  • This study deals with the delicate problems of infringement of the provisions of the Constitution of Romania by the norms of the Criminal Procedure Code governing the legal regime of the action in cassation, an extraordinary means of appeal. The author of the study notes that the analyzed norms are not in agreement with the principles written in the Basic Law, invoking in support thereof, for identity of reason, the grounds of the Decision No 485 of 23 June 2015 of the constitutional contentious court.
  • The article presents the nullities in the Criminal Procedure Code and supports the necessity to regulate the virtual nullities through a common provision, allowing the appeal court to cancel the sentence of the court of first instance and to send the case back for re-examination to the court whose judgment has been cancelled, when the challenged sentence is annulled and the court examining the merits is required to give another sentence.
  • In agreement with the given title, we dedicate this study to some discussions about various legal aspects of the contract of assignment of the patrimonial copyrights in the regulation of the Law No 8/1996 on copyrights and neighbouring rights. We have in view, especially, the legal nature, the legal characters, the definition, the object, the revision and the cancellation of the assignment contract. We believe that such an approach is useful, since the Law No 8/1996, being adopted under the influence of the „previous Romanian Civil Code”, is outdated, in some respects, by the normative solutions provided by the „present Romanian Civil Code”. In fact, this is the main reason that „enhances” non-unitary or questionable doctrinaire solutions in the matter.
  • Some constitutional precepts may arise through case law path and, depending on their importance as real or formal sources for the constitutional law, there may be included in the constitutional base, as prof. I. Deleanu noticed. It is similar case for the constitutional category formed by the democratic traditions of the Romanian people. The present study aims the application of the historical interpretation method in the Romanian Constitutional Court case law, that produced two main effects. A first well-known effect of this type of constitutional case law is the adoption process of the Romanian democratic traditions in the Romanian Constitution. The application of the retrodiction in the Romanian Constitutional Court case law, as specific practice of the historical method, produces a second type of effect on the interdisciplinary category represented by the democratic traditions of the Romanian people, that, by nominating the legal or political documents that are representative for the political history of our country, may lead to the detection of the founding document for the Romanian constitutionalism. In the next place, the study aims to answer the question referring to the public law document belonging to the national political history, whereat the constitutional resort will insist in the process of building a new constitutional precept, that involves the reconnection of the constitutional tradition to an originated democratic and national stream, guiding also the sense of its foundation through the praetorian anchoring to the oldest document that typologically corresponds.
  • The philosophical inquiry of law, unlike the positive legal sciences, is concerned to find answers and arguments as nuanced and deep as possible to questions and issues such as: the origin and meanings of the law and of the legal phenomenon, the legitimacy of the legal norms or the finality of law. This analysis, mostly philosophical, is not a simple rational exegesis, but it also has a practical importance since, depending on the answers and the solutions adopted, there can be formulated, interpreted and applied the principles of law, as well as the concrete, positive legal norms and, mostly, there can be understood the complex relationships between man and society, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, it can be better known the legal system in its unity or in its historical determinations and configurations. In this study we summarize the historical evolution of the main theories and conceptions on the origin, meanings and finality of law, as ideological subsystem. Arguments are brought in favour of the topicality and importance of jusnaturalist theories (of the natural law), because, in relation to man and to rationality, they best explain the unity and stability of the law not only as normative system, but rather as value and rational reality, which, by establishing some rights inherent to the human being, intangible, rational and inalienable rights, proves the atemporality of law, as expression of some rational paradigms valid in all times and which can be distinguished and understood in the historical evolution and fluctuation of the positive law.
