În practica judiciară nonpenală din România, cel mai invocat drept prevăzut de Convenția (europeană) pentru apărarea drepturilor omului și a libertăților fundamentale a fost, este și, cel mai probabil, va rămâne dreptul la un proces echitabil, prevăzut de art. 6. Acest lucru se datorează faptului că instanțele judecătorești trebuie să soluționeze un număr impresionant de litigii (în condițiile unor scheme de personal subdimensionate), mult peste media sistemelor judiciare din vestul Europei.
The article presents some reflections on the positive procedural obligation of criminal prosecution bodies to identify the successors of the victim of the offence or the injured persons who have suffered damage by ricochet (indirect victims), in order for them to exercise civil action, in the light of the new Criminal Procedure Code.
The new Criminal Code has substantially modified the modalities of judicial individualization of punishments applied to defendants, also bringing novelty elements regarding the calculation of the fine, the possibility of its cumulative application with the sentence of imprisonment, when the offence committed was intended to obtain a patrimonial benefit, or the possibility of replacing it with community service work. By this study, I intend, through a careful analysis of both the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and the doctrine, regarding Article 7 of the Convention, as well as of the principle of legality in general, to argue the impossibility of the judge to order the revocation of the suspension under supervision of the sentence in case that a penalty with the fine, applied to the same person, was replaced by the sentence of imprisonment.
The article addresses the issue of cancellation of documents resulting from the commission of a crime, mainly concerning the special procedure regulated in Article 5491 of the Criminal Procedure Code. The legal nature of the institution of cancellation of documents resulting from the commission of an offence is the same, regardless of whether it is ordered by the court of law, pursuant to Article 25 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Procedure Code, or by the judge of the preliminary chamber, pursuant to Article 5491 of the Criminal Procedure Code. In the majority specialized literature it was embraced the opinion according to which within the procedure of abolition of documents regulated in Article 5491 of the Criminal Procedure Code only the document regarded as instrumentum probationis may be revoked, and not the legal operation attested by the respective document as negotium juris. Also, the majority doctrine considers that the procedure for the cancellation of documents can be applied only in case of committing forgery offences, not also in case the documents would come from committing other offences. This article seeks to question the correctness of these doctrinal opinions, bringing some arguments in the sense that the cancellation also refers to the legal operation (negotium) and may also concern documents resulting from the commission of offences other than those of forgery.
For the Romanian legal system, the case law does not have the quality of a formal source of law. However, the legal reality, viewed also from a historical perspective, has demonstrated the essential role of judicial practice in the interpretation and application of the law, in building argumentative practices, in clarifying the will of the legislator and discovering the less obvious meanings of legal norms and, last but not least, in the unification of legal thinking and practice. That is why case law, along with doctrine, is an important component of the Romanian legal system. Starting from these considerations, in this study we aim to emphasize some aspects of the role of the constitutional case law in shaping and even in the development of some principle s of law. We emphasize in particular its contribution to the emergence and development of the constitutional review of laws, as well as to the edification of principles of law. We mainly analyze the role of judicial practice in the construction of the principle of proportionality in constitutional law, of the principle of equality and the interference between the principle of proportionality and the principle of equality. In this sense, we support the role of the case law not only in the correct interpretation and application of constitutional norms, but also in their construction, in discovering the existing normative meanings most often only implicitly in the formal expression of the legal norm of the above-mentioned constitutional principles. Thus, the case law in constitutional matters is not limited to the interpretation by classical methods of the norms of the Fundamental Law, but has an important contribution to the clarification and construction of some principles of law, to the constitutionalization of the entire legislative system and of judicial practice of all courts of law
The sale-purchase contract is undoubtedly, in the 21st century and in the landscape of the Romanian law, the most frequent contract used in practice, having an essential and decisive role in the organization and development of social and economic life. The complexity, variations and particularities of this contract, starting from its conclusion and until the exhaustion of all its effects, contribute to shaping the overwhelming importance of the sale, of the „standard contract” which is the most used legal instrument for transferring goods. In this context, the effectiveness, usefulness and practical applicability of a sale-purchase contract depend essentially on its structural, „anatomical” elements, namely the essential, intrinsic and extrinsic conditions of validity which directly determine the effects of the sale. Depending on these structural elements there are researched and assessed the validity of any contract, in whose absence its legal effects cannot operate, and, if they operate, they will be abolished with all the consequences which they entail. Thus, the valid formation of the sale contract implies more than a simple analysis of the mechanism of realization of the will agreement; it necessarily involves a detailed examination of the structural elements of the contract which are referred in the law as being „the essential conditions for the validity of the contract”. Any dispute which may arise, having as object a sale-purchase contract, will be based primarily on the analysis of the legal fulfilment of the very conditions of validity of this contract, which will unequivocally determine the subsistence of the contract, as well as the extent and applicability of its effects
Conflictul negativ de competență este reglementat de art. 133 pct. 2 din Codul de procedură civilă, ce stabilește că există conflict de competență când două sau mai multe instanțe și-au declinat reciproc competența de a judeca același proces sau, în cazul declinărilor succesive, dacă ultima instanță învestită își declină la rândul său competența în favoarea uneia dintre instanțele care anterior s-au declarat necompetente.
