  • The author debates on the issue of ratione materiae jurisdiction in settling disputes on unemployment allowance assessment and payment regulated by Law no. 76/2002, given that the aforementioned law relates only generically to material jurisdiction of courts, i.e. cases as such are settled by “relevant” courts’ jurisdiction under the law. Undertaking a thorough analysis of purports of Law no. 76/2002, the Code of Civil Procedure, and Law no. 168/1999 on labor disputes, the author concludes that, in this particular case, the relevant jurisdiction lies with the tribunal the plaintiff’s residence / headquarters in registered with, and not the judicial court of law.
  • This article analyses the categories of incompatibilities of judges regulated by the Civil Procedure Code, since its initial publication in 2010 to the amendments brought by Law No 76/2012 implementing Law No 134/2010 on the Civil Procedure Code and to the version that resulted after the republication in August 2012. In the original version of the Civil Procedure Code distinction was not made between cases of incompatibility, but the effects thereof resulted in the existence of two categories: absolute and relative incompatibilities. Following amendments brought by Law implementing the Civil Procedure Code, this distinction seemed to be established in the legislation. Nevertheless, after the republication of the Civil Procedure Code, marginal titles suggest the existence of some cases of absolute incompatibility and other cases of absolute incompatibility, which does not correspond to the content of the respective texts since only cases referred to in Article 41 of the Civil Procedure Code are absolute, while those referred to in Article 42 of the Civil Procedure Code are relative.
  • This article makes an analysis of the institution of putative marriage regulated by the provisions of Article 304 of the Civil Code which establishes an important derogation from the principle quod nullum est, nullum producit effectum. Therefore, there are raised for discussion the conditions of existence of the putative marriage and there are presented the effects of its nullity in the relationships between the former spouses, making distinction between the situation where both spouses acted in good faith upon the conclusion of the marriage and the situation in which only one of them acted in good faith, as well as in the relationships between parents and their children. The final part is devoted to the conclusions drawn from this study.
  • According to the previous Romanian Civil Code (1864), and to the present Civil Code, as well (Law no. 287/2009, as republished), regarding the way they are drafted, the contracts may be consensual or real, as appropriate (the contract is drafted just upon the handover of the good; only a promise of agreement is valid until that time). The author, according to a certain part of the Romanian legal doctrine, considers that from the legal point of view, the contract for the transportation of persons has a consensual nature (is concluded by the simple agreement of the parties), however the contract for the transportation of goods has a real nature (being concluded just upon the handover of the good to be transported).
  • On the occasion of enforcing the European arrest warrant, the Romanian authorities dealt with the situation in which the person requested was subject to the development of judicial proceedings in Romania, regarding other offences than those for which the request had been made. In this case, the Law 302/2004, as subsequently amended and supplemented, provides for the possibility for the court to postpone the surrender until the completion of the judgment or until the execution of the punishment, or to order the temporary surrender of the person sued, under the conditions established by an agreement concluded in writing with the issuing judicial authority. The article examines matters related to the practical application of the institution of postponement of surrender, referring to the premise situation that needs to exist and to the possible solutions a court may order.
  • According to Art. 244 para. (1) of the current (Romanian) Civil Procedure Code, the court may suspend trial if: – the settlement of the case depends, in full or in part, on the existence or inexistence of a right that forms the object of another trial; – criminal prosecution was initiated for a crime which would have a decisive influence on the decision to be issued. The author examines this text by correlation to Art. 248 et seq. of the same Code regulating superannuation. In this context, the author believes that the request to reopen the suspended case according to Art. 244 of the Civil Procedure Code for the re-initiation of trial is not a procedural act which must be fulfilled by the court ex officio. Moreover, the court of law may only re-place the case on the dockets to ascertain superannuation, on which occasion it shall have to grant trial expenses to the defendant or respondent in appeal (as applicable), which requests or produces proof of such expenses.
  • The study raises for discussion the meaning of the phrase „independence of justice”, as well as „independence of the judicial authority” and of its constitutive elements, in relation to the „holder of the national sovereignty” and „his supreme representative”. Likewise, it is noted that the approaches in globo concerning the „independence of justice”, whether expressed in public or within the content of some normative acts, can sometimes intensify the process of „fetishism” of the „judicial authority”.
  • In the following study, the author criticizes the legal regulations in Romania (mainly the Civil Procedure Code and the Criminal Procedure Code) strictly limiting the cases of abstention and recusal of judges, proposing in the end that, in addition to these, it should be generically provided that the abstention and recusal shall also act in any other situations in which the objectivity and impartiality of the judge may be questioned.
  • In agreement with the given title, we dedicate this study to some discussions about various legal aspects of the contract of assignment of the patrimonial copyrights in the regulation of the Law No 8/1996 on copyrights and neighbouring rights. We have in view, especially, the legal nature, the legal characters, the definition, the object, the revision and the cancellation of the assignment contract. We believe that such an approach is useful, since the Law No 8/1996, being adopted under the influence of the „previous Romanian Civil Code”, is outdated, in some respects, by the normative solutions provided by the „present Romanian Civil Code”. In fact, this is the main reason that „enhances” non-unitary or questionable doctrinaire solutions in the matter.
  • In this study, the author makes a thorough analysis of the provisions of art. 61 letter d) of the Labor Code (Law no. 53/2003, republished) whereby, among the causes for dismissal by reason pertaining to the employee, the case of employee’s failure to professionally meet the job requirements is also expressly regulated.
  • In this article, the author argues that the offences of deprivation of liberty and outrage committed against the criminal prosecution bodies on the occasion of finding a flagrant offence of corruption have prejudiced the public confidence in the possibilities of the competent authorities to combat such forms of criminal illicitness, the climate of public order and peace being also affected and the impact in the media being significant. It is clearly reflected from the contents of the publicized facts a shade of hilarity on the criminal prosecution bodies, an aspect that generates feelings of insecurity among the public, the comments made by readers of the online media being also made in this respect. Considering these aspects, the author initiates some discussions on the mentioned case, by presenting data about the legal proceedings, the duration thereof, the pronounced solutions, the factual situation, the means of evidence and others.
  • This study examines the problem of running of the period of extinctive prescription of the right to claim damages before the civil court, subsequently to the situation in which the prosecutor has issued an ordinance to dismiss, under the Criminal Procedure Code.
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