  • The article analyzes how there are settled in court, according to Chapter V of the Law No 101/2016, the disputes in matters of award of public procurement contracts, of sectoral contracts, of works concession and services concession contracts. The authors emphasise the specific features of the manner of settlement of these disputes, mentioning among them: the material jurisdiction pertains to the section of administrative disputes and fiscal matters of the tribunal, through panels specialized in public procurement, and the territorial jurisdiction pertains to the tribunal in whose district it is located the head office of the contracting authority. The case shall be settled as a matter of emergency and with priority, and filing a request for summons in matters of public procurement shall not have an enforcement suspensive effect. The first hearing shall be set 20 days after the date of registration of the complaint, and the subsequent trial terms can not be longer than 15 days, and the entire duration of the procedure can not exceed 45 days from the date of referral to the court. The judgment may be challenged by recourse, within 10 days from the communication, at the section of administrative disputes and fiscal matters of the court of appeal, which sits in a panel specialized in public procurement. According to the authors, it is justified to establish a special law for the settlement of the disputes in matters of public procurement.
  • The new Romanian Fiscal Procedure Code has established a special legal act, of an absolute novelty, called „temporary taxation decision”. This is a legal administrative fiscal act, integrated into the payment of the additional main fiscal obligations established in the course of the fiscal inspection. However, the law assigns to it a few elements that individualizes it in relation to the common taxation decision, taken over in the new legal regulation without any substantive amendment. In this context, we propose the analysis of this new type of fiscal administrative legal act, with the following objectives: emphasising the reason of this establishment and of its legal nature; configuration of the premises of its issuing and of its legal valences; establishing its connection with the taxation decision issued on completion of the fiscal inspection. We will use as main documentary point of reference both the provisions of Article 133 of the Law No 207/2015 on the Fiscal Procedure Code and the regulations enacted for their uniform application, pointed out throughout our analysis.
  • The European projects of codification of the law of obligations evoke the principle of good faith throughout the evolution of the contract, as evoked in the Civil Code of 2009. Good faith and bad faith in contracts have a role worthy of attention and of great value in our civil law, by the entry into force of the new Civil Code on 1 October 2011. The modern vision extends the duty to act in good faith and to avoid any conduct in bad faith on the creditor as well. For the phase of performance of the contract, the obligation to minimize the own prejudice as a result of a non-performance of obligations is regarded as a function of the good faith. By establishing for the first time in the Romanian private law a genuine obligation as duty of the contractual creditor to no longer show passivity in order to moderate the future prejudice, the new Civil Code fully answers the imperatives of the functioning of a modern justice, encouraging more and more the execution oriented towards the economic finality of the contract, and not just the legality of the contract and its compliance with the commitment assumed.
  • This article emphasises the special situations of some employees of the public hospitals, of the forensic medicine institutes and of the employees of some quarry mining exploitations, who have reported prejudices to their right to health and safety at work by the conduct of the employers, of the trade unions and even of the public institutions with powers of control and of ensuring the respect for these rights.
  • 10 December 2016 marks 60 years from the date when the General Assembly of the United Nations Organisation opened for signature (and 50 years from the date when they entered into force) the two international covenants on human rights: International Covenant on civil and political rights and International Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights. These, along with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Organisation Charter, make up the hard core of the protection of human rights, within the United Nations Organisation (UNO). The 50th anniversary of their entry into force is equally a reason for balance, namely reflection and projection into the future. Thus, in 1966, the design of the two different conventional instruments, corresponding to the two traditional categories of human rights (civil and political rights, on the one hand, and economic, social and cultural rights, on the other hand), was based on their different legal nature, on the East-West ideological divisions, or on the necessity to treat them differently in the process of implementation at state level: the immediate implementation (civil and political rights) v. progressive realization (economic, social and cultural rights). However, the initial situation did not stay within the same parameters, but it gradually evolved. Although initially conceived as „political obligations” in the economic, social and cultural fields and rather left at the discretion of StatesParties, the economic, social and cultural rights have acquired, in time, through the work carried on by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR), a position that allows them to claim, in the next 15 years, a significant role in the process of implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. In such conditions, in this paper, the author initiates an evaluation of the doctrine of economic, social and cultural rights in the past two and a half decades, as well as of the way in which CESCR has built the „profile” of these rights, in this regard being evaluated two of the work methods used by CESCR, namely: General comments and the new LOIPR procedure – List of Issues Prior to Reporting.
