The idea of this study has as starting point the „ambiguity” which, under the influence of the current Community and internal regulations, floats over the legal distinction between „designs” and „models”, as well as over their legal nature. Thus, the common definition reserved by the internal and Community regulations for the design and for the model, as well as their alternative or cumulative use in the legal texts convincingly support the existence of this „normative ambiguity”. This „legal reality” is accompanied by the non-existence of some doctrinal concerns for arguing the specificity of designs and of models, mostly by reference of one to the other, but also by reference of these to other kinds of intellectual creation. In fact, as this issue has been approached in the Romanian doctrine, the authors confine themselves, as a rule, only to take over some theses from the foreign legal literature, especially from French one, being less concerned with their logical and legal grounding.