• The author, after making a brief history on the taxation of the registration of motor vehicles in Romania, after our country joined the European Union (1 January 2007), expresses her opinion that even the last regulation in this matter (the Government Emergency Ordinance No 9/2013 on the environmental stamp for motor vehicles), being contrary to the provisions of Article 110 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, can not be legally applied in Romania, thus violating the principle of supremacy of the European law over the national law (in this case, the Romanian law).
  • In this study, the authors present a commentary of Article 145 of the Constitution, referring to the independence and the irremovability of the judges of the Constitutional Court. It is presented, in detail, the normative will of the Constituent Assembly on the status of the constitutional judges, the content of their independence and the irremovability which was conferred to them by the constitutional text. The judges of the Constitutional Court have at their disposal a legal framework, of constitutional rank, which guarantees their independence and irremovability and which, at the same time, imposes restrictions of professional nature. Within the same study, the authors also present the problems of the disciplinary and criminal liability of the constitutional judges, as well as the legal regime of immunity which they enjoy, according to the Law No 47/1992 on the organization and functioning of the Constitutional Court.
  • It is of interest both from theoretical perspective and mostly from practical perspective to raise for discussion and, furthermore, to propose some solutions for some controversial issues related to succession law, as well as to settle a conflict of laws in time. Therefore, in this paper there are emphasized some of the facets which the temporal conflict of laws can take, in the matter of inheritances, and there are expressed some points of view, which could be of interest to the practitioners, determining them to reflect on this topic.
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