  • In this study the author presents the focus points regarding the evolution of maritime laws and the most important aspects in respect of free shipping and trading between states. Therefore, there are examined legal aspects concerning the status of all the motorways of the sea, the natural straits, the ship registration and the ownership of the vessel. The Geneva Convention on the High Seas of 1958, the United Nation Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982 and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development are essential and represent the basis for today’s maritime laws and regulations.
  • Until the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, the citizens of the Member States of the European Union were participating in the democratic life of the European Union by their recognized right to submit petitions to the European Parliament and the right to address the European Ombudsman. The Treaty on the European Union (TEU) reinforces the citizenship of the Union and enhances the democratic functioning of the Union providing, among others, that every citizen must have the right to participate in the democratic life of the Union through a European citizens’ initiative. This procedure gives the citizens the opportunity to directly contact the European Commission, by presenting to the Commission an application whereby it is invited to initiate a proposal for a legislative act of the Union in view of implementing the Treaties, the procedure being similar to the right conferred to the European Parliament under Article 2251 of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and on the right conferred to the Council under Article 2412 of the TFEU.
  • Savantul meu coleg D. Dimitrie Alexandresco, într’un studiu asupra art. 951 și 1157 Codul civil, studiu apărut în ziarul Dreptul Nr. 25, face istoricul protecțiunei minorilor la Romani, istoric care este de sigur incomplet, dacă nu și inexact în câte-va puncte esențiale. Pentru ca să urmez întrucât-va pe eminentul meu coleg, nu mă voi ocupa cu protecțiunea copilului nenăscut, care de la o epocă determinată a început a fi protegiat, lucru care a dat naștere maximei cunoscute: „infans conceptus pro nato habetur quoties de ejus commodis agitur”, maximă cu atâtea aplicațiuni în dreptul modern, ci voi trata numai despre mijloacele de protecțiune organisate de dreptul roman pentru minor, luându-l de la naștere și până la vârsta de 25 ani.
  • Chestiunea pusă în teză generală la înălțimea principiilor fundamentale ale dreptului nostru public trece peste importanța litigiului concret cu ocazia căruia se pune această chestie. Suntem deci datori a o examina la acea înălțime și justiția la rândul ei e datoare și în drept să-i dea soluția care o va crede mai conformă acelor principii. Fără îndoială că nu este fără greutate considerația generală ce s’a invocat că dispozițiunile constituționale ar putea să rămână fără efect, dacă ar fi permis legiuitorului ordinar să distrugă prin opera sa legislativă bazele pe care este clădit tot edificiul vieței noastre publice, așa cum este el așezat în pactul nostru fundamental și dacă justiția nu ar avea dreptul să repună la loc părțile vătămate ale acestui edificiu.
  • Requests for clarifications regarding offers submitted by tenderers in a public procurement procedure are a necessary instrument for contracting authorities that allow them to avoid any unjustified rejection of any offer and breach of the general principles described by the national and European provisions. Questions such as if there is still a debate on the right or obligation to address clarifications are treated in the article. The analysis takes into consideration the provisions of the new legislation on classic public procurement in contrast with the old legislation in order to seek the differences and the similarities.
  • From the time of the four Geneva Conventions (1949) and the 1st Additional Protocol to those (1977) till present days, the notion of belligerency has extended and restructured itself. The evolutions of terrorist groups from the national level of organization to transnational level start to raise the question of the legal qualification of those structures from criminal groups to belligerents. Has the terrorist group got beyond the borders of national law and start to acquire a legal personality in the international law of armed conflicts? In the present study we will start from the classical definitions of the international armed conflict, non-international armed conflict, then observe the evolution of those notions under the case law of the international criminal tribunals set off by the United Nations for Rwanda and former Yugoslavia, as well as the Status of the International Criminal Court, all reflected in contemporary legal doctrine. At the end, we will analyse the capacity of the terrorist group as armed conflict generating factor.
