The article approaches the offence of “patrimonial exploitation of a vulnerable individual” under the provisions of Article 247 of the new Criminal Code. On these lines, the author conducted a thorough review of its legal content and highlighted issues of procedural nature. Likewise, there are also expressed critical opinions on how the legislature sought to regulate the offence’s conditions of existence, likely to severely limit its factual scope thereof.
According to the legal provisions in force, public institutions and authorities (ministries and other specialized bodies of the central public administration) are obliged by the law to ensure their effective security and protection. Also, the security of the objectives of special importance for the defence of the country and for the activity of the state is provided by gendarmes, which have military status. Although the presence of military personnel in public institutions and public authorities is a requirement imposed by the law in order to protect the premises of the institutions, the measures taken by the authorities for managing the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic determined, inter alia, a substantial involvement, superior to the one existing in normal conditions, of the military personnel. More specifically, they were part in the actions of the public order bodies of vigilance regarding the observance of the restrictions of movement imposed on the occasion of the establishment of the state of emergency and subsequently the state of alert, as well as in the protection of the public authorities. This aspect translates into a significant increase of the numerical presence of military personnel in everyday life. Without being exhaustive, this study aims to analyze the jurisprudence of military courts on how the provisions on the offence of violation of guard and security duty were interpreted and applied, an analysis which revealed some problematic issues in terms of predictability and accessibility of legal provisions.
The offence of incest, like other offences relating to sexual life, has generated debates in the specialty literature and doctrine, as well as different solutions in judicial practice. From the author’s viewpoint, although the High Court of Cassation and Justice envisaged, by Decision no. II/2005 to standardize courts’ practice, as regards the legal classification of the facts that, in relation to their material content, meet both the constituent elements of the offence of rape, as well as those of the offence of incest, the solution adopted is questionable, in its turn. The legislature, by the rules of incrimination of the offence of incest under the new Criminal Code, succeeds, at least in this respect, to settle the issue. However, there are some outstanding issues that this study seeks to put forward and clarify.
The author draws attention on the phenomenon of „money laundering” in the context of the necessity to combat cross-border organized crime and crime in general, in the context of the newest international instrument in the matter, the Convention of the Council of Europe on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of Proceeds from Crime and Financing of Terrorism, adopted in Warsaw on 16 May 2005 and ratified by Romania through Law No 420/2006. This is a timely contribution that also presents the recent case-law of the High Court of Cassation and Justice in the field.
In this study the author examines the treason offence both from the perspective of the applicable Criminal Code and of the new Criminal Code, pointing out the main similarities and differences between the two regulations. Likewise, the high treason is referred to, representing a legislative novelty introduced for ensuring the legality principle related to the provisions of the Constitution of Romania, as republished.
In this study, the author analyses the offence of disturbance of possession both from the diachronic perspective and in the light of the applicable, but also future criminal laws. From the historical perspective, the author states that the amendments that the new Criminal Code brings in relation to the abovementioned offence cause the regulation to be similar to the provisions of art. 556558 of the Criminal Code „Carol II who punished the committed offence by moving the boundary limits, by threat and violence and of art.220 of the Criminal Code of 1968, in its original version, for the simple occupation without being entitled, the owner having the use of possession actions at his disposal.
Reality proved that the persons who commit manslaughters, usually are not deprived of their freedom, this hindering the post-delictum general prevention as regards the other car drivers who breach the traffic rules, and this situation requires a legal involvement to limit to courts the possibilities of legal individualization in ways of letting out the persons who, being culpable and disregarding the compulsory traffic rules on public roads, provoke the death of their fellows.
The purpose of this article is to assess the crime of violation of the secret of correspondence from the perspective of the New Penal Code of Romania. While taking into consideration the guidelines emerging from the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, the author separately analyses the constituent elements of this crime, emphasizing on certain issues generated by the case records of the Romanian courts of law. De lege ferenda proposals are also advanced for the purpose of emendating the system of penal protection of a person’s right to freedom of communication.
The article intends to give an analysis of the constituent elements of the crime of violation of private life, taking into consideration that this incrimination is new for the penal legislation in our country. The emphasis lies especially on the issues regarding the components of the external and mental elements of this crime, together with the presentation – when the author found it necessary – of certain sugesstions for the improvement of the incriminating rule. The actual analysis of the crime comes with certain generic considerations on private life as a social value, reffering to those aspects emerging from the juridsprudence of the European Court of Human Rights.
Within this article the author presents the main opinions which were expressed in the literature of speciality on the matter of deviated offence. This reveals that there is no unitary point of view referring to this institution, three opinions being expressed in the matter. According to a first opinion it is deemed that the deviated offence concerns an apparent plurality of offences (natural unity), whether we refer to error in personam/error in objecto or to aberratio ictus. According to a second opinion, in case of deviated offence, regardless of the form it takes, there is a real plurality of offences, in the form of concurrence of offences. There is also a third opinion that, in the case of error in personam/error in objecto, it should be noted the existence of a single offence, while in case of aberratio ictus it should be noted the concurrence of offences. The judicial practice in Romania, in order to avoid any problems that might occur, has opted to note the perpetration of a single offence, both in case of error in personam and in case of aberratio ictus.
The author examines the deviated offence in the broader framework of the real and not apparent plurality of offences. The author considers, contrary to the opinion expressed by the other Romanian authors, that for both its main forms – error in personam and aberratio ictus – the correct solution should be that of the concurrence of offences (an attempted offence in the representation of the perpetrator and an offence committed by fault) if in relation to the circumstances of the case, the defendant could and should have foreseen the actual result.
In the current stage, the economic-financial crime represents the main factor through which the consolidated State budget or the special budgets are deprived of important financial sources. In this article, the author has intended to make an analysis of the tax evasion crimes committed by withholding and not paying to the State budget, within the legal periods, the amounts representing taxes or withholding taxes, with direct consequences both on the budgetary resources and on the social insurance rights of the employees.