of administrative disputes.
  • This study examines the regulation of the Civil Code, entered into force on 1 October 2011, in respect of non-essential clauses, standard clauses, external clauses or extrinsic and unusual clauses, in the process of conclusion of contracts. Despite the intention of simplification which the Civil Code had in view, the risks and the issues generated by these legal instruments can be imagined, even in this early stage of its application. Within this analysis, there are also reported some problems, as well as some possible solutions in this respects.
  • In negotiated contracts where parties have established clauses by mutual agreement so-called „abusive clauses” may exist. The abusive character of such clauses may be invoked in negotiated contracts on the ground that one party is always stronger than the other. The penal clause in negotiated contracts may be considered abusive if penalties are excessively high in relation to the extent of the damage or with regard to the value of the delivery. This study examines abusive clauses and abusive penal clauses in exclusive distribution contracts, in leasing contracts and in administrative contracts.
  • As a result of the substance amendments brought to the Labor Code (Law no. 53/2003) according to Law no. 40/2011, followed in a short period of time, by the enactment of Law no. 62/2011 of social dialogue, certain contradictions were generated between the Labor Code (as republished on 18 May 2011) and Law no. 62/2011, generating a series of controversies in the Romanian judicial doctrine. Some of these controversies are reexamined by the author of this study who, after debating them, reaches certain interesting conclusions.
  • The author deals with the jurisdiction for carrying out forced pursuit acts from the perspective of the provisions of Article 651 (2) and of Article 818 (1) of the new Civil Procedure Code and analyzes the problems of selling a building in an auction „at the highest offered price”. The analysis is carried out in the light of the condition of price seriousness required in matters of sale, where the serious price is the one which constitutes a sufficient cause of the obligation undertaken by the seller to transmit the property right on the asset that is the object of sale and it is transposed into the existence of a ratio between the quantum of the price established by the parties and the real value of the sold asset, without however claiming an equivalence between the price and the value of the asset.
  • Law No 78/2014 regarding the regulation of volunteering in Romania provides that a volunteer agreement can be concluded by any natural person „who has acquired capacity to work according to the legislation in the field of labour.” Whereas this phrasing is likely to generate controversies and discussions (the Law No 78/2014 being a law in the field of civil law, and not in the field of the labour law), the author examines precisely at what age minors may conclude volunteer agreements. The author’s conclusion, resulting from the corroboration of Articles 41–42 of the Civil Code with Article 13 of the Labour Code, is that: minors may conclude volunteer agreements after they turned 14, but between 14–16 years of age the consent of their parents, guardians, etc., is also required and, after the minor turned 16, he may conclude such an agreement himself, without the above-mentioned consent.
  • By the provisions of Article 657 (2) of the Civil Code it is regulated the situation in which the destruction of a smaller part of a building takes place, destruction that does not affect the building as a whole nor in a proportion of no more than half of its value, in which situation the co-owners are bound to contribute to the restoration of the common parts proportionally to the quota-share of each of them. The law establishes the obligativity of those co-owners who either do not want or can not participate in the restoration, to assign the quota-shares of the right of forced joint ownership to the other co-owners, meaning that it establishes a modality of extinguishing the right of private property, which, in our opinion, is likely to give rise to some situations that are hard to accept.
  • In the case law of the Strasbourg Court, in the cases in which Romania has been convicted for the use of undercover investigators, it has been retained the violation of the right to a fair trial, not by the importance given to the statements of the investigators, the protected witnesses or collaborators, but by the omission of the judge examining the merits to take actual steps to hear them in the trial phase. These obligations, which are directly applicable in the Romanian law system, are established, on the one hand, so that the defendant and any other party can address questions to the witnesses, debate and contest their allegations, and, on the other hand, so that the judge can hear directly the depositions of the investigators or collaborators. Despite these clear and common-sense rules arising from the mandatory case law of the European Court, the current Criminal Procedure Code has provided, in Article 103 (3), that the statements of the investigators, collaborators and protected witnesses can not contribute decisively to proving crimes, thus the interdiction is valid whether they have been heard or not by the law court.
  • The above study makes a detailed analysis on the precise meaning of Art. 821 para. (1) of Law No. 161/2003, according to which “The deputy or senator who, during the exercise of term of office of a member of Parliament, desires to exert the profession of attorney at law may not plead in the cases judged by the courts of law or tribunals, nor may they provide legal services to the prosecutors’ offices attached to such courts of law.” In this context, the author concludes that the legal limitation of the interdiction mentioned only under the “pleading” in front of the courts of law and tribunals (or granting the legal assistance to the prosecutor’s offices attached to such courts of law), since the reasons which imposed the regulation under discussion are identical also in the situation of the cases which are judged by higher courts of law (Courts of Appeal, High Court of Cassation and Justice).
  • Once the Labor Code (Law no. 53/2003, republished on 18 May 2011) was supplemented with art.248 para.(3) regulating the deletion by law of the disciplinary sanction imposed (obviously under certain conditions), a controversy arose in the Romanian labor law doctrine in the sense whether the said legal norm is incident or not and whether the sanction imposed resulted in the disciplinary termination (dismissal) of the individual employment contract. In this study, after an extensive reasoning, a positive conclusion related to the raised controversy is reached also analyzing a number of this conclusion’s legal implications.
  • In this study the authors criticize the case law of some courts by which it is ordered „the restoration of the previous situation”, in case a person acquires an asset (by committing an offence) and subsequently alienates it to a third party in good faith. The situation presented is justified, according to the authors, by the idea that, if the solution suggested is not accepted, an uncertainty and an instability will be created in the civil circuit, which are likely to lead to the infringement of the property right or of the mortgage right. Moreover, in the matter of real rights on buildings, uncertainty would be reached even in respect of the buildings recorded in the land book, thus infringing the provisions of Article 900 (1) of the new Civil Code, a text that establishes that „if a real right has been recorded in the land book for the benefit of a person, it will be presumed that the right exists for the benefit of such person”.
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