  • Prin Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 196/20161 au fost aprobate tezele preliminare ale proiectului Codului administrativ, a cărui adoptare ar permite folosirea unei terminologii unitare pentru aceleași realități juridice, instituții, principii și concepte, reducându-se astfel riscul interpretării lor diferențiate și contradictorii în practica administrativă, precum și în doctrina de specialitate. Codificarea cadrului legal din domeniul administrației publice prin intermediul unui Cod administrativ și al unui Cod de procedură administrativă urmărește simplificarea legislației în domeniul administrației publice, obiectiv urmărit și în Strategia pentru consolidarea administrației publice în perioada 2014–2020, aprobată prin Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 909/2014.
  • Starting from the contents of the preliminary theses which seem to announce the imminent entry into force of a new Administrative Code, this study proposes an analysis on a double level: on the one hand, by establishing some correct relations both with the future Administrative Procedure Code and with other hypothetical future codes (the Urbanism Code, the Domain Code, the Contraventional Code, etc.), the matter to be regulated by this new Code should be decided: from a minimalist vision (the central and local public administration plus, possibly, the public function and civil servant) to a maximum one (additionally, the same Code is also going to cover the matter of public services, of goods belonging to the administration, of administrative liability respectively), for reasons of pure opportuneness it is for the legislator to delimit this Code from others which he envisages in the more or less near future. On the other hand, we have approached, at the level of legal details, some problems that, de lege lata, do not have a solution at all or have a questionable solution: the matter of cessation by right of the mandates of the mayors convicted to custodial sentences with suspension of the punishment under supervision, of the mayor’s quality of the State's representative, the daring solution of repealing the provisions of the Civil Code referring to the public property and their development in the Administrative Code, establishing a clear distinction, as far as possible, between the liability (to third parties) of the administration from that of its authorized person (a public servant, as a rule), to mention only the most important ones.
  • This article presents one of the issues of administrative law, namely its codification, by using the comparative study and the diagnosis analysis. Based on the inventory of the essential elements of the preliminary theses the conditions of the subsequent evolution of the Administrative Code in Romania are identified. The study emphasises the necessity to correct the existing normative framework and the thorough analysis of the social necessities. At the same time, the article draws attention to the necessity to adopt the Administrative Procedure Code with major role in the simplification and stability of the legal relations of the public administration with the other social protagonists. The diversity of meanings on the administrative codification from other states reflects the place and role of the Administrative Code in the Legislative Repertoire, but also its corroboration with the sectoral codes. The article points out, by recommendations, the normative requirements regarding the proper functioning of the public administration and draws attention to some measures that can be implemented within the limits of the current legal framework.
  • The Government Decision No 196/2016 has approved the preliminary thesis of the draft Administrative Code. The Government’s intention to give an incentive to the adoption of the Administrative Code, although it is salutary, is not the first. In recent years, several other proposals circulated in Romania for the adoption of an Administrative Code, which however have not been successful, so that, more than 25 years after the change of the political regime in our country, the practitioners, as well as the theorists of the administrative law are confronted with an unsystematized legislation, lacking coherence here and there and generating very different jurisprudential solutions, as well as administrative practice solutions. Within this study, the author intends to discuss some specific issues raised by these theses of the draft Administrative Code, namely: the unity and the ideological and, implicitly, terminological coherence in the administrative law; the organisation of the central public administration, including of its relations with its decentralized structures; the status of the civil servants, as well as the status applicable to the contractual staff of the public administration and the organization, functioning and disputed claims of the public services.