Cauza Roman Zakharov contra Rusiei, Cererea n° 47143/06, Hotărârea Marii Camere din 4 decembrie 20151
On 4 June 2020, Romania marks the Centenary from the signing of the Peace Treaty of Trianon. An essential page of the history of the Romanian nation, which took the form of a peace treaty concluded by the Allied and Associated Powers, including Romania, with Hungary, as the successor state of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a state defeated in the World War I. By the content of this peace treaty, the Great Powers recognized the Union of Transylvania (and of the Eastern part of Banat) with Romania, respectively the sovereign will of the Transylvanian Romanians expressed by means of plebiscite on 1 December 1918 and, respectively, the Resolution of the National Assembly from Alba Iulia. The Treaty of Trianon has enshrined the realization of the right to self-determination of the nations of the Austro-Hungarian dualist monarchy. For Romania, the mentioned Peace Treaty meant not only the international legal recognition of the Union of Transylvania with the Motherland, but also the confirmation of the political and civil rights of the Romanians who constituted the majority population in this territory.
The Treaty of Trianon between the Allied and Associated Powers and Hungary was signed on 4 June 1920 and dramatically changed the political map of Central Europe. Although the system of treaties concluded at the Paris Peace Conference did not prove viable, the political-territorial order created at Trianon – an expression of peoples’ right to self-determination – has survived. The present text aims to examine the circumstances of the conclusion of the Treaty of Trianon, its content and its long-term effects on the central European political order. Finally, the author makes a general evaluation of the Romanian-Hungarian relations in the light of their relation to the provisions of this Treaty.
100 years after their conclusion, the Paris Peace Treaties of 1919–1920 are both an important event in history and a founding moment of modern international law. Ending World War I, they have legally established the new state-political realities resulting from the application of the principle of nationalities and the exercising of the right to self-determination by the peoples oppressed by the great European empires, which have led to the emergence of new states or to the consolidation of other existing ones. The new European and international order was founded primarily on the law, the organization of peace and the maintenance of the status quo being entrusted, according to the Covenant, to the League of Nations, the first international institution with universal vocation. New principles of international law have been prefigured, the national state has become the main topic of international life, the subregional collective security organizations (Little Entante, Balkan Pact) have played an important role in the international balance. The legal inheritance of the time 1919–1920 was expressed after the World War II through the Charter that laid the foundations of contemporary international law and the U.N.O. (1945). The Treaty of Versailles with Germany (1919), as well as that of Trianon with Hungary (4 June 1920) are the treaties whose territorial clauses have historically withstood being taken over by the Peace Treaties of 1947 and enshrined by subsequent relevant international acts. The Treaty of Trianon, by its territorial effects, has become the subject of a sustained and permanent action of revisionism by Hungary and anti-revisionism, as a reaction from the other states whose borders have been established thereby.
Potrivit art. 181 alin. (1) din Legea nr. 78/2000 pentru prevenirea, descoperirea și sancționarea faptelor de corupție, cu modificările și completările ulterioare, folosirea sau prezentarea cu rea-credință de documente ori declarații false, inexacte sau incomplete, dacă fapta are ca rezultat obținerea pe nedrept de fonduri din bugetul general al Uniunii Europene sau din bugetele administrate de aceasta ori în numele ei, se pedepsește cu închisoare de la 2 la 7 ani și interzicerea unor drepturi.