  • The amendment of the procedural rules concerning the access to justice of the European nationals, by the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon (1 December 2009), has required a rapid and effective reaction of the Court of Justice of the European Union; from this perspective, the new configuration of the criteria of admissibility of the actions brought by the so-called unprivileged applicants – natural or legal persons of private law – needed a reassessment of the aspects of material law (regarding the European acts that can be challenged) and, at the same time, of processual law, especially regarding the temporal application of the procedural rules. Despite the relatively short time interval, the Court in Luxembourg captured, in its recent case law, the much more flexible character of the rules of admissibility of the action for annulment, as provided in Article 263 paragraph 4 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • Instanța de control judiciar a decis că sesizarea formulată de judecătorul delegat cu executarea, întemeiată pe dispozițiile art. 583–585 C.pr.pen., este admisibilă și, în consecință, se va proceda mai întâi la anularea suspendării sub supraveghere a executării pedepselor aplicate pentru fapte aflate în concurs și, în continuare, în mod logico-juridic, se va proceda la contopirea acestor pedepse (cu notă aprobativă).
  • Un eveniment major al istoriei unui popor și aniversarea sa, precum Centenarul Marii Uniri (desăvârșirea procesului de constituire a statului național unitar), reprezintă pentru știința națională ocazia, după caz, deopotrivă de evocare și evaluare peste timp a semnificațiilor aferente din perspectivă proprie și, respectiv, de privire asupra sine însuși, surprinderea evoluțiilor și progreselor înregistrate în dezvoltarea proprie, a provocărilor prezentului și a posibilităților viitorului. Din acest punct de vedere știința dreptului are o implicare specială. Într-adevăr, prin natura și consecințele sale, ceea ce s-a întâmplat și realizat acum o sută de ani reprezintă, prin excelență, un proiect politico-juridic și poartă o puternică încărcătură prospectivă. Cercetarea dimensiunii juridice indispensabile și prioritare a procesului de constituire, desfășurare, desăvârșire și consolidare a statului unitar român, a permanențelor și manifestărilor și urmărilor sale de azi și de mâine a fost și rămâne o prioritate pentru știința juridică românească.
  • In this study, based on solid historical and legal documentation, the author argues that the completion of the Romanian unitary national state in 1918 was achieved during a long process of unification: first, the Romanians from the two main countries, Muntenia and Moldova, were united in 1859 in a national state, and then, those from other Romanian historical provinces, which were illegally encroached in the borders of neighbour empires, acted with perseverance for the accomplishment of their national and state unity. The study is divided into four distinct parts. In the first part, the author presents, based on documents, testimonies and memoirs, the idea of Romanian national and state unity as an essential coordinate of the history of the Romanian people. The acts of unification of the Romanian historical provinces with the Romanian Kingdom have legal base on the principle of nationalities and their right to free determination, rights recognized by the victorious powers of the First World War as a basis for solving the territorial aspects generated by the dismantling of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the Tsarist Empire. The acts of union, carried out by popular will expressed in large representative national assemblies, were ratified by acts of national sovereignty by the Romanian State and recognized as such by the 1919–1920 Peace Conference in Paris. The second part emphasizes on the constitutive character of the acts of union with Romania, voted by the constituent national assemblies of Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transylvania during 1918. The article contains documentary data and information about the national liberation movement of Romanians from the three provinces, Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transylvania, and the actions taken for their unification with the Kingdom of Romania at the end of the First World War. In each of the three Romanian historical provinces, various assemblies in which the participants declare their determination for union were formed. The Moldavian Soldiers’ Congress, attended by 800 delegates, represented a large representative body of all social strata and ethnic groups in Bessarabia. The Congress delegates voted for the political and territorial autonomy of Bessarabia. The Congress also decided to establish the council of the country, a parliamentary body made up of representatives of all the nationalities existing on the territory of Bessarabia. On 14/27 March 1918, the council of the country adopted a resolution in which was proclaimed solemnly the eternal union of Bessarabia „with the mother Romania”.
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